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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, Dragon, Welcome!

    Kensho, congratulations on 5 years of better living and all the personal growth you experienced over this time. That push to evolve that resulted from quitting is one of the (few) things that make me grateful for having been addicted. I know that sounds weird but I don't think I would have changed from the driven and somewhat insensitive person I was. I like the recovered me much better than the woman who was pretty much primed for addiction.

    I hope you're all enjoying the holiday season and not letting it stress you out. That also is a choice!!

    One more week of work for me :smile:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Hope everyone is having a good day. It’s been dark, raining & very windy here all day. They even closed the local schools because they thought this was going to be an ice/snow event but that never developed, just lots of rain.

      NS, I think it’s safe to say we all like ourselves better these days. What’s not to like being addiction free? No worries about anything, just focused on staying happy & healthy
      I’ll bet you can’t wait for retirement day ~ awesome!! Have you made any plans yet on how you’re going to spend your free time? So many good things to choose from & none of them involve AL.

      Wishing everyone a safe & stress free night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Dragon - Welcome to the nest! Glad you're here with us.

        Lav - yes, positivity certainly beats the alternative. Grateful to have that mindset most of the time!

        Today was a good day in Wagland. My wife and I did a super hard workout and then went to a local wildlife area and took a 2-hour hike with a very good friend of ours. We've got a snowy week coming at us next week, so we wanted to take advantage of today's sun even though it was really very cold.

        Happy almost-Friday everyone!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Hi Nest! Hi Dragon - so nice to see you here! Welcome!

          Wags... a hard workout then a 2 hour hike? You're rockin the fitness! Better than I'm doing ATM, good job!

          Lav, I used to worry so much that life would be so boring and dull without alcohol - it's a fear that kept me in addiction for a long time. If only I could have known how much more happy I would be without it! Takes faith, I guess. I have never met someone sober for a good length of time who doesn't seem happier, wiser, more self assured and more peaceful. Good thing to remember if you're considering leaving alcohol behind...

          Wags, I absolutely **LOVE** your comments about positivity. My husband does the opposite and I try every single day to get him to see the positive instead. I think it comes from anxiety that "something will go wrong if I don't look for it or worry about it." And guess what... things will go wrong anyway. But constantly looking for them takes us out of the problem-solving mindset and calmness needed to address those things when they come. Super big lesson that had had a huge impact on my happiness! I'm taping your words to his mirror, saying "from WAGS" Just kidding.

          G - sounding more Guru every day. When you going to teach some spiritual-wellness-sober retreats? Found yourself a señorita yet? Happy holidays my friend.

          Hope everyone has a good day. Dragon, jump in and let us know a little about you if you want. We will be supportive in any way we can - we've all struggled with alcohol and have been at every stage you could possibly be at
          Last edited by KENSHO; December 16, 2022, 02:13 PM.

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Greetings Nesters,

            We ended up with almost 2” of rain yesterday but that beats a foot of snow I guess, Lol
            I’m in my shop working on a last minute Christmas order for a good local customer. I’d rather be baking cookies

            Hello Wags, Kensho & everyone. Stay positive, no matter what. My spouse has always been the negative one around here so he can have that, it makes him ‘happy’. Who knows?

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
            Dragon, check in & let us know how you are doing.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Kensho - yep, things will go wrong sometimes, and things really suck sometimes. So "why go looking for MORE of that?" is my thinking. I also think we *can* rub off on others, even if only to shine a light on a different way to view things. Go ahead and leave that quote/note lying around. Your husband will probably be like, "who is this 'WAGS' person???" roflmao

              Lav - hope you got to finish that order and get back to the serious biz of cookie baking

              Dragon - Hope you're still here and doing well. As others have said, as a group we've been through just about every problem, struggle, question, dilemma, temptation etc that alcohol can throw at a person. If we can be of *any* help at all please don't hesitate to ask.

