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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    NS - I hope you feel better soon!

    Nar - big congrats on the new job offer! I agree that PT during the summer months sounds like a perfect fit. I'm trying to build my own self-employed schedule so that I'm roughly half-time for at least 6 weeks of the summer.

    Lav - glad to hear you're all set for your craft fair. I hope you have a fantastic weekend of sales and however much socializing comes with this type of event.

    Slo - sorry your knee continues to give you so much trouble. Good thing you don't drink, as that's one less bummer to deal with all at once.

    Still trying/hoping to fight off this cold. Not sure I'm gonna win but I'm trying to be gentle and patient with myself. I've been feeling run-down for months (years?) so I'm sure my immunity isn't at its best.

    Good nights and days to all of you!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings, Nesters,
      Yes that’s it exactly Pav, I want to acknowledge all the posts, but sometimes a ‘like’ or ‘thankyou’ doesn’t feel appropriate.
      Slo, sorry about your injured knee. It’s very frustrating to not be able to exercise. Hope you can get back to full steam asap.
      Lav thanks for your advice regarding distraction, and for sharing your favourite books. Enjoy your Saturday event.
      Thanks for making me laugh, Narilly, with your “Think of something else like propane…” . I would love to go to Mexico, have a great (unhung) time! And congrats on the job offer.
      NS, an all-night drinking dream would be a nightmare indeed! Glad you got do wake up to the reality of sobriety.
      Wagmore, hope your cold is easing. I can't imagine teaching at the best of times!
      Like others, I miss Mr G's energy here.
      Have been struggling a lot lately, but have just ordered home-delivery Indian food as a treat - YUM!
      best wishes to all,
      Steady x
      AF free since April 29, 2013


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        Sorry to you sick people - hope you get rest and recovery this weekend.

        Slo, that's sad about your sister. I'm sorry she has to go through that. I hope your sobriety will be a model for her to get sober herself eventually. I thought acceptance was going to be my biggest lesson through this, but I have to also add the detachment with love as well. It sure took me a long time to realized I had no control over other people and the decisions they make for their lives. I am inherently a "pleaser," which can mean that I try to manipulate situations to keep everyone calm and happy. Now THAT'S a big ego - imagining I had that much control. I guess it all boils down to the serenity prayer - the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

        Nar, congratulations on the job - I hope you enjoy it AFTER you enjoy Mexico.

        Lav, your little corner of PA sounds lovely - I hope spring comes soon for you! We were lucky to get some late season rains here, so things aren't quite as dry as they were.

        Happy SOBER Friday. I am out of town and off the grid this weekend. I know you all will have fabulous, SOBER ones.



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nest!

          Nar, nice to see you. I hope your vacation and new job take you in a nice fresh direction.

          Wags, glad you made it through your propane trauma. It's always something new that takes us by surprise!

          Pav, we really CAN'T get people to do things they don't want to do. I'm struggling with that now with my kids and their lack of any real ambition regarding school. I have sort of arrived at the conclusion that I can push them to do the minimum, but I can't make them be motivated to do more. My husband still thinks he can "make" them care, and it just leads to a lot of arguments, resentment and drama. They are on their own journeys, and we have modeled well for them in how to apply hard work to earn a few things we want in life. It's up to them.

          Lav, I would like to come to your craft fair! If we are ever in PA... I'm ringing you.

          I have been absolutely SLAMMED with life lately. The last 3 months have been a whirlwind of being pulled from every direction. Kids and grades, 6 different projects needing answers at once but a feeling of no progress after hard work, shorter work days due to driving my son to swim, swim meets, a failed drivers test. And personally, my husband and I have been seriously struggling with clashing parenting styles. UG!

          On the flip side, in this time, I have also completely moved our finances to an advisor I trust, set up retirement plans I feel good about, set up an additional account to begin some individual stock market investing on my own, and learned Reiki. The energy work on myself has really helped me navigate. The connection to things unseen is helping me cope.

          Life feels big and hard, and the world is going through some uncomfortable and scary things. But I can't imagine how immature and stuck I would still be if drinking. I am so grateful I made the decision to quit and not look back. It is sometimes enticing, but I know it is not a direction in life that I want to go.

          Hope everyone has a good day.
          Last edited by KENSHO; April 29, 2022, 10:35 AM.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            All set for tomorrow, even have the truck. Packed up with all the bits & pieces I need . The weather will be good so I hope that entices lots of shoppers.

            Wags, when I realize I am feeling extra rundown I usually switch up my supplements & it seems to help. I know allergy symptoms are dogging me right now, making me drag around. Maybe youhave some of that too? The allergist told me to take Zyrtec daily, twice a day if needed which helps a bit I think. When summer rolls around I usually get a little more energetic, hope you do as well.

