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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good day, Nesters,

    Checking in on a self directed "day off". Boss is on a bowling trip, and I am out of work to do. I have an appointment with dr later today, so I guess it is a good day to have off.

    Weird thing happening to me lately. I wake up in the morning with "hanxiety" (or hangover anxiety...?). Even though I am not drinking. As soon as I wake up I am feeling regret for drinking last night. What is up with that? I quickly and happily correct myself to remember that I did not drink. I am not having drinking dreams...just this? Perhaps habit from waking up that way so many times.

    NS, sounds like the your mom's private service was good for all. A few months ago I went to my friend's dad's service, and it actually was "fun" as people were talking about their memories of him. However, I am really sorry for your loss. I still wish I could call my mom some days and she has been gone 8 years (and that is so hard to believe). And the pillows are such a great gift for your dad. I am sure he will cherish them.

    Slo...good times, bad times...and blah times. I guess in sobriety we still have them and they only way out is through. But it is wonderful that you are engaging with your niece and nephew.

    I started taking B-complex vitamins and I think it is helping my mood and stress.

    Wishing a good day to everyone. My butt is still firmly velcroed to the twig. LC, come on and velcro with me!
    Last edited by BelleGirl; August 23, 2022, 09:50 AM.

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Well we have the sun back & it’s warming up again - of course! We still have a good deal of summer to deal with yet.

      Belle, glad you took the day off while the boss is bowling - why not? Right?
      I am nearly 13 1/2 years AF & I can say the weird thoughts & drinking dreams have completely ended. I guess it just takes that long for our subconscious to get the message, haha!! You’re doing just fine, stick with the program & nothing will go wrong. I am also a big fan of B Complex, I can really feel the difference if I skip a dose.

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Oh wow - it’s me again

        Hope everyone is doing well & having a great Tuesday.

        Wishing a safe night in. The nest for all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          You can tell we’re the same age, Ava, as our first childhood bikes sound like the same bike! Except mine didn’t have gears.
          That Magnus doggie cleaned up real nice!

          A lot of us have alcoholism in the family…LC’s mom, Ava’s brother, my sister & brother, Lav’s brother…the intersection of genetic or epigenetic predisposition with trauma, in many to most cases.

          NS, what nice things you did for your mother & father. A slideshow with 200+ photos!? Your dad will love that, and your mother was honored well.
          Those pillows are such a creative & lovely tribute too;something for your dad to hug.

          Belle, good act of self care to just take the day off, on a day where you weren’t going to be very busy anyways. Interesting that your boss’ best high school friend died of alcohol complications, while your boss never drank a drop?? I guess their paths diverged after high school.

          I sat down to post because I need to get off my sore knee for a bit. Thought I could sneak in a post before Lav posted -but she was early tonight! Wish CBG oil was a total fix, but helpful enough that I plunked down $100 for another bottle of it today.
          Last edited by Slo; August 24, 2022, 04:58 PM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hola nester's near and not so far,

            In appx. 25 hours i'll be in the grand company of Ava and Steady. It could git wild!

            Hi Slo. Sheesh, you're busy. I suppose that's what happens when we emerge from our self imposed boozy shell and put ourselves out there for life, and the ones we love. Sorry to hear about you and your siblings childhood and treatment. That sort of environment sure has a long lasting influence on our perspective of ourselves to say the least. I hope your little bro can release that stuff that's holding him down and bring out the super hero that lies within him. That super hero that lies within every one of us here.

            Como esta Senora Pav?

            Big waves to evabody. Surf's up!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Morning Nesters,

              enjoying a cool, foggy and breezy morning.. like most of you, Lav and Wags for sure, it's been a hoooot summer and i'm looking forward to Autumn.. i'm in the countryside house/dog/chicken/garden sitting for my best friend.. my eldest came along and we've been having a nice time relaxing (and working!).. cooking, going for walks, talking a lot, watching movies.. i asked my friend to hide any alcohol she might have hanging around the place and she did.. i had quite strong cravings last night but drinking a cold ginger ale helped.. i'm really sick of this all.. i'm sick of dealing with cravings, sick of letting myself down, sick of starting over.. i'm going to try and stay positive and in the moment..

              i'm thinking about each and every one of you..:love:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening nesters

                G, its now about not as many hours lol till we catch up, cant wait to see you both.

                Slo, you have had a lot of disruption going on the last year, be easy on yourself and practice some self care. Funks will pass but just go with it. Oh Mags is just adorable, he has become very attached to me in 2 weeks and I to him but i know when he is adopted he will get the best home. Hope your knee feels better soon, mine has been wobbly but i am just putting up with it, there isnt any pain so that is good.

