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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hello Nesters,

    Darn, does time fly quickly. I have been playing catch up since my vacation, and son was home for fall break last week. It was great having him here. We went shopping for new halloween decorations, just like we did when he was a kid. He did a great job of decorating the yard and carving a great jack-o-lantern. In fact it is probably the most pampered pumpkin in the world. Before he went back to campus, he found some ways to preserve carved pumpkins so they don't prematurely rot. Then it was up to me to follow through with it and I must say it was fun soaking the carved pumpkin in a bleach solution and then rubbing vaseline on the cut surfaces so they don't dry out. We have a very sunny front porch, so even on chilly days it warms up enough to bake a pumpkin, so he is staying in side and peers out the front window, lit up, at night. lol. I'm finding it quite fun and fulfilling to do this. Perhaps I lost my mind? I don't think I'd do all this if I was drinking.

    I'm standing up to hubs more and more when he says stupid things to me. And I decided every time he p*sses me off I'm going straight to Amazon to order something for myself. So far I have gotten a nice sky blue turtleneck sweater and some new kitchen chair covers for fall.

    Good to see everyone coming to the nest, and it is nice to see some newbies. I read back as much as I could, and I can say [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION], so sorry about your knee. That must be incredibly painful. And Ava, good the PA is going away. Sounds like she is a real P in the A.

    We have a new woman in our group (of 3 now) who the two of us are trying to teach her how to do things. She comes across as a "know it all", and so much so that she does not listen even when I repeat things 3 times. It is frustrating, but hopefully she will start catching on. She did a bunch of work I'm responsible for last week and did it incorrectly, so tomorrow I will have to kindly show her again and have her fix it all. We also are trying to snag our biggest account of all time and on Friday I had to proof the plan that boss is going to present to client on Tuesday. It took all day and I came home achey and exhausted.

    But...yesterday I felt great...pumped up the tires on my son's bike and went for a long ride. I kept telling myself I'll probably pay for it, but it was worth it, as it was a beeeuuuutiful day. That is the weird thing about fibromyalgia. One day you can feel like death for no apparent reason, and the next you feel like you can do anything and probably overextend.

    Lav, I'm so sorry about the missing kitties. We have foxes around our yard and our doggo makes sure they stay outside the perimeter. I hope nothing bad happened to them, but momma better keep a close eye on those last two.

    Lastly, I bought myself a trial pack of "Little Saints" mocktails. I got hooked on mocktails during the vacation. I am getting a little tired of tonic water and need a change up now and then.

    Take care all...I'll try to be better about checking in.

    Whoopsie...hubs just said something idiotic to me. Time to go to amazon!!!

    Alcohol does me no favors.

    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Dealing with a light rain now after an OK day.
      Our 1 remaining kitten seems to be fine, she’s spending nights inside my house so her mama doesn’t make her disappear too. Such strange animal behavior that I really don’t get at all. She is now known as Daisy, my granddaughter named her for me.

      Ava, sound like you’re going to be quite busy at work for a while, hang in there.
      Your foster pups sound like quite a handful but I know you’ll take good care of them. I hope your son’s friend accepts whatever help is offered to him.

      Pav, sorry about your broken pottery piece, that’s a shame. I imagine that kind of thing happens often considering those pieces are quite delicate. I’m grateful for the booze free life too

      Belle, good. T o see you. Nice that you have your own pumpkin decorator, haha! I haven’t bothered carving a pumpkin in decades but I get a few pumpkins every year.
      I was concerned about predators taking the kittens but. We now know it’s the mama cat making them disappear but I just don’t understand why.

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good Monday morning!

        Ava, daughter is 37 weeks pregnant now! She’s so big! So any week now…

        So irritating about the broken bowl, Pav. That must be one that you made that you liked? I love how you have found a therapeutic hobby though.

        And Belle, you too with the pumpkin carving; being creative with your son.
        Sounds like your husband hasn’t changed, even though you’re sober. That’s another creative way of coping; by buying yourself gifts when he cuts at you!
        I envied you your bike ride on a gorgeous Fall day…but I see that you have to be careful with those things too, or you could get a flare up of fibromyalgia.
        Your new work colleague so far is much like Ava’s PA, but hopefully she’ll get the hang of it and settle in soon.

