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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters,
    Wow - I had to go back several pages to catch up. I really don't come on here often enough. Maybe a good sign, as I am doing just fine. But also just very, very tired in the evenings and not enough energy to do much at all. But I do seem to wash a lot of dishes for some reason. Hmm.... adult children.... still like kids.... need to stop taking care of them.... wasn't there just a conversation about this??

    6 weeks sober today. Day 42. Last week, I connected with my girlfriend who I will be seeing in July, who is now 43 weeks sober. She sent me a Catharine Gray book (Quit Lit, she calls it - I had to make her repeat that 3 times on the phone last week). It will be wonderful to get together to talk with her about this journey, and it sounds like she needs someone to talk to as well. She said something interesting on the phone: "we've been drinking since we were 15 years old!!!" It was the WE that got me. Yes, WE have, together since we were teenagers. And WE will be ending this together too. Good! I had a physical last week and all that pertains, blood work a couple days ago, an abdomenal untrasound to check my liver at the end of the month, have to go for a mamogram in the fall and I have an appointment to set up a colonoscopy (my dad had colon cancer) - I think my doc wants to check me out completely as I will be 61 in a month. I guess it is not a bad idea to give my body the once over after I have abused it for so long!!! And, so far have lost 13 lb. Feeling much better. I just wish the sleep thing would improve!!!

    Sounds like everyone is very busy. Condos and funerals, travel (please can I go to Italy too???), grandbabies (I want those too) and warm weather. It is finally going to be hot here on the northern prairies. And it's about time too.
    I just taught one of my technicians a new task and I think I will leave early, as I believe I might just have a bit of a cold!!!! Not feeling quite well!
    I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and gets some well deserved rest and relaxation!
    xoxo Peanut


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Boy was it hot today - 96 humid degrees, yuck. Cold front on the way so we will have below normal temps this weekend, go figure

      Peanut, Congrats to you on your 6 AF weeks, that’s great!! Glad you heard from your friend, I’m sure your visit next month will be awesome!

      Belle, I hope your weekend is OK despite the funeral. I also hope you feel more peaceful in in your quit, you deserve that!

      LC, sounds like a fun weekend, enjoy the pie baking

      Slo, having the right people & the right friends around you is so important. I pick up on people’s negativity & it affects me more than you know. That’s why my husband’s chronic & severe depression got to me & I tried everything to cope but finally hit the wall. Looking back now it was just stupid of me to think I could wait it out & numb myself until he was better’. I had to mentally & emotionally remove myself from his angst. I think you’re doing the best thing setting up a new & improved life for yourself.

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nesr!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by KENSHO View Post
        Hi Nest

        Speaking of G - are you out catching waves? Chasing senoritas? I hope you are well my friend. Miss hearing from you more often!
        Hola friend Kensho and nester's near and not so far.

        Looking for another Senorita after my latest squeeze pulled the plug! lol. Well, long distance affairs are difficult to be sure. Next!

        All's well here. Fairly busy and important vibe on the G man resting face this month...a few projects on the go. Great to have opportunities to be occupied with. Big waves to evabody.

        Peanut, big congrat's on 6 weeks + AF. Smokin'!!

        Yo LC and Belle. Keep it rolling. x

        Surf's indeed UP!
        Last edited by Guitarista; June 17, 2022, 07:43 PM.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nesters,

          Nice day here as was promised but the allergens came along with the cooler weather, Lol
          Better that sweating & being miserable I guess

          G, what’s wrong with these women?? Don’t they know who you are?
          Maybe the locals would be better in the long run. Now go find yourself a good one

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            I’m having such a wonderful time at my friends’ house! The weather is perfect this weekend. They’re such great hostesses! She & I sit outside a lot; we grilled out with him (husband) too; the three of us played Bananagrams. We went for a bike ride, we went kayaking. He took me for a ride in his Corvette. We’re going out for dinner soon. She’s such a great conversationalist!
            I hope LC is having a good time too! Sounds like you’ll have lots of fresh air and physical activity. Hopefully your good friend knows to keep the alcohol away.

            I used to read quit lit (!) too. It was helpful in the early days. There’s some good ones out there!

            I’d better get going…ta-ta for now!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Slo - sounds like a wonderful weekend with friends. So glad you're having such a great time.

