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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Good to see you both NS & Narilly
    Gardening, chickens a few other things are my favorites BUT it’s >90 & humid here so staying cool is my focus these past few days. Looking forward to some thunderstorms tomorrow that will hopefully cool things off a bit.

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Flying by for a quick sober check-in. Ten more busy work days for me and then a break. I hope I make it! I know I won't drink that's for sure.

      Stay safe, healthy and sober everyone.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        Well a huge milestone for me today, after a year of dental work and being soooooooooo dental phobic, it is done. I walked out of there so proud of myself that i have done something for me and kept fronting up so this could be finished. It was on my list of "to do's" being sober and its done. The dentist showed me the before pics and no wonder i never smiled. The only issue i have now is that my tongue has no gaps to go into!

        Nar, i would love a part time job, winter or summer! Maybe in a few years. I love gardening too but its a bit cold atm (should not be whinging to you about that lol).

        Lav, suck to be having the humidty already, stay cool. you love the heat as much as i do!

        I managed a lovely walk with Carl and Bob today, they have not been out for a couple of weeks and i think it was more of a power walk for me. it was lovely to get out but we are in for a lot of rainy days.

        take care xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good morning,

          Transitions are hard. I’ve just gone through another really bad patch with grieving this transition and all. I think I’m stabilizing again, and realizing it’s for the best.

          Ava, I’m so proud of you, as I didn’t realize dental phobia was in the mix too! You did it! Your tongue has some getting used too for sure though!

          Pav, I see what you’re saying about the “dry spell” with babies & toddlers. If only a niece or nephew would have a baby until your kids are ready…

          Wags, no, you won’t have time to drink! And couldn’t risk it either. 10 more tough days is a long time, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel anyways, to motivate you along!

          Lav, at least you had your Memorial Day cookout was with the grandsons instead of the granddaughter! So no Covid exposure for you.

          Nar, glad you’re very part time so far so you can enjoy gardening season.

          Mabel’s awake and demanding attention, so signing off!
          Last edited by Slo; June 2, 2022, 07:35 AM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, All:

            I'm in a busy work time, too, Wags. Crawling toward graduation. As an alternative school we have more than our fair share of students who may or not make it to the finish line in June - but suddenly they're all trying! We got this...

            Slo, sorry you are having a rough patch. I always think of Mr. G - the only way out is through. You're a strong woman and you have this.

            Nar, glad you got the job. I do wish I was a gardener as I like a pretty and fruitful garden, but I just haven't gotten into it - yet. Maybe in my retirement... Sorry you got sick in Mexico, and glad you had fun.

            Hiya to everyone else. Happy SOBER Thursday. Have I already said this - lately I feel like in a time/space warp of some kind. Each day is so long, and yet time is passing so so so quickly on the calendar. How is it already June 2022???



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters,

              Honestly, I’m in some sort of time warp tooP av. Until noon today I was pretty sure it was Friday, haha!! When yo’re not heading out to work the days sort of blend into one another. I hope all the students due to graduate actually make it so

              Slo, we’re all sure you’re going to make it thru this transition. I know it’s hard right now but better times are coming, for sure.
              My granddaughter is returning to school tomorrow so I’m happy for her. That’s the 2nd of 3 grandkids to have Covid so far. Just glad they’re vaccinated.

              Ava, CONGRATS on the dental work finale, yay!!! Now that it’s all done do you feel a little less anxious about going to the dentist? You still need to take care of those new teeth & gums to keep ever ything healthy. We are very proud of you. Not only do I dislike this excessive heat but it’s been causing extra hot flashes for the past month, who needs this anyway??

              Wag, the end is in sight. I hope the next few weeks go by quickly for you

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                24 hours later & here I am again

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Mr. G is right. The only way out seems to be “through”. Thankfully I’ve had a few kind & wise friends helping me through this, plus my poor sister whom I lean on too heavily. I’m feeling at peace again about the divorce and leaving my home, and ready to push through the next big hump: family weekend this weekend for daughter’s baby shower, and closing on my condo and moving next week.

