Good Sunday morning! I am driving soon to go up and babysit my toddler grandchildren for the day. The parents are going to the football game with ex-HB.
Ava, the next bub is due November 12th. It will be D3’s first baby. But, since all the other grands were born at 37 weeks, I should really expect him around October 23rd.
I spoke too soon: LC is still with us on the site and hanging in there! I’m happy to see that.
My dog bite isn’t too bad, compared to what can happen. It’s just one deep puncture wound. The rest was just surface scabs from teeth, and swelling & bruising. I can’t tell much if it hurts, because it’s in the calf right below my bad knee with the knee replacement, which always aches and swells. I took a 5-day course of Augmentin.
I have to do everything in increments too, Ava. Do one active task, then have to sit and elevate the knee for awhile before I can tackle another active task…it’s annoying.
Those two dogs are thriving under your care!And your outdoor cat as well under yours, Lav. My cat was technically given to my youngest daughter by my sister, but that may have been just a ploy to get ex-HB to allow him to stay. Young daughter seems to have no intention of taking him to live with her at college, so Boyd is mine.
I best get a move on!