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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good on you, Kensho. Disappointment and frustration can be such huge triggers but you didn’t give in. Glad you don’t drink.

    I’ve had a heck of a month beginning with my mom’s death followed by a job RIF (aka terminated as of the end of the year), a health scare that landed me in the hospital for a couple days, and now a week of child care. Thank goodness I don’t drink, either! Sadly, I also now don’t consume caffeine, either, and I pretty much loved that drug. I went through withdrawal while I was in the hospital and had such a splitting headache, it kind of took my mind off the heart issue I was there for! It was so painful, I’m staying off caffeine so I don’t have to go through that again. Plus, maybe it will help if I do have a heart issue. The good news is that my many tests came back indicating that I’m fine. Who knows? Bodies can be so weird.

    Thanks for the photos, Belle! I can’t imagine being able to sew such things, much less design them!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      NS, sorry to hear all your news but glad to hear you are coping with it all.
      I had to remove caffeine too when my B/P went sideways, it helped a lot. Turns out we actually can function without caffeine. Sorry about the job situation too. Will you be looking for something else? Take care of yourself first, you certainly have had a hard month :hug:

      Kensho, it is a good thing we don’t drink. It never fixed our mistakes or problems, right? Take lots of deep breaths & move on, everything will be OK.

      Slo, it’s hard when we don’t get to say goodbye but I think he knew you cared about him. You were kind to him at the end of his life.
      I hope the baby shower goes well for your daughter this weekend. I’ve been reading a lot about people dealing with long Covid, I hope your sister is OK soon.

      Ava, you really have your hands full with those two pups, bless you.
      That cranky chicken growled at me again today, I just laughed & walked away cause I’m not touching her again, haha!!

      Steady, good to see you & I hope your trip is awesome

      Mr G - CONGRATS to you on your 4 years AF :welldone:
      Always keep moving forward, you’ll have nothing to regret, ever!!

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Congrats Mr G on 4 years!!!

        So glad to have been along for your journey and can't wait to see where your joie de vivre takes you next!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          NS - sounds like it has been a difficult month! And yes, thank goodness you don't drink. It certainly wouldn't have done anything but make all of those situations harder. Regarding your work/job, is this an opportunity to try something different? Or maybe early retirement? In any case, we're here to support you through whatever next chapter you choose. Hope your health situation has resolved and that your week of child care goes joyfully and smoothly.

          Kensho - you ARE human and we all make mistakes. It's unfortunate that yours will cost you but in the grand scheme of things it sounds like you have a healthy balanced perspective.

          Steady - your Nov travel sounds wonderful! I can't wait to hear what you think of Cuba especially. And whereabouts will you be going in Mexico? I will live vicariously through you on this trip

          Ava - my dad seems to have plateaued for a bit. It's still very obvious that he is almost 92 and that he's aging, but the rapid decline I was seeing a couple of months ago seems to have slowed at least for now. Thanks for asking. Sounds like your two new fosters have a lot of challenges. Thank goodness they have your steady hand caring for them. Fingers and paws crossed that the scan at the vet shows nothing malignant.

          Hellos and waves to Pav, Lav, Slo, and everyone stopping by the nest. Here we are at almost-Friday (or already Friday for some of you!). No tix to booze town, booze ville, isla de booze, or any of those other places!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters,

            We enjoyed a rather nice day. We had tree trimming guys here today removing some old dead trees from our hedgerow & they trimmed some large branches that were hanging over the roof of the chicken house. That roof was replaced a few years ago, need to keep the tree branches off. Such excitement haha!

            Wags, glad to hear your dad has hit a stable patch for a while, makes it easier on all involved. :hug:
            Hope your weekend & weather are both in good shape.

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.
            I have one week left to finish up embroidery projects for teh craft fair on the 24th…..busy, busy

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Quick sober check-in. Hope you all have great weekends!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Saturday greetings Nesters,

                Quiet here, hope everyone is OK & having a great weekend.
                Wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  OK, so all the Nesters have left the nest - hope everyone is well

                  Wishing a safe night for all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    I’ve been flying around like a crazy bird, but it’s time to land back into the nest.

                    This evening some condo neighbors hosted a 2-hour pre-football game cookout in their driveway! It was a wonderful opportunity to meet my condo neighbors! I really enjoyed it, and also liked that it was short & sweet (not some open-ended drinking bash that goes on & on).

