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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    The Slow Roll bike ride was a beautiful route and fun. I rode with nephew, and daughter & son-in-law. Sister stayed back and watched baby Huxley. It’s just a 10-mile sponsored non-competitive bike ride. It rained at the beginning, causing a delay, but then was nice weather after that.
    We were in the big city at the lakefront, as is stepfather’s hospital, so sis & I took Nephew there next to visit Grandma & Grandpa.
    Then went out for Indian food, since Sis said Nephew hadn’t had that before -and he’s a foodie, and also 16-year-old boys need to be kept fed.

    When I got home though, I once again had no energy, and needed to collapse on my bed, where I stayed for the next 12-13 hours. I just have no energy.

    Ah well. Today off to the zoo with ex sister-in-law and her caregiver. Then I babysit Huxley this evening.

    I follow Steadfast’s plan as well, and need to be careful to have three square (mean including protein) meals per day, in order to stay steady enough to be able to be comfortably AF.

    That’s true about your MIL, Lav: your husband has suffered lifelong depression after being raised by her, and his brother committed suicide. We all here have similar family backgrounds.

    Ava, my mother is going through a phase now where she’s no longer Satan’s Sister either. Maybe age mellows them.
    I hope your first day back at work ended up being better than expected!
    Last edited by Slo; August 29, 2022, 07:05 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Monday greetings Nesters,

      I hear the temp is dropping below 90 tomorrow - it will only be 89 degrees so that breaks the current heatwave, not by much haha!
      Grandson started back to school today. I picked up the oldest & almost had a heart attack when he got in my car with flaming orange hair, LOL. He always had the nicest light brown hair but the last few years he’s grown it quite long & colored it all sorts of weird colors. I never would have gotten away with that when I was 13, haha!

      LC, hope your day was good!

      Slo, I find I really cannot eat 3 meals/day, never could. But I have added collagen protein recently, a scoop in my morning tea provides an extra 20 gms of protein. I figure it can’t hurt, right?
      Glad you’re able to get your nephew out & about with you. I’ll bet he’s happy about that too.
      Toxic relatives are fairly common I think. If only we knew how to get away from them when we were young maybe we wouldn’t grow into adults with issues.

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Quick morning fly by on my way to work..
        Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday!!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Lav - we're back in a heatwave again too. My sympathies to you. I love hearing about your g'son's orange hair! I've recently been putting purple in my own hair just for fun. It's quite liberating in some ways!

          Slo - that bike ride sounds like a fun day with family. Glad you were able to spend time with them.

          Hellos and waves everyone. Happy new weeks to you all!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good Tuesday evening Nesters,

            We just had a quick storm that dropped only .30” of rain but it dropped the temp 20 degrees to 73
            It’s been so ridiculously hot for so long

            LC, hope your day was good

            Wags, that oranger hair really shocked me but I keep thinking ‘you’re only young once’ haha! I just hope it doesn’t draw attention from the farm boys in town & gets him beaten up, if you know what I mean.
            He’s always had his own style with things Lol

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi All,
              I have been recovering from the weekend sewing frenzy that my son was in. Friday he accidentally ripped his "best" piece and called me (I was at the fabric store picking up supplies) and told me he was pulling out of the show. I thought for a moment and told him he needed to call his professors and the NYFW guy. Apparently he stewed on that for a while and by the time I came home he had a fix for his problem. Saturday night he worked until 8am, and had to have it all ready to take back to campus Sunday. He had a few things to do once he got back to school as there is better equipment there for a few tasks. I did all the buttonholes and buttons to help him out while he worked on perfecting his creations.

              I still don't know if he actually got it all done as it all should have been handed in today. If so he is probably exhausted. I'm trying to not call/text him...don't want to poke the tiger. And if he didn't get his stuff in, well, lesson learned. Sometimes those lessons are more important than the project itself.

              But honestly, after taking my daughter back to campus Sunday night, I was a wreck from the rollercoaster of emotions.

              But here I sit happily sober tonight and whatever will be, will be.

              LC sounds like you are doing great. I like that so many people are encouraging us and saying that the more you say NO to the AL beast, the sooner he will go away!

              Sounds like a fun time down under for you three. How far apart from each other do you live?

              And Lav, that orange hair must have shook Kids. I guess that is not the worst way for him to express his personality!

              Hi to all and take care!

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi, Nest

                I am enjoying my solo time. I think my dog is a little dismayed to be put to bed at 9, though. I'm an early bird and my husband is a night owl so she is used to a very long day (and several walks). I love to go to bed at 9 and read or watch a show and just drift off to sleep. So much better than passing out on the living room floof...

                I'm sorry to hear about all he heat in the west. My husband is hiking in an area out there that should be in the 70s at this time of year but instead is going to be in the 90s - even in the mountains. I hope it still is fun.

                Man, Belle, I really want to see the clothes your son has made!! Can you describe them? You are doing so well setting boundaries and not taking on all of their business. I thought parenting would be pretty much done by the time they went to college. Wrong on that one. Mine sometimes still needy ones are in their 30s and now there is (very welcome) grandparenting to do, too.

                You and LC are doing great. The occasional lapse is frustrating but you know, your most recent one can be your last EVER if you stick with what's working. xx, NS


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  I actually didn’t even notice the orange hair when he got in my car this afternoon, haha! Guess I’ve adjusted already
                  The high temp today was 83 with lower humidity - finally!!! We really did break the heat record for the month of August, ugh.

                  Belle, yes the orange hair is pretty tame compared to other things he could be doing. It was one of those ‘funny not funny’ things I guess.
                  That was so nice you could pitch in & help your son finish his projects. Not every parent would have the skills I hope everything worked out OK for him.
                  Before you know it your kids will be completely independent which is a good thing but then you have to fill in all your ‘spare’ time with other things. I suggest crafts!!

