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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Getting dark so much earlier now, less time to do things outside now. I’ll catch up out there in spring

    Wags, I hope we all have a fabulous November!!

    Slo, Congrats on the grandson, they bring so much joy to the family :heartbeat:
    Hope you are healing well so you can enjoy him to the fullest!

    Getting closer t o Saturday’s craft fair so I need to get my sh*t together soon, haha!
    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Slo - congrats on your new little g'baby!!! Glad mama and bebe are both doing well.

      Lav - hope everything goes smoothly in your prep for the next craft fair. How many more will you have this year?

      Things are good in Wagland. My wife and I started a new workout program yesterday and I'm SO happy about it. I've always loved to be active and workout, and especially to be fit enough to do other active outdoorsy things I love. But since I hit menopause it has been MUCH harder to motivate for exercise. Maybe it's due to the hot flashes making it seem horrible to sweat even more, or maybe just the roller coaster of hormones changing all over the place.

      Anyway, something finally clicked and we are committed to doing a 13-week program (might stretch it out to more like 16-18 weeks cuz we can't do the 6 days/week the program requires). But it's perfect cuz it'll take us into the new year and start that off on a positive note. I'm excited because it's mostly a strength training program but also has one day/week that focuses on mobility and correcting muscle imbalances (which everyone probably has to some extent).

      As I was just writing this, I realized that part of what feels so good about working out and committing to an on-going program is that it's self-care. It feels good to make good choices for our health and well-being, to treat ourselves as the valuable beings that we all are.

      What do YOU do as a gesture of self-care, a statement that you appreciate and value yourself and your well-being? Quitting al is obviously a huge one and may be the absolute #1 gift we all give ourselves. Beyond that, what replenishes you? What feeds your spirit or soul?

      Hellos, hugs and waves to all :heartbeat:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Enjoyed another nice day here, feel lucky

        Wags, only 1 more craft fair coming up on Dec 3 then I’m done until spring. It’s fun but it’s also a lOT of work. I spend that ‘free time’ catching up with stuff I’ve ignored around the house, haha!
        Your exercise program sounds great, good for you. I went to Curves for 7 years until they closed. It was easy exercise but I’ve noticed an increase in my balance issues & muscles not as toned as they were. I promised the cardiologist a year ago I would walk an hour a day but sometimes I just can’t do it all, bad feet thanks to my nursing job of nearly 30 years ago. We do have a tread mill here & a few other pieces of Gym equipment but I’ve ignored them lately. I will use my ‘off time’ to get back to them. Good luck with your program

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Lav - hopefully your downtime after the Dec 3 fair will let you get caught up on other things. It's amazing how quickly balance and muscle can decrease, huh? I'm with you about hoping for a fantastic November. I'm very nervous about next week's elections. I try not to worry about things I can't control but SO much is on the line this time. I guess we'll know a lot more by this time next week, for better or worse.

          Happy almost-Friday everyone. Hope you all end your weeks on good notes!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters,
            Realized I had better get more serious about checking in, as the shorter, colder days make me feel depressed and I don't want that to lead to you-know-what.

            Good to "see" you Byrdie, and that table runner is so cute! I can sew basic things, but I am constantly amazed with what my son can do. The kid who never did well in school can comprehend and master all these difficult sewing techniques. I'm lucky I can make dog bandannas.

            Daughter has finally decided enough is enough at her current college and will be transferring elsewhere in the fall. She has dealt with online classes with little or no wifi, no hot showers, professors who show up when they feel like...they even put her on "academic probation" when she did not even "qualify". It took almost an act of congress to get that removed from her transcript so she could send her transcript to her new chosen school. Now if she would have listened to me in the first place she would have not had to have gone through all that pain and misery...but in a way I think it was good for her to 1) learn how to handle adversity and 2) hear "I told you so" ( and no , I did not say that). The new university is an "in state" school and will be about half the cost too!

            Time to head off to work. Going to see my niece "grand baby" tomorrow. Can't wait!

            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Yes, it is shocking how quickly muscle tone and balance can diminish. I’m still trying to find the sweet spot for maintenance through exercise. I’ve been doing one arm exercise each morning with an 8-lb. weight, and am busy with PT (physical therapy) exercises for my legs.
              Curves was perfect for you, Lav! I wish it hadn’t closed. I think one hour of walking per day is too much.
              Wags, your exercise program sounds perfect for you & wife to get toned & strengthened, while still respecting an older body.

