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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good evening Slo & everyone,

    Just us here over the past 24 hrs? I hope everyone is OK & just busy.

    Yep Slo, running into that musician like that was completely unexpected. I was amazed how laid back he was (as in California laid back) haha! What a great guy.
    I think the majority of us here support you & the positive changes you have made in your life. Don’t look back wishing you could have fixed something that was basically unfixable. You’re doing a wonderful job building your happy future, enjoy your growing family :hug:

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    Last edited by Lavande; August 1, 2022, 06:06 PM.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Nest. Thanks for asking about me Slo. My husband was hit by a car while biking yesterday. Miraculously, he has no broken bones, but his left arm is really beat up with road rash. I hate how he risks doing this with all the distracted drivers out there. I liken it to swimming with sharks while bleeding. It was an awful phone call to get and I’m feeling a little depleted today after the ER and emotions. Hit and run too. But tomorrow is a new day to focus on work, so I’m getting some rest on our front porch now. I love that my kids can cook and be helpful.

      SLO, your family might look back and see this as the time when “mom” found happiness and the family grew in a GREAT direction! My parents were divorced when I was 4 years old. It turned out to be one of the best things that happened to me. People and families adapt

      Lav, your evening sounds great. What a treat!

      Drinking crossed my mind, but not for long. Instead, I’ve learned to take care of myself and be with however I’m feeling.
      Last edited by KENSHO; August 1, 2022, 06:38 PM.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Evening nesters

        Day 2 of my time off work and loving it, sleeping in till 6.30am, getting up with energy and knowing i can do whatever and not have to get through 8 hours of work.

        Lav, lucky you getting out and about. I know who Lyall Lovett is but not the other person you were speaking about, will have to google.

        Belle, adulting is hard work, i always thought the contract for bringing up children finished at 18, how wrong was I, it never ends but would not have it any other way. I would love to see some pics of your sons work. Yes its been an emotional year with Jasper being so unwell and now its trying to keep the pieces of all of us together. Nothing shatters us more than a death in the family but we will get there in time.

        Kensho, sorry to hear that your hubs was hit on his bike but glad that nothing major happened. My daughter showed me a pink saucepan set that she wanted, i asked why as she doesnt cook. its pretty apparently. My youngest son really likes to cook but the other kids are like me, take it or leave it. i think i cook more now than the previous 8 years.

        Slo, congrats on another gorgeous grandchild coming your way. I got another fur baby grandchild the other week and did manage to get approved for fostering which is great. it feels like i am starting a new job with lots of responsibility.

        LC, how are you going? I was reading on the Army and saw your post. thinking of you. xx

        Really windy here atm, i so hate the wind and walking, just seems to go straight through my ears. Hoping tomorrow is a nicer day so i can take the boys out. Im really going to concentrate on me this month. will go and visit mum but she has a cold atm so staying away from there and also starting physio tomorrow for my arm. I really need to stop falling apart, ha ha.

        Thinking of you Wags and NS and hope things are going okay.

        take care xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Well the heatwave is back on, ugh
          I’m just wishing my life away at this point dreaming of fall/winter weather.

          Kensho, sorry to hear about your husband’s injury. People are so damn mean & careless these days, it’s awful. Glad his injuries weren’t more serious. Still it’s a scary thing to go thru. Good that you disposed of the drinking thought, it wouldn’t have helped anyway.

          Ava, on vacation, yay
          Look at my FB page & you’ll see a picture I posted Saturday night of my husband & the musician we ran inti Leland Sklar. He plays bass guitar & travels with many different bands.
          Enjoy your time off, soon you’ll be tied down more fostering doggies. But I have a feeling you will enjoy that

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Kensho - I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's hit and run. I'm so glad he wasn't more seriously injured, although I'm sure the road rash and the trauma feel plenty serious enough -- for BOTH of you! I hope everyone heals and recovers quickly and smoothly.

            Lav - how fun that you met Leland!

            Hellos and waves to Belle, Ava, Slo, and everyone else stopping by the nest. August already!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              evening nesters

              nearly my bed time, slept in till 8am today, that never happens, mind you my shoulder keeps me awake on and off at night. i did go to the physio today and he was great, apparently at "my age" mmm this is more common, which will teach me for washing walls i suppose. he says in two weeks i should not have the pain i am having but after he moved my shoulder in every which direction and poked and prodded, i am not happy tonight. i did manage to take the boys for a nice walk, albeit being very windy. waiting on storage containers to finish my pantry. grocery shopping day tomorrow, the excitement is never ending on holidays.

