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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    I’m having such a tired day. Just no energy. That happens to me a lot on Sundays. Circadian rhythms or something. Had a busy day yesterday traveling up for Mabel’s 1st birthday party, and lots of socializing and lots of sun.

    That’s too bad that that May outdoor wedding was sort of ruined with high heat & humidity, Lav. My cousin’s outdoor wedding was a sweaty mess in that level of heat & humidity, but that was in July!

    I love split pea & ham soup, Ava. And sheets fresh off the line! I can see why grief has taken away your energy & focus, so TV & knitting will help soothe. I don’t have the energy for much more than TV-watching today, so am streaming some episodes of the latest season of ‘Call the Midwife”.

    Wags, the good thing about being AF is we don’t have to worry about being arrested if our headlights aren’t on -like if someone switched off our automatic setting at a car repair place, or if a toddler was playing with our car’s buttons, etc.
    I never thought I would cross the line into drinking & driving -but I did. And had some very near misses with getting a DUI. Lav was smarter to drink only at home!

    Belle, what a good mom to help your son so much with learning how to sew. That’s nice that you can see your friend again next week, despite the circumstances. My stepfather type guy turns 92 this year, and I don’t think he will live more than another year. His congestive heart failure is getting way worse.

    At least I had a big burst of energy on Thursday, so did a lot of cleaning at daughter & son-in-law’s house that day to get ready for Mabel’s big party. Now my brief get-up-and-go got up and went again.

    Hang in there, Wags! Just a couple few more weeks!
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone. I'm here but not feeling well. Maybe diverticulitis or a hernia. Reading and feeling comforted by all your words. I'll be on the up and up soon - and alas we have struggle as well as joy, so it's my turn with the hard stuff.

      We've been talked to at traffic lights twice by police officers trying to gauge if the driver is impaired... and of course, it's me and I can say "I don't drink", and they can see I've been clear and sober. Love that!

      Take care and don't drink.
      Last edited by KENSHO; May 23, 2022, 10:43 AM.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Finally a nice ‘normal spring day’ here after our mini heatwave. I felt so sorry for my chickens the past two days, you could see how heat stressed they were. It’s all good now

        Slo, that extreme heat just drags the energy out of me. Combine that with allergies & I’m pretty much useless. Can’t wait for the pollens to go somewhere else. I hope you get your energy back real soon, it’s hard feeling like that. So when can you actually move in to your condo? It must be fairly soon, yay!

        Kensho, sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Is this something you’ve been through before & can manage on your own? Maybe a call to your doc is in order. Hope you’re feeling better real soon :hug:

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          We’re back to rather cold out here; I had to ride my indoor bike yesterday because it’s too cold to ride outside. Sending the cold your way next, Lav.

          I have a closing date now: I close on my condo on June 8th! I finally started some packing and sorting yesterday, so got my 10 things per day to toss or donate done!

          Now I’m up here with the babies. Mabel is so cute as a one-year-old, and Beckett is exploding with all his new language! And I can enjoy the luxurious growth of thick red curls atop his head for a day or two before his parents take him in for a haircut and get them all whacked off.

          Kensho, sounds like you’re in need of some enforced rest. I wonder which one it is? Take care, and I hope it passes soon.

          Back to my duties!
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Slo, congrats! That's exciting! What fun you have to look forward to. How will you decorate it? You get to make all the decisions going forward!

            Lav, have you ever heard of Quercetin? We use it in our house for mild allergies and it helps. Lots of Vitamin C too!

            I'm feeling a little better today. Rest is definitely helping. I emailed my doc yesterday saying I need to get some answers. It is so unusual for me to be down for two weeks. Something isn't right, though I feel its not life threatening. I'll get to the bottom of it!

            We had a robin build a nest in our hanging basket, but the day it was done, we had two nights of 30 degree temps. We decided to bring the basket in, and I think the robins abandoned ship. I feel badly - it's a beautiful nest!! I keep hoping they will decide to check it out, and I wish I could tell them that it's staying put now!

            My son has his second driver's test attempt Thursday. I just don't feel he completely understands the gravity of how dangerous driving can be, or how much you have to always look for what other cars are doing. He goes through life thinking it will all just work out for him (and it always has - so why would he expect differently) - I just hope he doesn't have a reality check that causes injury. I am so worried!

            Anyway, best to everyone. No drinking. Life is SO much better!

            Done. Moving on to life.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Cloudy & much cooler today but that made it easier to get a little work done outside. Can only stay out so long anyway until I get a head full of pollen, LOL

              Slo, that’s great your settlement date is in view. I’m very excited for you
              Enjoy the little ones because they don’t stay little very long. Next thing you know they’re taller that you!!!

              Kensho, glad you’re starting to feel better. Sometimes we just have to get in the face of our medical providers to make them really listen to what we’re saying. Women especially are often gaslighted & that makes me angry. I do take a full dose of vitamin C daily & am taking what the allergist ordered for my allergies. Nothing really helps much when the pollen levels are so high as they are this spring for some reason. I’m sure your son has listened to your advice & concerns about driving. I remember the worry too, hang in there.