              G - sorry to hear about the end of relationship. Sounds like you have a healthy perspective. It never makes sense to stay with someone who doesn't want to be in partnership. Keep your heart open and what is meant to be will unfold.

              My wife and I went to our city's LGBTQ+ Pride festival. It was raining but tons of people were there and it was a lot of fun.

              Hellos and waves Lav, Peanut, and everyone else hanging out in the nest. Happy weekends to you all!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                hi Nesters,

                just an accountability post for me this evening.. i had a really nice weekend with my friend.. lots of harvesting and pulling out thistle, swimming and hanging out. there was no chance of me drinking there as my drinking has caused lots of issues with our friendship.. we were able to talk about it a bit and she's trying to cut down her alcohol intake so she didn't drink at all.. which was good for me.
                i am feeling a bit down on returning home and just binged on a bunch of sweets.. i think i need a good nights sleep and a gym session.. didn't manage to get there at all last week. i was just too exhausted. but tomorrow i have to go regardless of how tired i might feel.. i know it will help. and i need to stay glued here.. i don't want to take any chances on derailing myself. day 15 today..:happy2: that's a very positive thing!

                Peanut, good to see you!
                [MENTION=3200]Belle[/MENTION], how are you? i hope you're doing alright after the funeral.. i would love to virtually hold hands with you!

                will check in again in the morning with my coffee in hand.. have a nice evening everyone!xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  Another really nice day here, feeling blessed.
                  We just recently purchased an air fryer lid to go with the Instant pot. Tried it out with sweet potato fries - yum. Works great, crispy fries, little to no oil, yay.

                  Slo, so glad to hear you’re having a nice weekend with friends. They sound like keepers to me

                  Wags, great that you two enjoyed the Pride festival - even in the rain. Hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful too.

                  LC, sweets once in a while is OK. I never wanted them when I was drinking, different story now. Glad your weekend visit went well!
                  Good job on your 15 days AF :welldone: keep them going & you’ll have zero regrets!

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Those summer weekends away sound delightful!

                    Lav, I've been thinking about getting an air fryer - with crispy sweet potato fries without oil being a main reason!

                    We had a really great father's day BBQ/ party at our house with old friends. It was a beautiful day and great to catch up. We BBQd and others brought sides and desserts. They are all amazing cooks and the food was delicious. I ate PLENTY of it!!!!

                    Hi to you all,


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      That’s exciting that your Instapot converts to an air fryer too, Lav! Air fryers are all the rage now.

                      I was just happy that I could socialize with ease well enough this weekend without alcohol! That skill has been challenging for me to develop. I ordered NA beer when out for dinner with my friend, which was her cue that she could have her Chardonnay’s that she likes to have on weekends. And he was home having his own drinks on the patio while watching the sun set -so I didn’t totally get in the way of their weekend drinks! Well if anyone should understand, it’s those two: they’ve each lost a sibling to alcoholism.
                      Then I met my mother’s friends on Sunday and joined them for a brunch. Of course breakfast & brunch can no longer be counted on to be an AF meal, as the requisite mimosas & Bloody Mary’s have to be there and being pushed on the guests. I’m getting good at ignoring such things though.

                      I’m glad your weekend away went well too, LC. Sugar cravings come with the territory of early sobriety. And actually, I went back to sugar a week ago. I’m just not comfortable being sugar-free. I’m not planning to go nuts, but a small treat each day.
                      I bring food with me when I travel too; like my popcorn for my comfort food if I need some soothing carbs; and some sandwiches if I need extra protein for stability. In this way I ward off alcohol cravings. I pay attention to hungry-angry-lonely-tired. I had a great night’s sleep at their house, with the window open right above the bed with warm, fragrant breezes gently blowing in all through the night, and gentle birdsong in the morning!

                      Hopefully Belle had a decent weekend away too, even though a funeral was in the mix.
                      Oh, I’m just so sad for Pauly! To think she has to bury her beloved husband, and after a sudden death.

                      G, I didn’t know you were keeping up with your senorita friend after returning from South America. Ouch, but hopefully for the best what with the long distance.

                      Good to hear from you, Peanut! You are really plugging along and getting this done.

                      Glad the parade was still fun, Wags. You’re getting hit with a lot of rain up that way.
                      By the way, I’m in the upper midwest, LC.

                      Let’s all hunker down in the nest and have a safe night. There’s strength in numbers!
                      Last edited by Slo; June 19, 2022, 11:18 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters!

