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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Good Sunday morning! I am driving soon to go up and babysit my toddler grandchildren for the day. The parents are going to the football game with ex-HB.

    Ava, the next bub is due November 12th. It will be D3’s first baby. But, since all the other grands were born at 37 weeks, I should really expect him around October 23rd.

    I spoke too soon: LC is still with us on the site and hanging in there! I’m happy to see that.

    My dog bite isn’t too bad, compared to what can happen. It’s just one deep puncture wound. The rest was just surface scabs from teeth, and swelling & bruising. I can’t tell much if it hurts, because it’s in the calf right below my bad knee with the knee replacement, which always aches and swells. I took a 5-day course of Augmentin.

    I have to do everything in increments too, Ava. Do one active task, then have to sit and elevate the knee for awhile before I can tackle another active task…it’s annoying.

    Those two dogs are thriving under your care!And your outdoor cat as well under yours, Lav. My cat was technically given to my youngest daughter by my sister, but that may have been just a ploy to get ex-HB to allow him to stay. Young daughter seems to have no intention of taking him to live with her at college, so Boyd is mine.

    I best get a move on!
    Last edited by Slo; October 2, 2022, 08:45 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi Nest. Slow morning here after a fun night at a concert. This venue was awesome. It was a free concert, but the music was unbelievable. Because it was free, it drew a very diverse crowd - age, race, ability, style, culture... Many of the concerts I've attended that cost have a homogenous group of privileged white people attend. I felt like it was a melting pot and that everyone was important and had a place there. THAT's what I want the world to be like. Celebrate our differences and be un-judged. We are all here to do and be different things but we are all equally valuable. Loved it.

      It was a hard week for me. A three day trip to Corona Del Mar, CA, (which was lovely, but very tiring) was followed by clients yelling at me (wife THEN husband). Literally yelling at me on the phone very disrespectfully. Not only is that not acceptable, what they were upset about was very skewed from the truth (I think the builder, who was verbally abusive to me, is blaming things on me) and I couldn't get in a word edgewise. I kept my cool, but my voice was shaking. Shame on them. I will remain respectful, charge them every penny for my time and should finish 95% of the project this month. They they can stew in their negativity and think about how badly they behaved. It's such a downer when I hurt my head for 18 months with people on a thousand details of a remodel and can't enjoy the end because of the people. Takes the satisfaction away for me, as part of what I enjoy is nurturing people in their spaces, and developing trust - which I work very hard to do. Without a connection or respect, it becomes putting expensive "stuff" in a home for negative people. I need more.

      Sorry to hear about your dog bite Slo! Did you say that was on a bike as you were passing? Not cool. Glad it seems to be healing. Must be very painful at that part of your leg.

      Ava, crazy how time just keeps marching on. I can't believe how much faster it seems now. Sounds like Carl has a new, fun future ahead of him with other pups. They will be all be lucky to have you both

      PAV, I love that you have taken up pottery. I think I would like it too. Such a tactile art. Post some pics of your favorite creations! Did you say you have your own wheel? Where to you fire them?

      LAV, thanks for always giving to causes and for sharing it. It reminds me as well. I think that if I were in a tough situation, I would want the help and kindness too.

      On to Sunday chores for me: washing the dog, spending time with my son for a "Rose of Jericho" plant that we will resurrect, and groceries. It's cool - only 54 degrees F, so it feels cozy. Good to catch up here.
      Last edited by KENSHO; October 2, 2022, 02:03 PM.

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        Sitting here listening to the rain brought by hurricane Ian. Everything is getting a good soaking for sure.
        Had the family here for a birthday lunch, my husband turns 70 on Tuesday. It was the first time I’ve had them all together in years, everyone lived & was pleasant, haha. Family issues started by DIL years ago led to a great division between my daughter. & son. It’s been so long since I had them all here together so I am happy

        Slo, hope your grandchild time has been good today. It’s fun when they’re that little, tiring but fun.
        Trying to keep the outdoor cat dry in all this rain is a challenge but she seems OK.

