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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Evening nesters

    Hypera congrats on what will be 40 days for you and thank you for the book recommendation, i have ordered it on audible and will have a read. i definitely cannot afford to go to physio weekly to get fixed up and will also look for some of that crazy glue lol.

    Wags, those hot flushes just really affect your life. mine have come back for some reason and i am basically the only person walking in a t.shirt. i asked here awhile ago how everyone got through the hot flushes and they had no idea as they were pissed. had to have a chuckle about that one! I have great neighbours luckily, one of them mowed my front lawn the other day so i whipper snip his for him. the new neighbours drop their compost over to me for the chooks, so i am pretty lucky.

    Lav, i am doing the cool weather dance for you.

    Slo, i am so glad you love your condo, in a years time you wont know yourself.

    NS, thinking of you during this time.

    LC, are you doing too much that stress made you drink. I know the further along we get drinking, we think we have nailed it. Take a step back from life and concentrate on yourself. You need to think of yourself 100% for a time as this is all about you and your life. Coming on here and saying i drank, scares the crap out of me, there is no way i could let these guys down now and thats why i use MWO as my support network at all times. Good on you for coming back, be proud of that. Each day you learn new tools for coping but this takes time. I dont think i felt i had "this in the bag" for at least a year but at the 365 day mark i had hope that i would really make it and it was only me that could stuff this up. A fb pic popped up the other day of me 9 years ago and boy did i have dead eyes, puffy skin and to look at that that and how i am now made me proud. look at those drinking pics they dont lie.

    Physio was good today, more exercises to do but i can feel a difference. i took my daughter today to the physio and he wants her to have an MRI as he thinks she has slipped a disc, we are a great team atm! Not been offered a foster dog as yet but am taking a cat to a vets next week for someone, lots of different things to do in foster care world.

    take care xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I also read your posts on the Army thread when I went over there to check on my friend, @satz123. I'm sorry you decided to drink.
      I happened over here by chance - thank you for checking in on me :hug::hug:

      I feel like I'm ok with all of this but who knows, maybe it will be tougher than I expect when it's over
      I'm so sorry to hear about your Mam. Sometimes it's ok to be ok about someone coming to the end of their time - that they had a happy life and are ready to go. Sometimes more ready than we and the medics are and we resist letting them go.
      We should be happy for them too - without lingering sadness or guilt.

      And your poor Dad too.
      Sorry I haven't been keeping up - your Mam is in a Nursing home ? Is your Dad allowed to visit her - I really hope so.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        hi again Nesters,

        thank you for that, Ava.. yes, you're right that i start at some point to get too sure of myself and don't take the care that i do in the beginning.. and i have a very short term memory it seems.. i probably am doing too much and not concentrating enough on taking care of myself.. i think part of that, and part of what i've always struggled with is finding a sustainable nutrition and exercise solution because i NEED that to keep my brain even keeled.. i've known for awhile that i'm also dealing with eating disorders and that tends to kick in to replace alcohol.... it's in no way as bad as alcohol but it's not good.. a very good friend of mine has dealt with food addiction and she was over today so we talked a lot about our addictions..
        i hope your daughters MRI appt goes well and that she's able to find out what's wrong.. slipped disc is no fun, to say the least..

        hope everyone has a nice weekend planned.. i'm heading to my guys place, which is always a safe place cause he doesn't drink.. i'm contemplating whether or not to tell him about this last "binge".. he was really proud of the progress i was making.. as were my girls. i know i've disappointed them again..


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Temp is still hanging in the 90’s here with lots of humidity. No weekend plans for me except staying cool!

          LC, glad you’re back on track. Two things made me stick with my quit. First was admitting to myself that I was sick & tired of disappointing myself. Second was I wanted to have complete access to my first grandson & that wouldn’t have happened if I had continued drinking. I made the right choice & am thankful every single day. You can do it too, make the commitment. You also have a grandchild coming your life soon, right? The perfect time to quit is now & know that drinking never ever makes anything better.

          Hi satz, good to see you

          Ava, the hot flashes have been with me since the age of 41. I spent 20+ on hormone replacements then was urged to go off them. The hot flashes returned with a vengeance (night & day) & I continue to suffer. I’ve tried every herbal supplement, rid myself of alcohol, smokes, & certain foods that supposedly make it worse - nothing helps some of us……
          A few years ago my husband said the hot flashes will probably stop when I die - I hope he’s right, LOL
          Glad your PT is helping you & I hope your daughter gets some answers too.

          Wags, have you gotten out of the heatwave yet? Glad to hear you can at least enjoy time outdoors with friends.