            Steady, hope the Indian food was good & your distancing skills are keeping the bad thoughts away :hug:

            Pav, hope your off grid weekend is awesome!

            Kensho, you have been busy but it sounds like you’ve used your time well. Your Reiki skills sound like a very useful tool, good for you!
            I remember those years when the kids were growing up & it seemed I had to be everywhere at once, exhausting. Somehow I survived, I know you will too because you’re in charge now with a whole new outlook. Any time you’re in the area let me know, that would be cool

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Kensho - you sound good in spite of being so slammed. I don't personally know much about Reiki but have had several friends who used it as one of their therapeutic modalities and they were huge proponents. I'm glad you're finding that, and some other things, to be so helpful during such a stressful time of life. Being sober is probably one of the best gifts (if not THE best) you could ever have given yourself.

              Lav - I usually switch up my supplements when I get run-down too, but I think I've been so overwhelmed that it slipped off my radar.

              So the good news from Wagland is that I'm feeling better! Not 100% yet but definitely turning the corner. I would call this a win for me -- I got sick enough to have some noticeable symptoms but never felt horrible and didn't have to miss any work or fun (just did quieter fun ) Here's hoping for a good night's sleep and that tomorrow morning brings even greater return to health.

              Signing off for now but will check in with you all again tomorrow or Sunday.

              Happy Sober Weekends everyone!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Yay, Wags turned the corner on her illness -and without going full-blown!

                Glad to hear you have good weather for your craft show today, Lav, as it’s a rainy day here.

                [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], I didn’t realize at first that your daughter was making a separate trip from yours to visit Jasper & family. You must be on your way soon? 11 hours is a long trip! I hope your mother behaves.

                Kensho, I too remember the years when the kids were growing up and it seemed I had to be everywhere at once: totally exhausting, and I wouldn’t want to repeat those years.
                Sorry your kids still aren’t interested in schoolwork and grades. Other than demanding the minimum and modeling that hard work pays off, there’s not much you can do except to show a genuine interest in what they are studying, how their classes and school days are, and what projects they are working on.
                That is great that you set up plans to manage your money. I too have taken on a financial advisor whom I trust.

                Pav, I see what you mean about detachment with love, as there’s not much we can do about other people’s addictions. And we all know how hard it is to manage our own addictions. Reinhold Niebuhr distilled a real truth when he wrote the Serenity Prayer.

                I had an episode this week where someone thought I was my twin sister. I didn’t realize we still looked so much alike!

                Wishing you all good weekends.
                Last edited by Slo; April 30, 2022, 11:06 AM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Sadly the craft fair was a bit of a flop BUT……I did win the 50/50 & came home with an extra $75 cash, haha!!
                  It seemed like a fair amount of people came & walked thru but very few were buying. All of the vendors were complaining so at least it wasn’t just me, Lol. I did collect another $52 for the Ukrainian Relief charities, so that’s good
                  Yesterday I hung out the 3 hummingbird feeders on my deck & they have already arrived & found them, makes me happy

                  Wags, glad to hear you’re feeling better. Hope the weekend is a good one for you.

                  Slo, sunny & still a bit cool here but I guess you’ll be sending the rain this way soon.
                  I hope your sister is OK & it must be strange to be mistaken for her at this point.

                  Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Morning nesters

                    Just reading back, i have had a mad two weeks at work and if the PA is still not mentally prepared to come back to work, i am going to pop. Doesnt seem to be a team player leaving it all to me.

                    Wags and NS i hope you are both heading out of your colds. I have not had a cold either for years. Had my flu needle the other day and going to start going back to work two days a week when i get back from seeing Jasper so i dont like my chances of staying healthy in a hospital and winter is coming. Wags, i hate gas bottles and so glad you were quick thinking and did what was needed. i remember back in the day my mom lit our gas stove and it exploded and shot her back against a wall. she was okay and probably lucky she didnt have a fag hanging out her mouth as it was back 40+ years ago.

                    Slo, i am so sorry to hear about your knee, mine has been playing up and have it strapped more times than not. Take it easy is all you can do. Thank you for chasing up a password for Mr G, i have sent it on to him. So many g-babies coming your way, you will never have a spare moment lol. Lucky you. I think my eldest is trying to get pregnant, if it happens it happens, if not she is not doing IVF, my everything is crossed. she already tells me i will be driving her nuts if/when she gets pregnant and yep she is not wrong. So sorry to hear about your sister, addiction sucks. My SIL's old friend is now palliated, chronic alkie, didnt have a problem, the drs found aneurysms in her brain that needed to be dealt with (not due to drinking of course she said) and when she was recovering she was still unwell so they tested and she has stage 4 ovarian cancer and wont live past this week my SIL says. This lady was a lovely person but had been a heavy drinker for years. this is the 2nd of my SIL's friends that has died from alcoholism and of course my brother who she was married to. It is just so sad to hear these stories and to think it could have been us. I appreciate my life, aches and all now.

