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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Ava, what are you using for the teeth whitening? i've been thinking about it for awhile but am scared it might look weird.. i know that alcohol has done a biggie on my teeth!!! did you get something from your dentist?.. would love to hear anything you have to share on the matter!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      quick check in for me. Need to make this a habit.

      A little stressed (shouldering part of my son's stress)...I knew he would get to the stress point and now he's having physical symptoms. which worries me, but I am trying to convince both myself and him that it is stress.

      Wags, congratulation on 6 years! Whooo Hooo!

      And waves to everybody else.

      Not drinking today!

      Alcohol does me no favors.

      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        In case anyone here in the US is unaware - the MegaMillion jackpot is now over 1 billion!!!! Get yourselves a ticket or two & keep your fingers crossed
        Having somewhat of a break in the excessive hot weather but we are already being told to brace ourselves for heatwave #4 next week, yuck.

        Wags, heard it’s real hot out your way, stay as cool as possible!

        Ava, the squeaky wheel gets the grease - so glad you spoke up!! I hope the injection gives you some good relief, I know it takes a while to kick in. Hopefully you will have the next month off & be pain free.

        LC, nice you got some cooler air.

        Belle, a little something I learned in a parenting class 40 years ago - don’t take on all of their problems. This is especially true when your child is older, he needs to sort thru things on his own, with your support of course. Everything will be OK, have faith & of course don’t drink.

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Sober check-in. Heatwave day 5 (only 4 to go!).

          Ava - great job getting that injection done!

          Belle - sorry to hear about your stress and your son's. It's a hard part of parenting young adult children -- how to be there for them without taking things on yourself.

          Hellos and waves everyone. We made it through hump day!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Still hot here, nothing new haha!

            Hello to Wags, also in the hot zone. Keep as cool as possible.

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Lav and nester's.

              Stay cool over there. Winter here but we're slowly and surely heading towards spring. Right now it's 8C. Perfect for a dip in the bay where it's probably actually warmer!

              Making a little music over here. All's ok. Big waves to evabody.

              Surf's up!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                hi Nesters,

                slow days here in the Nest! partly my fault for not signing in!
                no real exciting news here.. my youngest had to cancel her hiking trip (actually they're going somewhere else now) because of fires.. so sad what's going on with the climate.. i know we say it again and again.. we were supposed to get a day of rain tomorrow, has been promised for weeks and now the forecast is dry.. terrible there, too, Wags.. just had a look at your weather.. how are you all holding up? How's your dad with the heat? are you all from that area or did you move over?

                Gman, hope you have a lovely dip.. i'm a wimp with cold water, but it's sounding nice about now!

                waves to Lav and Belle! and everyone else checking in here today..xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening nesters

                  officially on 4 weeks holiday and i still cant believe it. Ive had time off but the last 6+ months was going to see the fam and little Jasper and then the funeral so i am pretty sure i have no fuel in my tank atm. my shoulder has more range of movement which is great but being gentle with it. As you said Lav it will take time, i am not a patient person.

                  LC, i got the whitening from the dentist, she did moulds of my teeth and gave me the stuff to use. i did have to get my teeth cleaned first also. it did cost me $450 but hopefully makes a difference, i still am not used to smiling even though i have a full set of teeth ha ha. hope you had a nice catch up with your girls. i am enjoying some Carl and Me time and i love it.

                  G, i really cant imagine getting in the water, its too cold even when its 40 degrees here. Good to see you are making music. Took

                  Slo, did you get get your leaks fixed? Hope life is treating you well.

                  I do have some work to do tomorrow, getting overtime as there is no one else and i still have not had a handover with my team. one of my coworkers had to take her daughter to hospital with a blood infection and they did surgery today and dont think that is the problem. I hope everything is ok and i get to have lunch with her next week and handover but she may not be in. Not my problem, so i keep telling myself.

                  Took Carl for a walk today, the weather has been glorious lately. he can get used to daily walks now woo hoo.

                  take care xx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    Last night’s rain totaled .02” - not enough to wet the plants or lawn, haha! Cloudy now so hoping for more rain overnight.

                    Ava, it’s been way too hot for me to walk & I don’t want my dog burning her feet on the road either, so we will have to catch up when the weather gets more reasonable. Carl is a lucky guy, he has you all to himself for 4 weeks!! Hope you don’t get stuck doing too much work during your vacation.

                    LC, that’s such a shame about your daughter’s weekend plans. It’s a shame we are letting our entire planet go to hell & not doing a thing about it
                    Hope your weekend is OK.

                    G, you the man swimming in freezing water, LOL
                    Take care of yourself.

                    Wags, I hope your weekend is somewhat cooler. This weather has been rough, to say the least.

