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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Well, good evening Nesters once again

    Beautiful day here, really appreciating this break from the heat. I’m even getting some outside work done, finally.
    Hope everyone is OK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Lav and Lav

      Quiet 24+ hours in the nest must mean everyone is having good sober days and nights.

      LC - glad you finally got back on the site here, and I hope your temps cool off for you soon!

      Happy new weeks everyone. Hellos and waves to all!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi, All:

        So so sorry I've been MIA. I have thought a lot about relapse these last 8+ years, and I know that I have to maintain my sober community to keep myself strong. Also, I miss you all! I've been wondering about how it is going, but seem to always be pulled in a million directions. I got out of the morning habit of checking in while I was travelling, and suddenly two months have gone by!

        I'll read back, but Italy was just as perfect as you might imagine. Beautiful, delicious food, friendly people, easy travel, got along with husband - we had it all. When we were in Florence it WAS 104 F (only "cooling" down to 94 by 9:30pm), but we knew what we were getting into so just made sure we stayed in places with A/C, and tried to stay cool.

        I hope all of you are doing well. I've been in touch with a few MWO folks outside of here, and I know I'm not going to drink!



          Re: Newbies Nest

          Read some back.

          CONGRATULATIONS, Slo and Wags on your big birthdays. Love to see it.



            Re: Newbies Nest

            hi Nesters!

            yes, slow days here!!
            Welcome back Pav! gosh how 2 months fly! glad you had a lovely time in Italy.. i love it there..
            [MENTION=3200]Belle[/MENTION], how are you holding up?

            we heavy rain last night which was amazing!! but i'm afraid the temps are going back up so it will be hot and humid..
            i'm with you, Lav, looking forward to autumn..

            have a nice day, all..


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good morning!

              LC, you must not have air conditioning if you have to sit by a fan in a wet dress. Makes me really appreciate having A/C. Although it’s been so temperate here, that I can just have windows open: my favorite!

              Welcome back, Pav! I am so glad that your vacation to a “wine” country went very well, and was everything you want a vacation to be.

              The CBG oil isn’t a total cure for my knee pain, but it’s a great adjunct. I still use my knee sleeve, ice, and sometimes NSAID gel as well.

              I spent time with daughter and baby Huxley yesterday. He is getting so much bigger! Probably 10 pounds by now. I did some cleaning at her house, and took her out to dinner. It sure assuages my loneliness.

              LC, that’s really something that your daughter is that good at Frisbee golf! And your other daughter studying midwifery…sounds like a good career choice.

              I enjoyed the state fair and my company, but at my own pace & timetable. Once it was getting late in the evening, then me & my daughters left, and she & her daughter stayed to have a drink and dance to live music until midnight. I was tired though, so went home to bed. D4 was getting into pain & swelling so soon after wisdom teeth surgery, and needed to go too. And D3, 27 weeks pregnant and getting into back pain, needed to go home too.

              How are you holding up, Wags?
              Last edited by Slo; August 16, 2022, 08:12 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Morning (here at least) Nesters,

                I realized I had better up my game about checking in here. Busy times with almost back to school time and daughter trying to get as many days in at work as possible. The small financial planning company I work for is having it's 35th anniversary party tomorrow night and I have to work it. Thankfully there will be no booze there. Boss is proud to say he has never had a drop of booze in his life. However, his best friend from high school passed away several years ago due to alcohol issues.

                Yesterday after work had to take daughter to dentist for second opinion, then we went shopping for long sleeve shirts she can wear under her scrubs. then to eat, then to the cookies store...I was exhausted by the time I got home around 9pm. I threw some hot dogs in the air fryer and everyone was happy. And let them clean up so I could go to bed. A day like that would have sent me foraging for alcohol...but I knew a good night sleep was 1000 times better. And it definitely was!

                I helped my son with some hand sewing this weekend. It looks like he *might* just get things done in time. He made alot of progress yesterday, but almost had a meltdown on Sunday when he could not properly thread his serger machine (that we got him for his birthday). I left the house to go to the store and as soon as I pulled out of the driveway he called me to let me know he did it!!. I told him that all it took was me leaving the house.

                Lav, Saturday was lovely here too as well, but I was stuck downstairs working in my son's "sweatshop" lol doing the hand sewing. I'm happy to help, and then I can say I worked on something that was on the runway at NY fashion week.

                It is hard to check in when so busy but I have to remember this is my lifeline. It is so good to come here for support, vent and hear what y'all are up to in your good sober lives.

                [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], I have a lot of Polish and Slovak ancestry in me. I did 23 and me and it was completely boring, like 99.9% Eastern European (with alot of Neanderthal DNA which is supposed to be a good thing...I guess unless I look like a Neanderthal). My brother has been looking into our ancestry alot and I am find out about alot of "drunks" in my ancestral line. Neither of my parents were drinkers, but some of their siblings were big drinkers. Apparently my great grandfather was a mayor somewhere in Czechoslovakia and his daughter (my grandmother) had to drag him home drunk every night. My brother, wife and niece were supposed to go to Poland this summer for about 5 weeks, but due to the Ukraine conflict postponed it till hopefully next year. They went to England and are currently in Budapest. That 17month old niece has traveled more than most people I know and does it like a trooper according to her parents.

                Geez...sorry, once I get started with blabbing, I can't stop. (similar to Booze problems, lol). I have to get to work and hope you all have lovely day, night evening or whatever it is for you.

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  99.9% Neanderthal DNA over here....

