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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Yep it sure is hot & humid & no relief in sight. I’m trying to remain calm because I know cool weather is months away, haha!!

    Ava, the boys look real good. They should use those pics in their dating profiles, Lol
    Storm came & went pretty quickly last night & left us about a half inch of rain. I don’t mind collecting feathers so much but someone else is going to have to weave them into wigs, haha!

    Slo, sounds like you’re making the most of your days, that’s great!
    Keeping up with a newborn’s needs can be quite exhausting, nice you can be there to help

    Kensho, I assume you have drier heat out your way? Still, 103 is plenty hot!!

    Hello to everyone & thinking of you Wags & NS. Have a safe night in the nest all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      NS and Slo -- we are all on similar journeys right now. And it's SO hard!

      Slo - I'm sorry to hear things are so difficult for your stepfather right now. I hope he's receiving good care at least.

      NS - No, there's no point in one glass of wine and 4 would be a disaster so best to just stay sober. You have my sympathy, empathy and support.

      Ava - your pups look fantastic with their new cuts! Very dapper.

      Kensho - it seems that almost everyone in the northern hemisphere is having unusual heat this summer. I don't understand how anyone can deny climate change. Even if you don't think human activity is the only influence (it probably isn't) why would we not do everything we can to help our beautiful planet and to leave the best possible scenarios for our next generations? Ugh!

      Gman, Ava, Steady -- how are all of you doing in the southern hemi? Is your weather unusual for this time of year?

      I feel terribly alone with so many responsibilities on my shoulders. My wife is helpful but there's only so much she can do (or that I can even ask her to do). Her own parents are also aging, although they live in a totally different part of the country and my wife's sisters and their families are all helping. I wish I had a team like that, but it's just me. And I'm exhausted. I also feel bad for my dad, and for any older person going through those very difficult and confusing years. It does reinforce my resolve to stay sober though! I want to make the most of these years while I'm still young and healthy enough to enjoy and remember them. Who knows what the future will bring? Why sacrifice even a day to al? Absolutely not!!!

      This is one of the few places I can share that honestly, and I appreciate all of your ears and support.

      Big hugs to everyone here in the nest.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        hi Nesters..

        just read back and don't have time this morning to write much, but will sign back on after work, no matter what! i've been struggling along with crazy weather and difficult work situation.. but no excuse not to be here, regardless of how exhausted i am.. even more reason to be here actually.. i don't want to get out of the good habits i've been building up!

        big hugs to everyone and see you in a bit..xx


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          It was a hot & humid 93 degrees today, heading up to 96 by Sunday, ugh.
          Enjoyed a few hours with old work friends today so I feel lucky.

          Wags, sorry you don’t have a support team. My 3 brothers offered zero help with our parents, I felt like an only child back then.
          Not sure where your dad is on his journey but have you given any thought to getting him on hospice care? They can come to your house & make sure his needs are being met. They can also help you with acceptance of what’s going on. Just a little something to think about :hug:

          LC, glad you’re checking in regularly, it really does help solidify your quit. Hope your day wasn’t too bad.

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! Stay cool if you’re in a hot zone!!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning Nesters!

            man, what a slow day in the Nest! i also didn't make it back yesterday.. just holding on by the skin of my teeth.. not in regards to drinking, but with the heat and work.. mind you, like Lav, you will NEVER hear me complaining in winter.. promise!! today should be a bit cooler and rainy, but honestly i don't see it.. good thing is i do get quite a bit of sympathy at work!!

            Wags, i'm thinking about you a lot:hug:.. i haven't had those problems yet with my parents so i can only imagine how difficult that must be. i'm sorry.. sending love and strength from afar..

            i will be back again this afternoon.. hope everyone is holding up and getting through..xxxxx


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Lav - sorry you carried so much solo too, even with 3 brothers in the family. I have one brother and I demanded that we schedule a time to talk this weekend. He lives in another state and is not very good with interpersonal stuff. I have very low expectations but have to at least try. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with friends!

