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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Afternoon nesters

    LC, remember you are the most important person in this sober journey, tell them to feck off if you want, you dont need to deal with anyone else's crap except your own. Oh the price of everything is just terrible here too. my rent has just gone up $30 a week, not including electricity/gas, fuel. I am grateful i have a vege garden. Life just throws us curve balls that we have to get through at our own pace. imagine if you had to buy al and include that with the added spending! i am so glad i dont drink or smoke anymore. Yes please if you can send me the vid of the chook and kittens.

    Slo, its like being given a bottle of red wine after volunteering and taking a cat to and from the vets. i just said thank you. i didnt want to say i didnt drink as that makes people think "oh shite" and i can re-gift. It is annoying that people assume though that you drink. it was a nice bottle of red wine though ha ha. What is white claw? How is your step father going? I grew up with an alcoholic step father and i can honestly say it wasnt fun at all, every time he was drunk it was so scary and he seemed to have a vendetta against my brother when he had been drinking so he took the brunt of it. And look at us, we both turned into alcoholics, how ironic. My mother didnt drink in those days either.

    Belle so glad you are wracking up those sober days, it does get easier or else we would all have gone back to drinking ha ha.

    Work is mad, i am exhausted, not used to starting work at 5am as was sleeping in till 8 when i was on holidays. been napping for two hours in the afternoon but thats okay with me. The team is happy to have me back and im still wading through 400+ emails. The PA was telling me how busy she was and how she hates her job and i just didnt engage. Thankfully i am feeling good now and over this bug but the nurse i work with is now sick, she feels really bad leaving me with everything but it is what it is, she is lovely and we work well together. Going to try and create some semblance of order in our team of consultants, might be like leading a horse to water i think but we can only try.

    Lav, Susan and Karen are pecking at Popcorns cone, i am not happy. she is a lovely girl too, i am hoping things settle down but she laying an egg so i am happy.

    take care xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Getting more rain but not like yesterday’s downpour. Everything has been well watered now

      Wags, our temp has dropped to 67 degrees, I’m happy. I hope your botanical park trip was cool & relaxing!!

      Ava, glad you survived getting back to work, haha. It’s always harsh going back, I do remember well.
      I got the side eye today from that young hen who scratched my hand open two days ago. I just left her sitting there & called her the new grumpy chicken, Lol
      It takes them quite a while to sort out a new addition to the flock but they will get there. Glad Popcorn is working for you

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Quick sober fly-by. Happy over-the-hump day to everyone!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good point, Ava: this does get easier! Much easier! If it stayed as hard as it is in the beginning, a lot of us would have given up and gone back to drinking. Stay the course!

          My stepfather died yesterday. I didn’t quite expect it -I thought he would last at least through the week! I’m sad that circumstances got in the way, and I didn’t get back over to see him before he passed.

          I traveled yesterday to see my 1 & 2-year-old grandchildren, and to babysit while daughter went to her doctor appointment for the 3rd baby.
          Today I go to see baby Huxley, and help out over there. Looking forward to more baby squeezes!

          Glad you took a respite from work to bask in the warm flower forest, Wags.

          That chicken can just keep her eggs, right Lav!? Sorry about the wound. Your cat friends were probably able to find some shelter from the rain with those little cat houses you have for them. But what will happen to them in Winter?! No rain here -I’m having to run the sprinkler for the lawn.

          Wishing everyone a good AF day today!
          Last edited by Slo; September 8, 2022, 06:59 AM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Sorry to hear of the passing of Queen Elizabeth today.
            My mom must have been intrigued by her, I grew up hearing something about Elizabeth almost every day. She was crowned the same year I was born - yes I’m that old. I’m sure there will be a lot of people mourning her all over t he world.
            Sunny & 80 degrees today, pretty nice actually.

            Hello to Wag, hope you are well!

            Slo, sorry to hear of your stepfather’s passing. He’s at peace now & for that we should be grateful. Will your mom be living alone now? Hopefully there’s someone near by to look in on her.
            That grumpy chicken is still looking nasty & I’m not going near her. Only 7 months old & already broody, unusual. Yep she can keep her stupid eggs, Lol
            We ended up with 2.98” of rain so everything is still pretty damp here.