                Lav, glad to hear that the weather is cooling down for you, its not heating up here so i am happy with that. we are going through the 4 seasons in one day and its so annoying. Comes out sunny and i think i will go for a walk so by the time i get ready its raining.

                LC, self care, self care and self care, putting yourself first above all and dont do too much. Stress and worry are big contributors to wanting to drink until you have built up the tools to deal with those lifey things. Take each second, minute, hour and day as it comes. Getting a case of the "f*ck its" is not doing you any good and you will get there. I remember when i was feeling like you, i would think of my children and imagine how disappointed they were in me and i really could not do that to them again, i had done it enough over the years. Be strong, i know you will get there.

                Today i met my oldest daughter and we had a lovely day, went to Ikea and she bought some furniture and had some lunch. Came home and a friend of the family was there, i have known him since he was a baby so that was a lovely hour or so spent with him. I then went to my first pilates/physio session for 40 minutes and lived, probably wont be able to move tomorrow but going back on Saturday. My shoulder is getting better slowly and that is the main thing. The physio said we will look at my knee after my arm.

                Hey Wags and Belle xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Thanks for that Ava! your message was perfectly timed.. i'm annoyed to be having cravings but am absolutely determined not to sneak a drink which is what i'd have to do since my daughter is here.. it would end in catastrophy, cause we all know that i CAN'T stop once i start, no matter how hard i try, no matter how well i plan.. she would be devastated and i would have sooooo much remorse. i don't know quite why i want to drink now.. i feel work related stress and i've taught myself so well that a drink "relieves" the stress.. for about 10 minutes.. so i'm just gonna check in here the whole day, read around the boards/tool box.. i found some yummy cold NA drinks, including 0,0% beer which i can pound like a freak if i need to "escape".. the cravings have passed now anyway and i can focus on my daughter and on having a nice time.. Enjoy your last week off, Ava, and your visit with G and Steady!xx


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Well we are actually moving into heatwave #5 - boo hoo
                    School os starting next week for the kids so of course it’s going to be hot. At least they aren’t stuck in wool uniforms & knee sox like I was back in the day, haha!!!

                    LC, let those cravings pass right on by, distract yourself, it really helps.
                    Glad you’re spending time with your oldest, making memories

                    Ava, the cooler weather was nice but it’s gone now tomorrow will be the 3rd day >90 degrees which makes this another heatwave, no one wants this, trust me.
                    Sounds like your PT is quite aggressive but it usually works. Hang in there with it & you’ll be back to your old self soon. Enjoy the pups too

                    Slo, when the weather heats up like this I only want to be in my workshop getting things done. Thank the Universe for good AC.
                    I am grateful that my two kids are not big drinkers, never have been. My son has seen the results of MVAs in his EMS work & my daughter has seen many patients in the hospital post DUI in her PT work. I’m glad they turned out smarter than me & choose not to depend on alcohol to self-soothe. My brother is unapproachable, he makes his own choices I guess.

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hola nester's,

                      Lav, AC is a blessing to be sure. Keep cool, and chilling in your workshop sounds the ticket, and i ain't talkin' bout no freakin ticket to boozeville, noooo Ma'm.

                      Yo LC! S'up. Another trick to counter cravings is stimulating our tastebuds. Maybe something savoury and not sweet, such as nuts or pretzels etc? Changing it up in this way can sometimes trick our body chemistry for a while to git us through. You're doing great, and are a big raaaaawkstar! Go git it.

                      In 2.5 hours i'm meeting with 2 legends of sobriety - Steady and Ava. Does it get any better than that?

                      Surf's up!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        LC, I had a tough craving ride this evening also. Had to go to grocery store (where they do sell wine, etc.) and almost picked up half a bottle. I know I need to iron and sew buttons for son as he is in the final stretch of making his garments for NY. I don't need to be even the slightest bit tipsy. White knuckled it and now I am drinking tea and cooking dinner. And, tomorrow I need to be up and out early going to fabric store, for more zippers and some other notions and also to see if I can find a buttonhole foot for the sewing machine at another store. THEN I have to go to yet another store and pick up a steamer, for the garments that are difficult to iron.

                        Anyway...I'm over the hump now but the stress was getting to me and I almost caved. Daughter is on her way home (dad is picking her up at the metro station in a little while) so she can go to work tomorrow.

