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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Chilly & rainy today as was promised. I only left the house to give a grandson a ride home from school, haha!
    Made a delicious pot of vegan vegetable barley soup to carry me thru the week for lunches.

    Kensho,glad you’re getting a nice break. I have never been to NM but would love to see it some day. Have fun, no AL needed

    Wags, good to see you briefly, hope you are well.

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Evening nesters

      Kensho, glad you got to have a break and unwind. I am kind of dreaming about that, im worn out trying to deal with this PA, now she is threatening to leave and im like, just do it. will be extra work for me but i dont care.

      NS, i had a chuckle about setting into that perfect family life, i think those rose coloured glasses left my life a long time ago. i had visions of these beaautiful well kept children, using their manners and being angels. turns out i only bred feral children who hated clothes but did learn manners and do wear clothes now. My life certainly didnt turn out the way i expected but i now live it to the best of my ability.

      Slo, i am glad you are coming out of the divorce with some security and you will find your own happiness, it just takes time and we have a lot of that. You will achieve wonderful things.

      Lav, its dark in the mornings now and getting cooler, even wore a cardigan walking today but did take it off, menopause has some bonus's. i will be complaining about the cold soon and you with the heat. i much prefer the cold.

      I will be glad to finish the week tomorrow, managed to wake at 4.15am and start work today so i am tired. I would like a good sleeping style but thats not to be. My iron is low again so i am pretty tired but then cant sleep. This weekend i am having a "do nothing" weekend. my son dropped his dog off tonight so i have her for a couple of days, she is a beautiful girl but 3 dogs is pretty full on, especially with 8 month old Bob.

      Take care xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters,
        I wrote out a long post the other day…got logged out of mwo and when I re-logged in the post was gone. Can’t exactly remember what I said, but sending condolences to [MENTION=19460]STEADFAST[/MENTION] (I wish I could be close to MIL, since my mom is gone, but I’m just not feeling it). Slo, glad to hear things are moving forward. My best friend who I visited a few weeks ago is going through the same sort of transition. She has her good days and bad days. But has her own life, and fortunately has a daughter who lives in the same apartment complex.

        Work hit hard after I returned from my trip. Boss wants me back in the office on April 1, but especially since we are losing a co-worker, I will not be able to get the volume of work done if I have to shower every morning and commute. He also insulted me and said he could get someone off the street for $2/hr to do my job. He has no idea what I do, so I wrote it all out to give to him. I am still angry and that happened a week ago.

        Today is my daughter’s 19th birthday. She called it a “nothing birthday” when son turned 19, because it is nothing special like 18 or 21. Lol. But since she is on campus I sent her a balloon 0 gram today. Hope it actually makes it to her room. And hopefully she will come home this weekend to celebrate.

        Time to get back to work. Just wanted to check in with you all.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, Belle! That is terrible what your boss said to you!! The abuses people take at work…
          My daughter turns 19 next month.
          I guess I’m glad things are moving forward. Like Lav said, it’s better than a long, drawn-out, nasty ordeal. I just wish he hadn’t filed last Fall. But, I guess he felt a deadline to get his ducks in order in his life and finances as his brother was retiring from their business at the end of the year. I always thought we could drop this and stay together, I mean, it isn’t over until it’s over! But, that didn’t happen; and the divorce is only a few days away now. I guess I’ll have good days & bad days. Like No Sugar said, I’ll feel unsettled for awhile. It will be up to me to make sure I have mostly good days. No wallowing in what could have been. It would never be that great. I make it look like a family sitcom on Instagram and on the Christmas card, but in reality it has been pretty painful.

          I love “do-nothing” weekends sometimes! Although, with three dogs and one a puppy, Ava -you won’t be doing totally nothing!

          I got to see the southern part of New Mexico when daughter D1 went there for a semester for a college exchange program, and it was beautiful! Kensho, I will be able to make my own choices and priorities and follow my own heart. That will be wonderful! I can use that as a mantra too.
          Vacations are a tempting time, that make me want to be able to have a drink. We just have to push the thought out like you do, and remember the true reality. I agree that an AF life is good, but with the one caveat: the self-care part has to be there.
          Last edited by Slo; March 24, 2022, 11:54 AM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Another cloudy & damp day here, chilly too. Now I hear temps are dropping into the 20’s over the weekend nights. Hope my chicks can cope, geez.
            I am devoting several hours each day to growing my embroidered items stock. Two craft shows in the near future, possibly more haha!