              Daughter should have listened to you to begin with, Belle. Had to find out the hard way, I guess.
              I’m going to go visit my “older” (1 & 2-yr.-old) grandchildren on Sunday. And hope that the endlessly sick toddlers don’t get me sick!
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                I have been running around like a lunatic all day but the truck is all packed up for take off at 7:30 am tomorrow. No wonder these craft events are so tiring haha!

                Wags, I’ve been doing mail in ballots since the pandemic started & love having my vote counted long before election day
                If I found out any female didn’t vote in this election I’d have to go shake her by the shoulders!!! This is no time to be lazy or indifferent, everything is on the line for our rights. I just read DT is getting reday to announce he’s running again in 2024 HA HA!!!! No way!!!

                Belle, don’t let the short dark days get to you, be proactive. I know from my own experience it;’s best to immerse yourself in something that keeps your attention & interest going. For me it’s always been sewing, give it a try, you never know my daughter transferred after her freshman year too. Turns out living in western PA wasn’t as much fun as she thought it was going to be, Lol. I told my kids I wasn’t paying out of state tuition either, they had plenty of choices right here in PA. I hope she likes her new school.

                Slo, I really do miss Curves, it was fun & a good social outlet too, oh well. I so what i can walking, have to save my feet!!
                Have fun with the grandkids Sunday & bring a mask - I would!!!

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Belle - yep, shorter darker days in the northern hemisphere are hard to take. Lucky friends in the southern hemi having days get longer and warmer right now! It sounds like your daughter has come to a good decision, and she's probably learned more from it unfolding this way than if she'd just taken your advice. Experiential learning has a way of sticking with us (well, most of us!).

                  Hi Lav and Slo!

                  Waves to everyone stopping by the nest. Happy weekends to all!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters, Just wanted to check in. I read back a few pages and was happy to see familiar names. I’m doing ok with about the same ups and downs as friends I talk with. We took a family trip to Iceland, and we’re all blown away by the natural beauty. Everybody drinks tap water, car accidents and crime are minimal, there are few bugs, no snakes and no predatory animals. Saw lots of cows chillin in the fields. Its a big contrast to home life for me in NJ/NY where it feels prudent to be aware of your surroundings and on the look out for a potential problem. I’m so glad to have sober time under my belt. It was a full time job being caught up in addiction. Happy belated birthday Byrdie! Love to all my fellow Nesters and Loamers !
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nest Friends. Shout out to NS, AVA, Byrdie and omnipresent [MENTION=8356]Lavande[/MENTION] (23,818) for their 10,000+ posts on this site. What amazing good you have done by being here consistently, supporting and sharing your stories. Thank you all.

                      Done. Moving on to life.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters

                        Wags, good on you with your self care program, how long do you workout for? I have started doing some home exercises for my arm, paying $55 for a 40 minute exercise program is getting a bit much. I just need to push myself to do it, im exhausted after work, looking after the fosters and carl. I know that never would i be doing what i am doing now if i was drinking so i am totally grateful for my sobriety. Walking is a mammoth task just getting out the door, one doggy pram, 2 dogs on leads, Carl has patella problems so cant walk far at the moment, Gucci walks like a trooper for about 4 houses and then meanders so its quite funny when i do get out and they love it. i keep thinking i need to walk the dogs then walk myself but i would feel guilty just leaving them but i think that is what i am going to have to do, it is such a good stress relief and self care as you say.

                        Lav, my BESTEST buy in the world were my $260 walking shoes. i have not had shin splint issues since i bought them and i have never regretted the cost (except at the time) but thank god for afterpay. i went through so many pairs before i went to a podiatrist. Good luck with your selling today.

                        Slo, congratulations for the new bub, what is his name? how are you going with your knees now? Wish i could take the kids stuff to their father lol. he lives too far away. My daughter still has not collected her cat nor finished her room. it is driving me nuts but of course when i mention it, i get a myriad of excuses. apparently working 5 days a week is tiring, who would have thought!

                        The PA that we interviewed has accepted the job so that is great, not sure when she will start. i am just doing what i can and collecting the overtime. It has finally stopped raining here for now, we are going to hit 30 degrees this week and thats about the temp i can cope with, i am loving daylight savings and yes i am rubbing it in ha ha. i will be complaining about the heat soon enough.

                        Jane, lovely of you to pop in and yes i would not be doing anything if i was still drinking except wallowing in self pity and anger. Life is just wonderful with all its ups and down.