                  Big waves to evabody

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening all Neanderthals, Lol

                    I’m sure we all have some of that DNA anyway
                    Still in the nice weather pattern here & am very appreciative. I’ll be heading down the road for a walk in a little bit.

                    Pav, glad to see you checking in & sounds like you had a great trip!

                    Slo, your growing family is going to keep you busy for the foreseeable future
                    Enjoy every minute you have with them on your schedule so you don’t wear yourself out!

                    Belle, sounds like your son’s dream is about to come true, good for him. And good for you lending a hand.

                    G, hello to you!!

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      hi Nesters!
                      quick fly by on my way to work.. will check back in this afternoon..
                      my plan today after work is to come home and cook with my daughters..
                      then to get in a bit of exercise.. and to come immediately to mwo if drinking enters my mind!!!
                      have a nice wednesday everyone..


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Pav - great to see you! Glad you had such a fantastic time in Italy. Of course you didn't drink cuz you don't drink, even in wine country.

                        Belle - sounds like great progress for your son. That's interesting what you're discovering about the "drunks" in your family tree. Neither of my parents were drinkers either but I definitely got it from somewhere. I might have to look at that angle on things.

                        Hellos and waves to LC, Lav, G, Slo and everyone else stopping by the nest. Hope the week is treating you all easy.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Checking in on my partial "day off". Home until having to work the big work party tonight. Should probably take a nap beforehand. I'm working the greeting table, so I can finally see what our clients look like in real life. After working with their finances and seeing their lifestyles via financial info, I have ideas what they look like. Should be interesting, and I'm looking forward to it. Thankfully it is only from 6-9 and NO BOOZE. I know some of the clients will not like that part...but I DO!

                          Have a good day, all.
                          LC...hang in there with me!

                          Alcohol does me no favors.

                          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning nesters

                            LC lovely to see you had a nice time in Poland and no hangovers! that is great that your daughter was in the frisbee comp, never heard of it but frisbee is so fast, i used to play when i was stoned, so probably not that fast for me but lots of laughs. oh those were the days!

                            Belle, so glad your son is nearly ready for his big debut, dont forget the pics, you must be one proud mama of your kids. Goes to show even if we were drinking we did our very best. Keep up your positive attitude and you will not fail with sobriety.

                            Hyper, belated congrats on your 50 days. Glad to hear your puppy is going well.

                            Slo, i find i am never lonely in my own company. I did have to learn that though and it took time. I love your exit plan too, nothing worse than being somewhere you dont want to be.

                            I got my foster dog on Monday, Magnus. well that name is near impossible to remember so he gets called everything but. he is such a good boy. i am taking him for his first groom shortly. i was going to walk him but it is so windy and rainy that we will drive. gives me a chance to get a coffee also. i cant wait to see the difference in him. he has the best underbite.298602423_786108425914910_5358384204821142246_n.jpg

                            I think i will have a stay at home day today, i dont seem to have achieved much in my time off. busy being busy. my arm is so much better. had my last physio apt on Monday and my arm gets so aggravated, he is training my muscles to all work together, they dont like it and neither do i!. i start pilates/physio program next week, god knows how i will do 40 minutes of that without dying a slow death.

                            better get ready. take care xx
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Magnus is quite a name for that little guy Ava. Have fun & don’t overdo the arm.

                              Belle, an booze free event? How nice although unusual these days. Hope it goes well.

                              Wags, hello to you & hoping I get to visit my Natural Foods store tomorrow hope yo are well!

                              LC, I like your plan & I hope your day cooperated

                              Nice day here even. Though we did have a few brief rain showers. My 11 yr old grandson decided he wanted to spend the day here. He spent the entire time between lunch & dinner asleep on my sofa Lol

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nesters,

                                Ava, that little guy Magnus is adorable. I have considered fostering, considering my pup has major anxiety issues, but loves other dogs. I don't know if it would be good for her to share her space, or not. We have been having a couple of pup playdates...she is weird and shows a confused interest when another dog is in the house.

                                Lav, funny about the grandson wanting to stay and then sleeping on the couch. Perhaps he knew he just couldn't get such good rest at home. They are growing so much at that age, he must have really needed the sleep.

                                The party was really nice last night. AND it was eye opening to see how much fun people can have without booze. It was a casino night (fake money and all, so they really didn't win anything) but the hooting and cheering was amazing. Some people did not leave their spots at the blackjack tables all night and were having so much fun. Event started at 6pm and people were beating the doors down at 5:45. We workers knew that we had to eat before the guests arrived or we wouldn't have a chance to eat...I filled my belly with beef tenderloin and shrimp cocktail (and a couple of cupcakes). Boss introduced all the staff one by one and told the clients what we each did, so they could put faces with our names. I worked the check-in desk so now I have faces to put to our clients names. There were a couple of curmudgeons, but even they seemed to enjoy the night to stay till the end. Boss made sure every client left with some sort of prize. if they did not win anything at the raffle, he gave them gift cards before they left (probably the gift cards were better than some of the prizes IMO).

                                Makes me wonder if any of the clients realized how much fun THEY could have without Booze.

                                I did get paid for 5 hours of work (and a free meal) for working the party. Didn't get home til 10 pm, so taking today off. Need to deal with a few dorm prep things for daughter and told son I would go out to get a zipper he needs.

                                It was so nice to come home to a good sober sleep and wake up hangover free.

                                Have a great day, everyone!
                                Last edited by BelleGirl; August 18, 2022, 08:42 AM.

                                Alcohol does me no favors.

                                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

