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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    hi Friends!

    i'm also here, checking in and "liking" more than posting..
    [MENTION=3200]Belle[/MENTION], so excited for your son! and so nice that you were able to help so much.. good on you for relaxing after the onslaught of emotions.. with both daughter and son.. am looking forward to seeing some pictures from the show!

    Kensho, so nice to hear from you-.. i always wonder how you are and what you're up to..

    here everything is ok.. i'm living on edge atm.. every day is new, a new opprtunity to stay sober.. it's really hard, but i'm staying on the path.. frustrated but ok..

    wishing you all a lovely weekend..xx
    Last edited by lifechange; September 3, 2022, 06:36 AM.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters,

      Good to be sober on another Saturday morning. Daughter and I are supposed to go for pedicures today, but I don't know when. She worked her 12+ hr shift at mental hospital yesterday and is "sleeping it off" now.

      [MENTION=20476]KENSHO[/MENTION], I would love to point you to my son's work, however he has not posted much of it anywhere. He should at least be posting to his instagram account, but is not good at keeping up with that. Perhaps there will be a website posting his NY show work afterwards. Or at least my photos will have to do. Disclaimer: even though I worked for Kodak for 23 years, I take the worst photos in the world. lol.

      However, I will share this one photo taken by a professional at son's fashion show at college at the end of April when he was invited to NYFW. For NYFW he re-made this corset top/skirt but in yellow and cream. It is my favorite. I am telling son to save this white version for my daughter to wear as a wedding dress.


      [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION], keep up the good fight with me. I have my moments where I try to think of an excuse to go to the grocery store to "pick up a few things" and I know what that might lead to if I am in a bad frame of mind. So I have banned myself from leaving the house during the witching hours.

      Actually I am not a fan of NY city and not looking forward to that part of it. Haven't been in a long time, since my brother had a penthouse apartment and we could stay there. We have to pay $$$ to stay in a hotel for 2 nights and more $$ to park the car. I would have preferred to take the train but we are taking son back to campus on Sunday. He could take the train but it is a real hassle to get there from NY by train.

      I think I am going to be a nervous wreck...but lucky for me, I do my drinking at home, so I am not worried about drinking there.

      Have a great Saturday/weekend everyone.
      Last edited by BelleGirl; September 3, 2022, 10:35 AM.

      Alcohol does me no favors.

      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        I did the long drive there & back yesterday to follow daughter to college, and help a bit to move her in for her sophomore year.

        I have to move the cat over to my place this long holiday weekend while ex-HB is gone Up North. He’s really daughter’s cat, but she’s gone back to college now. I’ll have to take him back & forth over the weekend, to help him transition. He better not scratch up all my furniture!

        My stepfather guy was moved to an in-patient hospice facility last night, due to too much pain. Poor guy: he doesn’t want to die, and he wants to be at home. I’ll travel over there shortly to see him.
        His hospice facility is near where 92-year-old Uncle Don, my ex-husband’s uncle, lives. Maybe I’ll stop in to see him too.

        I’m taking my 13-year-old niece, my little brother’s daughter, over to get together with a mutual friend this evening. That will involve a lot of driving in the opposite direction.

        No time to think about drinking, anyways!
        Last edited by Slo; September 3, 2022, 11:32 AM.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Belle.... totally gorgeous. Very sophisticated, I adore it. I hope he takes NY by storm! My parents moved to CO to work at Kodak 50+ years ago... worked there a long time. We still get holiday presents wrapped in those sturdy yellow boxes!

          Glad to see everyone staying alcohol free. I remember that when sobriety clicked for me was when I realized that fighting was wearing me out, and I just accepted that drinking would never be different for me. I found other things to take alcohol's place over time, when it was no longer an option.

          HI G! I get to hit CA waves near Newport Beach (any CA peeps near that area?) end of this month for business travel and then in mid-Oct. with family. The ocean fills me up. Glad you get to be around it so often, and good to see you!

          Slo, is your daughter excited for her second year? Crossing fingers for the cat behaving with your furniture!

          Slow Saturday here. I have been SO physically tired the last two weeks. Not sure what that's about - it's annoying me tremendously. Hope it's not long covid fatigue. I am just worn out doing small things. I guess I'll sleep more and eat well and do my best. I finally had a productive day yesterday with work. I get to install two projects in October - which is the best thing in my field! It's endless details and brain-racking and tedious tasks for 1-2 years before I get to see the results of what we designed. I wish it was quicker. One reason I always found fashion design more appealing... a quick flash of inspiration can be turned around quicker than 2 years! I really dream of getting property and building a couple small airBNB's with all reclaimed stuff - with artsy grounds and a garden for farm to table meals, and bees and chickens... I think that work would suite me more than the mental taxation of large interior design projects. Someday.....