                  Glad your granddaughter got back to school in time to finish out the school year, Lav. Young daughter is going to work as a teacher’s aide at summer school this summer! Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was was taking little her to all the fun summer school classes?! Time sure does fly. And it sure is a busy time of year for you, Pav, when working in the schools.

                  No humidity here today, and even cooler out tomorrow.

                  Marching along in my AF life. Mr. G reminded me in a post on his thread that he, and therefore I, are coming up on 4 years AF!
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    evening nesters

                    Wow SLO, cant believe its been 4 years for you and Mr G. What a wonderful achievement. You have been through the ringer and have come out the other side still sober and stronger. Proud of you. Funny how we learn to deal with life sober and in our drinking days could never imagine dealing with the shit sober. Well i know i never thought i could or would. Im definitely in a better place not drinking.

                    Lav, i always get days mixed up and i see the date every day. I am loving this cold. Have started walking the dogs again and its fresh, every day i say i wont walk today but i know my mental health is much better for it. I dont miss summer at all except when we get lots of dreary days in a row. I will definitely be going to the dentist every 6 months, i am amazed at the difference on how they look and how more confident i am to smile. in a month or so i have a clean and teeth whitening and i still have the choice of a sedative if needed. my dentist is lovely but is moving as she is opening up her own practice but i will still see her, i trust her.

                    Pav, my son went to an alternative school years ago and if not for them he would have had very little schooling. He loved it and even though it took him two years to get his school certificate he did. I am forever grateful to the amazing teachers who teach for the love of the kids.

                    Getting closer to fostering dogs, my son and his old boss put one side fence up today and next weekend hopefully with do the other. it started raining and gets dark about 5pm so they had to stop. Im looking forward to fostering some special fur babies. It was that or volunteer in an op shop and i really dont need to be around more humans so fur babies it is.

                    Back to work for me on Monday, I am not as fragile as i have been so I am as ready as i will ever be. The PA is having a week off, she must have been overworked from doing my job, bless her. At least i have a week of peace without her.

                    take care xxx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      Lav, wow. 24 hours without another poster. I do believe this site is slowly dying for some reason. I got so much help here I am sad to see it

                      I am checking in sober without much to say. Still tons of work to close out the school year, and no, I'm not going to drink.

                      Slo, that sounds great - keep doing things on your own terms.

                      Happy SOBER Saturday,


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hot, hot LAV! It seems like we've arrived at summer all of a sudden, though its more mild here. Smells so good! Love the fresh cut grass smell.

                        Me too on busy days Wags. We can do it! What's your break?

                        Ava, YEA for your new smile!! Maybe you can work out a system where you alternate schedules with your PA!

                        Slo, hugs through your ups and downs. Divorce is hard. Take care of yourself and we are so proud of you for staying your AF path for nearly 4 years!

                        Pay, I can't imagine this site being gone. It saved my life. What a special group in this corner of the internet. I was so lucky to have met such wise people, and know that I will always need a group of support. I would hope there would be a way to stay in touch.

                        I cancelled my CT Scan. It would cost $800. And I'm feeling much better. I still don't know if it's muscular or intestinal, but bloodwork showed no infection and she couldn't feel any masses or bulges. I think she thinks I'm dramatic, but I was seriously down for two weeks. Maybe it was a strain, in combination with a virus. I'll schedule again if it comes back.

                        I've been seriously unmotivated with work. BUT I have some new deadlines that have made my to-do list more urgent and detailed. Time to get busier - as long as I can still enjoy some time to myself each day. Life is NOT all about work, but it sure helps pay for some necessary or fun, if lucky, things.

                        Enjoy the day everyone.
                        Last edited by KENSHO; June 4, 2022, 03:02 PM.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          Glad to see some happy faces today
                          I do realize that most people are a lot busier than I am & finding a few minutes to post may not even be possible. I just want to feel sure that everyone is doing oK & apparently they are
                          No news here, just keeping busy & trying to enjoy a little time outdoors but the pollen is in beast mode here haha.

                          Slo, time does fly but I’m finding it’s not always a bad thing. You have worked so hard & come so far in the past 4 years. You deserve a peaceful life & it’s right around the corner. We’re here for you!