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              PS: Prayers for all the families in Texas today who lost a child in yet another mass shooting. When will this stop?
              Last edited by Lavande; May 24, 2022, 05:22 PM.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Slo - hooray for your closing on June 8. It'll be like turning another page in your book. Can't wait to hear how you like it once you get settled in.

                Kensho - sorry you aren't feeling well and I hope you're back on top very soon. That's awesome about being able to tell the cops you're sober (and you don't drink of course!). I always feel great when I'm able to tell that to a Dr or someone who would understand what a good self-care decision it truly is.

                Lav - today's school shooting, like all of them, is horrific. And I fear it will never stop until we vote out the people being funded by the gun lobby. Every single time this happens, especially to such innocent littles, I think MAYBE this time we will have the collective will to change things. And then the spin and the politics begin and nothing changes at all.

                I have a crazy busy week of work. Well, 2.5 more crazy weeks. Then things will drop a bit and feel more manageable. I'm going to try to check in here every day but if you don't see me I'm definitely not drinking!

                Happy almost Hump Days everyone!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hola evabody,

                  Wags, hope the next 2.5 are less crazy and more pleasurable than expected.

                  Keep chugging along friends. All ok here. I have good health, friends, optimism, a plan, and a guitar. if i continue to keep it simple and just put one foot in front of the other everyday in the direction i choose, things will be ok. And they are.

                  Surf's up!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    Still feeling so sad about yesterday’s massacre, 19 innocents & 2 teachers lost their lives. These events will never stop until we get some major gun legislation & an effective way to identify & stop potential shooters before they begin. Apparently the 18 yr old shooter discussed his plan online, wish someone had called 911 before he had a chance to make his move.

                    Hello Wags, I really hope these 2.5 weeks go by quickly so you can step back a bit & breathe.

                    G, learning to trust ourselves helps keep us safe I think. We do have all we really need, don’t we?

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good morning, All:

                      Sorry I've been MIA again - I got sick with COVID and just didn't pick up the computer to login. I read back once but didn't post. Anyway - feeling better now, but not perfect. I'll be taking it easy for a while. Although I am vaccinated with one booster, I was waiting for closer to summer to get the second booster. If I had it to do again I would get that booster asap as the sickness itself was worse than I expected. Get your boosters!

                      I'm gutted by the shooting in Texas. It is incomprehensible and yet so much more common place. I remember exactly the day of Sandy Hook and what I was doing. Just devastating.

                      I hope everyone feels better, stays warm or cool, and takes good care of themselves. Happy SOBER Thursday.



                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        It is hard to know what to write about right now, isn't it? It is hard for me to chat when the world seems to be on fire. I was telling my daughter yesterday that so many tough things are going on, it is hard to even remember what yesterday's outrage was about. Overturning Roe v Wade seemed like the biggest crisis until children were slaughtered. No wonder we can't keep our focus on the greatest threat, our rapidly changing climate, when more immediate horrors keep popping up. I am pretty down about all of this but trying to focus on the things over which I have immediate control. Such as choosing not to drink.

                        I hope your health continues to improve, Pav, and that your mysterious illness is figured out, Kensho.

                        Ava, I'm thinking of you and Jasper's family. xx


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nest!

                          Sorry to hear you had Covid PAV! May I ask what your symptoms were? Typical - with fever? Just wondering if it has atypical presentations often. Glad you're on the mend. How is your CA moisture situation? I hope you are not in another drought. You and WAGS have been through some tough dry conditions.

                          I can't say enough about how disappointed I am with our government regarding guns. Everyone pushing to allow "gun freedom" is being paid by the NRA... how does that seem right?? My kids are school aged and do "active shooter" drills regularly. How did we get so far in this pit?

                          LAV and G, I love the statement, "Learning to trust ourselves keeps us safe". I think too many of us have forgotten to check in with our hearts and guts and rely on others to tell us our truth.

                          I'm feeling better, though I kept the CT scan appointment in mid-June. I've had this pain for 20 years... it was just much worse this time and came with flu like symptoms and lasted 2 weeks. I'd like to find out what's going on.

                          I can say for sure that I would not be where I am now if I hadn't chosen to stop drinking. I didn't hit rock bottom. I didn't pass out every night. But I wasn't living my best life - I was chained to alcohol. And after 4+ years, I can honestly say that I don't feel like anything is missing. I never needed it - I just thought I did. If you are feeling stuck, take the leap to quit alcohol and have faith that it will end up better. I have not seen a single person who has committed to a long term quit who doesn't say they feel more balanced, connected to their purpose, and stronger / happier. It's the best decision I've ever made in my 46 years - I get to experience my children's lives sober, I have the opportunity to be present and have a more rewarding relationship with my husband, and my career has reached a level I could only have dreamed of. It took work - and it's all completely worth it.
                          Last edited by KENSHO; May 26, 2022, 10:29 AM.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Neters,

                            Waiting for some storms to roll in, it’s been cloudy all day. Seems like Memorial Day weekend is always damp here on the east coast. Monday my be a bit better so looking forward to that..
                            Hearing more today about the Texas school shooting & am shocked the doors were left unlocked allowing anyone to walk in, terrible. The police response was rather dismal as well.

