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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    YIKES Steadfast! I understand how easy it would be to consider drinking, since in a new place and detached from normal reality. But once home, you wouldn't dare disrupt the mind peace you've found in sobriety, so why consider it there? We're here for you... keep a trucking on your new, better life path! I missed what the reason for you to be in Cuba...

    LAV, definitely tell your grandson. Knowing that my grandfather had a drinking problem kept me on my toes and avoiding a problem when younger - it at least put me on alert and helped me accept my problem later on. I used to be so bitter that I "had to protect myself" from those I love who take advantage, but in reality, it happens all the time, and it is our job to know our boundaries and hold them.

    Belle, I love the ways we find to connect with our kids - yea that your husband and he did it through cooking. And YEA that you had so much help at Thanksgiving!

    I'm procrastinating with work this morning. JUST. NOT. FEELING. IT. But here I go, to do an architectural review on a new build plan. UG. Just want to be doing a thousand other things.

    Have a good day everyone,

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      I’m with my dad, being the driver and post-surgery responsible adult. So nice to play this role without being agitated that he is “ cramping my style” :numbness:

      So glad you chose not to drink, Steady. The regrets wouldn’t be worth it. Plus, if you’re like me, to have one just sounds irritating. And if you were going to drink ‘ normally’, that’s all you’d get. Sounds painful and if it set up a craving cycle … UGH. I don’t know if one drink would do that but I hate that feeling so much , I won’t run the experiment.

      Your grandkids are lucky to have you, Lav. Glad the oldest one helped you get on the right path.

      Kensho, you’re more accepting of your MIL than I think I could be. To keep at you after all this time suggests she has some insecurities about her own alcohol consumption.

      I hope you’re feeling better each day, Wags. xx


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Greetings Nesters,

        I think I am ready for the craft fair, have things all packed up & ready to deliver to the venue tomorrow evening, yay!
        Cold here but sunny today. My post-surgical cat is doing fine. for an outside cat she sure has become comfy in my house the past two days, haha. If she decides she wants to be an indoor cat, that's fine with me. the kitten is approaching 8 weeks & she's just crazy but good.

        Steady, wow, you sure have been tempted on your trip. Congrats for sticking to your plan. You'll always be glad you did. Have a safe journey home!

        NS, I hope everything is OK with your dad & I hope he's listening to directions & not arguing with you. Can you tell that's what I went thru with my dad for the 12 years he lived with us after my mom passed? sending healing vibes!

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Steady - stick tight to your quit and defend it with every tool you've got. It's priceless!

          Lav - glad you're ready for the craft fair and I hope you have a fantastic day with lots of sales

          NS - great that you can be there for your dad like that. Parenting a parent (or just being an adult who helps them) can be rewarding and challenging all at the same time.

          Hellos and waves to Kensho, Ava, G, Belle and everyone else stopping by the nest. TGIF


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Morning nesters

            sitting in bed having a cuppa, its been a hectic week again. The new PA's nana died so she has been off, so sad for her but she will be back Monday. Hopefully life will settle down soon but i am on leave from the 19th to the 9th Jan so a nice break.

            Lav, funny how cats know whats best for them. hope the craft fair went well for you. cant believe your g-son is 14, makes you wonder where the years go (and i am still waiting patiently ha ha).

            Wags, how is you mouth now? did you have a GA to get all your dental work done? I would never have been able to get my dental work done without being knocked out but at least i can now go to the dentist for check ups.

            Steady, i hope you have a good trip home, that is a long flight. I have the occasional "i could surely have one drink to be sociable" but then think OMG what are you thinking. its like playing russian roullette if we did.

            NS I hope your dad is doing ok. Is he still living at his home? Its nice to be able to give back to them, if they dont complain too much that is! Have you retired yet?

            Belle, my son likes to cook also, not sure why but i never complained when he lived with me. As wags said its lovely when the kids grow up and you can enjoy their time, when they give it to you. You dont drink Belle, remember that. How long has it been now? i always ask myself, would my life be better if i drank again and theres only one answer to that question. And imagine logging on here saying you drank, that used to scare me to death, still does!