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            LC if it makes you feel better to tell your bf then do but why dump more GSR on yourself. Making yourself feel bad is not good. Today is a new day, make the most of it. I feel i am an addiction junky in life, loved pot, loved speed, love sugar and thats a daily struggle not to eat it, You will find the right balance in time. The golden rule for me was i drank heavily for 10 years and so 10 years to heal inside and out. Dont pressure yourself, be grateful each and every day for waking up sober and take care of you. I found that simple "no" word was the hardest to learn being sober. Enjoy your weekend. xx

            Satz, i read the army thread and breaks my heart for young satz. I think you are doing the right thing by not enabling him anymore. It kills you as a mother but hard love can sometimes be the best, only you know the best course of action to take with him as his mum.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Satz - good to see you! Sending you strength :heartbeat:

              LC - sorry to hear you drank. You know what to do. Velcro your butt into this nest or the Army thread or both and rack up a new string of days.

              Lav - for the CBD oil do you use it topically or orally under your tongue or what? We have loads of options in this state since both medical and "recreational" are legal here. I personally don't like the feel of a THC high so that's never been a temptation, but CBD is very pleasant for me. I guess I just need to figure out how best to use it. As for weather, we've had a few beautiful days this past week but it's heading up over 100 F again this weekend. At least the nights will cool off so that will make things easier to get through. How's the weather out your way now?

              Ava - ugh, the hot flashes are tiring. I just get sick of feeling kind of uncomfortable ALL THE TIME even when a full-on flush isn't happening. Glad your physio is helping and also that you're getting some activity with fostering. I look forward to hearing more!

              Happy weekends everyone!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening Nesters!

                just a quick accountability check in as it's late and i'm dead tired after a very nice day! biking and forests and lakes and ice cream..
                i read the posts this morning on my phone but couldn't reply..

                Ava, your reminder to just wake up grateful for being sober (which i am) take care of myself and don't put pressure on myself got me off on the right foot.. :love:
                Lav, yes, i am going to be a grandma in just a few short months and that was my biggest motivation for stopping with the al 2 months ago.. it still is today.. and i am sick and tired of disappointing myself..

                so today is the end of yet another day 2.. and i really focussed just on today, not worrying at all about tomorrow or after that.. also tried to be aware of all of the very little things i love about life.. the big fluffy clouds, leaves rustling, the smell of the forest, the reflection of the sun on the lake, riding a bike, eating a picnic, the birds chirping, the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze, etc.x 100.. today it was pretty easy and i was veeeerrryy grateful to be sober..

                wishing everyone a nice Sunday tomorrow.. and the rest of your Saturday..xx


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  The temp has dropped down to 85 & there’s a bit of a breeze so I’m outside on the deck, just trying to be normal. I’ve felt like some kind of hermit being cooped up in the house this summer haha!

                  Ava, I’m with you in being grateful each & every day. We’ve accomplished a lot & have every right to be happy

                  Wags, we used the CBD oil the way the Amish do - topically! I didn’t believe for a minute it would work that way but sure enough it works! Neither of us have had a recurrence of pain for a very long time now. Rub it on your sore spot twice a day, really massage it in for the best results. Zero side effects too!!! I was just saying it’s been too hot to cook or eat outside, things surely have chnaged.

                  LC, good for you on day 2 - KEEP GOING
                  And keep your goals in mind too, to be a totally sober & dependable granny. You will never regret that choice, I promise.
                  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

                  Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Lav - okidoki then, I will try the CBD in the Amish way! I've been doing THC oil topically and CBD orally (under the tongue) but if I can get better relief I'll try just about anything that doesn't have side effects.

                    LC - I'm super jealous of your day biking through forests and by lakes. As for being sober, you've got this. As you know, it's the very best gift you could possibly give yourself and your loved ones including the g'child on the way.

                    Hellos and waves to all. Hope your weekends are fab!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      hi Nesters!

                      how is everyone today?

                      it's evening here and i'm about to fall asleep sitting up.. we had a nice bike ride to another lake and though i had some annoying drinking thoughts i was able to work through them.. thank goodness..

                      Ava, i took to heart what you wrote last and decided to be more gentle with myself, also with regards to my nutrition/exercise obsessions.. my plan is to try and listen to what my body wants and needs, to be more thoughtful about what i'm putting into my body, to be more thoughtful while eating and to just try and do some kind of exercise/movement/stretching each day.. doesn't have to be huge.. i think that could be sustainable and so far so good.. :love:

                      after all the CBD talk, i think i'll get some to try on my knee.. are there different strengths, Lav, or is it just CBD oil? gosh, sounds like a miracle!!

                      big hugs and a lovely MAE.. see you tomorrow!xx


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi All. I'm here and reading. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with work and life, but we are all ok and husband is healing No drinking. It wouldn't help.

