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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Happy belated 13th Lav! ❤️
    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hey, Lav - the totes arrived and I LOVE them. I didn't realize they had a bottom and so will hold groceries and stuff like that! Thank you! I gave one to my daughter and she is thrilled with it. Good luck with your fund raiser. The news this weekend reveals how awful the situation in Ukraine is and how much support they will need.

      I love how open and proud you are of your sobriety, Ava. Maybe someday I will be able to be more like you. I hope so. I think it is helpful to have a little physical reminder of the rewards of sobriety. It would be hard to take a drink while wearing your necklace. So it's a good idea to keep it on!! Tell your kids you want to be buried in it as proof in the next world of what you accomplished here :smile:

      I used the McKenzie protocol to "fix" my back several years ago and now am using his knee protocol. It is slow but I'm seeing progress and now can walk 60 min, which is what both my dog and I need. The book is only about 12 bucks on Amazon.

      Belle, like Slo did, I think you are gaining the confidence that comes from being sober. While we're drinking, it is easy to assume that everything is our fault, that we're the ones who don't remember correctly, and on and on. Don't let him take that from you again :hug:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        NS you hit the nail on the head! Now that I am soberly confident he thinks he can pull tricks on me. Not happening. He had wine last night and is leaving the open wine bottle on the counter, half full. Like a trap.

        Well I am not falling for his BS anymore.

        Alcohol does me no favors.

        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nesters,

          It’s been sunny & chilly all day. The rest of the week is going to be damp, very damp
          I have to remind myself April showers bring May flowers - if I ever get around to planting any haha!
          I did write a post yesterday but it never posted, weird.

          Jane, good to see you & Thanks

          NS, glad you liked the totes. They are sturdy & good for shopping, for sure. I’m almost out of that style but have some others to offer. The Ukrainian people will be needing help for a long time to come so I will bring anything unsold to my craft fairs, signed up for three so far for the year.

          Belle, I truly believe my regaining my confidence is what drove my husband out of here for 4 years, Lol. He just couldn’t handle the new & healthier me, oh well. He saw me living life just fine without his presence or BS. In the end he admitted he wanted what I had - family!! So that’s why he’s back & behaving more like a regular human. Stand your ground, protect yourself & your quit with everything you have. They have no right to bully us, we’re supposed to be partners after all.

          Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Jane - great to see you!

            Belle - glad the driveway guy broke the contract. What a strange line your hb has decided not to cross (the signature is his word part). I mean, I get it when things are legit but when you get bamboozled I think all bets are off.

            NS - I've had good outcomes with the McKenzie method for my neck and back as well, and I hope you get equally good outcomes with your knee.

            Hellos and waves everyone!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Not much new with me & that’s OK. Got to see my daughter & have lunch together so I’m happy

              Wags, good to see you & hope you. Are well! I’m not familiar with the McKenzie method - some sort of exercise/PT thing? I’ll look it up.

              Hope everyone is OK & has a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening nesters

                Nice to see you pop in Jane, i hope you are well.

                Oh Belle, you must have the patience of a saint with your hubs, you and Slo make me happy to be single lol. You should have tipped the wine out, that might teach him.

                NS, the necklace is very special and is a constant reminder of how far i have come and where i dont want to go back to. Glad you are walking 60 minutes, my knee told me today it wasnt happy but settled down after 5 minutes. it is great for my mental health to get out now. i need to be patient as it has only been 5 months since i stuffed it. Sadly i am not a patient person.

                Having my facial with my eldest daughter tomorrow, she got it for me for xmas. i did tell her to make it at 1.30pm as i would have finished work but she made it for 11.30 so i think i may have to be sick and it will be nice to spend the day with her. My other daughter has gone to stay at my sons house as he has gone interstate to work so it is lovely and quiet, just carl and i. I must admit i feel a bit lost, i havent not had children around so its a bit strange but i am sure i will get used to it and when she comes home will wish she was not here.

                Hey Wags, hope you arent working too hard.