                        Belle, funny how the kids dont listen, i still give my opinion but its the "what would mum know" i can see ticking in their brain. I hope your daughter will be happier in a new place. will it be closer to you? How is hubs behaving?

                        Well time for a coffee then to pick up some free dog beds and mow the lawn AGAIN. i will be happy when the heat kills it though rechargeable mower and whipper snipper are the best invention in the world. Nearly up there with my rechargeable mop that i invested in as the dogs wee a lot in the house on occasion.

                        take care xx
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          I’m somewhat exhausted but happy after a very good sale day today people were definitely holiday shopping, had their credit cards ready to go haha!

                          Wags, am I right seeing a cold/damp weather pattern moving into your area? It was 70 some degrees here again today but my allergies called for an extra dose of Zyrtec so I won’t mind the cold so much when it arrives. Hope your weekend is fabulous!

                          Jane, so good to see you & glad to know you are living well AF as we all are at this point. Your trip to Iceland sounds very nice, I should definitely go one of these days. Take care.

                          Kensho, it seems I have developed the gift of gab since finding this website, Lol checking in daily is purely habitual, used to check in twice daily during the early days. Hope your weekend is good!

                          Ava, you are so busy with your fosters, good for you! I would like to do that some time but my dog is very territorial & not always nice to other dogs.
                          Expensive walking shoes are a must for me these days. I wrecked my feet a long time ago & they’re not going to get any better so I have to ‘baby’ them with good shoes.
                          Did great at the craft fair today - no complaints for me.

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            I guess I’m up early thanks to Daylight Savings Time ending. I’m up at daughter & son-in-law’s house now; I drove up last night instead of today since it was so windy at home, and my power had been out for hours.

                            Great job on the sale, Lav! Were you able to sell some things for Ukrainian relief too?

                            So great to see you again, Jane! Iceland seems to be a hot tourist spot lately! Said daughter & son-in-law just got back from there, and my brother & his wife took their whole family there earlier this year. Ex-HB’s brother & his wife went there this year too.

                            Good walking shoes are a must, Ava! Merrell stopped making the kind of shoes that are so kind to my feet, but I recently was able to buy a used pair of them on Poshmark in black, and another used pair on eBay in brown.
                            The new baby grandson is named Andrew. That was our boy name, but we had four daughters and no sons. Now D3 has intentionally used our name for their son! He will be called Andy.

                            Wishing a good AF day to all.
                            Last edited by Slo; November 6, 2022, 07:15 AM.
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi, All:

                              Not sure what is going on with my not posting - I think once it slipped out of my daily habit I am having trouble getting back on track. I am glad all is well, and it is great to see you drop by, Jane. Iceland sounds amazing.

                              Lav, what did you sell at the craft fair? I usually don't like this whole holiday season, but I am making an effort to go in with a positive attitude! I usually don't like the dark or the insistent partying during a time when we should all be cozy on the couch. Bah, humbug! Oh, wait. What happened to my positive attitude... Ha.

                              Wags, I would love to know what program you are following. I have been REALLY trying to get more exercise, especially upper body. I hike a lot, but need to lift or do something more. I watch a lot of basketball this time of the year, so I put weights in the TV room and try to double dip, but I think a more regular program would be better.

                              Ava, how are the old ladies? Slo, congratulations! Hiya to everyone else.

                              I am good. I have been listening to al-anon podcasts and think they are a good reminder of how to go through life, really. It all boils down to acceptance and the serenity prayer for me - figuring out what I can and should control and also what I can't and/or shouldn't. As someone said here, simple but not easy.

                              Happy SOBER Saturday,


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nesters,

                                Enjoyed a quieter day here, haha. I do have one of my grandsons here but he’ll be leaving soon if he ever stops eating haha!!

                                Slo. Dealing with a power loss gets tiresome, happens often around here. We do have a whole house generator though which is so helpful. Being on well water we can’t even get a glass of water when the power goes out, ugh. Glad you got to your daughter’s house OK.
                                People showed little interest in my relief effort yesterday but one girl did buy 2 tote bags saying her grandma was born in Ukraine.

                                Pav, time flies & getting out of the habit of checking in daily just happens I guess. As long as you’re committed to your quit it’s probably OK. I just don’t feel right if I don’t check in quickly
                                Yesterday I sold reading pocket pillows, great gifts for kids & to get them interested early in reading. I do lots of different themes

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