                        Lav, i would love to have an air fryer.. if i only had the space!! sweet potato fries are TDF.. yummy.. i thought of you when i was at my friend's.. she's got 5 hens and a rooster plus 4 chicks.. one of the hen is sitting on her eggs at the moment.. i can't remember if you have a rooster?

                        Slo, sounds like a lovely weekend you had! such nice friends.. it's great that you get on with the husband as well.. i don't know why i thought you lived in Florida? thank you for the advice/reminder about bringing snacks along. and i should just plan in a sweet treat each day for now.. it might help with controlling the binges. eating too much sugar has a super negative effect on me which is why i was feeling so yucky yesterday.. i also didn't eat so well this weekend.. neither my friend nor i felt like cooking so we lived on bread and cheese and cake!.. not the best nutrition for me.. so back on track today. are you living in your condo now? or still in the process of moving in?

                        Peanut, congratulations on 6 weeks+! i really liked the book by Catharine Gray.. might read it again, in fact.. i'm reading, "The Outrun", by Amy Liptrot right now.. also a getting sober memoir, but also a very interesting history of her youth on Orkney/Scottland.. i'm really enjoying getting to know the land/wildlife/people who live up there..

                        more i wanted to say.. reply to, but i can't remember!! and now i've got to get the "kids" up and ready for school.. we're having a lovely rain after a boiling hot day yesterday.. thank goodness!
                        wishing you all a lovely day.. big hugs and see you


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          a nice entry from the little book of meditations i read each day..

                          ""There's no running away from the internal strife. Whatever haunts us must finally be confronted and resolved if we're ever to grow and thus contribute to our world its due. When we keep secrets locked away, the secrets begin to keep us locked away as well. It is folly, and yet entirely human, to think a new location, a new job, a new lover will cure whatever troubles us. The truth is, however, that whatever trips us up is at the same time trying to edge us forward to new awareness, and thus the next level of growth. Our troubles are tools for a strengthened foundation. Without them we'd soon crumble. When we consider the conflicts we encounter as opportunities for further development, they excite us rather than provoke anxiety. Changing our perspective can make the same scene appear quite new.""

                          i, myself, have been one to try changing everything from location to jobs to boyfriends rather than face the truth. No more of that!! i'm staying put now to deal with anything and everything that comes up.. (with the help/support of you all!:love


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Originally posted by Slo View Post
                            the three of us played Bananagrams. He took me for a ride in his Corvette. !
                            If y'all end up at the local swingers club, just remember - 'it's not on if it's not on'......:happy2:

                            Have a great week evabody. Thanks for your supportive words.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Evening greetings Nesters,

                              Real nice day here, can’t complain
                              I used the air fryer lid today to cook chicken cutlets, boy were they good sliced up on a salad. I think I’m getting the hang of this thing just after two tries, haha!! They fried 5 minutes on each side with just a light spray of olive oil on top for crispness, yum.

                              Pav, your BBQ sounds nice, glad you enjoyed the gathering.

                              Slo, you’re doing great creating a new life & lifestyle for yourself! Be happy & be proud of your accomplishments.

                              LC, you sound good too. I like your morning meditation, changing our thinking is exactly what we have to do to succeed. Keep up the good work!

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Great to see people enjoying some outings with friends! Yea SLO... sounds like great fun!

                                Wags, glad you got to go to the festival even with rain.

                                I have to say that we have an air fryer but don't use it much because it gives off a very chemical smell/taste still, and the food seems tainted. Yuck! Sounds like you all got better versions!

                                LC, I like that meditation. Thanks for sharing... glad you're having a good weekend.

                                Sorry to hear about your lady G. The right one is out there for you!

                                I'm still in a brain fog with Covid. Positive test for 8 days now, and just wanting to move on. I wonder if I'll ever be sharp again! The last thing I want to do is work on design details. I'd rather sleep and watch tv. I'm sure I'll feel good again at some point. This one is a doozy!

                                No drinking here. Not for 4.5 years. I won't look back now... I have rewired and reworked my thinking and it would be such a shame to start again. I have no doubts that within a very short time, I'd be right where I left off!

                                Best to everyone... Slo, I'm going to get some brownies
                                Last edited by KENSHO; June 20, 2022, 08:09 PM.

                                Done. Moving on to life.

