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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Mountain Dreamer, I didn’t use Topamax, but I think YouKayBee did, so she would be a resource if she checks in again, which she did once or twice recently.

    My twin sister is coming off what she describes as a two-month bender today. I wish she could stop drinking.

    Lav, that sounds like a nice Halloween party across the street! Especially for the children, but fun for the adults to be outside and to touch base with one another, too.

    Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground today. It’s very cold & windy & gray outside.

    Not that I can go outside much anyways. My medical-grade ice packs are my friends. And my pain pills. I’m back on Diclofenac, Ava; but could’ve just as easily gotten into my stash of Meloxicam. My goal is to live free of NSAID pain pills, and here I am back on them. My brother’s MIL was just diagnosed with some kidney failure due to chronic use of Meloxicam for her hips.
    I feel like the newly injured knee is going to heal up with time, but the chronic pain in the knee replacement one is really dogging me.

    That’s so great that you get to pick the new PA, Ava! I hope he accepts.

    It is cool, Pav, how old friends can just pick right up where they left off.

    Lav, you are smart to no longer engage your siblings about family dysfunction. I regret going off on my little sister. Ruined that relationship. But on the other hand, I’m sick of doing bullshit with people, and just going along to get along.

    Hope California is a good break from work for you, Kensho. Hope work slows down for you this week, Wags. Hope you get a good real estate deal, G!
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Raining at the moment but the temp is supposed to drop to near freezing overnight. I wish I could move those kittens to one of the safer/warmer places I have provided. The mama cat keeps moving them back to her chosen spot behind the garage, oh well.
      Busy working on replenishing my stock for the next craft event coming upon Nov 5. Time flies

      Wags, I hope your week is slower & saner than the last few have been.

      Pav, that’s nice you reconnected with old friends so easily. Glad you enjoyed your visit.

      Slo, thinking of you & your poor knees. This colder weather probably isn’t helping much either.
      Several years ago when my Swiss mountain dog accidentally broke a couple of bones in my foot, the doc gave me Meloxicam & it did absolutely nothing for me! I went right back to ibuprofen & took it as long as I needed to for relief. Rest & ice are certainly helpful. Sorry about your sister’s drinking but maybe she will decide now is a good time to quit. Staying away from my brother is really the only choice I have. He’s nasty & defensive & has nothing nice to say to anyone, his choice, honestly.

      Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters

        Things are moving along re my holiday in November. I’ve been thinking about posting here every single day, but my anxiety has been up trying to organise things, and my brain just can’t concentrate when I’m stressed. It'll only be a short trip, around three to four weeks, and I'll take in Teotihuacan, Oaxaca, San Cristobal de las Casas, Merida & Chichen Itza in Mexico, and Havana, Vinales, Cienfuegos & Trinidad in Cuba; much of it will be with organised tours. I did see that Havana was hit by Cyclone Ian & the entire country lost power. I believe that as a developing country they're used to losing power quite frequently, and I do hope they have recovered well from the cyclone.
        I discovered the reason I kept getting bombarded with ads for rum was because I was mistakenly following 'Havana Club' (which is rum) when I meant to follow the Buena Vista Social Club (which is in Havana), lol.

        Thankyou for the AF travel tips & suggestions, I'll be taking them with me, for sure! I had a ‘drinking dream’ just last night, so subconsciously (as well as consciously) preparing myself. Looking forward to sampling Mexican chocolate rather than rum or tequila! Have hear the chocolate is great!
        I see many Nesters are enjoying travelling, partying & other stuff AF, and it's great to read all the positive affirmations that, well, WE CAN DO IT!

        Welcome [MENTION=24741]butterfly_bean[/MENTION] and [MENTION=24708]mountain Dreamer[/MENTION]. You have found an amazing space! The Nest is the place to be! [MENTION=24708]mountain Dreamer[/MENTION], I have not used Topomax or Baclofen, but what I did find very helpful was Campral. It really helped me with the cravings & anxiety in the early days. I wonder if that could be an option for you? Best wishes to you.

        Ava, happy for you that the PA is moving on, yay! Mr G, you always have interesting projects on the go, best wishes, amigo!