              Lav, i will look at your fb page and see. i will try and turn the thermostat down for you. wont be long until its your autumn but i dont think it matters about seasons with climate change these days. nearly time for me to start planting some summer veges. i did pick a nice crop of broccoli this afternoon. really need to get into the garden but its a bit hard when my dominant arm doesnt want to play nicely.

              Kensho, how is hubs going? how is nurse kensho going more like it?

              take care xx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening!

                I’m enjoying life in my lovely condo. Thanks for setting me straight again, Lav & Kensho. It (the marriage) was un-fixable! Thank you for your input, Kensho, based on your personal experience, that families DO adapt -and it can be a good thing!

                Biking on the road can be so dangerous! There have been too many fatalities around here from that. Or permanent disability, like my former sis-in-law’s brain-injured brother. I have been keeping my bike at the old house because I have a nice trail over there to bike on. Here at the condo it will be road biking.
                I’m glad that your HB is pretty ok after his accident, Kensho; and thankful that your kids took over the cooking duties so you could rest after that shock, and the flurry of activities surrounding it.

                I had to Google Leland Sklar too! He hails from my area originally! I learn all sorts of things here.

                I don’t particularly like to cook either, Ava. I made cookies today to take Up North. I tried to like it, and tried to just “whip up some cookies” like prolific bakers do; but it was an unpleasant effort again. I do like eating them though!
                It sounds like a nice month off -other than your shoulder -and fun to get things like your pantry organized.

                Hang in there, Wags.

                LC, we’re here for you. You too Hyper!
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Hiding in the AC for the most part today but grateful to have it in this stinky weather.

                  Wags, are you still sweltering too? Hope everything is oK.

                  Kensho, hope your husband is OK & you as well :hug:

                  Ava, aging is just plain dangerous, haha! We are more accident prone I believe due to many things like visual changes, medication side effects, etc. We owe it to ourselves to be extra mindful doing things, even slowing down a bit. I was always used to moving fast especially having worked in hospitals, chasing kids & dogs at home but now I am deliberately moving a touch slower to avoid slipping, tripping, falling & injuring myself. I’m also working on balance & leg strengthening exercises. I know PT hurts but they really do know what they’re doing, hang in there
                  By the way, in that FB pic the musician is the one with the really long white beard, haha!!

                  Slo, glad you are enjoying your new place. I am a happy baker, for the most part. I can’t decorate a cake to save my life but I’m good with cookies & breads. Maybe you just need to find your happy recipe

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  Last edited by Lavande; August 3, 2022, 05:18 PM.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, Nest

                    I think my mom is in her final days. Fortunately my dad is finally understanding how to administer medication before the pain is too much. He's still got Covid or has rebound Covid, unfortunately. I'm going there this weekend but won't be able to be with them as I'd like because of that. I feel like I'm ok with all of this but who knows, maybe it will be tougher than I expect when it's over. One thing I know for sure is that I won't be drinking. That hasn't crossed my mind other than the time when I was offered one but wanted four...

                    I hope your dad is doing ok, [MENTION=23208]wagmor[/MENTION], and that you're not caught up in any medical drama.
                    [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], I also read your posts on the Army thread when I went over there to check on my friend, [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]. I'm sorry you decided to drink. But you don't ever have to do that again :hug:
                    [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], I'm sorry your shoulder is still painful. My knee is still bugging me. In fact, I went to a physical therapist today. I had tried oral and topical NSAIDS, lidocaine, anything I could think of. A few days ago I tried some CBD cream I had around from some other ailment I was trying to fix (but didn't) and believe it or not -- it helped with my knee. For the last 3 nights I haven't been repeatedly awakened with knee pain. Whether it's real or placebo- I'll take the effect!
                    [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION], we've had that nasty weather but this afternoon a storm went through and the temps plummeted from 91 to 71 in about 20 minutes! Unfortunately, one window on my car and one in the house were down... everything in reach was SOAKED!
                    [MENTION=16180]BelleGirl[/MENTION], I would love to see your knitting and your son's garments!
                    [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION], Congratulations! Thank goodness you quit drinking before all your frisky daughters got going!!

                    xx, NS


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hey everyone. Doing well on day 39. Been a trying time this last several weeks. Change is good. Pup is healing well and today is 4 weeks post op. He has been such a champ and the best patient. Hard to believe two more weeks is 6 week post op visit with surgeon. Time does fly.