            Kensho, glad you had a lovely break even with MIL, we know who has the issue with al, and its not you. My kids still dont get it when i say no and mean it sometimes but mostly they now know i have boundaries but would do anything for them at the end of the day.

            I celebrated my 9th sober birthday on the 1st, the grateful feeling just never leaves me but its my way of life now and i love it. My daughters drink was spiked last weekend. she went for lunch in the city with her sister and a couple of friends and D1 rang me about 7 saying D2 was acting really strange, i told her to call an ambulance. The police turned up and had to handcuff D2 as she was seeing vampires and was psychotic. They eventually took her to the hospital where i work after waiting for the ambulance that didnt come. So scary, when i saw her in the morning i was so worried she would not recognise me but she was ok. they gave her an anti psychotic drug as she was so resistive. She has been staying with me all week but seems to be fine although will see our GP to get the all clear. We still cant understand why people get off on doing this but i am so grateful her sister and friends were there to look after her. Life just throws you curveballs along the way and I think it has given D2 a life wake up call. she cannot remember a thing basically and thats not bad as she was quite abusive to everyone and headbutting all and sundry. hard to imagine as she is such a tiny placid person.

            Going to visit mum tomorrow with D1, mum turns 86 so will take her out to lunch and mention xmas to her.

            take care and sorry for the long waffle. xxx
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy Friday, Nesters!

              Thanks for the waffle, Ava; I enjoy your waffles -and congratulations on reaching 9 years AF! Now that’s commitment! I appreciate your no-nonsense, no self-pity, rock-solid commitment to your sobriety. There’s no waffling on that!
              And that means Pav has had nine Thanksgivings with no massacre taking place!

              What happened to your daughter is frightening, Ava. Were they lunching in a bar?
              It reminds me of how sick people vacationing in Mexico were getting due to being served tainted alcohol. And that’s why it’s good you didn’t drink your way through Mexico, [MENTION=19460]STEADFAST[/MENTION]!

              Your mother turns 86, Ava? Mine is 80 now. And she’s being nice to me in her old age! -which is nice, but also unnerving. Well she needs rides from me now that her vision is compromised. I am useful to her. But hey I’ll take it. Just have to stay on my guard though too.

              Maybe Luna will be an indoor-outdoor cat, Lav.
              I can’t believe you took care of your dad in-home for 12 years. That is a long time.
              It sounds like you live in cow country. A lot of people hunt around here too, but school doesn’t close for it!

              Hope the architectural review wasn’t too bad to get through, Kensho.

              Hope the pain from your dental surgery has diminished by now, Wags.

              Stay off the train to Boozeville!
              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                Just back home after setting up at the craft venue. Now all I have to do is get my butt there before 8 am after I feed & water all the animals, make myself presentable & consume enough coffee to function
                It’s supposed to rain & be very windy, I hope people don’t stay home & miss the fun.

                Wags, thanks & I hope people are in the shopping mood tomorrow
                I hope you’re more comfortable now after your dental procedure.

                Ava, so sorry to hear what happened to your daughter, how awful. But she was lucky to have a sister & friends there to help her out.
                I think I’m finding out cats may be a bit smarter than dog, haha. My grandson definitely keeps me honest & I’m so grateful for him. I hope your office calms down sooner , it’s high time!! Happy birthday to your mom. I can’t even imagine mine at that age, she sadly died at 65.

                Slo, I very well may end up with an indoor-outdoor cat. Luna spent about half the day outside today but is cozy inside now.
                We actually built ab addition onto our house for my parents. My mom was suffering from debilitating RA & CML. She only got to live there about 6 months before she died so we ended up taking care of dad for the next 12 years. It was hard to do but it was the right thing to do. My 3 brothers never lifted a finger to help. Depression & anxiety took over big time at that point & I medicated myself with AL. Can’t let anything like that ever happen again so I have major boundaries.