                        LC, imperfection is a way of life that we have to get used to - and actually celebrate. It's a trap to set up all these "rules" because we will ALWAYS inevitably have an off day. Or week. Or month. I try to avoid the "I'm successful if......" scenario (because I'm great at making perfect goals that I can't keep). I now say, "I am happy with....... right now", even when acknowledging other things that don't feel great. Today I am happy that am am not drinking (the one non-negotiable of them all)! I am happy that I volunteered at a sporting event with my kids yesterday morning. I am happy that I got some good news from a publishing agent. I am happy that I spent some quality time with my husband last night. Even though I only worked out once last week, ate gluten last night, didn't call a friend back twice, haven't billed my clients for two months and am not prepared for my 8am meeting!!! UG!!! There is a lot I'm not doing that I'd like to, but there is a LOT that I AM, and I celebrate the fact that I'm doing my best. Perfect is unattainable, and YOU ARE ENOUGH just as you are I hope this doesn't sound lecture-y; just sharing what works for me because I suspect we are both prone to setting unattainable goals for ourselves BTW, when I stopped drinking, I made that the ONE thing that I had to do, and let the rest go. Didn't have any other rules - just that one to feel good about myself. Didn't have to eat a certain way, exercise a certain amount, get X amount of work done, make X amount of money, spend X amount of time with my kids... just that one thing. Made all the difference.

                        Have to get to meeting prep and billing.... best to everyone.
                        Last edited by KENSHO; August 7, 2022, 03:02 PM.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Great stuff friend Kensho you legend you!

                          My mantra today - 'Trade your expectations for appreciation' G man! Yes siree.

                          Meeting with Ava and Steady in a couple of weeks. Don't git better than that.

                          Big waves to evabody. Surf's up!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                            We’re still in this ridiculous heatwave which may or may not come to an end next week LOL
                            I think the weather people are confused & fed up too.

                            Wags & LC, the CBD oil I picked up is made by a company called Essence Well Being, it’s 600 mg/dropper-ful if taken orally. I merely used two or 3 drops on each of my bunion areas on my feet, twice per day & had complete relief in just a few days, amazing really. It’s worth a try & like I said no side effects. Good luck to both of you

                            Kensho, we are imperfect beings in an imperfect world. At the end of the day I’m just grateful that I am healthy, happy & possibly made a few other people happy. We don’t need to push ourselves much more than that. Glad to hear your husband is healing OK.

                            G, lucky you being able to see Ava & Steady

                            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              morning nesters

                              Lav/Belle, i didnt think of CBD oil, my son makes it so might put in an order, never thought of rubbing it in.

                              LC, i have a plan to clean my garage and get rid of the unused kitchen items and give me more space over my break. only problem is my right shoulder is stuffed. i keep thinking, nope i am going to do it, i have to do it, i need to get it done and i need to do it now AND all i can do is potter along and when my arm hurts then stop. i am so frustrated but thats life. i can walk the dogs which is good but then my knee plays up so some days i need a break and the way my fur babies look at me breaks my heart but i have to think of me. it will all get done eventually just not as quickly as i want. I really want to visit my mum but i cant drive 3 hours atm and that is getting me down but i have to think of me. today i am going to try and make my own labels for my storage containers, much easier to do i think and i can go to the shops and spend another $100 on stuff i dont need. ha ha.

                              Kensho, totally get needing to do 100 things and realising we are only one person. i was speaking to a work colleague of mine on the weekend and she said that no one tells me how much i am appreciated at work. i thought that was so nice as i was anxious going on leave thinking people would think i do nothing at work. go figure, sometimes my anxiety annoys the crap out of me. Glad to hear hubs is on the mend.

                              G, i cant wait for a catch up, been too long between drinks lol. So agree with your appreciation/expectation quote. i remember when Lav used to say "i had to be grateful each and every day" and i would think that was just bull sh*t until i gave it a try. Started with one grateful and now i have 24 hours of it.

                              i had a visit from one of my sons last night and he saw a bottle of wine on the counter and gave me such a strange look as he was asking why that was there. They still care about me but it was out of date (that never happened in my drinking years) so i have to tip it out. its a champagne and i cant pop the bottle as yet so it can sit there till i can. Funny how it means nothing to me now, al has no hold over me at all.

                              Slo, Belle, Hyper how are you all going?

                              take care xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                I have been Up North at the annual gathering of my family for an extended weekend. In other words, I’ve been at a big drinking event for the last four days. I love how they all get more chatty, animated, & convivial as they drink together, bonding over their shared drinks. But I accept that that can’t be for me. And I am so grateful to be released from the clutches of addiction when I see the what the other two active, advanced alcoholics I am spending this weekend with are like. I am free!!

                                That’s all I got for now.
                                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

