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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    We had a warm day yesterday too! Spring has finally arrived!

    That must have been super challenging to sew a backpack, NS; and with the waterproof material and thicker thread that is required for it too.
    I lost my shared Netflix account recently too (because it was hacked). And would be losing it anyways, because of the new rules. Thanks for the PBS show recommendation. I think I will need to watch more TV than I typically do when I’m in my condo, to ward off loneliness.

    No, Lav, my knee doesn’t seem to react to damp weather. One thing is I think I’m straining my LCL by crossing my ankles when sitting with my legs extended, like on a recliner; and not keeping that leg out straight when on the floor with the grandkids. So annoying to have to baby this thing, and not move naturally! I know; first world problems.

    I just received news this morning that daughter #3 is expecting a baby!!! She conceived naturally the month before she was going to start IVF!

    Hoping all have a great AF weekend as we hit Friday!
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Such happy news, Slo! Congratulations. Is the daughter who had IVF still doing ok? When is that baby due? You are going to be a busy Grandma!!

      Making that ultralight backpack was a real challenge! I did it about 15 or so years ago over one weekend when for some reason I was home alone. That was a good choice b/c I never would have gotten it done w/ kids around. It has lasted all this time (with repairs) through many backpacking trips, including several 2+ week adventures so it apparently is pretty sturdy. Here's the link for anyone who is (highly) motivated: The Ray-Way Backpack Kit by Ray & Jenny Jardine

      Your pizza sounds good, Lav. What all went on the top? I ate indoors at a restaurant last night for the first time since COVID began. After a couple minutes it felt normal and was fun. We are at a lull in my area and I decided to take advantage of the low numbers this time. Who knows what the next several weeks and months will bring.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nest! Just dropping by as I have been flying fast these days. Sober and proud of it... though I never thought I could be pulled in so many directions now. Thank goodness I am not drinking. I can't imagine how limited and stuck my life would be if I had kept drinking! The image is just awful... I have NEVER made a better decision in my life than to quit drinking. Life is full, moving forward, and I feel I am LIVING. Hi to everyone. Impressed with your backpack NS!

        Have a great Friday...

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Happy Friday everyone!

          So happy to be Un hung today - haha, I bet you missed me saying that

          Hi Ken! Yes, thank goodness you are not drinking.
          NS, that is amazing about your backback, you are a woman of many talents.
          Perogi Pizza Lav? Holy Moley that sounds delicious!

          Wags- what do you think of the show?
          Another really cute one on crave is called "Starstruck". It is British and a very cute comedy, I actually laugh out loud when I watch it and the episodes are only 1/2 hr long.

          So cool that your daughter is expecting a baby Slo, congratulations! I wonder when or if I will ever become a grandma, I hope so.

          Yeah, it is snowing like crazy here AGAIN, seriously when is this going to stop? The trees and everything are just covered and of course everyone totally loses their minds when it snows and they forget how to drive. Yes, even in Canada.

          I had an interview with yesterday which went well so I may be getting a job offer, we will see.

          Have a good one evabody, as G would say.

          Hey- don't drink today. It is Friday and that was always a drinking day for me, I am so glad it isn't anymore.

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            We had a nice day, yay!!! No rain, no snow, no wind…….
            We jumped in the truck & headed a bit north to buy chicken feed, check out an Amish hardware store that is always a hoot to visit, stopped for lunch & a few other things. Sometimes retirement is a good thing.

            Slo, such good news about the new baby, congrats to your daughter & family.
            It’s funny that some people can carry on after knee replacements like nothing ever happened & some just can’t. Our friend had both knees done at the same time & he almost immediately resumed riding his motorcycle, made me nervous. But he did fine & that was > 20 years ago. Take it easy! Btw - I do enjoy the PBS shows too.

            NS, that kit looks interesting. I will keep it in mind if I see the need for any of the grandkids, who knows what they will be doing in the future.
            If you’re familiar with pierogi you know that the filling is mashed potato, cheese, fried onions, butter & milk. That’s what goes on top of the pizza crust/ then you sprinkle more cheese & onion on top & bake. I just warmed up the leftovers & it’s still good

            Kensho, you sound crazy busy but we are 100% with you in the AF life!!!!!