                            Pav, I’m sorry Covid got you but glad you’re on the mend :hug:
                            I did get my second booster the day before Mother’s Day & am glad I did. Haven’t talked my husband into it yet but I’m working on him. Covid cases are up >161% in our state, ridiculous. Feel better soon..

                            NS, I understand how you feel, really. I’m trying to focus on one crisis per day, it’s all I can take at this point. I am continuing my fundraiser for Ukraine relief, have sent >$250 to help them. I am actively talking to my grandsons & hoping they eventually look into careers that will benefit all mankind. Who knows, maybe one of them will find a way to help our climate crisis in a big way. Take care.

                            Kensho, glad you’re feeling better & keeping that appt for the CT scan. Knowing the cause of your discomfort is a huge step in figuring out how manage whatever is going on. Hope you get your answers.
                            After feeling so completely hopeless for so long I am now eternally grateful to be in the driver’s seat of my life again. I won’t give up that seat for anything, so there’s no drinking, ever for me.

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hey, Nesters. So good to catch up with my support team. Kensho was kind enough to send a sweet note to me today and it reminded me that support when we are down is important. Like NS, I’ve been really low about the state of our country and the people in it. It’s not like we don’t know how to fix many of the things that are so very wrong, but our leaders are choosing not to. It’s frustrating and infuriating. What a shame that they are consumed with their own advancement rather than the people they took an oath to protect and serve. Priorities, right?

                              I'm still dealing with this eye that’s driving me nuts. After several appointments at a specialist, I pulled the plug on that plan. The only thing it relieved me of was $1500. I guess it’s just something I’ll have to live with (it feels like I have a tear about to fall, my peripheral vision is wavy in that eye). I’m going to a heart specialist tomorrow, I’ve been having palpitations. Surely half the country is, too, with all that’s going on. I’ve seen about it before (about 20 years ago), not sure why I didn’t get something done at the time. I understand it’s a simple balloon procedure that can fix the rhythm issue. We’ll see what she has to say about it. It’s scary when it happens, so I’m ready to get it fixed.

                              I continue to make chocolates, that’s a good stress outlet. We have a neighborhood party this weekend. Im going to unload, I mean, share a bunch of it then. I have a freezer FULL. We were invited to a neighbor’s house last weekend and it was fun but weird to socialize. Im double vaxxed and double boosted, I guess I can’t stay in bubble wrap forever. I was the only non drinker there. I thought about that a little more since I was out of practice socially. In fact, as a card carrying member of the Alcohol Police, I noticed the other women were drinking a lot….like the way I did. It made me grateful that I don’t have to go through quitting again. I still gained 2.5 pounds. These neighbors own a gourmet meat market and they didn’t hold back for this party. The food was awesome. I also noticed I ate more than the others, who were more interested in their drink than their plate….just like I used to do. Sheesh, those weren’t the days.
                              Pav, thinking of you and hoping you are feeling much better.
                              Linda, holding you close in my thoughts as you make your way to your family for Jasper’s services. No words for that. Bless you all.
                              Kensho, I hope you can get to the bottom of your issues. It’s always something! Feel better.
                              Slo, I hope you are going from Slo to Fast! Hugs, dear lady. The best is yet to come!
                              Wishing everyone a happy evening and safe Memorial Day! Love to all! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Byrdie, you came back! I’m so sorry about your eye. That has to be so annoying.
                                I feel the same way about now socializing without alcohol. Being the only non-drinker, being more interested in the food now rather than the drink…it’s different, and not totally comfortable; but we’re not chained anymore anyways. Like Lav says, this way we can be in the driver’s seat of our own lives!

                                Is this your first time with Covid, Pav? I had it in February. Glad you’re mostly through it. It did leave a residue of fatigue for the week or so.

                                The two youngest daughters seem to be enjoying their time in France! I’m thankful that D3 is fulfilling young Francophile D4’s dreams of Paris! They are in the south of France now. I took French for years throughout school and loved it, and was close with my French teacher. I would have liked to re-experience learning French with this daughter, and am still annoyed that ex-HB made her take Spanish when she was enamored with France, and wanted to take French. Like, let her follow her own passions!

                                How will I decorate my condo, Kensho? I don’t have a clear vision, but thankfully have my own “Kensho” to help me! So far I have purchased a washer/dryer set, and a bed. And am having shelves built in the basement.

                                Wishing you all a good Friday as we collectively stay off that train to Boozeville!
                                Last edited by Slo; May 27, 2022, 08:38 AM.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

