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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Happy Un Hung Friday everyone!
    Well today is going to be a beautiful day here, 22C- which is about 75F. That is perfect weather for me.

    I got back from Mexico last week. It was a good trip but I got food poisoning which sucked. I seem to be prone to getting food poisoning.

    I am gardening now and that is fun. Always a good stress relief.

    Byrdie, I wish I could try some of those delicious chocolates. They look beautiful.
    Sorry that you got Covid Pav. I guess we all will probably get it eventually.
    I have always wanted to go to France, SLO, maybe one day. I bet the food is delicious!

    Nice to see GMan is back. Whoop!
    Hello Wags, Lav, Ken, NS, everyone.
    Have a good one.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hello Everyone,
      It has been a while. I wrote the other night, made a spelling error, back spaced over it and erased the whole shebang!!! I was so tired, I gave up and went to bed. I am so tired these days and my miracle sleep ability has disappeared. I upped to 75mg Topa, so maybe that is disrupting my sleep.

      I have just read the last few posts and agree - so much nastiness going on in the world. Covid, that horrible, horrible school shooting (when the hell is that ever going to stop?!?!), Ukraine, poor little Jasper, our hurting bodies, etc etc etc.
      I fortunately never got Covid, and am thinking I should go get my second booster for sure!

      I am at work and the lab is beckoning. I am on day 21 AF and doing fine. Lav! Down 7lb!!! I texted my partner last night that I was "driving" my son and his friend to a bar, but auto correct wrote "I'm drunk" and I didn't see the error until I returned. Boy, was he ever concerned!!!!!

      Have a great weekend everyone!
      xoxo Peanut


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Byrdie, happy to see you back. Sorry about the health issues, they seem to come frequently as we age. I figure we are doing the best thing for ourselves by remaining AF. I hope you get some relief from the rhythm problem, scary for sure. Keep working on those gorgeous chocolates, they bring you happiness. I have such a small social life anymore that I’m not really bothered by what other people are doing or not - I just ignore them, haha! You have come such a long, long way & there’s no going back, right? You take care :hug:

        Slo, you should have gone in that trip with your daughters if it was possible. I’ve been to France twice with my daughter & loved every minute. She has the French skills & she used them well. I hope your girls have a great trip. Maybe there will be another chance to go in the future

        Narilly, welcome back but sorry about the food poisoning, geez. That can’t be fun.
        Enjoy your warm weather this weekend.

        Peanut, CONGRATS on your 3 weeks AF and the 7 lb weight loss, yay!!
        Getting a pound off of my old body is like incredibly hard these days, Lol. Keep up the good work!

        Pav, hope you are improving & feeling better.

        Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All:

          Thanks for checking in NS and Byrdie. Good to see you both. Byrdie, that eye thing is so disappointing. I really feel that older women are ignored in healthcare. Like iff you were some famous basketball player they would have figured it out for you instead of guessing things. Who knows.

          Peanut, congratulations on 21 days, that's a huge milestones.

          My symptoms were body aches, congestion (like REAL congestion - could hardly move my head at some points), cough and fatigue. The cough is of course lingering, as is the fatigue, but I am healing slowly. I am not complaining - thank goodness the vaccines made it so much less. I am also really listening to my body because I heard that pushing it can be a cause of long covid. I don't have any research or evidence to back that up - just "heard," but it makes sense to me.

          Ava, I hope your trip up to Jasper's family was ok.

          Slo, France sounds lovely!

          Happy LONG weekend here in the US.



            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            We’ve had a few quick storms move thru today, didn’t last long. Looks like my son & his family will be here tomorrow to cookout instead of Monday, that’s fine with me.

            Pav, glad you’re coming out of the Covid funk. You’re smart to listen to what your body wants right now, why push it anyway? Lots of rest & fluids are in order I say

            Hello to the whole crew & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good Sunday morning!

              I’m thinking of Ava too, as she navigates a difficult & emotional weekend away at the funeral of little Jasper. This time hopefully your daughters could help with the driving anyways, so your carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t get worse.

              I got to go out to dinner last night with my mother & her partner, my sister, and a daughter & her husband! It was fun to see daughter with her cute pregnant belly. It was nice to have an invitation to do something on the weekend. And it’s frosty here with ex-HB, so, good to go out and do something.

              Food poisoning again, Narilly? Bummer. I’m glad the rest of the trip to Mexico was to your liking. And you’ve gotten used to traveling sans alcohol.

              Hopefully Covid detoxed a lot of junk out for you, Pav.

              Peanut! You’re staying focused and getting the job done! I admire you.

              I enjoyed a bike ride outside yesterday when the cooperated. Sending it your way for your cookout today, Lav.
              Last edited by Slo; May 29, 2022, 08:02 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                Thanks for the weather Slo, it was sunny & nice for the most part today
                We had a nice afternoon together with good food & a gallon of decaf iced tea!! Glad to hear you had a nice dinner out with family. I hope you receive many more invitations like that so you can enjoy your family.

                Hope everyone is OK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hey everyone, great to see so many people checking in over the last few days.

                  Byrdie - so good to see you. Sorry your eye is still bothering you, along with your heart. I hope the chocolates are a big hit at the gathering (I'm sure they will be!).

                  Pav - oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you got covid. Do you have any idea where/how you got it? I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Thanks for the nudge about getting a 2nd booster.

                  Kensho - as others have said, having the CT scan and knowing what's going on will hopefully help you manage and heal.

                  Ava - thinking of you this weekend

                  I'm definitely in the camp of people feeling overwhelmed by how bad things are going on this planet. As much as all of these things really feel horrible, which probably would have seemed like a good excuse to drink in the past, I would actually say it's all making me less and less likely to drink. Like I can barely handle it all sober, and I just know I'd never manage if I started drinking again.