                    Nar, congrats on your new job, you can have mine but its full time.

                    We are getting cooler weather now and i wore my jacket yesterday for a walk but then i got hot so not cold enough for a jacket but not hot enough not to wear one. have to find an inbetween.

                    going to a nursery today to do some plant shopping, leaving the fur babies at home which they will not be happy about. Carl had a groom on Friday and looks adorable.


                    take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Happy Sunday everyone.
                      I went from a life of leisure (sort of) to full on busy now. Trying to get ready for my trip and having to go work one day before I leave. Oh well, it is a Good busy.
                      Wags- I hope you can reduce your hours for summer, do it!
                      Pav, hope you enjoyed your out of town trip. You do love your down time

                      Everyone sounds good.
                      Ava, it is always so weird that your weather is exactly opposite to ours. We are finally starting to pare down our jackets but we NEVER put our jackets away. Just in case. It has been known to snow in July. Even though last year the temp went up to 37Celsius, it could still snow the next day. Our weather changes very quickly because we live close to the mountains. I have many different jackets (over 20) and I tell my husband I need them all because of our crazy weather. haha

                      Hope everyone with colds and sore knees start feeling better.
                      Nice to see you Ken. Yeah, I understand being busy with kids. It is never ending at that stage.

                      Lav, whoop! Winner of the 50/50, you lucky girlf!

                      Slo, that is interesting you did not think you looked like your twin. People tell me I look like my brother sometimes- not a good thing. He is not ageing well. I wonder what that says about me? haha

                      Hey, I am going to meet a friend for lunch, take my mom to a meeting and basically get ready for my trip so I will talk later.

                      Don't drink today.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                        Started out with a sunny day here but it quickly changed to clouds & a few showers. I’ve noticed a big increase in aches & pains on these damp days. Guess i’m truly getting old, haha!
                        Winning the 50/50n yesterday was truly unique because I NEVER win things, LOL

                        Ava, Ihope your upcoming trip is a relaxing one for you, you deserve a break.
                        Your little buddy Carl is looking good today

                        Narilly, I bet you’re excited about your trip. I hope you have a fabulous time & send us some pics

                        Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the n est!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          That is a super-cute picture of Carl, Ava!

                          The 50/50 raffle win made the craft fair worthwhile after all, Lav!

                          Hey, I saw on the Sunday Shout-Out thread that [MENTION=19460]STEADFAST[/MENTION] has reached 9 years AF! Congratulations, Steady! That alone is some motivation to want to keep your quit.

                          I visited with and had dinner with my 91-year-old stepfather type guy for the last few evenings, while my mother is out of town. It was gentle and nice & relaxing. Today I’m going on an outing with my ex’s sister & her caregiver to see a flower show. Tonight I’ll drive up to babysit the grandkids.

                          Great news, Ava, that you might get a grandchild soon! I’ll cross all my fingers & toes for you too!

                          Pav will be back on the grid today, but smart to go off the grid and into nature to balance your high-pressure job.
                          Last edited by Slo; May 2, 2022, 10:40 AM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            Nice & sunny here today, much appreciated!
                            Took my dog in for her yearly check up this afternoon & ending up spending $399 there. She did get 3 shots, had blood drawn, got her thyroid med refilled as well as her heart worm preventative med. Geez, not cheap to have pets these days.

                            Slo, sounds like you had a pretty good weekend. Nice of you to stay connected with your ex SIL too.
                            I hope your day watching the little ones went well.

                            Steady, CONGRATS on your 9 years AF :welldone:
                            Hold onto your quit, no matter what & you will always do well.

                            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Steady - Huge CONGRATS on 9 Years!!!

                              Nar - have a fantastic trip

                              Lav - fantastic 50/50 win! Sorry the craft show wasn't busier with actual buyers though.

                              Feeling better here, and grateful. I was never terribly sick and I'm hoping this might be my "out" for being sick for another 2 years. That would be awesome!

                              Take care everyone see you tomorrow.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                I am not sure where I should be posting that I am back for another try at quitting drinking?
                                This doesn't seem like the right place or thread!
                                Please forgive me as my brain is foggy and I am not thinking very clear.
                                Thanks for the help
                                All things in time if I am Alcohol free