            Narilly, good luck with the job search, keeping my fingers crossed for you.

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, All:

              That set up sounds good, NS. I used an inflatable pad on one trip - it got COLD and that air mattress didn't help. I like all the insulation around it... It would never occur to me in a million years to make a backpack. What a feat. Glad you enjoyed your backpack. I feel like everyone has just forgotten COVID here - I am one of the only ones I see still wearing a mask in the grocery store... It is nice AND scary.

              Pierogi pizza?!?! Sounds delicious. I'll check that out, Lav.

              Congratulations, Slo. How exciting. Yes, heading into a busy period. The education bureaucracy is so crazy. I would have the time to support amazing schools if I wasn't completing compliance reports and in some way catering to the bureaucracy the whole time. Very frustrating. Retirement is sounding better and better, although I am trying hard to continue to enjoy my job and be in the present because it is several years before I can retire. I don't want to be a cranky old educator with a calendar in my office checking off the days. I do still love what I do - most of the time...

              I have had a lot of anxiety lately. I think it is hormone related, and a week with not enough sleep, but it was STRONG. I had a very intense thought of drinking - if I could have just one drink it would ease the anxiety and allow me to relax so quickly. I didn't drink because I don't drink, thank goodness, but it was a reminder that that AL voice is just sleeping for now and I have to stay vigilant to keep it that way. I wouldn't want to come back here after a relapse after 8 years sober! I have to remember that self care is not selfish - it allows me to do the rest of the things I do in my life.

              Happy SOBER Saturday - some work and a walk on the docket.



                Re: Newbies Nest

                Originally posted by Slo View Post
                We had a warm day yesterday too! Spring has finally arrived!

                I think I will need to watch more TV than I typically do when I’m in my condo, to ward off loneliness.
                Finally a couple of proper warm spring-like days here too in the PNW. Not gonna last though, back to cool and rainy all next week.

                Speaking of TV, I think someone on here mentioned, "Severence" the other day, I'm only a few eps in but it's really good, though pretty dark (reminds me a bit of a Black Mirror episode).


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Late night greetings Nesters,

                  I got so tied up with things I forgot to check in earlier. All is well with me

                  Pav, retirement is always the goal it’s OK to dream about it a little bit.
                  Anxiety is rough, have been thru it myself & managed to survive. Hormonal changes will do that to you. We all know drinking doesn’t fix anything, it’s an old habitual response. Thank goodness we choose to not drink, things will improve, they always do. Try. The pizza, it was good

                  Mulburry, I doubt any of us are having our ‘normal’ weather patterns this year. Enjoy it while you can.

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  Last edited by Lavande; April 23, 2022, 10:41 PM.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters
                    Just checking in.
                    At the bottom of the screen it says "Thread Information: There are currently 16 users browsing this thread 1 member (Steady) & 15 guests. I wonder about these people. To anyone browsing but not yet a member, I wish you well.
                    As I do everyone in the Nest
                    Steady x
                    AF free since April 29, 2013


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                      I remembered to post before midnight, haha! Nice day here, sunny & warm but it’s not going to last. Cold air due to move back in soon, like it or not.

                      Steady, good to see you & hope you have been well.
                      I remember doing a bit of lurking before signing up. I just needed a little time to convince myself this is what I needed to do. BEST decision I’ve ever made, no doubt

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings, Nesters!

                        Still typing on my phone, but it’s not too hard.

                        D2 who had the IVF is due in July with her baby boy, and D3 is due with her baby in November!
                        This was your first time eating inside a restaurant since COVID started, NS? I’ve eaten in many throughout these two years.

                        Sorry you’re stuck being what used to be called a “pencil-pusher” at your job due to bureaucracy, Pav. It does then feel like what’s the point.

                        I have been being pulled to wanting to drink lately too. Have been craving and drinking delicious NA near-beers over the weekend. Like an itch that I can’t scratch. Well it has been emotional too, with two grand babies visiting and two pregnant daughters visiting -and here we are divorced. What was I thinking? Short-sighted, perhaps.
                        On the other hand, I dragged all the daughters out to see my condo, and it is looking great!

                        That is fun to find a new recipe that is trending in your region, Lav -and here it’s good enough to put in rotation!