                Lav, no rain here, we really need some but not the floods like other states. I have planted my seedlings for winter veges and daffodils for spring. i do have other seeds i need to plant as i have a little garden out the front for flowers.

                Work is still mad, more covid cases, lots of demanding patients and im exhausted. off to see jasper in a few weeks so must start getting organised and book a motel for the way there. we stay where it snows so if there is snow it will be really busy, i think we will be fine in May but mum is adamant i book. so i will book.

                take care everyone xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  Hi, Jane! Good to see you pop in. I hope all is well...

                  Belle - leaving an open bottle on the counter? As if other things weren't ass-ish enough. Having lived through several relatives with dementia, that driveway thing seems almost like early dementia - making a dumb contract, and then being too stubborn to get out of it. Is it new behavior, or more of the same? Sobriety confidence will help you get through.

                  Ava, I love your necklace story, and like NS, I truly admire your out-lound-and-proud sobriety. I tend to be more quiet about it, which means to me that I still carry shame and guilt. I continue to work on that, and every year get more comfortable being public. If questioned 1:1 I always talk about it because I figure that person needs help. Also, I am sorry about that young man who is struggling. For sure white knuckling it isn't going to work, and you're strong to set such a firm boundary. I hope he finds his way out.

                  Slo, I'm so sorry for your sister. As it turns out, the drinking didn't numb the pain, only postponed it, and actually ruined her experience of the funeral - a place and space in which to say goodbye.

                  Lav, glad the storm missed you. NS, glad the knee is better. Hiya to everyone else.



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening. Nesters,

                    We are dealing with an on & off again, week long rain event. It’s making a lot of mud but keeping the spring allergens down, thank goodness.
                    My younger grandson turned 11 today, it seems so long since they were all babies.

                    Ava, rain is good, not flooding. It seems to strange to hear you talking about possible snow in May, haha! I hope you get your plans together to see baby Jasper,
                    Hope your knee improves soon.

                    Pav, I am actually pretty quiet about my quit too (hard to believe, I know, haha). I decided early on that the last thing I needed was ‘advice’ or opinions from people who have no idea what they’re talking about & no experience with the beast. If & when anyone ever wants to talk to me, I will talk & tell them my truth. I imagine this is your busy time at work, hope you are having fun

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening,
                      I had both Beckett and Mabel to babysit the last couple of days. Two babies is definitely harder than one! It is so cute to see how much they grow & change each week! Beckett adds new words to his vocabulary each week. His new phrase, besides “ [Put it] right there!” is “I do!” Mabel has 4 teeth now, and she learned how to wave “bye-bye!” It’s hard to believe that someday soon they will be 11 years old!

                      Some things are just hard to handle AF if you don’t have a firm base. I didn’t make it through my young sister-in-law’s death & funeral either. I was 60 days into that quit, and I relapsed right after the funeral party. To lose the person you’re so close to for so long was too hard for my sister to withstand, and I understand that. That’s why out long term quits are so precious: we have a much better chance of keeping our quits intact even through the toughest of times.

                      I’m quiet about my quit, but Ava’s pride has made me feel proud enough to just ask for NA beer in front of others, rather than trying to hide the fact that I am AF.

                      Belle, it seems like he’s baiting you by leaving the opened wine bottle out on the counter. Because I believe you have talked to him about keeping his booze put away out of your sight. Wow.

                      I’m glad you can walk 60 minutes now, NS. I used to love taking 45-minute walks. With this knee replacement, I find that 20 minutes is all I can comfortably do.

                      I’m going to stay over one more night at daughter & son-in-law’s house. I feel better being here.

                      Goodnight, Nest!
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi all - I've been in and out over the years. Glad to see so many of you staying strong and AF! I've been 'catching up' and noticed that Byrdie hasn't posted lately - hope she's OK. She is usually steadfast here. I hope I'm not overstepping - does anyone have the ability to check in with her or know how she's doing?


