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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi all, another quick check in for me but sober and so grateful for it!

    I've got one more hard week and then my work schedule will ease up a good deal.

    Sober travel and sober concerts -- sounds like two really big positives of maintaining a solid quit.

    Catch up with you all again this weekend!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi, All:

      Brief stop by.

      Congratulations, TJAF, and thanks for stopping by. I agree - I never really just wanted one. I am still amazed when people leave half a drink or half a beer on the table - NEVER did I do that. Thanks goodness I am free from that!




        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by Lavande View Post

        Pav, listening to our internal voice is always a good idea. I am especially aware of this as I age. I find I can no longer just jump into something without risking hurting myself. In my case that involves carrying heavy bags up the three steps from the garage into the kitchen. I lost my balance doing that not too long ago and badly bruised my arm overcorrecting myself. To prevent a fall, geez. Now it’s one bag & one free hand always
        Yes, this is what I need to realize: I can no longer just jump into something without risking hurting myself. Well, I was trying to go slowly over the trolley tracks embedded into the road. And that’s part of the problem: I was going too slow. A better option would have been to realize that biking over those might be dangerous, and turn around. And I should have just turned around and stayed on that bike path, and never went on the road. But there were so many dogs being walked on that particular path that the road felt safer.
        So now I hobble around with a walker for awhile, and lay low. Darn it! I have an MRI scheduled for the knee.
        I got the stitches out of the dog bite, but it’s still draining some. I put silver spray on it before adding a bandaid each day.

        Thanks for stopping by, TJAF. I have never understood how people can just leave half a drink behind either. And that means I can never have just one.

        Thanks for posting, Wags, even though you’re so depleted from too much tutoring.

        Maybe being forced to slow down like this will help me find my true rhythm, and honor it. I don’t like hustle culture. “Busy-busy” doesn’t suit me, and it never did.
        Last edited by Slo; October 7, 2022, 05:05 PM.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Still sunny & warm here today so it was nice.
          I’m a little concerned about the stray cat I’ve been caring for outside. I haven’t seen her since early this morning. I’m afraid she went off somewhere to deliver her kittens & not in one of the outside places I set up for her. I don’t really understand cat behavior, I’ve had dogs all of my life. Keeping my fingers crossed she makes an appearance soon.

          Wags, the hardest working woman in the nest, haha! I hope everything is going well for you!

          Pav, hello & hope you have a good weekend!

          Slo, I’m sorry you’re dealing with all that. Honestly, some of us just seem to have to learn things the hard way. I’ve always been like that unfortunately. Listening to our inner voice takes some practice. It’s all about learning to trust ourselves I think. Anyway, I hope you’re not too uncomfortable & rest up this weekend :hug:

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hey all Nesters,

            Me again just checking to see if everyone is OK

            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Me again too Lav! Hope all nesters are having good sober weekends. Stay safe and AF everyone!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening nesters

                Slo, i never listen to myself and then wish i did. I hope your MRI doesnt show too much wrong. Getting older isnt for pussies.

                Lav, i hope the cat is safe and delivers her kittens without any trouble. She will come out to eat for sure.

                TJ, happy 9th sober birthday, it feels great to have no regrets for 9 years i am sure. I am so looking forward to hitting that milestone.

                Pav, so glad you are liking the pottery making, that is on my to do list and i did look into it before covid hit. fostering seems to keep my busy now but its still a bucket list thing.

                Life has been busy, its like having 4 children, feed times in particular. Bindi, the diabetic one, inhales food at a rapid rate and then wants to try and find everyone elses bowl. the slow feeder is keeping her occupied now. Gucci the deaf one now has to have surgery but no date for that as yet. i just hope she doesnt have cancer as she has not been desexed and has mammary tumours. Tomorrow is the vets for Bindi to check her diabetes and i think we have it under control mostly now. Hopefully she will be able to have her operations soon.

                The best news is the PA has put her notice in and has decided she is actually going to do some work. Miracles do happen. I am so relieved that she is going but she thinks she is going to be asked to stay. If they do, i will walk. ha ha.

                take care xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters,

                  I missed lots of stuff going on in the Nest. Don't know where to start but just hope all is well with Slo, dogs, cats and everyone else!

                  I was supposed to go to Myrtle beach last week with my bestie, as her nearly-ex husband has a couple of airbnb condos there (I can't remember if I mentioned this) and offered us a week. Was supposed to fly out last Sunday oct 2, but we found out the power was out, and looking at news reports, Myrtle looked like it got hit pretty hard. All kinds of crap on the beach, and even if the power came back on in the condo, we didn't know if stores and restaurants would be operating. So at the last minute, on Sunday, I canceled my flight and got in my car and drove to Charlotte, NC where my friend lives. We had a great week of mostly doing nothing, but did do some sitting by the pool, and shopping of course. While it was still raining up here, it was a completely sunny week there. I also discovered mocktails in several restaurants. I used to just order tonic water with lime, but decided to try some of these mocktails and wow were they good. One was called a "Sober Sally" and was just cranberry juice, apple juice and sprite. Simple, but delicious!