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hey everyone!! Been MIA for a few. Just stopping by to say hi and that I am still determined to stay the course!! Day 34 racked up!! My being sidelined w/broken toe had a little depression visiting me so was laying low, not by choice. Tomorrow is another day and I plan on doing whatever exercise I can get in cause this sitting around is just energy sapping. Will stop in again tomorrow and catch up. Hoping everyone is
                      having a good AF day/ night☺️…. hyper


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava - congrats on starting your 4 weeks off (even though you have to work tomorrow - what?).

                        LC - sorry to hear about the fires at all, let alone that they forced a change of plans for your daughter.

                        Lav - sounds like we're having similar weather even though we're on opposite sides of the country! It's honestly too flipping hot here. We've still got at least 2 more days of over 100 degrees F (40 degrees C). We have an AC unit in the bedroom so it is at least bearable for sleeping but the rest of the house is super hot cuz our overnight temps are still really warm. It's exhausting and stressful and most of us are ready to crack.

                        And on that note, I'll say goodnight. Gonna try to sleep early. Happy weekends everyone!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Sorry about the toe, Hyper. I have broken a toe a couple times. It takes some months to heal up.

                          I couldn’t live without air conditioning! Thankfully we’ve had some super nice days where I haven’t had to run it every day.

                          I’m up here at D1’s house with the toddler grandchildren. Beckett has turned into quite a chatterbox! He leaked some news to me!…pointed to Mommy’s tummy and said, “There’s a baby in there.” Out of the mouths of babes! Actually I probably would have figured it out myself by how ridiculously exhausted and nauseous she is. When it rains, it pours! -grandchildren, that is!

                          I’m happy to be taking care of grandchildren, because, like Lav said about Hyper’s dog; they don’t drink!
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everyone,

                            Checking in during a quiet Sunday morning.

                            It is definitely hard to 'be there' for adult children (such an when they are experiencing stress. Took son to the dr and dr did a thorough exam, and EKG and told him it was stress and he will feel better once he got his project done. That gave him a new boost and he has been working on some of the hardest parts of construction. I should take pictures when some of these are finished. He has ideas that I have never seen before. We also spent another couple of hours at the fabric store after dr appt...when we were only going in to pick up "a few things".

                            Keeping my head on straight is most important during these times.

                            Ava, I hope you get a lot of relaxation during your time off. You have been through alot physically and with little Jasper.

                            Slo, congrats on the upcoming grandchild. I think grandchildren are a ways off for me, but I do have my niece who is like a grandchild to me. Unfortunately she will be away in England for 5 weeks starting Aug 3. I am sure I will be surprised on how much she changes/grows over that time. Her mum is English and it was funny when 10 year old niece asked me whether she thought baby Amelia will speak "British" or not. We shall see.

                            G'man are you serious about the dip in the water? I guess there must be some healthy advantages to that, shocking the body into action"

                            Lav, right not I feel like "it's not the heat, it's the humidity". it's yuck outside. But I do prefer summer. I start getting the winter blues in September.

                            Take care all...we don't drink.

                            Alcohol does me no favors.

                            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good Sunday evening Nesters,

                              We had a really good time last evening, Lyle Lovett in concert with his big band. It was a packed house & an awesome event. What was even more exciting was running smack into Leland Skylar (legendary bassist) across from the venue at Cracker Barrel, Lol. We had time to kill before the show began & decided to stop in there & check out the goodies in the store. Turns out he was in there for the same exact reason, haha. Got a great pic of Leland & my husband, happy as clams. He was such a nice guy to talk to, 75 years old & still touring with many bands. Good to be sober & out & about for these things to happen

                              Hyper, you are doing great in your quit, I am happy for you!
                              Several years ago my big dog (>100 lbs) managed to break two metatarsals on my left foot - that was painful & it took a good long while to heal. Patience is going to be necessary I’m afraid, good luck!

                              Wags, this heat has been beating us up & we do have the AC. Sorry you’re still sweltering. Our next heatwave is supposed to begin Tuesday, ugh. Praying for an early season change, no kidding. Stay as cool as you can.

                              Slo, Wow, another one on the way!! You’re family is growing by leaps & bounds. Very exciting times & you’re not missing a single moment, good for you!

                              Belle, your sons sounds a bit high strung. I was actually like that as a kid but somehow grew out of it. Maybe introduce him to some meditation, breathing techniques. I learned to center myself taking 3 deep, long, slow breaths - works like a charm.
                              I know I’ll miss the growing season when it’s over & all the color out in the yard but I’m done with this extreme heat & humidity.

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                What a fun night out you had, Lav! How awesome that you & hubby got to meet one and talk with of his most favorite musicians!

                                I feel bad that I divorced right when the family is growing so much. But then, on the other hand, why keep a fake, painful thing like that going?

                                Your son is really hitting crunch time now, Belle. That’s a lot of stress. I hope his garment creations all come together “seamlessly” (ha!), as he turns his visions into real pieces.

                                The temp dropped today, so A/C is off.

                                My stepfather guy is definitely failing now, just shy of his 92nd birthday. His doctor brought up Hospice at their last visit.

                                Is Pav back from Italy yet? I wonder how [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION] is doing?
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

