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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    hi Nesters!

    quick accountability check in for me.. i'm sooooo tired today and in a bit of a foul mood.. bummer. my boyfriend is getting on my nerves.. and i'm not exactly sure why.
    i think it's because on one hand, i feel so close to him, he's fun to be around and we can spend days together.. almost feels like a best friend.. but then, there are certain things, when i bring them up to talk about, he blanks me.. it's not a blatant blank.. but he gives me the shortest answers possible and that's it.. change the subject. it's frustrating...but i guess i have to remember, he is a guy..not a best girlfriend.. ughhh.. i'm probably pms-ing.. i'm certain i still have symptoms even though i haven't had my period for 5 years!

    good to see you, Ava!! have a lovely time with your eldest and fur grandbaby!! how wonderful to have the whole of August off work.. sounds like a dream!!

    Slo, enjoy the tme with your friend.. i've got an ikea trip planned for the near future.. i always like the thought of going, but tend to get overwhelmed and get a headache when i'm there! will definitely plan in a coffee/cake break.. hope your daughter recovers quickly.. what a drag to have it again..

    hi Lav! we've got some hot days predicted for the week after next! i know they can't really see that far into the future.. but seeing 109°F printed next to Berlin almost caused me to fall off my chair!! won't throw myself into a tizzy ahead of time..

    see you all later!xxx
    Last edited by lifechange; July 9, 2022, 12:28 PM.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Nest! Checking in as I rest up at a lake in Nebraska. Third day into our 10 day camping road trip. We are visiting some friends with a boat. It’s hot, but windy and I get sea sick, so it’s just me and my dog hanging on the beach in shade while the others brave the waves. I feel a little antisocial but the time to myself is really quite nice.

      Nice that you have company Slo! That’s a great way to break in a place of your own.

      I didn’t catch what happened to your pup Hyoernova, but I’m sorry to hear he/she is hurting.

      Hi LC! Sorry you’re feeling annoyed! Men can be so “brief”. I thought 103 here was hot, but it’s typical. 109 in Berlin?!?! Stay cool!

      I’m watching lots of groups of people on the beach and many of them have drinks in hand. I am so glad I’m not still drinking. I would be sneaking drinks for sure, trying not to seem buzzed because I wouldn’t want to wait until dinner. UG. I can only imagine how much worse my bad habits would be now if I hadn’t quit 4 years ago. Luckily, the people we are with aren’t big in the alcohol department.

      Hello to everyone here. I’m not sure I’ll have internet service in the mountains we travel to next. Have a good, safe week!

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Still quite damp here but the temp has dropped into the 70’s. Can’t have everything I guess!

        Kensho, I get sea sick too so staying behind is fine with me, haha.
        I wouldn’t want to be in the hot 103 degree sun with a drink in my hand, ugh. Be extra glad we don’t drink

        LC, I sure hope the forecast is wrong, geez! 109 is awful wherever yo are.
        I am at the point where I just call or text a friend when I have something to say because I know no one is truly listening around here, haha!! Hang in there

        Slo, nice you have a visitor already. Things will get more ‘normal’ for you, you’ll see.
        Take care of that knee, you know the drill. I hope your daughter is better very soon.

        Ava, a 4 week break from work - wow, never had one of those! Make sure you do some fun & relaxing stuff & not just the garage clean out.

        Pav is still in Italy I guess?

