Hiya Nest. I'm snotting and sneezing and coughing all over everything this morning. It feels like a bad cold. My Dr. said I am lucky to be updated on vaccines, and the chances of a major covid event are very unlikely. Still, I've felt yucky for four days, and have a few more, I'm sure. I'd rather be at the lake, or camping or going for morning runs.
Slo, yea that you are enjoying your exercise! It's a fantastic way to transition through anything in life. I hope you enjoyed your bike ride last night. Nice that you could spend time with your family from the past. At least some of them are in their right mind.

Lav, I'll go to Pauly's fund page. I always think about what I would need in instances like that, and feeling the support of a community is tops on my list. I didn't know her well, but feel sad for her.
LC, yes I find birds to be one of the most cheerful things there are. I am particularly fond of robins because they remind me of a safe and happy space growing up. I can't say I know all the names of the species, but I'll look the ones up that you mentioned - I find it fun to see and hear new varieties in other places. We have a lot of smaller birds, blue jays, sparrows, doves - big birds here too - herons, eagles, egrets, pelicans. But it's the little ones with pretty songs that seem to tell me the world is still ok

I am loving hearing about farm stays in Italy. We cancelled our trip in March 2020, and are still wanting to reschedule. Like you PAV, we found charming little places all over and had a hard time choosing! We watched some neighbors essentially do our entire trip itinerary this last couple weeks on Facebook, and it made me want to change it up when we are able to plan it again. I'm worried about what this virus might do though - it seems sneaky. I am concerned that there will be variants that vaccines don't work for - we'd better plan soon!
I'm going to try to get some work done today - feeling a little less brain fogged, and it might be a nice distraction. Feeling lucky and happy here, and just weathering the snot-storm!
Have a good day everyone!