                      Yes Wags, August Already.

                      Kensho hope your husband is healing well. I've been a cyclist for years. Been in a few bad crashes over the years. People don't realize how hard the road is until they hit it, pavement is very unforgiving.
                      Drivers should realize how vulnerable we are and cyclists should share the road politely. As I have always said when metal meets skin - skin loses every time. Old saying about biking is not if you will crash but when.

                      Ava - Enjoy your time off!! Hope your shoulder is feeling somewhat better. Falling apart is inevitable... I use crazy glue :egad:. Really though I find foam rolling and trigger point therapy to work wonders on my wounded body. I came across this book and it has helped me quite a bit. There is a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it you can really help yourself.

                      Also NoSugar & wags - I am truly sorry about the situation with your parents. My mom had a stroke in 2016 and developed vascular dementia. It was four very difficult years keeping her at home. She passed in 2020 from Covid. It's a terrible disease.

                      Try and stay cool in this weather!! Wishing everybody a peaceful and AF evening :love: .... hyper


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        NS - I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope that whatever time she has left is painless and that you remain at peace with everything. Glad the CBD seems to be helping with your knee pain. I'll have to try that again for my back as no other remedies have made a dent.

                        Kensho - how's your HB doing? And how are *you* doing?

                        Hyper - congrats on Day 39. Glad you and your pup are both doing so well!

                        The temps have cooled off a bit here but they're going right back up this weekend. Sigh... Between the hot weather and the hot flashes of menopause, I'm surprised I haven't melted yet! But at least I don't drink, so no matter what I still have that accomplishment every single day.

                        We made it through hump day again!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Thanks, Wags and Hypernova for the kind words. It is a terrible disease and makes for a very long good-bye.

                          Kensho, my husband was hit by a car while cycling several years ago. Amazingly, it was right if front of a hospital! He was taken in and turned out to be ok. It was a good reminder of how careful cyclists have to be when sharing roads with cars. He wears flashing lights all over his bike and helmet now, even when riding in the daytime. I hope your husband is healing quickly.

                          Wags, I used menopause to "cover" for the night sweats caused by drinking. I never had hot flashes in the daytime and I'm pretty sure what happened each night was due to my toxic habit.

                          I have one of those blue 'hooks' to hit my trigger points, Hyper. It is amazing how well it can work. Glad you've found some relief!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            93 super humid degrees here, no relief until sometime next week I hear, ugh.

                            NS, I would love one of those huge cooling storms but it’s not happening so far. This is our 4th heatwave, what a joke
                            Very sorry to hear about your mom & what both your parents are going through, doesn’t seem right. I hope they are getting some local help, it’s so hard. Will be keeping you in my thoughts & hope the weekend visit goes OK. :hug:

                            Wags, I have a bottle of CBD oil that made my foot pain vanish, unbelievable. My husband used it on his wrists. &he no longer has pain. We actually took advice from the local Amish community, they use it all the time, who knew? Hope everything is OK with you.

                            Hyper, wonderful on on your 49 days, great work!
                            I’m happy to hear your pup is doing so well too

                            Thinking of everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Quick sober check-in. Had a fun dinner on our back deck with new friends and neighbors. Really working hard to build and nurture community during this tumultuous time. So grateful that being a non-drinker was a non-issue.

                              Will catch up more fully tomorrow. Take care everyone.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                i'm sorry i haven't been doing my part in contributing to this wonderful community.. i posted in the Army on Tuesday that i f***** up again and drank on the Tuesday before, at work of all places, to "get some energy to get through the day".. so stupid and of course it threw me directly back into drinking more. i lied to myself, telling myself it would just be the one day. and the next day i was so sad about breaking my quit that i decided to ignore it, pretend like it didn't happen and just subtract a day off my count. naturally, that NEVER works.. so it's taken me a few days to get my mind back in the right place, to get over being depressed that i have to "start over" when i was almost at 60 days.. that really sucks. but it's how it is and as you said, NS, i never have to do it again.. that's what keeps me going. i don't have to drink today.. i can change my direction beginning now.. again..

                                NS, i'm sorry about your parents..thinking about you and sending strength and love:hug:
                                Kensho, also about your HB.. that's terrible. shame on that person who didn't stop to see if he was ok.. i hope you're all doing alright..:hug:

                                Hyper, well done on 39 days!!:thumbsup:

                                waves and hugs to Wags, Ava, Lav, Belle, and everyone else stopping or flying by today..
                                i'll definitely check in again later..