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Ava - that's so scary what happened to your daughter! Glad she's ok and that she had people there to make sure she got emergency help.

                  Lav - can't wait to hear how the craft fair goes/went!

                  Good to see you Slo. Hellos and waves to everyone. Here comes another AF weekend (the best kind).


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nesters,

                    Craft fair went very well today. I am now thoroughly exhausted & somewhat brain dead, Lol
                    These events are fun. I really enjoy them but I also enjoy a long break from them over the winter.

                    wags, it’s you & me again, glad to see you. How’s the mouth feeling at this point?

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Lav - yep, here we are again Glad the craft show went well! My mouth is gradually feeling better but still has some healing to do. They had to do a fair amount of removing damaged bone from the original injury, and then bone grafting to rebuild it, and that seems to be the part that still hurts quite a bit. I sure do miss eating crunchy foods though!

                      Happy weekends to all and to all a goodnight!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good Sunday evening Nesters,

                        I think I’m all recovered from the craf\\

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        I’m all recovered from the craft fair frenzy yesterday haha! I did come home with a few orders for things & got them done today

                        Wags, of all the foods crunchy things are my absolute favorite, I cannot lie. I hope your healing continues & you get back to crunching soon :hug:

                        Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone.

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Happy Sunday evening into Monday everyone. Hope December is treating you all well so far. I taught for 6 hours today and am mentally out of gas but it was a good day.

                          Take care and see you all here soon!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nest.

                            Wags, glad you continue to heal. Are you drinking smoothies? Best way to get solid nutrition in soft form. We have a lot of recipes and have one most mornings. I'm sure the crunch of a carrot or chip sounds better though by now.

                            Ava, that's really weird about your daughter! Who would do that? Glad she's ok. CONGRATS ON 9 YEARS!!!! WOW!

                            Lav, glad you had a successful craft fair. Love the name Luna.

                            Slo, it seems that as our parents age, they either get more grumpy, or turn into sweet pussy cats. Hoping for the latter for you.

                            I have lots of work, and not much ambition today. I think I need to just get started.

                            Happy to see everyone keeping their commitments to themselves. We build our core energies the longer we don't drink - and I believe we become the people we were supposed to be.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Greetings Nesters,

                              Just laughing at my post from yesterday. Apparently I didn’t lose the post I was writing & didn’t need to retype it haha.
                              Good day here, starting to catch up on all the things I’ve ignored lately like cleaning & decorating for the holidays. When I’m in craft mode that’s all I really can do. Taking the kitten in for her first Vet visit tomorrow, should be loads of fun

                              Wags, you’re back to work, good for you. I hope this week brings you loads of comfort & a step closer to a crunchy munchie

                              Kensho, getting motivated is usually the hardest part of doing anything for me. Once I push myself to get started then everything is OK.
                              I have to agree with your assessment - I think I am finally the pewrson I was meant to be. I am happy & relaxed & doing what I love these days. Yuo really can’t ask for more!!

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Ava - OMG I'm so sorry I forgot to mention your NINE YEARS AF!!! That's so fantastic. It's your normal now, isn't it? Seriously great accomplishment, and thank you so much for sticking with the nest here to help guide newbies and not-so-newbies.

                                Isn't there another nester who has a quit-a-versary right around the same time as Ava? I'm thinking maybe [MENTION=20191]Pavati[/MENTION] but perhaps I'm mis-remembering. But speaking of Pav, where are you friend? Hope all is well. :hug:

                                Kensho - along with soups, smoothies were a good chunk of my diet that first week after surgery. Also V8 juice to get a good dose of veggies beyond the greens that blend up well into fruit smoothies. I'm edging closer and closer to crunch time though and as you suspected, carrots and chips both sound amazing. I don't have much of a sweet tooth but I love a good crunchy savory snack. I also agree about how our quits allow (or enable) us to become the person we're supposed to be. Our best selves, or at least on that path.

                                Lav - good to see you. I thought that was probably what happened with your post yesterday

                                Hellos and waves everyone!