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hey, happy Friday Nesters,

              All is well with me, it’s sunny & nice out today

              Hope everyone is OK & has a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Slo - I'm sorry to hear about your stepfather. Even when we know someone's transition is imminent it still often seems to come differently than we might have expected.

                Lav - what does it mean if a hen is "broody"? Basically what you described or are there other ways it might be seen/shown?

                It's the weekend! No tix to boozeville of course -- none needed, and all the good people live elsewhere anyway! Hope you all have good ones


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good morning on a beautiful weekend morning. The rain & cold now isn’t expected to roll in until tomorrow.

                  I went to my nephew’s high school football game last night. That’s something one can do that doesn’t involve drinking! I texted my brother that I was coming to his son’s game, but he never sought me out to say hello, and I didn’t see him. So I sat with his in-laws whom he hates…which is why he wouldn’t bother to find me I guess. Just an odd situation that I don’t know how to handle. I don’t resonate with sports or high school sports, so not that fun for me. But I tried. Nephew didn’t play at all, and I didn’t get to see/say hello to him either.

                  Ava, White Claw is a brand of spiked, flavored sparkling water that’s all the rage here lately. I heard on the news yesterday that one of our soda pop brands here, Fresca, is now going to add alcohol to their soda cans and market that in several flavors. We can’t be too careful nowadays! Everything is spiked!

                  Today is taking Mother to watch her grandkids/ / my nephews & niece play soccer in a tournament.

                  Belle must be in New York now!

                  I hope LC checks in soon…
                  Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest! It’s cool and drizzly here… 40 degrees from what it was two days ago and will be tomorrow! Weird autumn weather, but the cool off is welcome.

                    I want to have chickens too My neighborhood voted it down because they’re all afraid of change, but I it’s a goal at my next residence.

                    Spiked everything… yuck. Might as well just tap a vein. It’s all a pretty package on a nasty habit at that point. I told out new French neighbors that I don’t drink and she said, you mean “wine”? And I said, “No, all alcohol”. She asked if it was because of taste and I said that I drank too much before so I stopped. This explanation always seems to make people uncomfortable. I should find another.

                    Anyway, looking forward to a cozy day inside sorting through some stuff in my office. Best to All.

                    Also, where’s PAV?

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Morning nesters

                      RIP to the queen, i didnt mind Lizzy, would not have liked her job but would not have minded a castle or two. We are up to day 3 of it being all over our news, the world could have ended for all i know. I have caught up on a lot of tv shows on different sites. I suppose they have been waiting for this day for so long, which is sad in a way. Very sad though for them to be losing their mum, nan etc. I dont think i could walk around the crowds without falling into a heap.

                      Slo, i am sorry to hear of your step dad, sending you hugs. that is lovely of you to go to your nephews game, and not see him! Families are weird i think but i just go with the flow with mine.

                      Kensho, definitely get some chooks, what are they going to do, destroy the neighbourhood lol. they are great fertilisers, love digging and turning over soil, love pooping on your verandah. they love to play with Bob, oh no, not really. Free eggs. Fingers crossed for you that you get this approved.

                      Lav, Popcorn is now mostly accepted with the other two girls, i started to squirt them with my water pistor when they went to chase her away and it seems to be working. the water pistol is normally for bob to stop him barking. thats a lot of rain.

                      I have had two days of physio last week and the physio found me some stomach muscles, didnt know i had those. I must say that now i have been back to physio that my arm is not throbbing again, so as they say, no pain no gain.

                      Today i am going to pick up to elderly dogs that were dumped in the pound. One is blind and one is deaf so this should be interesting, as long as they are safe that is all that matters, i can deal with the rest. I am still in contact with Magnus's new owner so am hoping to still go and visit in a couple of weeks but i am unsure if i will still have these two boys/girls.

                      Work has been fine, which is good, its so much calmer when i have no contact with the PA.

                      Hope everyone is doing well. Where are you LC? best get going and mow the lawn or i will lose these two new ones in the yard. this is the problem with rain, it makes things grow ha ha.

                      take care xx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hey Nesters,

                        Kinda on the cloudy side today but only 81 degrees so not bad. Rain likely moving in tomorrow & that’s OK too.

                        Wags, when a hen goes ‘broody’ it simply means all they want to do is sit on a nest of eggs, hoping to hatch them I suppose. I have no roosters here so nothing is going to hatch, haha. The problem is they won’t leave the nest to eat or drink & when you try to move them they get nasty on you & will peck/bite at you. I have broken many of them of this nasty habit over the years but putting them OUT of the coop for then entire day where they can be mad as hell, i don’t care Lol. It’s unusual for the young ones to go broody though.

