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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Narilly, nice to see you . CONGRATS on. Your 8 years AF :yay: Just had my 13th celebration last month.
    Glad you’re enjoying some free time especially if teh weather is cooperating. Don’t be a stranger.

    NS, the hardest part of grandparenting is rolling out of bed at silly o’clock & jumping right into caregiver mode, Lol
    Glad you had a nice Easter & I bet the kids enjoyed their pillow case baskets

    We had some real nice weather last week & now we’re being punished with a cold rain, up to 2” to fall overnight & it’s only a little above freezing. I wish someone would tell me where Spring went.

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION] - SO good to see you!!! Huge congrats on your EIGHT YEARS :sohappy: :yay:
      I've thought about you many many times over the past months, hoping all is well and that your work has been satisfying. I've missed your presence here in the nest and I hope you'll drop by again soon.

      NS - sounds like a good weekend with your family even if somewhat tiring. I'd love to hear your husband's sleeping pad choices when you get a chance.

      Ava - I've watched a few seasons of Alone and really liked at least some of them. It depends so much on the specific people of course. Are you watching the most recent season on Netflix?

      Lav - it sure does sound like you're having a wackier than usual weather year. Hopefully that doesn't mean a hard summer is coming.

      Hellos and waves to Pav, Slo, Steady, and everyone stopping by the nest.

      Happy new weeks everyone. Don't drink!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        Glad to see you Nar and welcome to the 8 year club. who would have thought us little loamers would have so much grit and determination to stop and stay that way. so proud of you. Mr G did something to his computer and now cant sign into MWO, i just messaged him and he is still waiting to hear from them. May send them a message myself.

        Wags, i just finished the very first series and now onto the 2nd. some people are painfully confident and the go down rapidly. i think it would even be too much isolation for me being in the middle of nowhere for that long without some comforts. I am enjoying it though. The new ep is advertised only now on tv.

        NS, glad to hear you had a lovely time with your grandsons, i cant wait to be worn out from running around after little ones. i may regret saying that.

        Lav, i hope the weather changes for you soon. i am enjoying autumn, the colours of the leaves is pretty amazing and i love crunching the leaves and carl loves running through them. we finally have some rain atm which is much needed but nowhere near your rain. the garden has had a good soaking which has been appreciated by my plants.

        How is life treating you Slo, i have missed your posts. I hope you are okay. I forgot to mention, take it easy with your knee. I find taping mine helps a lot but i am sure you know the drill.

        time for bed, work is mad. take care xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          I woke up yesterday to a white world! All of the trees & branches were coated in white snow; so beautiful.
          Thankfully Easter the day before was cold & sunny, so the baby grandchildren could hunt for eggs in the yard, and we could take them to the park.
          That was so nice of daughter & son-in-law to put on an Easter feast for my sister & me! I am back up here now to babysit. Thankfully the whining, stubborn grandson has gone off to the daycare family, so after he left, I’ve had a peaceful early morning with my tea, as Mabel is still sleeping.

          Narilly! Thank you for coming back! Congratulations on your 8-year anniversary this April! I was a lurking Loamer at the time, still drinking but trying not to.

          Mabel’s awake! Gotta go.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Tuesday everyone!
            Thank you for congratulating me on the 8 years, I really appreciate it and I appreciate the warm welcome back.

            I started a new show on Netflix last night called Anatomy of a Scandal, it is Really good! it is about a Parliamentary minister in the UK, happily married and the a scandalous secret comes to light. Ooooh, does that sound good or what?
            There are some actors in it that come from Homeland and Downton Abbey and that is cool.

            It is snowing like a Bejeebers here (snowing a lot) and we are not impressed. It is April FFS! Isn't that the way it is in our wonderful country?

            You know we are all a bit older when we are talking about our Grandchildren. It is all good though. Glad we are sober and can enjoy being with them.