          Enjoy the weekend everyone!
          Last edited by KENSHO; September 3, 2022, 01:48 PM.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            Hey Kensho, I like that dream of yours I really hope you can manifest it & make it happen!
            I’m just waiting for cooler weather to get here & the return of my energy. Summertime really zapps me, always has.

            Slo, wow, you are on the GO! I hope your local gas prices have come down to a reasonable level.
            That’s a shame about your stepfather. I guess there’s no one to manage his pain meds at home so hospice is the next best choice. I wish him comfort & peace.
            I hope your niece has a great time with her friend. Can you keep the cat in one room to keep the scratching at a minimum? Hope all goes well.

            Belle, wow, love the two piece dress design! Oh to be young enough to wear something like that again, Lol
            Good luck with the NY trip which I am sure is going to be $$$. I’ve never spent a night there, only day trips via bus with groups.
            Keep yourself focused on your goals & you will be just fine I’m sure.

            LC, everything OK with you? Why are you living on the edge right now? You’ve been doing a great job too, don’t lose track of that :hug:

            Hello to Wags, G & everyone!
            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Nesters

              Belle, so glad your assistant status in helping your son is over. He sounds like he has created some beautiful pieces, i cant sew for anything, yet my mum was/is a great sewer. I remember she used to make all of our clothes, now she mainly embroiders and makes play mats and coverlets for babies that people have. she has a hope box for my kids to have grandchildren. She did though get to sew Jasper a few things which i am sure will be kept and treasured again. I put an order in for a Winnie the Pooh bed cover which she is working on. The dress is beautiful, your son is very talented.

              Slo, i was actually sick last week and lost my voice, not covid but some nasty virus. I did work Monday but that was it. Feel pretty good now so work tomorrow and now i have 5 weeks work to catch up. Maybe i should make it 6 weeks lol. So proud of you also in moving on with life, its not easy being single but in time you will grow to love it. I cant imagine cooking, cleaning and doing those couple things. It would be nice sometimes to have someone to do stuff with but thats where the kids come in and i love my own company. Cat scratcher Slo, cat scratcher. My daughters cat has destroyed the lounge i currently have. I am glad facebook has marketplace and you can get a bargain.

              Kensho, yep i feel you, i have not enthusiasm to go to work, I am hoping that is a phase but i know the workload will be horrendous and the promise of extra staff (supposed to be June) is just a dream and the medical system is screwed and people are just downright rude or the majority of them. But i have lots of long service leave so will see how i go.

              Lav, i love no plans. I have another chook now. I bought a new chook pen which is big enough that i can keep them in instead of free range if i want and it came with a chook, though he did ask if i would like "popcorn" and how could i say no. Susan and Karen arent being overly nice but i am sure they will settle and all will be best friends eventually.

              LC, the best time to post here is when you are feeling down or up. Left alone to our own devices is not good. Take care of yourself and spend a few minutes checking in.

              Nothing much to report here, my shoulder is still giving me grief but i have not been to the physiotherapist in a week or more as i have been unwell, i go again on thursday. I did take Carl to the vets as he has had problems with his back legs when he stands up. he has two subluxed patella's so i have him on a diet and pain meds and weekly injections, i am hoping things settle down as he is too young to be operated on. My vet prefers to try everything else before an operation which is good. we can now only go on short walks which is hard as he so loves getting out.

              No new foster dogs yet but i email Magnus's new owner every couple of days and we chat. i am going to call in for a cuppa when i go and visit mum in a couple of weeks. She has had a very interesting life.

              take care xx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                Warm, humid & sunny here. With a little luck we’ll get some much needed rain tomorrow. It’s been a quiet weekend all around & that’s fine with me

                Ava, introducing a new chicken into the flock is always a bit difficult but like you said they will all be friends soon. Pecking order is a real thing, haha!
                Sorry about Carl’s leg issues, he is so young. Hope the vet can help you work things out for him. Hope your shoulder continues to heal.

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Slo - I'm so sorry to hear about your stepfather. I hope his journey is easy and that he still has some quality of life if they manage to control his pain. You're a good cat grandma! It sounds like the efforts you're making to help your daughter's cat move to your new place are well thought out. Fingers and paws crossed for you!