                    This morning when I was out biking, a dog rushed out of a yard full-force and hit me hard in the leg. One tooth punctured deep. So there went my day, tending my wounds and getting stitches put in, filing a police report, and getting antibiotics. It really ticks me off that people can’t bike safely on public roads because of other people’s dogs.
                    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Yesterday was my daughter’s baby shower. It went well! I’m really getting the hang of this socializing sober thing!! I enjoyed it! Her best friend and her sisters did a pretty good job putting on a Harry Potter shower for her, and I helped by making chicken salad, egg salad, and cucumber/cream cheese tea sandwiches. Lav, D3 loved the reading pillow that you made for the baby, and now D2 wants one for Christmas for baby Huxley! It’s somewhat painful to go back to my old home, with ex-HB there, but it’s not my home and life there anymore. But -I liked going home to my condo too.

                      Friday was my stepfather’s funeral. There was a very nice visitation, then a beautiful Catholic mass, followed by a delicious catered Italian dinner. Cupcakes were served for dessert, at which time we sang Happy Birthday to him on his funeral day, which would have been his 92nd birthday. I really enjoyed the opportunity to visit with his family, family friends, and family. And there was no alcohol in sight! Just water bottles!

                      Tomorrow I will attend his military burial.

                      In the earlier post, it should have read that the dog BIT me, not “hit” me.
                      Last edited by Slo; September 18, 2022, 09:08 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        On Thursday evening, two daughters and a son-in-law, and a baby, came to visit me at my condo! I took them out for dinner at a nice place near here, and we had such a nice time dining on the patio, and then back to my condo for more visiting and more laughs. Who needs alcohol?! I find I don’t need it anymore, and it’s still fun to go out to dinner and such without it!

                        Lav, I guess you’re keeping plenty busy if your next craft fair is only one week away.

                        NS, when it rains it pours! I hope you feel ok about your job ending. How is it being caffeine-free? Are you sleeping more soundly?

                        Kensho, my decorator makes mistakes too -as we all do. She deals with them like you did; just accepts them and moves on. Unfortunately yours are on a larger scale since you have large-scale projects, so it’s eating into your profits. But I can see why you just want the projects to turn out right. They’re your babies, after all.

                        Goodnight to all as we head into a new week!
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Kensho - re: parenting. The biggest lesson for me is acceptance! And letting go of outcome. We do what we can when they are younger, but ultimately they grow up to be their own people, and we have no control. Of course we make mistakes, but I do hope none too big...

                          Slo, sounds like an amazing evening. I love socializing sober. I had a birthday party at my house for a much younger colleague. I stayed up dancing with everyone and went to bed totally sober and was SO GRATEFUL! I know not everyone felt as good as I did on Sunday morning. Thank goodness I don't drink.

                          NS, you've been through it alright. So so sorry about your mom, and also about your heart. How scary that is. And too bad about coffee. Maybe another hot drink ritual for you? I know, it isn't the same, but I am sure you'll get used to doing without caffeine as you have alcohol.

                          Ava, taking care of those old ladies is such a nice thing you're doing. How lucky they are to have found you.

                          Happy SOBER (and un-hung) Monday.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hola friends,

                            Thanks for the congrat's.

                            Welcome back Pav! Any tales of your adventure?

                            Slo, my condolences to your family. I'll be pretty happy to live to 90.

                            Things are busy here, good busy. The more i let go of what i cannot control, the more in control i feel! lol.

                            Surf's up.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy to see some Nesters checking in

                              We’re back into the hot weather again, figures with the seasons about to change this week, haha! I am looking forward to cooler temps & not sweating. It’s been a bit much this summer.
                              Yes, I am busy gearing up for a craft fair this Saturday so I’m stitching my brains out haha!

                              Slo, wow, you have been busy &I am sorry about the dog bite, ouch. People can be very careless with their dogs, sad. My beagle size dog has never bitten anyone but I have an electric fence around the property anyway mostly to keep her from running out on the road when people go by. She goes crazy when a horse & buggy goes past the house.
                              I’m so happy your daughter liked the pillow. That’s been my mission since starting the crafty stuff - making people happy. Good to hear you are meeting your neighbors in a healthy fashion. Your stepdad should be smiling down on all of you by now, you were good to him.

                              Pav, when our two kids left home I was anxious of course but they did just fine. We did teach them what they needed to know & they made good decisions. That’s when you can finally sit back & really relax knowing you did the best you could with them

                              G, living to 90 is one thing but will you still be making music? That’s the big question & I hope you are

                              Hello to the rest of the gang & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Great to see everyone back and checking in!

                                Slo - sounds like you had a busy and mostly wonderful weekend. So sorry to hear about the dog bite though! I hope you have very little pain and quick healing.

                                Pav - glad you had such a great sober time with your colleagues b-day party and dancing. Waking up the next morning un-hung is pretty fantastic isn't it?

                                We had a neighborhood gathering outdoors for everyone on our street last night. Most people had wine or beer, but honestly I'm not sure and nobody made a big deal about it in any way. So grateful to have social gatherings where al isn't the focus and isn't forced upon people.

                                Happy new sober weeks everyone!

