Kensho, isn’t that the truth?! One will always have an off day, week, or month -regularly! That’s just life I guess, and we have to learn how to roll with it. The only rule when starting out is Don’t Drink. Wise words! You basically explained more fully what G-man means by “appreciation not expectations”.
I’m happy that adding more potassium into the mix of what I take for my detox diet (Love Your Liver; Nutrition Restored) is helping me weather these two weeks leading up to the full moon, when I typically crash physically, mentally, & emotionally. That was the missing ingredient!
Thank you for the tip about rubbing in CBD oil, NoSugar! I’m going to try that for my knee, in place of the NSAID pain gel, and see if that works better.
Thankfully my mother and her partner didn’t come up north this year. She wanted to bring him again…he fell in the bathroom and broke a rib last year! She stayed home to care for him…he fell at home again. That’s the third time in the last week or two…end of life sucks. I feel for you, NS & Wags, each with your aging/dying parent.
Ava, I guess your month off is truly going to be mostly for just relaxing, thanks to your shoulder. Appreciation, not expectations.