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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Jane - so great to see you! Iceland sounds amazing, beautiful, safe. How nice that would be.

    Lav - congrats on your reading pillow sales. I would have LOVED such a thing as a kid. Heck, I'd probably love one now!

    Pav - We're going a Beachbody (soon to be renamed BODi, which is much better) program called 645. It's mostly strength training but very functional, not just bicep curls and other isolated muscle-building stuff. One day per week is Mobility and Stability. It's designed for 6 days/week, 45 mins but we're doing it 4 days/week and it's plenty! We both really like it!

    Rainy wet weekend here but lots of inside projects done. Hope everyone has great weeks starting!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Monday evening greetings Nesters,

      Today will be the last of 70+ degree days, weather will return to more seasonal temps. It’s been a nice gift though
      Don’t know of anyone here is old enough to remember Tower of Power, a funk, soul, jazz group from way back but i just found out they will be coming to a venue near here in February. I am psyched, can’t wait to go!! They formed in 1968, unbelievable

      Wags, I do some of those pillows for adults too but the kid’s ones are so cute. I firmly believe in getting them interested in reading early. Our daughter ended up getting her degree in English & Communications……she was & still is a big reader. Our weekend coming up will be rainy & wet here too.

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Lav - I know of Tower of Power but I think they were a bit before me. How great that you get to go! That should be a blast.

        Ava - I'm intrigued... will have to explore this concept of a rechargeable mop. Hope your week is off to a good start.

        Hellos and waves to Slo, Steady, Pav, and everyone else stopping by the nest. Catch you all tomorrow


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi All,
          Not working today due to a cardiologist appointment smack in the middle of the day. However I need this day of rest after a weekend with baby Amelia (who goes 200 miles an hour), working a long day yesterday and then driving daughter back to campus last night, and running into miles of road construction on the way back.

          I was told that when Amelia woke up yesterday, she asked for me by saying "gand-ma". I am called Auntie Grandma, and I might as well be grandma as I am the matriarch of the She is so sweet but wears me out even when I am not taking care of her alone.

          And speaking of babies, congrats [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION] on the new grandson. I am losing track, as aren't you getting 1 or 2 new ones every year?!

          Daughter has to formally apply to new college but from speaking with the transfer advisor there, it looks pretty good for her. It will be farther away, which is not a bad thing, as she will stay there most weekends. right now she comes home most weekends to work in the mental hospital. She will have to put that job on hold, as much as she loves it, and hopefully they will want her to work summers and winter break.

          Lav, yes i love hobbies. I have 2 knitting projects going. One blanket that I am near completion with, but that last 10% is hard when there is a new and more challenging project calling my name. I did start it once and made so many mistakes I took it apart. Now I am casting on the stitches again to restart. I love sewing also, but after seeing the sewing my son can do, I am reluctant to sew anything because it will look so lame compared to what he can do. Perhaps when he is home winter break he can teach me a few tricks.

          I'm going to make lentil soup in the instant pot tonight. Gastro doc says I need to seriously up my fiber input so that is one good way to do it. I hope it doesn't make my hubs too gassy, as he is pretty bad as it is. He has been ok lately, mostly because I keep my distance and my business to myself.

          Time to head to cardio doc. Happy sober Tuesday, all!

          P.S. Lav...I do remember Tower of Power and thought they were great! I'll have to look them up on Apple Music to remember their songs.
          Last edited by BelleGirl; November 8, 2022, 11:48 AM.

          Alcohol does me no favors.

          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters,

            Turning cold here, I knew it would eventually hahha!!
            Spent most of the day just thinking about future projects but not actually doing anything. I’m getting pretty good about that

            Wags, I love live music especially when it’s music from my time
            I’m sure the venue will be packed with people our age, fun time! Hope you have a great week.

            Belle, don’t compare your sewing skills to your son’s. Your projects will mean something to YOU, perfection not needed I really enjoy the process of making something, keeps my brain busy & out of trouble. I use lentils, chick peas, etc in soups to boost the fiber too especially in the winter. You will find that music on Apple Music, you tube & all that. Makes me happy to hear it again.

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Lav - I agree on loving live music, especially from "back in the day". Seems like Pav is a big live music fan too if I remember correctly (is that right [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION] ???).

              Belle - hope your lentil soup is fantastic (and not too gas-inducing, cuz that would be a bummer).

              Getting ready for a yummy dinner, a fire in the fireplace, and election results. Nerve-wracking -- so much at stake that will impact our states, our country, and in many ways the world. If democracy crumbles (or implodes) in the U.S it can vanish anywhere. Cross your paws everyone -- we really need all the good vibes we can possibly get.

              SO glad I don't drink!!!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hey Wags, glad you’re still on nest mum duty with me
                Our PA elections turned out just perfect. We have a new Dem US Senator & Governor, just what i wanted. I am so grateful for the women in this state for getting out there 7 doing the right thing by electing these two men. Most of all I am grateful Dr OZ will no longer be hanging around here trying to buy an elected seat, he’s doesn’t fit in here, not a bit!

                Nice day here, sunny with just the right amount of chilly

                Hello to all Nesters, stop in when you can so we know you’re OK.
                Wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Hi Nesters,

                  Lav, glad you got a good outcome in the PA elections. I find having those Big, external things going well makes it easier not to drink!