            Have a super day Newbs :heartbeat:

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              We have narrowly escaped snow today, it’s snowed lightly all around us, haha! This seems like some sort of stupid joke, honestly.
              Cold outside so I am staying in for the most part & doing crafty work. Looking forward to meeting old friends for lunch tomorrow

              Wags, it sure is whackier than usual here, Lol. All this rain is making the grass & weeds very lush. I do wonder what summer will bring us.

              Ava, glad to hear you are having seasonally appropriate weather. Autumn is my favorite time, always has been. Take care 7 don’t work too hard!

              Slo, we were getting rain while you got snow. Spring is so incredibly delayed here, no tulips have bloomed yet.
              Hope your Mabel day went well, sounds like fun.

              Narilly, sorry about the snow, it’s just not right this time of year.

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Nar - thanks for the recommendation about Anatomy of a Scandal. I was mulling over giving that a try and now I will!

                Ava - I think I saw the Alone seasons you're referring to. I've seen several of the early ones but not the most recent.

                Slo - glad you had a sunny Easter for the kids, even if it was cold. I was thinking an easter egg hunt in the snow would be very challenging unless the eggs all stayed up on the surface and then it'd be too easy (unless they're white, which of course dyed eggs typically are NOT)

                Having a decent week here so far. I've got about 10 more hard days of work schedule and then thing will lighten up quite a bit. Yay! I'll be ready to have an easier few weeks in early May.

                Hope all is well with all of you!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi, All:

                  CONGRATULATIONS, Narilly! 8 years is such a feat. Are you not working again?? So sorry. Such a fickle industry you work in... Is your husband still commuting long distances for days at a time? Wonderful to see you and to celebrate our group success.

                  Ava, you sound busy. I wish I had the urge and the place to garden. We live on a hill, so we'd have to build special beds and we just aren't there yet. Maybe in retirement...

                  Wags, good luck on your 10 hard days, and glad the end is near. How's your wife's new hip working? Is it like new?

                  Lav, thanks for always holding down the fort. I hope you're ok.

                  Slo, sorry for the Easter drama. It does sound like a good thing to be out of all of those shenanigans, although I know it is still a loss for you. Glad it all worked out.

                  NS, we had a sunny but chilly day here - which for my area means about 58F - I'm a cold wimp, I admit. We have a picnic at the same spot on the coast overlooking the water - it is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, no doubt. It was a beautiful day.

                  Ava, give big waves to Mr. G and let him know we miss him. Hi to everyone!



                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning beautiful people!

                    Wags, I finished that series in two nights, it was really good. Anatomy of a Scandal- highly recommend. Good luck on your 10 days- it will be over soon.

                    Thanks Pav, much appreciated. You were instrumental in my road to sobriety- Thank you!
                    I am not working right now but probably will be soon enough, my hubby is still working up north 7 days in and 7 days out. It works out well for us. You are lucky to live in such a beautiful place Pav. We are prairie folk here

                    Hello Lav, NS and Ava.


                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Still on the chilly side here but it was sunny & dry
                      Got to meet 2 old friends for lunch & catch up, it was nice. Still working on crafty stuff, next event is April 30.

                      Wags, glad to hear you have some lighter days coming up after working so hard over the winter.
                      I have to agree an egg hunt in the snow would be harsh for the poor kids, haha!

                      Pav, make some raised beds, fill them with dirt & you’re good to get started gardening. You’ll get hooked, I promise

                      Narilly, I really don’t watch much TV, too busy in my crafting area listening to music. Some day I’ll sit & watch all the shows everyone talks about.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Evening nesters

                        Well i went to the dentist today, there is a reason i am dental phobic, i hate them. i now have one more tooth in and an implant ready soon for a tooth. this implant my gum was sewn over it so the dentist had to cut it and bone had grown over it so he had to get the bone out and away and i was so over it after an hour and a half. not much to go but found out my dentist is leaving the practice but i will follow her as i dont think i will go if i have to see another dentist. my mouth is so sore tonight, think it will be an early night.

                        Lav, its getting cool here so did not walk today, windy and overcast and cool. even have heater on so my menopause temp has now settled down and i am feeling the cold. there goes the electricity bill.