        [MENTION=654]eve[/MENTION]rybody, I do read your posts and thank you for all your good wishes & advice. Sorry that I don’t respond to everyone individually but please know I do appreciate you all. I’m sure if I was on MWO more regularly I wouldn’t get so overwhelmed when attempting to post! I think this post has been particularly long!
        Take care,
        Steady xo
        Last edited by STEADFAST; October 17, 2022, 10:52 PM.
        AF free since April 29, 2013


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Really getting chilly here in these parts after such a long hot summer.
          We seem to have lost one of the four kittens overnight, just completely disappeared. I found the mama cat Luna backup on the deck with three kittens, no signs of what happened to the fourth. Could have been a predator, just don’t know. I was concerned about her taking them behind the garage a few days ago.

          Steady, glad to see you & I’m sure you are excited about your big trip coming up. It sounds wonderful & I hope you get to sample a whole lot of chocolate. No need for booze to have a good time

          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Slo - I'm so sorry you're in such pain. You have my sympathies about *both* knees. I totally get wanting to avoid NSAIDs and other pain pills. They all seem to have negative side effects -- right away or down the road. Ice packs are great. Have you ever tried a TENS unit? Not sure how well it'd work with knees, but I found it to be incredibly helpful for my back. And I forget - have you tried CBD at all? or even medical marijuana? I'm not necessarily suggesting you smoke it, but there are some pretty fab topicals that might be worth trying.

            Steady - your trip sounds awesome!!! I'm kinda jealous and can't wait to live vicariously through you. You can definitely travel sober and have a total blast doing it! Sounds like you have some good suggestions from others already. Just keep your focus on what you CAN indulge in, enjoy, experiment with, etc. And that doesn't have to be only food types of things - you'll remember the music you hear, the smells and sights of each locale, the people you meet... all so much better with no booze in the way of building memories.

            Lav - oh no! sorry to hear about one of the little kitties I know that's nature but it's still sad. Hope mama cat is able to keep the other 3 safe and sound.

            We're off to a good week in Wagland. My work schedule is much lighter and I'm enjoying the easier pace. It should stay this way for about 2 more weeks and then it'll probably pick up again somewhat. I should be ready to rock again by then!

            Take care everyone! Catch you all again tomorrow.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Well it turns out that my injured knee is fractured, according to the MRI yesterday. The X-ray had not shown a fracture, apparently. I’m surprised I had to wait two full weeks to get in for an MRI. I was proactive, and got in to see a doctor the very next day after the injury, then was left to hobble around for two weeks on a broken leg, before the diagnostic test could be performed. Annoying, to say the least.

              Thanks to you guys, I have been using CBG oil lately on my chronically bad knee. I stopped it when the bottle ran out though, and I was already back on Diclofenac anyways. It sure does help. Way better than Diclofenac.

              Mama cat should have listened to you, Lav! You tried. Hopefully she’ll keep the other three kittens up on the deck.

              Steady, that’s a long vacation! Are you traveling alone? You sure will see a lot of the world. Thanks for filling us in on your itinerary. What an adventure you have planned! Sounds like the kind of trip that Mr. G would enjoy.

              Glad you’re catching a break so you can recuperate, Wags.
              Last edited by Slo; October 19, 2022, 07:07 AM.
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Slo, I'm so sorry about your acutely messed up knee! What is done for a knee fracture? No wonder you are in such pain. I hope there is a good path forward.

                It is great to sign on and see some new people in the nest! It is a great place to get the support we all seem to really need to kick alcohol out of our lives. Welcome!!

                Sounds like all the long time nest residents are doing well, dealing w/ life on life's terms. It regularly occurs to me how unable to cope with several things that are going on in my life I would be if I still were drinking. I'm grateful every day to MWO and to all of you.

                xx, NS


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Turns out two kittens went missing yesterday, now I’m really confused. At 9 days old they were too small to walk off on their own so it must have been mama Luna’s doing. This is something I have zero experience with so I don’t even know what I could have done differently. Glad to say mama & the remaining 2 kittens have stayed put in the heated cat house up on my deck today, it’s cold!!
                  Other than that just working to get ready for the next craft event.