        One week from today I will be at a Christmas in July craft fair. Have a few things to finish getting ready but i’m mostly done. Just found out today they will be requiring masks, the event is indoors at a senior community & the Covid transmission rate is still fairly high in our county. We gotta do what we gotta do.
        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          hi Nesters,

          not a lot to say today.. just hanging in there.. blah day..

          sounds like a fun camping trip, Kensho!! thank goodness you're not having to worry about sneaking drinks.. nightmare!!! and there's never enough.. have fun in the mountains!

          good luck getting your things ready for the craft festival, Lav! fun.. Christmas in July!

          ok.. off for a nap..xx


            Re: Newbies Nest

            me again!!!
            made it through another day.. sometimes that's what it feels like.. not a bad day, just a meh day.. sort of weepy. i had my guy leave early today 'cause i wanted to be alone.. did have some thoughts of drinking, but not serious thoughts.. i don't want to go back there! i'm going to try improving my nutrition tomorrow.. it's been 5 weeks and i've been eating a lot of carby crap.. chips and cookies, etc. (think i must be craving carbs as a replacement for all the beer i was drinking..?) tomorrow i'm going to try and begin at least eating whole food carbs! i think that could help to stabalize and improve my mood.. more veggies and healthy proteins would also help immensely, i'm sure.

            i hope you've all had a good and easy weekend! [MENTION=3200]Belle[/MENTION], how are you holding up? did you have a nice outing with your daughter?
            and [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION], how's your little patient doing?



              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi crew,

              Yo LC! Smokin' gf.

              Safe travels to yo and fam friend Kensho!

              Pav's in Italy? So cool. I'm re reading the 5 a.m. club by Robin Sharma. It's a great read weaving 'elite' personal development into an entertaining story. In one chapter, the writer describes the streets of Rome and all it's history and vibrant life. I wanna go there next! Pav, did u hit Roma?

              Hope pup's doing ok Hyper. Take care of yourself.

              Hi Belle. W'dup?

              Craft fair sounds the ticket Lav. Still a lot of daily covid infections here. The hospital system must be over breaking point! Sheesh. I'm so thankful and in awe of our health care workers. Ava is one of them.

              All's ok here. Ya gotta roll with the punches as they say. Big waves to evabody.
              Last edited by Guitarista; July 10, 2022, 04:04 PM.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Yep G, that’s me rollin with the punches. What else can we realistically do these days?

                The sun has returned & it’s not too hot - yet! I’m sure the rest of the week will heat up as usual. Grateful my craft fair is indoors next weekend in the AC!!!

                LC, have you ever given L-glutamine a try? I used it to kill the sweet cravings I had after quitting drinking, works like a charm. Check your tool box & see what you can do to help pull yourself out of the current funk. I also (still) listen to meditations nightly as I’m going to sleep. Those original MWO CDs I used in the beginning made a big difference in my mood. Give yourself all the help you can to ensure your success.

                Kensho, hope your trip is going well, Pav too. Hello to Wags, NS & everyone.
                Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  LC - I second the L-glutamine suggestion from Lav. It really helps with cravings for sweets/sugars/al and maybe some others too. I hope the 109 F temps don't hurt too bad. Is Berlin a city that typically gets hot weather or no? I ask because our city rarely gets over 100, even the 90s would be considered very hot for here, and thus a lot of homes and public buildings don't have air conditioning. Is Berlin ready for such hot temps?

                  Lav - the Xmas in July sounds like fun. I hope your last week of prep goes smoothly.

                  Kensho - sounds like a great time in Nebraska, and good on you for honoring your self-care needs and staying on shore. Yet another example of the strength and self-respect you've developed since your quit!

                  Hellos and waves to Slo, G and everyone else stopping by the nest. Hanging in there in Wag-land. I've tied a knot and am on self-belay. One day at a time. Coming up on my 6-year Quit-a-versary in about 2 weeks so that's a bonus.