                  Belle - your son's work is gorgeous. I look forward to hearing about a smooth and successful NYC weekend!

                  LC - what's keeping you on edge? Can we support or help in any way?

                  Hellos and waves to Lav, Ava, Kensho, G and everyone else in the nest. Happy new weeks!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone,
                    It's a holiday weekend here in the US and there will probably be folks barbecuing, partying, drinking, etc. to "celebrate" the end of summer. I'm not much for get-togethers and being able to avoid such things during covid made me a real curmudgeon in that regard.

                    Slo, I'm also sorry to hear about your step father. You are always there for everyone, I hope you take plenty of self care too. I have a sophomore daughter also, but since she is only an hour away, and works on Fridays (which would be a really tough commute from college), it looks like she will come home every weekend so that we can get her to and from work. Dad won't let her get her license yet (and he is only being somewhat unrealistic), but the drive to her job would be a real challenge for a new driver as there is so much road construction, of which lanes and exits change on nearly a daily basis.

                    I think the last big party I went to was 3 years ago. A huge family reunion in Indiana and it was awesome and I was sober through it all. Almost all of the 40+ cousins showed up. However there was a tractor bucket filed with ice and beer and a huge bar setup. At one point I saw my uncle drinking something out of a paper bag (it was his and wife's party) walking around saying "man am I screwed up". The family's drinking genes are legendary. The next morning "Uncle Jimmy" was up at the crack of dawn cleaning up the party. Sadly his wife passed away the following spring, suddenly while she was doing her favorite thing, gardening and had amazing gardens. They were both around 75-ish years old at the time. My uncle was in a very deep state of grief for a long time after his wife's passing. Rumor has it he has a new love in his life, good for him, and he is having another party (though scaled down) today. Wish I could be there, AL be damned, but with short notice and with NY around the corner, it cannot be.

                    Thanks for all the kind comments on my son's work. As great as he is at garment construction (last spring, someone who was going to NYFW asked him to help her, as she knew he was the best in construction in the department), he really wants to be a Concept Illustrator. I believe there would be more options with that, as he could illustrate designs for clothing, interior design, movie sets, theatre and who knows what else. I hope by getting his name "out there" he will have opportunities.

                    LC, where are you my friend? I've been on the edge too lately with all the emotions and sometimes it is a white knuckle ride. It ain't easy but it is worth it. DM me if you need to.

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      It’s a holiday here in the states today, and I am happily doing nothing!

                      That’s too bad about your dog’s health woes, Ava. It’s always something with the pets.
                      It sounds like a fun side effect of fostering dogs will be getting to know new people that you like!
                      That’s great about the more deluxe chook set-up now, and the new addition!

                      Our cat is here with me now, abruptly ripped from his home of 15 years, and trying to adjust.

                      Kensho, you have to work on a design project for 1-2 years before seeing results!?! Can you switch to some smaller-scale interior design projects? You have October to look forward to, for travel and for seeing the fruits of your labor!
                      My interior decorator did a fabulous job with my condo. Such talent.

                      Yes, daughter is excited enough about her 2nd year of college. She is living in an apartment complex on campus, rather than a dorm. She picked up a best friend there, and a boyfriend there, and has her car there. Should be good!
                      Last edited by Slo; September 5, 2022, 09:05 AM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        hi Nesters,

                        i'm really doing alright now.. thank you for your concern.. i'm just up to my neck with work, "kids", relationship, costs increasing all around and trying to figure out how i'm going to make ends meet.. i've been able to manage all my expenses these past years by keeping my utilities down.. but like with so many, this increase in gas and electricity prices has me sitting on the edge of my seat..
                        i'm also sick of being on the roller coaster of depression.. have an appt. with my GP mid October.. so far the psychiatrist from work hasn't answered my calls, which was a big disappointment, cause she sounds sooooo good and i thought she could help me.
                        anyway, GP will do blood tests, etc..

                        Belle, i'm still here with you!! loved seeing what your son designed.. GORGEOUS! really special.. :love:

                        Ava, so you were sick the week you were supposed to go back to work? glad you got the extra time off and hope it won't be too much of a drag to catch up with it all.. still getting used to "chooks".. how nice that you've got more space for them plus an extra.. love those birds! just got a funny insta video of one mama sitting on kittens.. have you seen it? if not, i'll send it to you..