                        Not much to report here, doing 3 jobs atm as people off with covid and of course my overworked PA sigh. it is lovely and quiet without her telling me how busy she is, i am appreciating that one.

                        they are relaxing more of our covid restrictions now. if you have someone in the same household with covid, you can still work but have to do RAT tests everyday. those things are so unreliable. not sure how the hospital will do about this as we cant chance it running rampant through the health system.

                        take care xxx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          I have to type on my phone, as I forgot my iPad at daughter’s house -have to hide it from Mabel, and hid it from myself!
                          They had cooked a turkey for Easter, so I made turkey stock then turkey noodle soup. Daughter and the babies loved it!
                          I overdid my dumb fake knee up there though, being all domestic, and got into too much pain. Now am resting & elevating it.

                          Ava, that sounds so painful having bone removed from your tooth socket! Thankfully the end is in sight.
                          Don’t know what that hospital department would do without you!
                          COVID protocols are interesting…it’s hard to know what to do.

                          Lav, your first craft fair is coming up quite quickly! No wonder you’re crafting so much lately.

                          I’m looking forward to you being rewarded with the lighter schedule in three weeks, Wags; when the second semesters finish up. Pav is heading into busy season too, until school ends. Narilly, kinda nice that you can alternate working with not working; and a week with husband, then a week to do your own thing?

                          That’s enough phone typing! Wishing you all good AF days!
                          Last edited by Slo; April 21, 2022, 08:13 AM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey, @wagmor, I got him to write down his "system". He says it sounds more complicated than it really is. He is actually a minimalist camper (e.g. tarp rather than tent) so this must not be a super big deal:

                            Sleeping pad layers:
                            Ground cloth: (slit down sides black plastic garbage bag)
                            Next, in cold weather, a “space blanket”
                            Next, an unfolded Crazy Creek chair covering shoulders to hips
                            Next, a blow-up pad, full length, not very thick (better for your elbows to not hang off of a thick pad)(Use a blow-up bag - available at e.g. REI - to inflate it)
                            Next, in cold weather, another “space blanket.”
                            Last, a closed cell foam “Z-Lite” pad, either silver side up in cold weather, or down in warmer weather.

                            All of this fits in or attached to an ultra-light backpack (That I sewed!! Hardest thing I ever made!!) so it all must role up to be quite small.
                            Last edited by NoSugar; April 21, 2022, 08:52 AM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for the show recommendation, Narilly. I'll have to watch it soon. My daughter and I share an account and apparently Netflix isn't going to allow that anymore so I might just let it go. I'm currently watching a great show on the PBS app: The Tunnel. It is a crime drama and in the first season, a body is found at the midpoint of the tunnel linking France and England so detectives from both countries are involved. Highly recommend!

                              We finally have a day that feels like spring so I'm going to rush through my work and be out as much as possible!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                This day has flown by so fast, not sure why? Mostly clouds above, just a light sprinkle of rain & temp about 60, so not too bad.
                                I made a homemade pizza for dinner with a twist - a perogie pizza!!! Read about this a few days ago & how popular it is up in the northeast corner of the state, I have no idea why we never heard of it down here, haha. It was delicious! Made my own lower sodium pizza crust. & used dairy free cheese & it was wonderful

                                Slo, sorry your knee is bothering you again. Does the dampness get to you too? I’ve been feeling all of my joints with all the rain we’ve been getting here.
                                Turkey noodle soup is one of my favs, nice you made that for the family. I’m going to have a ton of stuff to take to the vendor fair!!

                                Ava, that dental procedure sounds so painful, hope you heal up quickly!
                                I have to say I am 10 years older than you are & I’m still dealing with excessive body heat, ugh. At this point I think it’s never going to stop. Enjoy your cooler weather, I always love autumn.

                                NS, you really need to get your husband to market his ‘system’. Sounds well thought out & tested!
                                Enjoy your nice weather.

                                Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