                  So there's that.

                  Two more busy weeks of work and then back down to a more reasonable workload.

                  Hellos and waves to everyone. Here we go with another Monday Funday!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening nesters

                    thank you all for your kind thoughts. We flew up which was good but just waiting to get covid ha ha. I havent flown for years and forgot how much waiting you have to do. The funeral was beautiful but so very sad. I looked after my SIL's parents, one with alzheimers and one just old and very unstable walking. It was the least i could do and take one worry away from her. Luckily i escaped early as i had to take them home. It was a big funeral for such a little boy. He didnt get to meet many people but the ones he did, he touched their lives in so many ways. the nurses and doctors from PICU all attended which was lovely. Jasper's parents have now gone to Tasmania for 2 weeks which is much needed for them. No thoughts of drinking but i tell you i could have gone a fag! Its been an extremely hard few weeks and i dont seem to have much fuel left in my tank so going to spend some time on me.

                    Nar, glad you had a nice holiday, food poisoning, blah. Did you say you now have a job?

                    Pav, hope you are now human after covid.

                    Peanut, congrats on your 3 weeks plus, keep up the great work. Everything will settle down for you eventually. As i used to say to myself, i put this shit in my body, it now needs to get out!

                    Cold and rainy here, nearly hibernating weather for a few months.

                    take care xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      That’s a good point, Wags:we are in a better position to handle this rapidly changing and unstable world AF rather than as drinkers. There’s too much to drink AT, and we’d never break out of the cycle.

                      Lav, my aunt & uncle always keep a pitcher of decaf iced tea in their refrigerator. I’ll have to remember that one as an AF drink option!

                      I have started packing finally, a little bit each day. I am doing my last cleanings of the various rooms in my home of nearly 29 years. Daughter’s baby shower will be held here next weekend. Daughter’s friends identified the location of the shower on the invitations as being only ex-HB’s house; e.g. “John Doe’s home” with the address underneath, instead of just “the Doe residence”. I found it rather painful & unnecessary.
                      It’s a difficult time to leave my home, as the trees have all bloomed now, and the yard is so beautiful & fragrant. And I finally have time to sit & enjoy it.

                      Happy the the bereaved parents can get away for a couple weeks for restoration & healing together, Ava. And you too, as you say, need to take it easy and refill your tank. Such a hard time to get through without a fag to calm you down. But you did it!

                      I will pack up and head to daughter’s house tonight, and babysit the babies for the next three days. Monday Funday, but a holiday here in the states. Take care, all.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi, All:

                        You said it, Wags. I can't imagine having the cloud of alcohol and the uncertainty that it brings on top of everything else. Thank goodness we don't drink. Hope these few hard weeks go smoothly.

                        Slo, that does seem unnecessary, although she probably thought she was doing you a favor - that would be my guess. A baby shower sounds nice - I am at a phase in life where I have very few babies and toddlers. I am ready! My kids aren't, but I am...

                        Ava, good that you could help SiL with her parents and also give a focus for you. It is definitely time for some you time - take care!

                        Lav, stay cool or warm - whichever it is today. You have crazy weather.

                        Hi to everyone else. Happy SOBER Monday. The last memorial day before I quit drinking I went to a daytime party/concert and drank. I was miserable all night and couldn't sleep, was hungover and regretted drinking. It was awful. I am SO grateful that doesn't happen any more.



                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Glad to see so many checking in safe
                          I love being in a non-drinking crowd!!

                          Wags, overwhelmed or not we are getting thru this stuff unharmed, I am proud of all of us. Hope your schedule is kind to you for the summer.

                          Ava, I’m sure that funeral must have been quite difficult for all. Such a sad day.
                          Hope you stay healthy. I was just informed today my granddaughter has Covid. So many kids in her class have it now, it’s a shame but she’s not very sick. Just mild cold symptoms I’m told.

                          Slo, I wonder why your daughter’s friend chose todo that, seems borderline cruel & unnecessary. Continue with your packing & dreaming of a better future in your own home, you deserve that much :hug:

                          Pav, it was hot & humid today, pretty average for Memorial Day. Tomorrow it will feel like 100+ they say ~ isn’t that swell? Lol

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Just stopping in to say hello

                            Have a safe night all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy June! This is probably my favorite month of the year.

                              Good luck with your move, Slo, and enjoy getting to have everything your way. Feeling sad about what you are leaving behind seems totally normal to me. Transitions are tough. But you're going to be in such a better place (physically and mentally!) once you make it to the other side.

                              Congratulations on all of your AF days, Peanut. Isn't it nice to think of having no more day ones??

                              Glad you know to take care of yourself in stressful times, Ava. Drowning stress used to seem so easy and quick but man, way too much fall-out from that! I'm glad we're all learning better ways to cope.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone!
                                Oh Ava, I am so sorry about Jasper. My heart breaks for you. It is SO good that you are not drinking. xoxo Yes, I started a new job, it is just part time and I hardly have any hours yet but hopefully it will pick up. I don't mind working less during summer.

                                Peanut! Hello, keep on doing what you are doing, congratulations!

                                Hellow Lav with your beautiful chickens. Pav another sober Memorial day, Wags with another busy 2 weeks, SLO going through transitions, Byrdie with the beautiful (and I imagine delicious) chocolates, NS favourite month of June and GMAN who is raawkin.
                                This is my quick summary, sorry if I missed anyone.

                                I have planted all my flowers and my yard is starting to look fantastic. I love to garden so that is good.

                                Stay sober everyone!
                                Don't drink today xo

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