                        Kensho, i LOVE your idea with the airbnb!!! defnitely something you could make work.. maybe with a couple of jobs on the side?? my best friend is a translator and bought a house a couple of years ago on a bit of a whim.. she was in over her head and after remodeling, turned part of the house into an airbnb with special extras and is able to earn a lot of money with tit.. plus meet really nice people..

                        shoot, can't remember what else i wanted to say.. my ex husband just stopped by at the same time my guy returned from work and it was a bit of a disaster.. i feel in the moment like they can all f*** themselves.. i've been doing possibly too much for the guys and relationships..?
                        anyway, have a nice evening.. wanted to respond to more but am now preoccupied..xx


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          We have big rain moving in tonight & tomorrow just in time for the kids to go back to school after the holiday.
                          I’m wondering what I’m going to do about the stray cat & her 2 kittens I’ve been feeding since Spring. They usually park themselves on my deck under the pergola but it doesn’t stay completely dry under there. I did put two ‘cat houses’ out there this summer as well. I’m a sucker for taking care of animals.

                          LC, glad you’re OK & I hear you on the rising costs of everything. Just two of us in this house & the utilities are much higher & food costs are crazy. Just do the best you can, that’s all we really can do. It’s been a rough few years for all of us sadly but I have hope things will settle down soon :hug:
                          If the ex & boyfriend have issues with one another they can take that outside - right?

                          Ava, hope you are feeling better!
                          I just had my hand ripped open by one of my young chickens, geez. All I was trying to do was reach under her a little to see if she was sitting on an egg. Wasn’t expecting that from her & if she tries it again she will get a big smack Lol

                          Hello to Kensho, Belle, Slo, Wags & everyone!

                          Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            That was a big, awesome family reunion that you described, Belle. Somehow “Uncle Jimmy” can get away with drinking his whole life, and still be going strong! Well, good for him. That’s great that you enjoyed that reunion just fine without imbibing.

                            When I took my 13-year-old niece over to spend the night with my sister’s friend’s 14-year-old daughter, my sister filled her friend in the night before on the alcoholic home our niece is growing up in, and the need to get niece away for a bit. (And also, my sister herself struggles with long-term alcoholism!) So I found it annoying that the friend offered me a drink; beer, wine, or White Claw -without offering the girls a drink. When I said, “Do you have sparkling water?”, she replied that the closest thing she had to that was White Claw. Thankfully the husband cottoned on, and said, “Do you mean something non-alcoholic?” Club soda was produced, but the wife was like, “Are you sure I can’t get you something more…?” (Fun? Adult? Alcoholic?) It was awkward for me, and not necessary in front of the girls, I didn’t think; given their ages, and given my niece’s situation at home. But all adult socializing revolves around alcohol, and that’s just the way it is. The next evening when I went to pick her up, I was plied with brandy slush. But that woman, in practice, drinks next-to-nothing. Mostly just holds the glass and let’s it melt. And that’s the difference between us!
                            Last edited by Slo; September 6, 2022, 04:17 PM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              Well we did get almost 3” of rain, wow.
                              It was over by noon so I could get out & do a few things like pick up a new coffee maker. Can’t live without coffee around here

                              Slo, it’s such a shame that young teens are exposed to so much these days. We all went thru it & survived I guess, I hope they do too. Does your niece attend Al Anon meetings or anything? She would get lots of support from others her age. Just a thought.
                              When I was throwing baby showers before my grandkids were born they were alcohol free events. I didn’t hear any complaints & wouldn’t have care if there were any. Alcohol does NOT have to be everywhere all of the time. I have no problem saying “No Thanks’.

                              Hello to all. Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Slo - sorry to hear about the tough situation your niece is growing up in. Although it's far from unique, that's actually what makes it sad -- that so many kids and teens are impacted by al from their earliest years. It's no wonder so many of us become/became alkies.

                                Kensho - I love your Airbnb idea! Actually, my wife and I have a similar dream (though almost certainly just a dream). My wife would love to have such an opportunity, and she's got excellent background for the reclaimed, artsy, garden-to-table angles you mentioned. If you ever decide to look for a partner in said biz, gimme a shout!

                                Ava - hope your voice has fully returned and back to work isn't too brutal. Staying tuned for the next foster stories.

                                LC - sounds like you've got a lot on your mind and your plate. No matter how al tries to trick you into thinking it'll help you, it WON'T! Of course you already know that. Sending you hugs.

                                Hellos and waves everyone. Another hot week here but we're escaping for a morning at the botanical gardens tomorrow. Looking forward to being in a forest, even if it's a rather urban one!