                  NS, glad you are enjoying your alone time. The dog will adjust eventually Lol
                  I hope the heat doesn’t ruin your husband’s hiking trip. It’s been quite a summer.

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest for all.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    I’m tucked in bed now at 9:30, just like No Sugar!

                    Belle, what an emotionally exhausting week! You stayed in your own lane though, and didn’t take on his project as your own and get overly emotionally involved.
                    Still! I’m anxious to hear if he got it turned in too. I maybe could’ve helped with buttons, but not buttonholes!
                    I take daughter back to college on Friday.

                    Lav, my nephew the same age as your grandson doesn’t need to dye his hair orange, because it’s already orange!
                    I heard that schools in Philadelphia opened, but then had to send the students home early because it was too hot out!

                    I wonder if [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION]’s kids went back to school yet? And [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION] is heading into a new school year…

                    I had a bad day again yesterday questioning my divorce and feeling all the bad emotions again. Thankfully a wise friend again, and my sister again, put me to rights about that. Now I’m on an even keel once more. This is better, the way it is now.
                    My condo is getting all fixed up! I have window treatments now! I enjoyed a walk yesterday evening with a couple of nice ladies who live down the street, and today had a chance to touch base with some of the nice neighbors across the street and chat a bit.

                    Hope Ava isn’t deluged with work on her first week back.

                    I’m going to try to drift off to sleep now!
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hola everyone,

                      I still have not heard from son, but yesterday a press release went out about the show he is participating in and it included his Bio. So I am guessing it is a go. He has to get settled in his new dorm, classes and get some rest so perhaps I'll hear from him on the weekend. I really don't have any good photos of his creations, as most of the photos I took were during various phases of construction. And I don't think I am supposed to "leak" them. lol. But he used a lot of Tulle, one piece is a very interesting trench coat (the one he ruined and had to fix), a beautiful corset/skirt set, a suit with embroidered embellishments (if he did indeed complete that) and some Faux leather things. I got an add from Joann fabric store in the mail yesterday and threw it right in the trash. I don't want to go into that place again for a long, long time.

                      I will try to get good photos at the show (again, if he did make it)...and share them with y'all.

                      Yesterday I took my pup to a 4 hour doggy daycare session to see if she is a candidate for a weekend there, when we go to NY. She is such a weirdo, but apparently got along very well with the "general population" of dogs her size. The staff told me she fit right in. The gave her a doggy pedicure and she was not a problem. So I guess that is another issue/worry to cross off the list. I was waiting for a phone call to "come get her" for all 4 hours, but fortunately it did not happen.

                      I treated myself to frozen custard for lunch yesterday. It felt decadent! And then I made lamb chops in the air fryer and they were the best I have ever tasted in my life!

                      Slo, I don't think it is unusual to feel a rollercoaster of emotions about the divorce. Thinking about the way it "could have been" vs reality is hard. But you are doing great, walking and making friends in your new neighborhood and putting your own flair on your OWN condo. You should feel very proud of yourself. I'm proud of you!

                      Seriously, another sober day and I can't imagine it being any other way.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        We’re enjoying a break in extreme weather for a few days but it will be back for the weekend I hear, naturally.
                        Yes, the schools in Philly have been closing early because they have no AC in their aging buildings. Grateful my grandkids are in more modern schools with central air where they can stay all day, haha!

                        Slo, believe it or not I getting used to the orange haired kid, he seems happier so who knows? Right?
                        I’m glad we moved away from the Philly area where we lived the first 50 years of our life. We’re down right on the MD state line now - it’s a totally different world.
                        Get all the rest you need & enjoy your new life, it’s just beginning. I wouldn’t have put up with the emotional smackdowns either, just too much after a lifetime of doing the best you can do :hug:
                        You’re doing great, enjoy making new friends, that’s awesome

                        Belle, sounds like your son got the job done, good for him!
                        I can’t stand walking into JoAnns either, Lol. I have a long drive from here to even get to one anymore so I buy supplies online for the most part.
                        My beagle mix loves people but not other dogs so much & she’s gotten worse as she’s gotten older. Hope your pup is happy in daycare when the time comes.

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! I’m getting back to work for a while

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone! I keep checking in and reading, and not responding because I'm running. Life has felt hard and weird... I've been really tired and not passionate at ALL about my work. But I keep going and trying to prioritize the things that are most important: sobriety, family and taking care of me. I need more sleep... this transition from summer always gets me.

                          Belle, I'm so intrigued about your son's work. I have so much admiration for fashion designers! I hope it goes very well for him. I would love to follow his work, if you are so inclined to PM me his name so I can see his collection! I think I would have loved fashion if I didn't do interiors. Air fryer lamb... never heard that before! I love lamb and will give it a try

                          Wishing you all the best. If ever there was a time that I've felt like drinking since I quit, it's been the last few weeks and I'm SO glad I haven't!

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            The holiday weekend begins & I have no plans - that’s my plan haha!!
                            I have lots of embroidery work to do, gearing up for the next craft fair on the 24th so I’m happy.

                            Kensho, good to see you!
                            I am a firm believer you can get tired of doing anything if you’ve done it long enough. I moved on from nursing after nearly 30 years, I was done with it & needed a change. I ended up learning the embroidery biz & did that for 15 years now just crafty stuff. Change can be a good thing, something to think about anyway I hope your weekend is relaxing.

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola nester's,

                              Belle, Slo, Kensho = ...................LEGENDS'!

                              Surf's up round here

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hellos and waves everyone. Just a quick sober fly-by for me but I'll catch up with all of you more over the weekend.