                        Sunday evening…I hope to catch a new episode of “Call the Midwife”.
                        Last edited by Slo; April 24, 2022, 05:15 PM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Steady, as I write this there are 23 users - 1 member (me), and 22 guests. I, too, hope that if you're browsing you hop right in. If you read back in any of the threads, including this one, you will find the entrance of newly sober people. We can be here to support you as we support each other.

                          Slo, that's a lot of great news in your family. The best thing is that those kids get to be cousins close in age. I am very close to my cousins - I love that relationship that is family but not sibling.

                          I have been listening to Al-anon podcasts, and yesterday I went to an online al-anon meeting - trying to figure out a particular relationship in my life. It is a good reminder to continue to focus on myself no matter what else is going on. The podcast I listened to this weekend was about letting go. Of course it is a theme I am used to hearing, but I think I got a new perspective on it. Letting go is also letting go of the idea that you can control anyone else, and it also means letting go of your fears and undue worry. I feel like we all know that intellectually, but for me it was good to really focus on it for the hour of the podcast. Like the Bubble Hour podcast, I found I could relate directly to what some of the sharers were talking about, and I definitely found comfort in that. Has anyone else here ever gone to al-anon? I'm not ready to commit and "work the steps," but I'd love to hear more experiences.

                          I finally got some good hiking in this weekend - the weather here was beautiful if a little brisk for us. I hope you all are well and taking care of yourselves.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Monday everyone.
                            It is beautiful weather here, we may go for a bike ride today. Yippee!

                            I did not get the job I had the interview for last week. I guesss the guy who interviewed after me could start right away so they hired him. I am going on vacation for a few weeks first!

                            Good idea with the Al-anon podcasts, Pav, you are on top of things for sure. I used to love those Bubble Hour podcasts. I have gone to AA meetings but non Al anon.

                            So nice about your girls Slo, you will be a great grandma. That is an excellent reason to stay sober!

                            Take it easy everyone.

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Cloudy & cool here but it’s dry. I’m busy getting ready for the weekend & staying inside anyway

                              Slo, it’s fun having grandbabies so close in age. That was me 11 years ago when one was born near the end of February & the other the first week of April. Almost like having twins in the family
                              You stay focused on building your new & improved life, you’re doing everything right!

                              Pav, I have no experience with Al anon but I did attend an AA meeting as a requirement for a college health ed class. Felt awkward there like we were intruding although we announced our reason for being there when we arrived. I have a few books on Buddhist teachings & the art of detachment, letting go of outcomes, etc. That reading helped me a lot while I was going through some personal stuff.

                              Narilly, sorry about the job but I’m sure there’s another out there for you
                              Glad you’re enjoying some nice weather today.

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                NS - sorry for the delay and thanks for sharing your husband's sleep system (and thanks to HIM for writing it out!). This sounds similar to what I put together for backpacking in Patagonia about 8 years ago. I liked it pretty well then but things hurt so much worse now so I'd have to try it and see what I think. Your Ray-Way pack sounds very cool as well!

                                Nar - hopefully the next job opportunity will be a better fit and will give you the vacation time first.

                                We had a weird 12+ hours here. We have a propane tank powered outdoor grill and last night it wouldn't open. The valve handle would spin but no gas seemed to be coming out. We just filled it a few weeks ago so this was weird. We decided we'd have to take it in to be looked at, and so we went to disconnect the attachment to the grill. All of a sudden we had propane hissing and spewing everywhere!!! It happened super fast and was incredibly scary. There was no way to turn anything off and we just had to drag it out into an open area and let it vent. Warned all the neighbors and debated calling the fire dept. It finally slowed way down and mostly dispersed but it was really frightening and traumatic at first. And a tense night of poor sleep. I called the propane company this morning and strongly requested that they come and get it. No way was I putting a potentially not empty but clearly faulty tank in the back of my truck and driving it 10 miles across the city. Nope to the nopeth nope of nopes.

                                The guy who picked it up was very nice. He checked it out and said, "Oh yeah, this is definitely not right." I felt vindicated, and was very happy to hand it off to him.

                                So So SO grateful I don't drink. I cannot even imagine dealing with that situation with less than my full wits about me.

                                Don't drink. You never know what you'll be called upon to do with no warning, but you'll be glad you can jump right in and do it!