                          Ava, if I had a fenced yard I’d foster some pups too. We have too big of a property to fence in though & trying to fence just a little part would make it really hard to cut grass on the tractor (so I am told). Nice of you to help out with the pups. Hope your work week goes well.

                          Pav, I think we’ll be around a while longer although finding new members has been slow & difficult. Someone did put a FB group together a while ago but I had forgotten about that. At least a lot of us can still connect there. I hope your year end activities wrap up nice for you.

                          Kensho, you know when you’re not feeling right & you know when you’re feeling better. A CT scan doesn’t always show something, sometimes it’s the food or combination of foods that cause us grief. I have been thru so many times in my life where I was ‘sure’ there was something wrong & it turned out to be a food intolerance. I never used to be a picky eater but now I have no choice. For me it was the old trail & error method that helped me find my comfort spot. I hope you can work it out too. Good luck with your projects.

                          Hello to anyone else looking in & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning Nesters,
                            it's been waaaay to long.. i've definitely been one of the no shows.. even though i'm one that still really needs help, advice, support and a place to come each day, or several times a day. any time i've been successful in sobriety, it's been in conjunction with this site and all of you. i've been here long enough to see so many get and stay sober.. i don't know why i continue to be such a lost cause. it is getting worse/different. i seem to be in a sort of cycle, where i get 10 days or so, feel great, drink again (with some forethought that i shouldn't/don't want to) and have a 4 day terrible binge. i've been doing exactly what i shouldn't.. and haven't felt like i could reach out for help because i know i'll fail again anyway.. and i'm so sick and tired of lying and disappearing. i guess there's still a part of me that wants more than anything to have what you all have.. maybe i'm too lazy to do the work? when the urge to drink comes, it feels too difficult to say no, to do something/anything else till it passes. i keep telling myself, "just this last time.. and if i can't stop myself i'll get help".. well you all know how long that's been going on. somehow i do still have hope that i can go through what needs to be done and find some peace of mind. i woke up during the night and thought of Ava and Pav and Gman and Kensho.. your stories are most present in my mind and you all did it. Along with NS and Slo, Wags, Nar, Byrdie, of course Lav, before my time here.. Lots of others, too.. i hope this site doesn't disappear as it has helped so many people.. myself as well, even though i haven't yet completely found my way out.. it's an important place.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Evening nesters

                              Lovely to see you back LC. Your not a lost cause at all and you keep coming back, cudos girl. I used to think that i had done 11 days so now i could control my drinking as i had never been sober 11 days before. yeah right! NS told me to pick a quit date (hated her for that) and i picked a date 2 or 3 weeks after (and i was so sick of her asking me constantly). 1st December it was and like you, i saw the others on here not drinking and thought maybe i could do this. No faith in myself though. As you have said, being on here gives you that accountability, start with that. Dont push yourself to climb mountains, just push yourself to not drink. When that al voice gets bad, log on here and read around, i found reading about the successful ones kind of gave me some hope at that time to not drink. One day at a time and 10 days is a great achievement, dont beat yourself up. We are all here for you.

                              Kensho, i am so happy about finally getting my teeth done. Oh ive given up on the PA, i swear if she tells me how busy she is one more time, i will knock her into next week. Back to work tomorrow and she is off so a bit of peace.

                              Lav, i cant wait to foster dogs, the kids say i will get too attached and yep i will but thats okay, its good to cry a lot.

                              Take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Another really nice day here, can’t complain

                                LC, first of all, great to see you back & secondly you CAN QUIT forever if that’s what you choose to do! It’s always a choice. I made my choice & sticking with it hasn’t been problematic because it was MY choice. You can do the same with a good plan & a solid commitment. Early in any quit the ‘automatic voice’ is horrendous, learn to shut it off. Stop whatever you're doing & do something else - the distraction method works like a charm. Practice saying No Thank You out loud & keep saying it until you truly believe yourself. I did all that, it works. Mostly, I was sick & tired of disappointing myself (and others) so I decided to make a change. Never forget, AL is not your friend, never has been & never will be. You can do this, stick with us :hug:

                                Ava, I wish you a peaceful week at work

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

