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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Hope everyone is doing well on this hump day
    Expecting some rain & wind tomorrow so I’m making preparations to keep the outside kitties warm & dry. They’re all looking good for now.

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Hi nester's!

      All ok here. Busy busy Senor Lizzie! Friend Kensho, when you mentioned you've fully prepared for a project for next day, that attitude reminded me of a an almost sure fire way to eliminate or substantially reduce anxiety and worry. When i've prepared for a meeting or work event approaching, i am much much more relaxed about it, and i know that no matter what external forces may entrude, i've at least got my stuff together. Then i can simply turn up and let go. Oh yeah!

      Big waves to evabody. Back yourself legends.

      Surf's up diggity's.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Howdy Nest! Hi G!!

        I'm not a drinker. I'm not a drinker. I'm not a drinker. I'm not actually considering it, but back in the day, a week like this would have me three glasses in by 5pm. My install went very well, despite some significant on-the-job problem solving, and I'm really happy with the design results. The clients however, are another story. They must just be unhappy people. She patronized me and accused me or "my people" (delivery people) of stealing 8 black screws. Seriously? Not only are they easy to replace, why on earth would furniture delivery people walk to a room they were not ever in and swipe screws? This homeowner is unappeasable, period. Once I decided not to take her negativity personally - I just opted to get out of there. Go ruin someone else's day! And she's a surgeon! How must she talk to her support staff? Well, I'm almost done, and so thankful. They paid me the balance - so just a few things left and I'm out. No time for that bad mojo.

        And no drinking for me. I turned up my favorite dance songs loud when I got home and danced with the dog to blow off steam. Then I played a balloon game with my daughter and laughed a ton. Then I watched a TV show I really like. It all made me feel so much better. Priorities are in check.

        Then this am, we rebooked our Italy flights that we had to cancel in 2020. YIPPIE! Then my other client I installed on Friday said they want to get back in my queue to do the rest of the house because it looks so old compared to the parts I did. So it all works out. There's no reason to drink... just to cope and wait for life to shift.

        G - it's nice to see you. I hope you're getting on well. What projects are you into these days?

        Wags... I grew up with cats and loved them. But as an adult the only cat we had peed all over the drawings I pulled two all-nighters prepping for and picked up from the printer for a next day meeting.... he was taken back to the humane society to find a more suitable home. We gave him a lot of love too. My pup has my entire animal heart now

        Hope everyone is hanging in there. Life can feel really emotional and hard, but it always shifts.

        We are off to CALI tomorrow for 5 nights of rest and restore. I need it.
        Last edited by KENSHO; October 12, 2022, 09:04 PM.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hello, [MENTION=24741]butterfly_bean[/MENTION]. It will be great to have you here!

          Kensho, is the surgeon client the same one who went off on you a week or so ago? If so, they are mighty unpleasant people.
          You found great ways to decompress and let it go! I would be more likely to stew about it instead of letting it go, and I need to change that. It’s a step up from drinking over things, but still not a good coping mechanism.

          Good job with the kitties, Lav! Especially keeping them warm, and crafting a place for her to have them. Now you have 5 outdoor cats! Ha!

          Ava, surely they will let that PA go, since you have documented with them the troubles she has been causing?! That is good news.
          Yes, pets are a lot of work. So good of you to help & love those two old girls.

          Glad you could still get together with your friend, Belle. I guess that was the main thing.

          I had a dust-up with my little sister, trying to explain to her why my little brother is struggling (alcoholism) and afraid to trust (narcissistic bullying in his younger years by Mommy Dearest). She was ticked off that Brother didn’t share his new phone # with the family. Well that fell flat again, to put it mildly. She simply doesn’t believe that any scapegoating happened, and that I’m nuts. And me: I’m tired of keeping quiet for decades, and going along to get along, while my afflicted family members are struggling and isolating and drinking and off-ing themselves! Oh well -I know now that she’s someone whom I can only discuss the weather with, and that’s it.

          I’m well & truly hobbled. Both knees are taped together with K tape, both are supported with flexible braces, I take anti-inflammatory pain pills, and I can do the bare minimum by getting around with a walker. I’m learning how to take things slowly. I’m hoping that this will be a chance to heal the knee replacement knee as well, with whatever ails it.

