Greetings Nesters,
Yep it sure is hot & humid & no relief in sight. I’m trying to remain calm because I know cool weather is months away, haha!!
Ava, the boys look real good. They should use those pics in their dating profiles, Lol
Storm came & went pretty quickly last night & left us about a half inch of rain. I don’t mind collecting feathers so much but someone else is going to have to weave them into wigs, haha!
Slo, sounds like you’re making the most of your days, that’s great!
Keeping up with a newborn’s needs can be quite exhausting, nice you can be there to help

Kensho, I assume you have drier heat out your way? Still, 103 is plenty hot!!
Hello to everyone & thinking of you Wags & NS. Have a safe night in the nest all!