                        I did buy myself a big frosted cookie at the grocery store to congratulate myself for not caving. My quit has to be protected! When you think you are in a safety zone, this stress wakes up the AL monster!

                        Gotta go...time to ring dinner bell.

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Belle - cake is always a better choice than booze. Good job protecting your quit!

                          LC - I hope your time in the countryside is relaxing and you continue to find strength and use the tools you have to deal with the cravings. Posting and reading here is a fantastic part of that -- it's wonderful to see you here so regularly.

                          G, Ava and Steady - I hope you all had a super fun get together. Can't wait to hear about the shenanigans you all got into

                          Lav - we're in another heat wave here too, although I think we're gonna have a break over the next 3 days. I am very excited to see temps in the 70s for a change.

                          Stay safe and sober everyone!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning Nesters!

                            and a wonderful one it is.. an extra super grateful one for having succeeded in staying on path.. i'll tell you, it really feels like a success today. i was very close to drinking but playing it through to the end, eating a ton, coming here and actually posting first helped get me through it. often, when i think about drinking or when i've already decided to, i go into tunnel vision and posting here, for instance, doesn't even cross my mind.. which is of course why it's so important to get into the habit of it.. yesterday is probably one in 3 or 4 times i've actually managed to do that since i've been at MWO.. [MENTION=3200]Belle[/MENTION], thank you sooooooo much for posting yesterday as well.. let's promise to keep doing that. it helps me tremendously to think you might be in a similar situation and fighting through it.. i'm really happy you were able to help your son as it sounds like he really needs you at the moment. i still haven't found the best way for myself to deal with that intense (though often short lived) stress.. i have tried a lot of different breathing exercises cause i know that would help.. but i don't practice often enough to make it work in a crisis.. let's keep this going.. we've proven we can manage one day.. today! and let's not forget to break it down into hours or minutes if necessary.. i know i forget that sometimes..

                            Gman, yes, good advice! i've found sour has been helpful lately.. have actually been "craving"/using fermented food and lemons and limes..nuts are also really good and seem to send something straight to the brain.. can't wait to hear about your meeting!

                            Lav, thank goodness you have a workshop with AC! guess you couldn't do much without it.. what are you working on now? special orders? and probably getting ready for Christmas..?

                            Slo, i've been so wrapped up in myself that i didn't mention how great it is that you can help your brother's kids.. i really feel for you and your other 3 siblings who were rejected by your mother..i hope your brother is able to find help and peace within himself.. it's such hard work..

                            NS, thinking of you..:love:

                            Ava, Mags is a doll.. is he the same breed as your others? what breed are they? i have an ikea trip planned with my daughter next week.. i actually like going there (and having lunch) as long as i'm not the one searching for something!

                            hi to Wags, Pav and Kensho, [MENTION=11645]Hypernova[/MENTION], how are you doing?.. hope i haven't missed anyone.. big hugs and wishing a nice Friday to you all..


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters

                              [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], I'm with you this morning. Extra grateful that I did not cave last night. I completely understand every word you wrote, about going into tunnel vision, posting here not crossing my mind, etc. That tunnel vision is a killer and if we can conquer that, we will have won a battle. Let's stick together and "stick it" to the AL monster every damn day!

                              Son completed a garment yesterday and almost completed another. He needs a few zippers and things and I am about to go out for those. Feels good to be able to go out in the morning clear headed. However, for some reason I think I need another cup of coffee first. Daughter made it home (via metro...she expected me to drive into the city last evening at rush hour to pick her up. lolllll. wasn't happening) and made it to work before I was even awake. She must love her job if she is willing to give up sleep for it!

                              Gotta go get the stuff while son keeps working.

                              Waves to Lav, MrG, Wags, LC, Ava and everyone else I cannot think of right now.

                              BTW, did I miss something? Where has Byrdie been lately?

                              Alcohol does me no favors.

                              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Happy Friday to all.
                                My husband had a doc appointment which turned into a visit with our daughter & granddaughter this afternoon & that was nice. They only live 30 some miles away but sometimes it seems too long between visits.

                                G, hope your visit with Ava & Steady was awesome

                                Wags, we’re usually into hurricane weather by now but these heatwaves seem to be holding all that off & that’s not a bad thing. Enjoy the cool while you have it around.

                                Belle & LC, starving those cravings will make them disappear completely in time, I promise.
                                Keep yourselves busy, distracted, well fed & all that & you’ll both be successful!

                                I see Byrdie on FB from time to time, Pav too. Still would love to see them make a visit here so we know everything is OK.

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

