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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Man Kinis - what a thought at this hour of the morning. pretty gross

    Hi everyone

    Fluff, did I see you a few pages back. Where have you been? What have you been doing. Please catch us up. i missed you when you stopped posting.

    KatieB so good to see you again too. Stick around and let us know how you are doing.

    Hip, where are you going to? Are you actually going on hols with Molly and I'm not ready?

    Everyone, must go to work now again - as usual. loving it of course! Day off tomorrow. Have a good day/night all. Talk again soon.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all,

      Glad you are back KatieB.

      Have a multitude of AF drinks I bought tonight. Must have a good army for the fight.


        Newbies Nest

        Mazzie;888685 wrote: Man Kinis - what a thought at this hour of the morning. pretty gross
        I don't know, Mazzie...this one's kinda hot!


          Newbies Nest

          Coco-Nut;888581 wrote: I was just there and not one in sight. Don't you listen Mama!
          Nice, Coco. Why on earth would I manufacture a cockamamie story like that? I'm certain all those scantily clad men grew tired of the lack of female companionship poolside.

          In anticipation of the arrival of swarms of ladies, I hustled into the galley to whip up some snacks for you, I'm banned from cooking on the cruise ship! Some nonsense about the origin of some of my "ingredients" and a bunch of rubbish about "food safety".


            Newbies Nest

            Ringing Cedars;888652 wrote: I think we need to put Techie in one!!!
            One with little aliens on it!


              Newbies Nest

              Fennel....that mankini dude was disgusting....
              Techie kini sounds kinda hot
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                Hello everyone....just wanted to drop in & tell you that the kiddos arrived safe & sound. They are exhausted. 11 hour flight. So wonderful to see them. Made me cry of course. I got yelled at for passing a rope to try to get to them. Geez. Give me a break. Anyway, we've got them home safe & sound. They both must have grown 2 inches each!! Christopher announced that he's 7 years old now! And Kyleigh announced that she's 10. I can't believe that it's been about 10 months since we've seen them. This next 2 months are just going to fly by. We still don't know where they are going to be stationed next.

                Hey - what have I been missing? Mankinis?
                Come on now? Coconut has amnesia? What in the world is going on around here?

                Meech - how do you make veggie burgers? That sounds delicious.

                Ok - going to sign off for tonight. My kiddos have konked out. I tried to keep them up but they were exhausted. I was trying to get them on our time zone. Poor things.

                Catch you all tomorrow.:l
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello nutso Nestlings!

                  Nope, no baby yet If she doesn't pop on her own, she'll be induced next Wednesday.

                  I had a lovely ride last night with some friends and tonight on my own.. with TWO horses :eeks:

                  LOL... half way down the dump road heading towards the trails I realized that Ms. Sophie and I had company... Atlas (the essence of lazy) apparently hopped the fence and decided to tag along :H So I turned back and grabbed a lead rope and ponied him... fun, fun! At least, now I know that there's no issue with taking the two of them out together Nothing else new, trying to get work done between delivering cars, setting up baby stuff at my house, etc... this is HARD work! :H

                  Katie.. so good to see you back! :l
                  Everyone else... you hanging in there!?
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    sunshine_gg;888775 wrote: Hello nutso Nestlings!

                    Nope, no baby yet. If she doesn't pop on her own, she'll be induced next Wednesday.

                    I had a lovely ride last night with some friends and tonight on my own.. with TWO horses :eeks:

                    LOL... half way down the dump road heading towards the trails I realized that Ms. Sophie and I had company... Atlas (the essence of lazy) apparently hopped the fence and decided to tag along :H So I turned back and grabbed a lead rope and ponied him... fun, fun! At least, now I know that there's no issue with taking the two of them out together Nothing else new, trying to get work done between delivering cars, setting up baby stuff at my house, etc... this is HARD work! :H

                    Katie.. so good to see you back! :l
                    Everyone else... you hanging in there!?
                    Wow...that Atlas is something else! :H I'm glad you survived your ride.

                    I've been thinking of you every day...I can't believe you're not a grandma yet! I hope baby gets a move on before Wednesday, but if not, at least we know the day that he'll arrive for certain.


                      Newbies Nest

                      NoraC;888774 wrote: Hello everyone....just wanted to drop in & tell you that the kiddos arrived safe & sound. They are exhausted. 11 hour flight. So wonderful to see them. Made me cry of course. I got yelled at for passing a rope to try to get to them. Geez. Give me a break. Anyway, we've got them home safe & sound. They both must have grown 2 inches each!! Christopher announced that he's 7 years old now! And Kyleigh announced that she's 10. I can't believe that it's been about 10 months since we've seen them. This next 2 months are just going to fly by. We still don't know where they are going to be stationed next.

                      Hey - what have I been missing? Mankinis?
                      Come on now? Coconut has amnesia? What in the world is going on around here?

                      Meech - how do you make veggie burgers? That sounds delicious.

                      Ok - going to sign off for tonight. My kiddos have konked out. I tried to keep them up but they were exhausted. I was trying to get them on our time zone. Poor things.

                      Catch you all tomorrow.:l
                      Nora, you must look like a real threat to Homeland Security! :H

                      Glad the munchkins have arrived safely.
                      Yes, there have been many sightings of attractive men in mankinis by the pool, although Coco doesn't believe me. I think her amnesia/injury has affected her behavior. She seems to believe that I may have had some sort of ulterior motive for getting the ladies poolside.

                      I hope that the kids adjust to the time change quickly. You'll probably hear them up and about at three a.m! :H


                        Newbies Nest

                        Not banned from kitchen...!! and I had a special request.
                        Well, if you manage to break in - or drag the taco truck up - might I have some nice greasy battered halibut?


                          Newbies Nest

                          Right behind you again just can't shake me. LOL
                          Just poppin' in to say good morning and see how everyone is doing...
                          We're heading into the weekend again...can't wait!
                          I'll check in with ya'll later, stay strong everyone.
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mama here....eating cold, greasy fries at work....need a Dos Gatos fix....
                            hope everyone is having a great day
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Newbies Nest

                              This may be a dumb question and maybe I should just google it but what IS a Dos Gatos please and thank you?

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey everyone, just living in mad world at the moment, uncle who drinks mad amounts, so everyone sort of matching him. I really am soooo boring
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