            Ava, I agree with you, I’d rather have the cold than the heat. I’m just looking forward to having some color outside again after the bleak winter months.
            Sounds like the PA needs a new job soon, Lol, wish her luck!!

            Belle, sorry you lost your post - annoying. Happy birthday to your daughter, 19 was a good age.
            Your boss must be having some mood issues or something to make such a rude statement to you. We all want to be appreciated for the work we do. Hope he changes his attitude soon.

            Slo, I honestly don’t think I know a person who can honestly say their life turned out exactly as they hoped. We’re constantly being told to dream big but when we do we’re often left disappointed. I guess the key to happiness is to be happy with what we have now & not latch on to expectations. I changed my thinking about a lot of things, I had no choice really. There’s no sense in beating yourself up over things that didn’t happen as expected. You will figure things out, I promise!

            Hello to the rest of the crowd & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Belle - I can hardly believe your boss said that to you! Do you ever think about leaving to work someplace else, or do you like things well enough to stay in spite of such comments?

              Lav - hope your chicks handle the cold weekend ok!

              Slo - as you and others have said, you WILL be fine. The best thing about the future being unknown is that leaves just as much room for it to be *better* than you expect/hope as for it to be worse. You can't control everything but you can shape some things and stay open to opportunities when you see them. We are all standing with you and wishing you all the best in your new chapter.

              Kensho - great to see you. Hope your NM trip is/was wonderful.

              Hellos and waves everyone. Hope this week wraps up in a good way for everyone.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, Nest

                A trip to NM sounds great. I've only been there once to Santa Fe but really enjoyed it. It was extra fun b/c we took a cross-country train instead of flying.

                Lav, I have quilt blocks ready to sew together and a pair of pants cut out but every time I have a chance to do something, I pick up my knitting. One thing I like about that is that it is so easily transportable and I can do it when others are around. I'd be interested in purchasing one of the totes you are making to raise money for Ukraine.

                Slo, what is the date that your divorce will be finalized? I will be thinking of you :hug:
                Do you have any updates about when you'll be able to move to your condo? That is when you'll really be able to move on. You might have some uncomfortable 'limbo' in the meantime.

                My former drinking pal SIL is visiting this weekend. So glad to no longer be interested in joining her. Plus she is all about the cocktails now instead of wine and I've never consumed those so there's no trigger to contend with.

                I wish I liked cold, AVA, because it definitely is cold here. Kind of disappointing after a few nice spring days. My mood and energy are so much better with warmth and sun. Maybe I'm a plant.

                Have a good AF weekend! xx NS


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Happy Friday Nesters,

                  Not exactly looking forward to the return of winter this weekend. You really get spoiled after a few spring-like days.
                  My little friends are fully feathered out now & they can congregate under the heat lamp but I still worry like all good mothers do

                  Wags, good to see you & I hope you have a lovely & relaxing weekend!

                  NS, if I could knit or crochet I would but those things never made much sense to me, haha. I turned to the machines starting at age 12 & am still at it at this age. Granted carting around sewing machines & such is not so easy. I think I am basically introverted & it’s an easy way to tune out the family or others, Lol Have fun with your quilt blocks, sounds nice. I am going to get some pictures on FB this weekend of the T shirts, totes & caps I’m stitching up for Ukraine relief.

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Interesting to hear who prefers hot vs cold weather. I don't like either extreme personally, but since I'm currently in a phase of life that includes the joy of hot flashes, my ability to tolerate heat is less than usual. If I could pick my fave temp range it'd be in the 70s F (about 21-26 C).

                    I have a new guilty pleasure tv show on Netflix: Is It Cake? I'm not actually a big cake eater but it's fun to watch. The premise of the show is that the cake crafters compete to make cakes that look so much like everyday objects that judges cannot tell which one is the cake when in a group of decoys. So far we've seen cakes that look like shoes, bowls of chips, red solo cups, cheeseburgers, etc. Byrdie -- do you ever make cakes along these lines?