                  It was a great time, with no AL involved. Drove home yesterday and I'm depressed already. Back to the same old, same old. However son is coming home next weekend for fall break. I told him if he did not come home the halloween decorations would not be going up. That is his thing.

                  I'll have to get back into the swing of things here. Daughter may be moving into a single dorm room, so I might have to help her with that. She is still loving her behavioral health tech job at the mental hospital and must have accumulated a bit of money by now! She hasn't asked me for a cent!!

                  Take care all...enjoy the sun if you have it. It is a little too chilly for me, but I guess it is time to find the fall clothes.

                  Alcohol does me no favors.

                  Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest. Sounds like people are busy with pets and travel.

                    Sorry your trip was cancelled Belle. It sounds like you made the best of it, and saved some money too! My kids are bugging me to get out the Halloween box too. Sounds like the kiddos enjoy it still. I got really into it with young kids, but it just sounds like a lot of work now.

                    We are having a string of gorgeous fall days here - crisp air, bright sun, blackbirds chirping and pretty colors in the trees. I love this time of year, and we are having a 5 star fall so far.

                    We leave for California Thursday, for vacation this time, and not work. It's sort of different now that I've been there working - less romantic and idillic, but still looking forward to the break and my feet in the sand. Feeling a bit stressed about what has to happen before we go though. Too much work - it's nerve racking. I'm SO tired of feeling like this. I really would love to have a different type of work - ready for it to morph somehow. I've asked the universe for other opportunities. No sense feeling stressed to the point of feeling shaky. It's getting old.

                    Anyway, I'm so glad I chose to quit drinking. It's a distant memory now, but the thought of sneaking, obsessing, lying, and recovering from alcohol makes me shutter. I do crave an escape at times, but I have found other ways - like shopping or exercising or reading. Also great distractions, and no hangover!

                    Best to everyone. Anyone heard from Byrdie recently?

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Sunday greetings Nesters,

                      Well my deck cat has delivered 4 kittens this after noon - hope that’s all for her! What a trooper, never made a peep & she’s in the ‘cat house’ I set up for her on the deck so I can keep an eye on them. Just slipped a heating pad under the bedding since. The nights have been pretty cold lately. Never, ever thought I would be doing something like this, haha.

                      Wags, good to see you!

                      Ava, sounds like some peaceful times ahead at work for you, nice. Hope the pups check out OK at the Vet.

                      Belle, I was pretty sure your trip to Myrtle Beach was going to be cancelled. We can’t mess around with MOther Nature. Glad yo enjoyed your week elsewhere.

                      Kensho, stay open to new possibilities, on eof them may fall in your lap
                      I’ve been chatting with Byrdie, she’s busy trying out new projects - sewing for the first time, fun.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Belle - sounds lik you did a great job of making a cancelled trip into a fun week anyway. Are there ways you can mix things up a bit so it doesn't feel like the same old?

                        Kensho - I hope you get all of your work done before leaving Thu, and then have a fantastic trip to CA. It sounds like you're ready for a new opportunity to come along for work -- it'll probably show up when you least expect it.

                        Lav - yay for the 4 kittens! Thank you so much for tending to mama. Meow!

                        Ava -that's such great news that the PA is leaving!!!

                        Hellos and waves everyone. Happy new weeks!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          AVA - I missed that the PA is leaving...? You will outlast her! Hopefully you will get some real help and less attitude.

                          LAV, you are such a nurturer. I'm sure mama kitty is grateful for you; she chose wisely. Glad Byrdie is playing with other hobbies.

                          I'm feeling pretty calm at the moment because I so thoroughly prepared for the big install tomorrow. I'm sure things will come up, but there's not a ton I can do today for it (though there's a lot for other projects - but they can wait!) That feels good. I may take a bath after I walk the dog... something totally in that self care bucket.

                          Wags, hope you are good. Are you very busy with your work right now?

                          Take care Nest... no drinking. It is a waste of life.

                          Done. Moving on to life.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Glad. To report the kittens are now 24+ hrs old & seem to be doing well. Their mama looks good too so I guess I can sit down now, haha!! I will never shake my old nurse persona, it’s just part of me
                            Enjoying a nice fall season here, cool but sunny days, chilly nights, good for sleeping.

                            Wags, having been a dog person all my life it’s amazing how different cats can be, much nicer & they thank you often
                            Hope your day was a good one!

                            Kensho, I’m glad you’re feeling. Solid about your new installation tomorrow. Hope everything goes nice-n-easy for you

                            Hello to all Nesters & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Kensho - hoping for all the best with tomorrow's install! And good for you on prioritizing self-care :hug: YES I'm incredibly busy right now but things will taper a bit in about a week.

                              Lav - cats and dogs are incredibly different aren't they? I've mostly had dogs but did have 2 cats in my 20s. My kitties were pretty sweet but I'm definitely more of a doggo person.

                              Hope the week has gotten off to a good start for everyone. Take care!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Checking in to say Hello & hoping everyone is having a good Tuesday.

                                Wags, I had a golden retriever deliver 12 puppies back in the early 80’s. OMG what a crazy time that was for sure. My younger kid wasn’t even 2 yet, I was working & bottle feeding puppies all day & night long, haha! These kittens are much easier, mama is doing all the work. Hope your day was good!

                                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