                  Stay cool everyone!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hey everyone. Thanks LC & G for checking on my pup. He is coming along I guess. Finally took a poop so that’s progress. Goes on Tuesday to have bandage changed. Just hard cause he has to be caged or in small room. I have a shower stall that is perfect and with his bed in there he sleeps like a baby. Guess the meds knock him out. But thanks to everyone who inquired on him. Hopefully he won’t injure himself when he bolts because of another firework. You can never really know how a dog is cause he can’t tell you but I know him well so I compensate by watching and talking to him. At least he always listens to me. I actually think he understands more than many people. Each day does seem like a week though cause I feel his angst. Glad he had the surgery while the restaurant I work at is closed. Going to try and take a few more days off if possible. This is a rough patch for me and I have a few times felt like jumping off to relieve the stress but can’t tell you how many times I have done that. You know what, it never works!! So holding on well at day 16. Had a great conversation with a true friend today. What a treasure a true friend can be!! Well it is early Monday and my pup needs me to be rested so off to bed. Hoping everyone is going to have a good. AF week.
                    My best to all flocking to the nest to remain AF….. hyper


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      hi Nesters!

                      thanks for the reminder, Lav, both of Lglutamine.. (ordered!) and the meditation cd's.. Kensho was so sweet to send me her MWO cd's years ago.. it did help to use them and i will try them again. the sun is shining today and it isn't meant to be too hot, so that helps, too.. plus i went to the gym and had a healthy lunch. things are looking up!

                      Wags, we're a lot like you as far as weather goes.. even a touch further north, i think.. up until about 10 years ago, we had snow during the winters and 90° was the warmest we ever had.. so, no AC here except in some of the grocery stores (also new-ish).. it's frightening to say the very least! a friend of mine, who has a 12 year old son, told me that he's only experienced snow in Berlin once.. in 2020 it snowed for 2 weeks.. when my kids were young, 15 years ago, everybody had a sled with which to take the kids to Kindergarten during winter months.. it was often waist high and went on for at least 2 months each year.. sad..
                      [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION], you're such a good dog mama!!!! what a lucky pup to have you taking such care.. how old is Fido? so glad you could talk to a good friend! i find that even if i don't think i feel like talking to a friend (seems sometimes like such an effort!) it always does me good, helps pull me out of my own mind.. well done on not jumping off. this period of time is definitely strengthening your sober muscles! how long will the post op period last?

                      hi Gman! good to see you..

                      not much going on here today.. have to go into work for a bit and will otherwise relax.. my main colleague is leaving Wednesday for 5 weeks!!!:egad: there are still 2 of us but it will be aaaaalot more work.. praying that it doesn't actually heat up as much as predicted!

                      wishing you all a good


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Monday morning,

                        LC, PMS symptoms on top of alcohol withdrawal sure will = a blah day, unfortunately. But as [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION] used to say, she usually didn’t have two bad days in a row.

                        I am detoxing from other things, like excess “vitamin” A and some metals like copper, and I hit such a terrible trough with my detox symptoms always as the full moon approaches. It is mentally, physically, & emotionally quite taxing. So I get it, as I’m not feeling great right now either.
                        I have adjusted things this time: stopped taking some of my supplements that push the detox (like selenium, molybdenum…) and added vitamin B1 & B2 for this week, so am not hitting the skids quite as badly this time around. Am still anxious for July 13th (full moon) to come and be over with though, so I can feel better and have more energy after that.
                        As far as your guy goes, I get the frustration. I understand too that a guy is not like a female friend, but to never be able to communicate, to never be able to say what I need to say and be heard & understood; to not be able to cooperate & collaborate together on shared visions…I couldn’t take it anymore, and left the marriage. To think that all the scores of all the sports games that he watches are what matter so much in life, and I’m just an irritating interruption from the sports.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Monday evening Nesters,

                          82. & sunny here today, really nice but tomorrow it all changes of course. I’ve been watching the moon as well knowing that it always disrupts my sleep for a few days. Not much. I can do about that!

                          Wags, glad you’re treading carefully with everything. I’ve taken care of all our parents to some degree or the other so I know exactly how stressful it can be. Keep your self-care routine up & just do what you can for now. Big anniversary coming up for you, yay!

                          Hyper, so glad to hear your pup is doing well. I get along better with my dogs (always have) than most people so you’re not alone in that category. I’m sure he knows how much you care. Take care of yourself too, doing great on 16 days AF!!