                    Happy weekends everyone!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      I guess I’d have to say I have a slight preference for cold weather over hot & humid. I don’t like to sweat, and don’t like to have to run air conditioning and close up windows.

                      I saw a bit of that “Is It Cake?” show at daughter’s house last week! It was fascinating what creative endeavors people come up with! I agree that that could be a new creative avenue for [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION] to explore!

                      You definitely have a lot to be happily stitching for, Lav. Will you sell the Ukrainian relief items at the craft fairs too?

                      Lucky that you’re SIL switched from your fave, wine, to cocktails now, NS -much less of a trigger for you. I am the same in that I never really got onto hard liquor much at all, so it would be much less of a trigger than beer or wine.

                      My divorce is set for Monday at 11:30 am. I will have to believe you all when you say I will be just fine, and cling to that.
                      Last edited by Slo; March 26, 2022, 07:29 AM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        Today I am celebrating 13 AF years! :woohoo2:
                        I am living proof that it can be done, you just need to make the choice & stick to it like glue

                        Wags & Slo, I join you in preferring slightly cooler & drier weather. These east coast summers can be so stifling with humidity, having the AC on is a must!
                        I have caught the Cake show yet but I do enjoy watching the British Baking show from time to time.

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          morning nesters

                          Oh Lav, happy 13 sober years, that is an achievement i wish to aspire too and thanks to you, i am on the right track to do this. You wisdom and honesty over the 8+ years i have been sober has kept me going on occasion. We are lucky to have you as a nest mother and i cant imagine the nest without your presence. I hope you have a happy day.

                          my house is trashed from 3 dogs, looks like it used to when the 4 children were little. i have a busy day washing floors and making the house look liveable again. Bob is the culprit as he just gets overexcited and rolls in everything and runs all of the backyard dirt inside, my bed sheets are so gritty so clean sheets is definitely the go today also. i am going to throw him in the shower with me this morning, he is pretty good in the shower but he certainly is a wreck.

                          Wags, after two years i am starting to feel the cold again and its novel to wear a cardigan and not have to take it off and put it on again. my feet are mostly staying inside the covers now. its the small things in life that you appreciate lol.

                          Belle, i would have been furious if my boss had of said that to me. i have a meeting tomorrow with the bosses and the new PA, she has a 3 page document of how busy she is, i dont have time to do a document on how busy i am as i am too busy working. i am sure the boss will push what she doesnt want on me but i am not going to do it, i dont have time and i figure its time to show me some respect after 15 years instead of molly coddling someone who has been there 7 months. if they dont like it then i will resign, my will to take on more work is just not there anymore.

                          Slo, i will be thinking of your tomorrow and sending you hugs. Life is a shit sometimes but you will be okay in time, just give yourself time and how you feel on any different day is okay. One day at a time is what we know best.

                          NS, enjoy your friend and her drinking, does she slow down her drinking since you dont drink. i find a lot of people dont drink as much in front of me now, which is good for them.

                          how was your holiday LC?

                          time for a coffee and to get going. have a great day night all, take care.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Lav is a teenager!!! Woohoo for 13 years!!!

                            Huge congrats to you Lav on 13 fantastic years of living your best life and leading the way in the nest. Your steady presence, ability to see the bright side, and absolutely unwavering commitment to your quit (and to all of our quits makes you a real rock star. Thank you for showing us all how it's done.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Slo - thanks for letting us know about your Monday time. I'll be sending you extra positive energy all day. You've got this, and we are there with you. :heartbeat:

                              Ava - glad to hear the hot flashes do start to fade. I will look forward to that!

                              Hellos and waves everyone. Hope you're all having fabulous weekends!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                congratulations Lav on 13 years ,well done to as for the occasional baking show....jeezo you want to be over here seems like everyone over here does nothing but cook and bake ..and whats more the dishes they produce aint big enough to fill a sparrow !you dont see too many programmes on how to hoover up or clean windows etc ,but trust me ..we do that too.

                                hiya your bosses have a meeting with you tomorrow? best ov luck to them ........

                                hi wags you ok?

                                right Im offski bye all
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