          Take care, Nest!
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Dealing with a very damp day here, oh well. The weekend is supposed to be very nice.

            Hello & welcome butterfly-bean!! Glad you found us & hope you stick around for a while. Please let us know a little about yourself & if there’s anything we can do to help you get started. Look in the Tool box for ideas to help you make a good working plan for yourself. I did that a long time ago & stayed close to the nest, it really helps.

            G, hello to you

            Kensho, I hope you really enjoy your time off & trip. After all the work you really deserve a break. Enjoy!!!

            Slo, I’m thinking of you every day & hoping you heal quickly. I know it must be tough getting around & dealing with pain right now :hug:
            Take good care of yourself please. I’ve learned I can’t change my siblings feelings so I gave up trying. They seem to have different childhood memories than I do & I don’t know where that comes from, it’s confusing. Focus on you

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              [MENTION=24741]butterfly_bean[/MENTION] Hello and welcome! :welcome: Very glad to have you here. Please make yourself right at home and share whatever/whenever you feel ready. We're all here to support each other

              Kensho - now THAT is how not taking things personally and blowing off steam in an AF way is done! Super proud of you. It must be such a relief that you've got such a solid quit you can rely on during rough days and weeks. Enjoy the hell out of California. As [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION] always says... surf's up!

              Lav - glad the kitties are doing well. Hope you got them all tucked in tight for the rain. Or as tight as kitties allow lol

              In Wagland, I made it through my crunch of work! Woohoo!!! Test days are tomorrow and Sat so I'll be "on call" but only a couple of actual teaching sessions and then I think a whole weekend off. I look forward to being here in the nest more regularly now that my schedule has calmed down again.

              Happy Fridays everyone!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hello, [MENTION=24741]butterfly_bean[/MENTION] and welcome to the nest. You've taken a great step to come here and get support in sobriety. Do you need anything particular from us??

                Kensho, of course you weren't going to drink because you don't drink. Service industry must be rough. Who in the world would steal 8 screws?

                I am pretty busy these days - events keep sneaking up on me. I feel like I want a week off just to stay in my house alone. It is a lot of fun stuff, but I definitely overscheduled myself this fall.

                Happy almost weekend! I'll check back when I have more time.



                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Nice day here after yesterday’s rain. Looks like the kittens stayed dry outside, they have a good mama
                  I have lots of things to do but somehow just feeling content doing very little this week, haha!!

                  Wags, glad you got thru your busy time OK. I hope the weekend is good to you!

                  Pav, it’s really easy to over schedule but difficult to back out of commitments. Maybe some things can be put on the back burner for a while? Hope your weekend is peaceful.
                  [MENTION=24741]butterfly_bean[/MENTION] , hope to see you back here soon.

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good morning everyone. I'm back trying to get back on my feet after a pretty bad relapse. I ordered both baclofen and Topamax on line and knew that I couldn't take them together. I started with baclofen and it did help me some but not totally to quit. I would get almost there and then I would let some trigger get in the way of my goal. I'm ready to try again and now have a good supply of Topamax to help. I'm looking for advice from anyone who has used it and had success. Thanks in advance for caring.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      We had a really nice fall day here, much appreciated. Even went to a Halloween party across the road & chatted with some neighbors. The kids all had a ball carving pumpkins & running around in their costumes. Saw one or two people with a beer in their hands, definitely not a drunk fest haha!

                      Mountain Dreamer, greta to see you here in the nest. Settle in for a while, we’re a nice bunch.
                      I personally did not use any meds but I did take big steps & an herbal supplement to get my anxiety under control when I first started here. The anxiety is what kept me drinking way too long. You know what work best for you so you should. Include that on your plan. Set up small goals at first, a day at a time to start & before you know it you’ll have a month AF under your belt. That was a very powerful thing for me & for most I think. Check in with us daily, it really helps. Wishing you the very best!

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Welcome Mountain dreamer and BB. Good to see u taking back your lives.

                        Meds or not, many find a tweak in mental perspective and attitude something to aim for early on. Personal development and growth is one known way outta a hole.

                        Hi Lav. Looks like u have a few animals to keep an eye on!