        I don’t understand mama cat’s behavior either, Lav! Good for you for rescuing one little kitty. That’s fun for the grandchildren too.
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          The dark days are hard, Pav, because you go to work is the dark and come home in the dark.

          Good news that your shoulder is healing, Ava. It does take awhile. I have had to hire Merry Maids, as I just can’t do housework now while I’m hobbled. It is scary to lose one’s mobility. And I have had to hire a teenager to clean the litter boxes in the basement, since I can’t do stairs yet.

          Tomorrow I babysit my 4-month-old grandson, as daughter has gone back to work. Everything will be set up in the living room (crib, diaper-changing station), since I can’t carry him around. I have to get out the door quite early tomorrow morning!

          Good luck with your challenging workweeks!
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            We’re having another damp & chilly day here. I was called to pick up my oldest grandson from school this morning. Sounds like he had a real episode of hypoglycemia considering he hadn’t eaten yet today. He’ll be 14 next month & I remember my son having the same issue at that age. I fed him, he perked right up then listened to my lecture on the importance of adequate protein intake & keeping your blood sugar stable haha.

            Slo, I wish you good luck tomorrow watching your grandson. I hope your bum knee is healing OK. Be careful driving too!
            Luna seems to be happy with me taking the kitten inside overnight & taking her back out several times during the day. It’s a win for us both!

            Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Pav - I agree about the dark days not being a favorite. And I'm sorry to hear about the pottery that broke. It is definitely a good lesson in not getting attached to things but that doesn't mean it's easy.

              Lav - I don't understand what you mean about the kitties. What do you mean the mama is making them disappear? That's really sad and hard to understand for sure.

              Hellos and waves Ava, Slo, Steady, NS, G and everyone else stopping by the nest.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters,
                Just a quick fly by and vent before I go to echocardiogram appointment.

                Every time I mention something to my husband about taking care of his health (I see memory deterioration, etc) he comes up with a zillion excuses why he can't "right now". But the big issue is that every time there is any sort of discussion around this he throws my drinking days, and "loss of memory" in my face. It is really disheartening, as we all know alcoholism is a disease and not a character flaw. He says that has tainted our relationship permanently. Plus it has taken a lot of work to crawl out of that hole not once but twice. He talks about the past 10 years, but does not remember that I was sober for almost 5 years of that last 10, which I have mentioned here many times and MWO was key to that 5 year AF period. I don't bother mentioning it to him, as I did once and he did not remember that and basically called me a liar.

                I do not want that thrown in my face for the rest of my life. I am coming up with a "5 year plan". Get on medicare next year, start drawing social security when I am 66 and then use some of my retirement to buy and RV and go on the road (my dream and life is short). He can divorce me if he wants to, his choice but I don't care. But I do not want to live my life in constant reminder of my drinking days. Nobody "remembers" them more than I do.

                Alcohol does me no favors.

                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Fall is certainly here leaf colors are nice this week. Everything is OK with me & all those I take care of on a daily basis. Kitten is gaining weight nicely, about an ounce/day. Still sharing time between me & the mama cat.

                  Wags, I don’t understand the cat behavior either. One minute she is caring nicely for them & the next minute she walks off with one & ‘hides’ it somewhere. That’s why I stepped in & decided the last one will be safe, come hell or high water. So far so good!

                  Belle, I am really sorry he is doing that to you. Definitely not something a mature person would do. Maybe he’s jealous of your forward motion to improve your life where he’s just stuck in his own. You may or may not remember I lived here alone for 4 years because mine couldn’t deal with the new & improved me. I was 1 year AF when he just vanished without a word. Changed his mind on his own & wandered back again with no explanation. Do whatever is best for you, you deserve happiness :hug:

                  Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Lav - Ok, now I get what you're describing about the kitties. It doesn't make much sense. I wonder if mama doesn't feel healthy enough to sustain the kittens *and* herself? Anyway, glad you're keeping the last one safe.