              LC - I can totally relate to your feelings of exhaustion, and I've missed posting some days due to exhaustion too. Let's both work hard to get here every day. Sending you support :hug:

              Heading to bed early tonight. Take care everyone.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                evening nesters

                i hope the heat has settled down for you all. I hate the heat of summer, we are lucky here we dont really get the humidity and we normally get a few hot days then it cools down for a couple of days so the house cools down. I dont have air con but prefer a fan anyways. central heating is a definite here though. Have had some cold cold mornings but the days have been beautiful.

                Ultrasound came back and i have impingement and bursitis and after working all week, the pain is terrible. radiologist suggests a steroid injection so will see the GP on Sunday. i had this about 5 years ago and left it for months before i saw someone so this time at least i am on to it.

                the good news is that i have a lady coming around to check the property out for my fostering on Saturday so of course now, i am thinking god i have to mow the lawn etc. i will also have m sons dog so trying to get them to behave will be impossible but thats ok, at least she will see how i deal with dogs. My daughter said we will cry with each dog that leaves us but thats ok, as long as they are loved and go to a good time, then a cry is fine.

                Wags, i am an only child after my brother died, mum is good atm but i know there will be a time where she will probably have to move in with me or vice versa. i am lucky i can work at home and work is understanding. covid has had its plus's with my job.

                LC checking in is so vital for accountability, even when we dont feel like it, its a must, i cant imagine how you work in a kitchen in this heat.

                Slo, your a lovely nana to be there for your girls, i can only imagine how much happiness they bring.

                Time for bed, not getting the best nights sleep atm, cant wait for that steroid injection, as painful s they are.

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  I’m not in the same boat as you & NS, Wags; because it is my stepfather who is aging & ailing. I already went through the searing pain when my own dad died, rather early, from prostate cancer. I had a team though, as one of six kids. Stepfather’s kids and my mother will be bearing the brunt of his demise. There are three of them plus spouses -although one daughter is already in a nursing home at age 64 with advanced early onset Alzheimer’s.
                  I agree with Lav that initiating Hospice for your dad as soon as you can could help take some of the pressure off of your shoulders.

                  I can’t imagine working in a kitchen in this heat, LC - -and with no help!! Both so exhausting.

                  I hope getting on your shoulder woes early will help speed recovery, Ava. I hate living with chronic pain. I have added back in daily pain gel for my knee, in addition to wearing the supportive brace, so can get along better with those two things.

                  Good luck with your days today, everyone!
                  Last edited by Slo; July 21, 2022, 07:27 AM.
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest,

                    I've got to read back as I have been MIA in a fibromyalgia funk for the better part of the week. That along with a few other stressful things...and I bought a small box of wine last night. Didn't drink the whole thing, but drank. I feel like hanging myself by my toes...because I had at least a couple of good weeks in there. But I pick myself up today, dust off and start again. Damn this Fibro. I did do a lot of research on it yesterday to see if there are any new "cures" on the horizon. Not much news except there is a blood test for it now.

                    I'm so sorry Wags that you are going through a rough one. This is the time of year (July 27) that my mom passed (perhaps that is contributing to my funk). And Ava sorry about your shoulder, that sounds so painful. If it's not one thing it's another, true?

                    Off to work today. Looking at it as a new day, a new start and ESPECIALLY when I'm in a funk I should not stray from the nest. Look what happened. But I will never give up.

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by wagmor View Post

                      LC - I can totally relate to your feelings of exhaustion, and I've missed posting some days due to exhaustion too. Let's both work hard to get here every day. Sending you support :
                      I am in the same boat. Between my dog, working & helping others here and there my sleep has been very fragmented. I have been/am exhausted. I have been reading everyday but not sharing and being supportive to others as I think this is also key. I am off today so I will come back later to reread and respond as I am off today. Other than that today is day 26 and have hit a few speed bumps here & there but am working my plan. My pup had his stitches and bandage removed and is done with the collar so that is a huge plus although 4 tough weeks still lie ahead. It has become more easy as I have developed a routine for his rehab. Listen to me I can still blabber on even though I am so tired😅🥱. Will check in again later. My best wishes to all…. hyper