                  Wags, glad your week is looking good, you deserve that!!

                  Slo, so sorry about the MRI results, I know you must have some real pain. Went t hru the same thing with the two bones in my foot several years ago, fx only showed up on mRI
                  It would be nice to get into an Ortho office soon to get weight bearing status, etc. I hope you can get as comfortable as possible in the mean time with ice & elevation :hug:

                  NS, good to see you & I totally agree - without MWO & everyone here I would not have handled a lot of things as well as I have over the past almost 14 years.

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hey Nesters,

                    Just me checking in for today. All is well & I hope everyone else has had a good day too.

                    Have a safe night in the nest all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Checking in sober and happy about it. I hope everyone is doing well.

                      Catch you tomorrow!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Hi Wags, glad to see someone here besides me

                        Have a safe night in the nest everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Lav - guess it's you and me for tidying up the stray twigs in the nest.

                          Well, it's obvious that my work schedule is a lot lighter this week. My wife and I got about 3 weeks' worth of projects done in 3 days! Woohoo! Exactly the kinds of tasks that feel SO good once they're done.

                          Happy weekend everyone!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hey Wags,

                            Yep just us holding the fort down. Nice to get some of those nagging chores done. It really clears up the mind space, don’t. You agree?

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night right here in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters

                              Pretty quiet around the nest, i still read every day even if i dont post. Probably a lot of us do that so best make the effort to type a few words or a few hundred (in my case).

                              Have had lots of rain here, this is our third year apparently of lots of rain and flooding. Sad to see the devastation of water everywhere. The dogs hate going outside in the rain so i get the flooding inside ha ha.

                              Last week for the PA, apparently there is a breakfast for her but i will pass on that and WFH. I have 5 days to avoid her and i can do this! they did interview the person that I want and now he has to interview with another head of something with a fancy name which means i will be doing two jobs for at least 6 weeks.

                              I had to take one of my fosters to the vets on Friday to have a CT scan and decide on surgery. It looks like she has adrenal cancer which is so sad. they are going to send the imaging off for others to look at to decide a course of action or it she will be palliated. She will stay with me now as she is settled and loved and with her mum. My other girl goes to the vets tomorrow for monitoring of her diabetes so i get a day break, they are both doing so well and the blind one (bindi) finds here way around amazingly now although does still run into walls.

                              Slo, that sucks about your fracture, i had one of those when they did my MRI on my knee, i do hope you are being looked after by the family. Mine ran a mile i think, if not further. When is the baby due?

                              Lav, did you find the kittens? i had a dog that used to take the kittens when they were little and drop them oustide on the grass. the mother spent most of the day getting them and taking them back, it was so funny and the dog never hurt them.

                              Wags, can you both visit me and do my built up chores, i am still procrastinating about the garage but my arm is finally on the mend so i am hopeful i will get to that around xmas time.

                              Going for coffee shortly with a friend of my son's. Her son is the one who went to rehab, then jail and is now back in jail again, all due to drugs. I did receive a letter off him so need to write back. I never lose hope and think his mum just needs an ear to listen without judgement. he is a great kid, i love him to bits and we can only hope that while in remand they organise for him to go to rehab.

                              well now i have done those few hundred words, take care everyone and check in.

                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hi, All:

                                Not much to report here - the darker days are coming and I am not a fan of that, but other than that things have been fine. I am thoroughly enjoying my empty nest, and am excited to see what this stage of life will bring. If only I could retire and/or not work so much! I am so grateful to be booze free for this time as well. We made great choices to get that poison out of our lives.

                                Ava, you're amazing caring for those two old dogs. I feel too selfish to take something like that on at the moment. They're lucky to have you.

                                Hi, Lav and Wags. Hope all is well.

                                I spent time doing my pottery this morning and accidentally dropped a bowl that I had grown attached to. Good lesson on not getting attached - it is what attracted me to pottery to begin with. You can't get attached because there are so many things that can go wrong. i'm mad because it was my hurrying around and not taking care (rather than a glaze or some other thing gone wrong). I have to take it all in, but I'm irritated with myself.

                                Happy SOBER Saturday.