        Kensho, sorry you were disrespected by your clients. People just don’t think before they speak & lots of feelings get hurt. I’m sure you have worked hard on their project, sounds like they need to calm down & start appreciating all you have done. I remember feeling like sh*t after doing a 12 or 16 hr shift & not one thank you was offered, ugh!

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi, All:

          Lav, so glad your kids could bury the hatchet so to speak and come together to celebrate. Family rifts are SO crazy to me, and so sad. My dad didn't really speak to his brother for about 8 years before he died. Honestly, I was on my dad's side of the feud and understood why he didn't really talk to him. I asked him if he died tomorrow would my dad regret not talking to him more and my dad said no, so I guess he was at peace.

          Kensho, I go to a studio near my house. I'll see about pictures - not sure I'm there yet. I love the physical creation, although hunching over a wheel for a few hours can be pretty hard. Sorry about your clients. My friend who is a contractor did a re-model for my cousin and he was the crazy client. They got through it in the end, but it was stressful for me. (haha)

          Take care, Slo.

          Happy SOBER Monday,


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            It was a soggy Monday here, still getting rain from hurricane Ian. The local creeks are coming up over the roads & there will be lots of mud when this is done.
            The sad news is at least 100 deaths in FL so far & they’re still in search & rescue mode down there.

            Pav, creating something, anything just makes you feel good. Glad you found a creative outlet that works for you. I took a pottery class about 35 years ago, it was fun.

            Just wanted to say hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone.

              Luv, I like hearing that people can grow and then come back together with new skills and co-exist at least.

              Pav, I think the hunting over would hurt my neck. I am so glad you love doing it.

              I am feeling like I need another career. UG. It will pass, but I'm just sick of spending SO much energy on materialism. What if that energy helped the world more? Oh well, it's what I have now, and I'm committed to a variety of projects so I'd better snap out of it.

              Have a good night Nest.

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters,
                Good to see everyone's hanging in there despite the ups & downs of life. It's awful to hear about the destruction caused by Hurricane Ian. Yet another catastrophe in this crazy old world. I'll follow Lav's example and donate to an aid agency.
                I've been googling stuff in Mexico & Cuba in preparation for a visit there in November. I guess that's why I've been inundated with ads for rum on F'book & elsewhere! It's actually a blessing, as it reminds me that the temptation to drink could be quite strong when I'm far away from home and all that goes with it. Wow, this'll be the first overseas trip I've done without alcohol! Gives me the opportunity to appreciate it so much more, and to make strong memories.
                Had the typhoid & tetanus vaxs today. This is really very exciting!
                Take care everyone, peace & smiles,
                AF free since April 29, 2013


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hola nester's near and not so far,

                  Hola Steady! Wow, November is nearly here. Cuba and mexico! 2 joints i'm yet to see, but will soon. I look forward to hearing about your adventures. My last 3 trips to Sth America were booze free. No wukin furries. Sometimes if i was in a bar, i stuck with water because any order of soda, tonic water, sparkling water, lime and soda etc. had potential to be assumed by bartender that this gringo would appreciate a double shot of booze in there too. I bet you'll find plenty of breezy healthy cafe style places to chill in and take in the sights too. How long are you going for?

                  Friend Kensho, a change in career? Such a cool thought. What would you go for?

                  Big waves to evabody. All ok here.

                  Surf's up dawggy!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening greetings Nesters,

                    Yep, it’s still raining here & I think we have it for one more day. Slow moving storm system, I think we’re up to 4 inches of rain so far. But we still have a roof over our heads & power so there’s not much to complain about. I noticed the check outs at the local stores are asking for a donation to the Red Cross for FL victims, that makes it easy to donate.

                    Kensho, as my daughter approached 40 she decided on a career change too. She went from business to healthcare, quite a leap but she’s happy. There’s lots of things yu can do with your skills, don’t sell yourself short. We deserve to be happy!

