Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone!
Hey LIFE:heartbeat: So nice to see you here. You know you can do this, right? They say "one day at a time" for a reason in AA. Don't think too far out into the future, just don't drink TODAY. I have a few stories of the past few times I drank that I have put in my notes on my phone. When I need a reminder on why I can't drink I read the notes. That is super helpful.
I used to beat myself up all the time too and had to make myself stop doing that. I was meaner to myself than anyone would be and that was very detrimental to my self esteem. I would think of myself as a little girl and then think "what would I say to this little girl". That little girl needs you to love her Life because that is you.
Those drinking thoughts, just let them go by like clouds in the sky. Go have something to eat, go for a walk, have ice cream, whatever it takes to distract yourself. xoxo
Pav, I would love to go to Italy and that is exactly what scares me, the wine culture. We are strong enough in our quit now though, we could travel anywhere!
Ava-a tatoo? That is cool. I am glad your teeth are done.
Wags- time to get ready to enjoy summer

NS- what are you cooking in your crock pot? I am interested to know cause you are such a good cook. Lav and Byrdie are great cooks too of course.
Peanut, keep up the good work. I feel smug around hungover people too, haha. We have to take some joy in that.
GMAN xoxo
Have a great sober day everyone!
Don't drink today.