                  It's windy here today & bad hayfever weather, so I took the car to do a couple of things that needed doing. While out, decided to grab a quick lunch. Hopped on public transport to get home.....before remembering I had taken the car! :eek-new: A little bit distracted & overwhelmed by the fact I leave for Mexico in the early hours of tomorrow morning! Just psyching up for it has taken a lot of mental energy, it's been so long since I did something different! It's gonna be a long haul - home - Sydney - Vancouver - Mexico City, a total of 34.5 hours in transit. Arriving MC just before midnight. Very thankful for my sobriety as I could encounter situations where I really need (what's left of) my wits about me!

                  You won't be getting a review of the tequila, mezcal or rum from me!

                  Take care everyone,
                  Steady x
                  AF free since April 29, 2013


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Steady - have a fantastic time in Mexico!!! Safe travels y buen viaje amiga! You're gonna fly right over my part of the US on your flight south from Vancouver -- I'll be the one waving from way down below as you pass overhead

                    Lav - your state hit the jackpot on election results!!! I'm so happy for John Fetterman and Josh Shapiro. My state (OR) turned out fine too. Still holding breath for NV Senate seat and AZ Governor (Senate seems ok). And whooey on Georgia -- WTAF are those voters thinking??? Regardless, it was a very positive election overall, even with some losses. Whew!!!

                    No celebration drinks around here though. And no drowning of sorrows either. No drinking at all!

                    Happy over-the-hump everyone. Hope you all are doing well.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      evening nesters

                      Steady safe travels, i hope you have a break from the hayfever, my daughter and i were having a competition on who had it worse today. my eyes are the worst and hers is sneezing. makes it hard to see when working which at the moment seems never ending. we have had some hot humid weather and its turned cool, i love it cool.

                      Slo, my brothers name was Andrew, a lovely old fashioned name, how are those knees going?

                      Wags, a bissell spinwave i think its called and i am in love. i mopped the floor before i came to bed and takes no time at all. It has made my life so much easier.

                      Belle i hope the cardiologist went well for you and hubs isnt expressing wind too much lol. My mum is an avid sewer, has been all of her life, i never held an interest at all which i regret now of course. maybe i will learn eventually as she has about 4 machines, she does a lot of quilting.

                      Pav, the girls are 13 and 12, the 12 year old with cancer is getting a bit grumpy so might be time for some pain relief or maybe she doesnt want her mum to annoy her but she is blind so she cant help it though mind you she can get around remarkably well. Her diabetes is nearly under control so that is good and she may even get desexed at some stage.

                      I am meeting the new PA on Monday to show her around, she told me she is very excited to start and i told her not as excited as i am. have had good reports about her so fingers crossed.

                      No other news to report, take care. xx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening, Nesters,

                        Lav, I remember that NoSugar likes Tower of Power, and went to one of their concerts! I somehow managed to have never heard of them before that.

                        Belle, sweet that the baby calls you Auntie Grandma! Daughter D3 called Uncle Don (ex-HB’s bachelor uncle) “Grandpa Uncle Don” when she was little, and he was so touched by that!

                        Steady, thatÂ’s a long amount of travel time! No wonder you have to stay for a long vacation. I hope it turns out to be a wonderful adventure! Are you going alone?

                        Where is [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION] lately? Did he get locked out of the site again?

                        IÂ’ll have to look up that mop, Ava. That one sounds like a winner.
                        Finally the new PA will start! Hope she gets onboard quickly.
                        Neither one of my knees are doing great. I guess the fractured one will heal eventually, but the knee replacement one apparently never will. Being back in physio isnÂ’t helping it.

                        It was in the 70s today, but drops down to the 30s tonight -and stays cold. Bye bye warm weather until next Spring.
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings Nesters,

                          Looks like we will be getting some of the hurricane weather tomorrow. Looks like it hit Florida pretty hard, sad.

                          Steady, thinking of you on your long trip, make it a safe one. Of course you were distracted anticipating all that travel, I sure would be too
                          I hope you have a wonderful time & get some great pics to share with us.

                          Wags, the PA women really pulled off another blue wave :yay:
                          We do have a large population of Trumpers on this state but it’s always the women coming to the rescue. I hope the NV. & AZ women do what’s best for them as well. Georgia seems to be it’s own little world, very confusing to me. I sleep so much better when the Dems are in control, honestly!!

                          Ava, I’m dealing with fall allergies here, damp leaves are an especially big problem for me, haha. I hope you & your daughter find some relief.
                          Good luck with the new PA, sounds very promising
                          You are so kind taking care of those older pups with so many problems. Yuo remind me of myself, always taking care of someone or something.

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            We cross-posted, Lav!
                            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Quick sober fly-by tonight. Hellos and waves to everyone. Don't drink!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Happy Friday all Nesters,

                                Currently getting rain & wind from hurricane Nicole but it’s 70 degrees - weird.

                                Wags, hope your weekend is restful.

                                Slo, we actually saw Tower of Power at a college dance, must have been 71 or 72ish & they’re still playing (with some new members). Got the tickets today, can’t wait
                                Hope those knees are kind to you today.

                                Belle, sounds like you’re getting some grandma experience, pretty cool

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