                        Yo Kensho! Good to see you too as always. Great work at the day job, and safe travels for your adventure in Cali. You'll be launching yourself into the surf, no? I have a few projects. One is the art of property investing - this is a tricky one but interesting. A fair bit of music. Finding a wife. Community service in the way of mental health conversations with other musicians. Daily focus on keeping relaxed, active and sane. :happy2:

                        Slo, wishing you a full and speedy recovery my friend.

                        Have a restful peaceful weekend evabody!

                        As Wags says i say.....Surf's up! Big waves to all
                        Last edited by Guitarista; October 15, 2022, 10:48 PM.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Evening nesters

                          I dont seem to have enough hours in the day anymore but thats okay as i am sober.

                          Welcome BB and Mountain Dreamer, i think support and being accountable is a good tool to have on board as well as anything else you may need. Support is still my number 1 go to when stress gets to me. Keep posting and get to know us, we are a great bunch of people.

                          Slo, i fee for you and your knees. i hope you feel a bit more normal soon. i went to dr and got some Meloxicam which seem to be the best anti inflammatory i have tried and physio as well. the physio has upped the weights so that seems to be doing wonders and now i can have a day or two without pain. mind you mowing the lawn etc does my arm no favours. I hope the girls are there for you. (my kids avoid me like the plague lol). Its taken me 8 years to like my family and sort them out Slo, patience and not putting up with their crap worked. As i kept saying to my mother "its your choice on what you decide" and didnt give in to what i believed was my right.

                          One more week till the PA goes, she had a runny nose last week so could not work. i have found someone to replace her and organised a meeting with the boss this week, highly competent, been working at my work for years in different positions and is just lovely. This time the bosses say they will listen to who i recommend so i am hopeful. I had a teams meeting with him last week discussing the job and different aspects and he is very keen so basically it will be up to whether he wants the job or not. everything is crossed so i can gain some sanity.

                          Kensho, i dont do bullshit with people now, i do feel for this drs coworkers if she was like that with you. enjoy your break.

                          I went to visit mum and my son on the weekend, we had a lovely time and went to the pub for lunch. mum gave me her funeral details and what she wanted me to have. i asked her if she knew something that i didnt. a man across the road dropped dead in his garden so she wants to cover all bases. okey dokey i thought. she is a much nicer person now she is not drinking, so am i! I left the rescue dogs at home, gave Bindi her injection before i left and my daughter minded them and home before she needed her night injection. the next door neighbour is a nurse and she said she will inject if i need to go overnight which is lovely. 6 weeks of fostering and we have all settled in nicely now. still waiting on an operation date for Gucci.

                          lav, i would love to see a pic of the kittens, they are so cute. i am a dog person, was a cat person when i was young but i find they pee in the house for no real reason if they want too. cat pee is awful.

                          Wags, glad your work has slowed down.

                          take care xx
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Sunday evening greetings Nesters,

                            Another nice day here but it’s staring to feel chillier all of a sudden. Better than roasting the way we did all summer. I have lots of different projects going on & keeping busy with the zoo here, haha!
                            The kittens are one week old today & look pretty good to me. My daughter is calling her friends to see if they want kittens which is great!

                            G, you certainly are a busy guy these days & that’s not a bad thing. Staying sober & sane rocks

                            Ava, glad to hear you will be getting some competent help in your office, makes all the difference. My chickens are slowing production now, not as much sunlight this time of year. They deserve a rest anyway I’ll try to get some decent kitten pics, it’s kinda hard right now due to where the mama relocated them. They do seem just fine.

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Mountain Dreamer - welcome to the nest! I haven't used either of those meds but I think some others have and can chime in. We're glad you're here!

                              Lav - sounds like a nice change in the weather for you, and a fun Halloween gathering too! I agree with Ava - kitten pics please

                              Slo - I hope your knees fell better soon.

                              Ava - sounds like you found a fantastic replacement for the PA who's leaving. Fingers crossed your recommendation is actually followed!

                              Kensho - by now I hope you're enjoying a fab few days in California.

                              Happy new weeks everyone!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good MAE and Happy Monday, All:

                                To those new here - I highly recommend the Tool Box section for a lot of tips for staying sober. I didn't do the medicines either - therapy, honesty, acceptance, and a lot of hiking with the Bubble Hour podcast. And post here before you drink! We can help.

                                I had a fun visit with two old friends this weekend. It is amazing how we can be apart for so long and settle right back in as though we have been here all along.

                                Happy SOBER Week, folks.