                        Slo, that was really nice of you to go to the football game to lend support even if you never got a chance to do that. My kids weren’t sports minded so much but they were in the band so we went to thehome games to show our support. Wonder who thought it was a good idea to spike sparkling water? Anything for a quick buck these days, geez.

                        Kensho, it takes a trial & error period but eventually chicken keeping gets pretty easy. My neighbors are generally happy to share the fresh eggs except my sister-in-law who lives next door. She won’t eat them because the yolks are ‘too yellow’ - yeah, she’s that dumb hahah!!
                        I think your response to people inquiring about your drinking habits is awesome!!!! I’d keep doing that & shut them up once & for all

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          I’m not sure what to say when people wonder why I don’t drink, either. Yes, it can definitely make people uncomfortable to admit that I/you drank too much, and that’s why we quit. There’s still a stigma. I tend to want to be honest like that too though. Maybe, “It was starting to get to be too much of a habit, and was making me tired and overweight”. (?)

                          I drove all over the place yesterday, and got to see my niece & nephews each play one soccer game in the tournament, one after the other. It was a nice opportunity to get to see my little sister & her family. I was with my mom & twin sister too. We all went out to dinner together too. I can’t believe parents are expected to give their entire weekends over to their childrens’ sports these days -and all the traveling that that entails. And the expense. My 4-year-old nephew was so bored all day too, watching his siblings play game after game. And another full day of it today too. I know it keeps the kids busy, but it’s it’s a little over the top, IMO.

                          The weather turned now, from hot & sunny to cold & rainy.

                          Good luck with the new foster dogs, Ava.

                          It’s Sunday: G must be out making music!
                          Last edited by Slo; September 11, 2022, 11:40 AM.
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Ava... that PA! If I were betting, I'd bet you'll outlast her. I love your attitude about it. I tend not to like nasty attitudes these days, but blunt honesty is refreshing.

                            Slo, nice of you to see the soccer games. I recently attended a meeting for my son's swim club (he's in it just to swim during HS off season), and I couldn't believe how many parents give so much time to it all. I had a brief moment of guilt, and then remembered that I like my job (generally) and have a life of my own, and that is ok.

                            Today is 80 degrees F, after 50 yesterday. The air is clean, the sun is out and it is lovely! Off to do my normal Sunday stuff... laundry, groceries and some random house chores. Feeling a little behind in my work, so this week will have to be very focused. Feeling a little anxious about it, but trying to channel it into productivity.

                            Best to everyone.
                            Last edited by KENSHO; September 11, 2022, 01:14 PM.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Super Soggy Sunday greetings Nesters,

                              Rained all day but who cares? I wasn’t going anywhere anyway, haha!
                              Working on some stuff for the upcoming craft fair so it’s all good

                              Slo, nice of you to sit thru soccer games & such. I know it’s very time consuming for the families but if the kids are happy then I guess it’s OK. Glad you had a chance to catch u p with family, that sounds nice.
                              I hope your weather change wasn’t too harsh, I’m enjoying the slightly cooler temps.

                              Kensho, do you have weather whiplash after such a sudden shift? Lol
                              Sounds like you’re busy & that’s not a bad thing. Hope you get caught up with work stuff.

                              So what’s everyone else doing this weekend? Anything exciting??

                              Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Lav - thanks for explaining what "broody" means. I hope you're able to get this young one out of that phase quickly and smoothly.

                                Ava - good luck with the two new fosters! That's so sad they were dumped at the pound and I'm glad people like you are able and willing to give them good care.

                                Kensho and Slo - I understand wanting to be honest with people about not drinking and why, and I don't think we need to be obligated to make it less uncomfortable for others but it's good to be aware. I think at least some of that discomfort comes from other people worrying that they're being "judged" or something. I've experienced something similar when I tell people I'm a vegetarian. People who don't know me very well worry that I'll judge them negatively if they are meat eaters. Once they realize I don't do that, the discomfort usually dissipates. I do think we should honor our *own* comfort. For that, I usually say I feel better since I stopped drinking, so for me it's the right decision.

                                Hellos and waves everyone. Happy new weeks!

