Well was feeling better earlier today until conversation with a relative got me spinning into a somber mood. Family can be so difficult to navigate. All the deceptions over the years are divisive and then people just drift apart yet are still connected. I always foolishly tried to be the healer and somehow turned into the scapegoat

A quote from Samuel Johnson I should have learned years ago "He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts"
LC - I am in the North East U.S. Also yes I got in a ride on my trainer and plan to take my 1st ride outside this year next week. I'm usually outside by early March but this has been an exceptionally
tough year as I kicked it off with 3 weeks of Covid with an encore of bronchitis followed by a few months of foolishly drinking in hyper mode. Time to Ride!!
Wags - Me thinks your brother is a smart & informed person - grim indeed. Our only hope is from above.
Belle - Congrats on 10 days. I hope to stay right behind you. Keep on strong!!
Lav - Curve balls of life ain't that the truth !! Congrats on 49!! Also thanks for your encouragement a couple days back.
Well work tomorrow nite then 8 days off!! Wishing everyone a great AF weekend.... hyper