NS - I hope you feel better soon!
Nar - big congrats on the new job offer! I agree that PT during the summer months sounds like a perfect fit. I'm trying to build my own self-employed schedule so that I'm roughly half-time for at least 6 weeks of the summer.
Lav - glad to hear you're all set for your craft fair. I hope you have a fantastic weekend of sales and however much socializing comes with this type of event.
Slo - sorry your knee continues to give you so much trouble. Good thing you don't drink, as that's one less bummer to deal with all at once.
Still trying/hoping to fight off this cold. Not sure I'm gonna win but I'm trying to be gentle and patient with myself. I've been feeling run-down for months (years?) so I'm sure my immunity isn't at its best.
Good nights and days to all of you!