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Originally posted by BelleGirl View Post
                        That along with a few other stressful things...and I bought a small box of wine last night. Didn't drink the whole thing, but drank. I feel like hanging myself by my toes...because I had at least a couple of good weeks in there. But I pick myself up today, dust off and start again. .
                        Oh Belle, so sorry for the stressful period you are going through!! Sounds like the stress and Fibro together pushed you over the edge. Be kind to yourself as someone said recently this IS not an easy road with many hazards along the way to derail us. Hanging by the toes may seem appropriate and I would probably feel the same even though it sounds a ‘little’ drastic. Be kind to yourself and do whatever is needed to get back in the fight!! Sending loving and healing thoughts your way. ❤️
                        Last edited by Hypernova; July 21, 2022, 09:39 AM.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nest. Sorry so many are having a difficult time right now. Sending love and support to everyone.

                          Belle, have you looked into nutrition as a therapy for your fibro? It seems to be an overlooked component to health in the western medicine world. There is a lady named Terry Wahls who nearly reversed her MS with her eating, and her book has some really helpful ideas when it comes to autoimmune issues. Whole 30 has helped a lot of people too. I hope it gets better for you soon.

                          Hyper, kudos to you for being such a good pup mama. He is lucky. What was his surgery again?

                          Special thoughts to you Wags. It sounds like a challenging and demanding time for you. :hug:

                          Getting to work here, and still feeling the post-vacation push to catch up.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey Kensho!! My pup who will be eight next month had an ongoing knee problem that progressed over the last couple of years. He had a luxating patella (a loose knee cap) that would keep coming out periodically and predisposed him to tearing his ACL which happened a week before surgery. This surgeon said it was completely torn. Poor pup went lame which lead to the surgery. So hoping for a full recovery but that is not apparent right now. Dogs, just like us humans have an amazing capacity for healing if we just create the right mindset and environment. Always have found the placebo effect to be amazing. Imagine just because we believe something will work or heal us our minds create the ability to make it happen. Amazing!! Thanks for asking. Sending loving and healing thoughts to all here who are going through stressful and difficult times …. hyper
                            Last edited by Hypernova; July 21, 2022, 10:25 AM.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              Feeling sorry for my chickens in this heatwave. I actually have fans running inside their house but they don’t want to be inside all day. It hit 101 degrees inside the greenhouse today, poor plants.
                              I’m fortunate to have an air conditioned house, I have no tolerance for this heat.

                              LC, working in a kitchen when it’s so hot - thinking of you!

                              Wags, my parents were living at my house when my Mom passed away. My two young kids saw her every single day & showed her plenty of love. My brothers refused to visit her because they didn’t want their kids to ‘see her like that’. She passed in 1986 & believe me I’m still holding grudges where my brothers are concerned. I was 32 yrs old at the time, I really could have used some help. My Dad passed 12 yrs later & I handled things completely differently & didn’t expect any help from my brothers. Yet one of them called me the ‘ultimate bitch’ LOL.
                              You just do what is best for you & your dad of course. Consider talking to hospice, they are good for all involved.

                              Ava, sorry you have to wait for Sunday to get your shoulder injected. Try to go easy & don’t do anything to cause you even more discomfort :hug:

                              Slo, hope your day went well.

                              Belle, stay close to the nest. We will always remind you that drinking is never the answer to anything. Get your. Plan out & re-commit yourself to your quit, you can do this!!

                              Kensho, Dr Amy Myers has a good eating plan for autoimmune issues as well. I use some of her supplements for leaky gut, they have really helped me a lot. Hope yur day was good

                              Hyper, you’re doing great & I’m glad to hear your pup is progressing too

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi All,
                                Checking in during the evening "witching hour".

                                Lav i do have to work on my plan. One thing I need to work on is "urge surfing" and not giving in too easily. And sometimes "the only way to do it, is to white knuckle through it", which will be my mantra.

                                I'm distracted tonight with my new air fryer. It is quite bigger than I expected it to be. When son comes home from work we are going to fire it up with some frozen chicken nuggets. I have done all the cleaning and pre-use procedures, so I'm ready.

                                There will be no drinking tonight. That is a done deal.

                                Alcohol does me no favors.

                                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