                    Steady, your trip sounds very exciting. I’ve never been to Mexico but I think you’ll find plenty of ways to avoid alcohol. You have your tools - don’t forget to pack them & have a safe & fun trip

                    G, maybe you should write something for the Tool box on how to avoid alcohol when traveling, you have lots of experience
                    I haven’t left home much since I quit except for two trips to Canada & it was easy enough to say no thank to AL you up there.

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      My daughter got out of the business world too; went back to school and into health care (occupational therapy).

                      G-man, that’s some advice that I wouldn’t have thought of, but it rings true: I tried to order tonic water with limes in Mexico at a poolside bar, and they just kept putting gin into it! It seems safer to just stick with water.

                      Kensho, I’m so sorry that the builder bad-mouthed you to the clients to get the focus off of himself, and they so rudely went off on you like that. What an ending when you have worked so hard on their behalf. That’s so unfair of them to turn on you like that.

                      I’m so mad at myself: this afternoon I stupidly biked in an area with railroad tracks to go over; and suffered a fall off my bike when my wheel caught in one. I thought I was fine and continued on, but as the hours have gone by, my (other) knee has stiffened & swollen, and now I can’t bear weight on it. Dang! This is going to take awhile to heal. Lots of ice & rest & elevation, and I fear my (other) ACL is torn.

                      I got to babysit little Huxley today, so that was nice.

                      Lav, finally your family got together! That’s good for the young cousins too. May this be the first get together of many to come.

                      Steady, I wonder what Cuba will be like after the hurricane? Hope it’s a good trip!
                      Last edited by Slo; October 4, 2022, 08:43 PM.
                      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Quick sober check in after several crazy full days of teaching! Glad to see a busy nest and I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.

                        Don't drink -- it's gross. (hat tip to Nar )


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi, All:

                          Sorry about your fall, Slo. I HATE when I disregard my common sense and it comes back to bite me.

                          I LOVED sober travel this summer, also. In Italy, every tourist was talking about the wine, but I was fine without it - more food calories available. I agree with Lav, Mr. G. You should put something in the toolbox - booze free travel is a common theme. I feel about it as I feel about booze free concerts - so much better! So much more to absorb and experience fully present. You'll be fine because you don't drink! Because I live close to Mexico I have been a couple of times (but not recently)- it was wonderful. Where are you going, Steady?

                          Not much else to report. So sad about Florida.

                          Have good SOBER Hump Days.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Greetings Nesters,

                            After several days & 4+ inches of rain we will be getting a break. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny & 73 degrees, yay!! I can tolerate colder weather just fine but the dampness does make my joints ache. Sounding like a true old lady, oh well Lol

                            Slo, I am sorry about your fall & hurting your good knee. Time to put that bike away for the foreseeable future I think. Take good care of yourself, you know what to do :hug:
                            Yu want to be in one piece so you can continue watching those grandbabies.

                            Wags, working hard as usual, good for you! Don’t forget to schedule so ‘me time’ too

                            Pav, listening to our internal voice is always a good idea. I am especially aware of this as I age. I find I can no longer just jump into something without risking hurting myself. In my case that involves carrying heavy bags up the three steps from the garage into the kitchen. I lost my balance doing that not too long ago and badly bruised my arm overcorrecting myself. To prevent a fall, geez. Now it’s one bag & one free hand always

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good morning folks. Just passing by. I'm still sober and doing well. No temptations now, real or imagined. It's been 9 years after all. Part of what worked for me then, and is still a strong memory for me now, is the rock solid understanding that I can't just drink one drink. I had to get that one fundamental truth deeply engrained in my psyche before any of my many quits stuck. Glad to see familiar names, and for those I don't see, I only hope that they've successfully moved on and aren't still trapped in the ugly cycle of addiction. To quote Ringo, peace and love
                              Last edited by TJAF; October 6, 2022, 06:20 AM.
                              Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                              William Butler Yeats


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                We had a perfect sunny, 73 degree day today after 5 days of rain - much appreciated

                                TJ, hello & thanks for stopping in, good to see you.
                                Congrats on your 9 years AF, they’re the best, right? Making up our minds, once & for all is the magic that makes our quits stick. No going back now, only forward!!

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