                    Belle - I'm so sorry you're experiencing all of that with your husband. Sometimes people see others making progress or doing great things or just being happy, and rather than supporting and applauding and celebrating the progress or happiness, they have to try to drag the others down in an attempt to ease their own discomfort or dissatisfaction with themselves. Life is too short to spend it being pulled down. You've got a great dream and I support your plan to pursue it!

                    Slo - I hope your day of babysitting went well today!

                    Hellos and waves everyone. Happy hump days!!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Evening nesters

                      2 more sleeps until the PA leaves and managed to avoid her today which was great. she actually asked her boss if he would like her to stay until they employed someone else and he said No, she was not happy but why spend the money on someone who is a nutter.

                      Lav, normally cats move their kittens if they feel threatened so they hide them somewhere else. Autumn is lovely isnt it. I am walking around in a t.shirt now so its getting warmer slowly but raining every day, i am not looking forward to summer at all, cant avoid it though unless i move out of Australia.

                      Belle, god when i stopped drinking, it seemed like a field day to tell me every single thing i had done that was cringe worthy but over time the embarrassing reminders stopped. now i think it was that long ago that even the kids dont remember and at the end of the day, that is the past and all you have to do is look forward to a sober non cringeworthy life. Ignore him, he will stop eventually and walk away, tell him you dont need to hear anything about you unless it is positive.

                      Nothing much to report from me, i have to take Gucci to the vets tomorrow to chat to the vet about what the plan is with her and if surgery will go ahead or the tumour is too invasive. fingers crossed. i am so glad i work from home and can do my own hours. I took the 3 of them for a walk this afternoon, 2 on a lead and bindi (blind one) in the pram, that is amusing to say the least. i did get bindi out so she could be one with nature (other than the backyard) and i think she walked better than the others.

                      Slo, how did the babysitting go, i hope your knees took it well.

                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Thank you for explaining the mama cat behavior, Ava. Luna is probably relieved that Lav is protecting her last kitty.

                        Belle, maybe your husband is getting defensive because you are talking to him about his health? Especially memory loss -that could feel frightening to him, and he feels the need to attack back. Maybe you both don’t need to hear anything about each other from the other unless it is positive? It could be worth a try.

                        Babysitting went well, and I deeply enjoyed the snuggles.. I only babysat -no cooking or cleaning or laundering. I needed to nap though, after getting up so early. I have to feed him his bottles more slowly though, as he has started rejecting the breast in lieu of the speedier bottle.

                        Your walk with three dogs and a pram sounds hilarious, Ava! But so important to get them out exercising and enjoying new sights & smells.

                        Today I take my mother to an eye doctor to look into corneal transplant surgery.
                        Last edited by Slo; October 26, 2022, 07:02 AM.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          The rain finally stopped this afternoon, geez it was getting tiresome. The next 4 days are promised to be sunny-ish & dry, yay!
                          I think the mama cat was just plain tired of taking care of kittens. This was her 2nd litter this year & the vet estimated her to only be about a year old herself - enough! I will get her in for spaying as soon as they mallow me. She’s a nice cat & deserves a better life.

                          Wags, the little is gaining weight nicely so I’m happy. My daughter is asking friends if they want her, if not I wil keep her myself.

                          Ava, I can picture you taking all those dogs for a walk, haha good for you
                          I hope they can help Gucci with a good plan.

                          Slo, glad you did well babysitting & didn’t have any problem with your knee. Nothing wrong with a granny nap after getting up so early.
                          Luna & I are still working well together to get this baby raised well. I read they begin weaning between 3 & 4 weeks & she will be 3 weeks old on Sunday. I’ll start offering small amounts of wet kitten food next week & see how it goes.

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Thursday evening check in,

                            Hope everyone is well, I am

                            Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Happy Friday Nesters,

                              Just checking in & hoping everyone is well.

                              Have a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all had excellent weeks and that the upcoming weekend brings fun, peace, and well-being to everyone.

                                Catch you all again tomorrow!