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Frances, welcome back. Byrdie is fine and steadfastly sober. Like many of us, the posting has slowed down during the pandemic. I don't really know why. Lav has been our best, most steady daily poster here. I hope you're ok, too! The nest is a much slower place now, like the whole site. I think it is too bad because I got so much help here, reading various threads, stories, ideas about sobriety. Those old posts are always there for new people, but the action is so much slower.

                          I am wondering about [MENTION=249]overit[/MENTION] and [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]. You two still around?

                          Lav, I am on spring break right now. I am painting two rooms in my house, and that is HARD work, especially because my hands seem to have arthritis that makes holding the brush or roller all day very hard. I am in the final stretch, and look forward to returning the place back to normal - it is hard to have extra furniture in the living room of such a small place. I did get out to the coast last night to watch the gorgeous sunset. Our weather is quite warm this week, which is bad because it essentially hasn't rained all winter after the giant storm in the fall.

                          Off to work with the roller and brush! Happy SOBER Thursday!



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Still raining here, at least an inch today on top of all we had the past few days. Total will be at least 3” for the week. Lots & lots of mud around here, my chickens look pretty dirty right now, haha.

                            Slo, I actually do miss having the little ones around, they’ve all grown & matured so much. Enjoy every minute you have with them, it’s good for you & for them. My 13 yr old grandson told me today that’s he’s launched his own website that he’s been working on. Can you imagine that? At 13 we were just dumb kids, LOl. Things are very different today, they mature so fast. He taught himself everything he needed to build the website, unbelievable. I’m not getting much walking in this week because of this cold rain.

                            Frances, good to see you & hope you are well.
                            I’m in touch with Byrdie quite a bit, she’s OK. She’s still dealing with some vision issues but she’s OK.

                            Pav, I miss painting believe it or not, haha! My allergies got so bad, my arthritis got so bad I just gave up. I used to hang wall paper too but not anymore. I like keeping my two feet on the ground these days so there’s no ladder work for me. I hope you enjoy your freshly painted rooms, good way to spend your spring break really

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Originally posted by Pavati View Post
                              Frances, welcome back. Byrdie is fine and steadfastly sober. Like many of us, the posting has slowed down during the pandemic. I don't really know why. Lav has been our best, most steady daily poster here. I hope you're ok, too! The nest is a much slower place now, like the whole site. I think it is too bad because I got so much help here, reading various threads, stories, ideas about sobriety. Those old posts are always there for new people, but the action is so much slower.
                              I wonder if this has something to do with the way people use the internet nowadays in general. Old school message boards/forums seem to be a dieing breed; social media and group chats seem to have taken over a lot of that space. While they all have their uses, I grew up in the golden age of message boards, and kind of like the slower format sometimes. And the fact that everything is stored and can be searched read later is huge for this place, makes it such a great resource (something that gets lost on chats).


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good to see you, [MENTION=7263]frances[/MENTION]. If I remember correctly, your goal when you were here before was to moderate your alcohol intake. Is that still on? In any case, starting out with 30 AF days seems to be a pretty successful strategy before choosing your ultimate path.

                                It is harder to stay engaged here without the input of people at earlier stages of quitting (so, doubly nice to see you, Frances :smile. I think most of us want to be here to pay back what we were so freely given. When there is nobody to give that to, is sometimes is difficult to think of anything to say.

                                My husband it going to be out of town for the next couple nights. This situation used to seem like such a golden OPPORTUNITY to drink on my own terms. But I knew I would ruin my Saturday and Sunday if I did that so promised myself I wouldn't. And, of course, broke that promise over and over again. I'm so grateful to no longer be in that loop. Today I know my plans for making some Easter gifts for grandsons tomorrow will actually happen and not be discarded because I feel so awful. Plus, I'm happy to have 2 of them spending the night with me tomorrow night (All 3 of us in one bed :egad: for a 'slumber party') instead of resenting them for interrupting my drinking plans (and maybe somehow worming my way out of the party).

                                Have a good weekend, Nesters!