                          LC, there’s a certain political party here that thinks climate change is ‘fake science’. What’s it going to take to convince people who just don’t want to see what’s right in front of their eyes. The whole world is changing fast as evidenced by bizarre weather. I hope your extra work coming up isn’t too bad. Keep looking after you first & foremost.

                          Slo, I hope the B vits help. You thru the week, full moon & all!
                          I can remember my husband, about 40 years ago walking thru the room while I was talking to a girlfriend on the phone. He said something like ‘why don’t you ever laugh like that when you talk to me’? I’’ve thought a lot about that comment over the years & decided being married to a chronically depressed person just isn’t easy. There was never much to laugh about & I was always looking for ways to make him smile without having much luck. So, it’s not my fault or your fault that we both ended up with people who had their minds focused on other things, right? You’re doing great, stay well!

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nets!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey all,
                            Time does fly...I'm still hangin' in there. Busy weekend. Thursday took daughter to campus (got nowhere on the housing scene), but I had the best Avocado Panini at Busboys an Poets restaurant! Worth the trip!

                            Then on the weekend had to take daughter for bloodwork, fingerprinting and a basic lifesaving course, all needed to start her job at the mental hospital. Pretty much ate up my entire weekend, and here it is Monday again.

                            I'll have to read back, I'm trying to heat up last night's leftovers with no working microwave oven. Hubs ordered the part but now he just has to install it ("just"'s never that easy).

                            [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION], I guess I lost the storyline. What happened to your pup? It sounds like he is on the mend. I started my pup on prozac a couple of days ago. Because of her extreme anxiety and she also just seems depressed sometimes. I didn't want to medicate her, but I feel so bad for her being afraid of almost everything (except other dogs, fireworks and thunder...go figure).

                            Son is on an overnight "tubing" expedition where he and two friends will stay in a cabin tonight. Mom worries, but what can I do...he's 22.

                            And after all I did for daughter she has been a little too sassy to me lately. We're going to have to straighten that out. AND I have done all I can do about her college housing issues. She is going to have to "man up" and deal with it herself. She chose to stay at this college knowing all the issues there, so she will have to deal with the whole package.

                            Corn is on the boil...later, folks.

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              morning Nesters!

                              quick accountability fly by today on my way to work!
                              see you all this afternoon..xx


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Half of my post cut off yesterday, but I was saying, Hypernova; that that post-surgical time when you have to keep the dog from moving much and keep it from biting out the incision line is a tough, tricky time. Sounds like you have feathered a nice nest for your dog to keep it from running around. You’re a caring pet dad -lucky dog! I know it is trying, and lucky that the restaurant is closed so you can spend the extra time with your recovering dog instead of going to work…although, double-edged sword, as that’s a little trying to your sobriety. Hang in there; you’re doing well!

                                Belle, lots going on for you too. Sounds like good boundaries with your daughter…you can’t solve all her problems for her.

                                I’m just absolutely exhausted, so had to give up and fall into bed very early last night. I will feel better soon; the full moon is tomorrow! That houseguest I had made it sound like she was only going to stay over for one night -but she ended up staying three nights! And she prides herself on staying up really late into the night, so I was staying up past midnight to be a good hostess (then would leave her to sit up by herself until 2am or so). Trying to adapt somewhat to her hours has caught up with me. I find early sleep to be more restorative.

                                No, I was the chronically depressed person in our marriage, Lav. But I remember early on in our marriage being on the phone with a friend who had called and laughing -and he was angry and said I was expected to hang up the phone when he came home from work! I was stunned! I mean I don’t talk on the phone very much, I worked night shift then, so it’s not like I had “all day” for phone calls, and I wanted to enjoy that call from someone who had called me! I didn’t want those kind of restrictions being put on me as an adult. That’s how it was as a teenager, sharing one phone with eight people. That one stuck with me.

                                I’m going to help daughter with baby Huxley today!
                                Last edited by Slo; July 12, 2022, 06:43 AM.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