              It's the weekend!!! Hope you all have fab AF ones!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Evening nesters

                Dragon, welcome to the nest, a great place to land and tell us about yourself. No one understands an alcoholic like another alcoholic i say.

                Well covid finally got me, its just something that keeps on giving really. thankful that i did not have it as bad as my daughter, she go anti-virals and apparently i am too healthy for them. starting to feel more human but the headaches are annoying and lack of energy. i have xmas here next weekend so need to get the house in order, that may not happen.

                Will check in later with a longer waffling post. i am covid leave atm and also annual leave so no work till 9th Jan. I feel bad for the PA as she started back and i was sick. Thrown in the deep end but she seems fine and is using the "im the new girl" which will work fine.

                take care and glad everyone is well xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Sorry you're sick AVA. I think it is a spectacular time to just rest, rest, rest. You deserve it, and the family will understand if the house is not up to par. Seems like the new girl is more tolerable than the other.

                  2" of rain LAV? I do miss rain here. You seem to get a lot of precipitation there. What kind of cookies will you be baking?

                  Printing now Wags....

                  Today I have to print a bunch of drawings for a Monday meeting and am procrastinating, but it really shouldn't take long. Then wrapping a bit. I detest late night wraps on the 23rd... so I've asked my daughter to help. She's young and *LOVES* the "magic" of Christmas and all things involved. I say, she just hasn't seen the work side of it yet. But she's willing to help. Hanukkah starts tomorrow, so we get to light the candles too. I like the candles.

                  I forgot to share what she made me on my 5 year - what a supportive girl :heartbeat:
                  Screen Shot 2022-12-17 at 8.30.58 AM.jpg

                  If you are new here, please don't hesitate to tell us about yourself. Many of us have made it through the hard part and chit chat now but we are here to help anyone who comes - because we understand fully how hard this is. So jump on in!
                  Last edited by KENSHO; December 17, 2022, 10:33 AM.

                  Done. Moving on to life.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Things have gotten pretty chilly in Lav-land. The heater went out on us at 11 pm last evening & we can’t seem to get a return call from our service provider that we contracted with a year or so ago. Fortunately we have a wood stove in the basement & a ton of firewood stacked up outside. Heat rises so it’s making the main level a bit more comfortable. No cookie baking today & I’m still working on that embroidery order but it will get done. Concerned about my 10 week old kitten who is suddenly lethargic & just sleeping a lot. I’ve been trying to push some food & water into him with little luck, uh oh. We had to miss going to the live show of Sound of Music put on by a theater group where we used to live, that was supposed to be a birthday gift from our daughter. Bummer of a day.

                    Wags, still thinking about cookies & hope to get back to them soon. Hope your day was good.

                    Ava, sorry to hear you’re sick. Please take care & get some rest & fluids :hug:

                    Kensho, I sometimes feel like we live in a rain forest here haha! We do get a good bit of precipitation. Your daughter did a great job fixing you a treat, good job
                    Stay on your plan & your 10 years will be here before you know it honestly

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe. Night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters!

                      Nice sunny weather here at the moment, though not hot like the tropics!

                      I like all the posts about positivity. So true that the Law of Attraction is operating all the time. Fortunately for me, I don't have much to not be positive about. Any "problems" are most certainly of the first world nature only. Lots of choices, one way or another. I am one grateful Steady.

                      Looks like I missed a few milestones along the way. Congratulations of your 5 year Soberversary, Kensho!

                      Are you reading this thread, [MENTION=24764]DragonbytheSea[/MENTION]? I hope you're doing well. Do you read? Over?

                      Ava, I hope you're getting some rest in the sunshine, and that your Covid symptoms are reducing. What a bugger when it's a busy time of year and you want to do Xmas preparations! Take care.

                      Going away has really reset my mind. I wholeheartedly want to LIVE! Sadly Mr Unsteady seems hellbent on his downward spiral. I note that other posters in the Nest have had depressed / negative / challenging partners, too. I still can't stop thinking about this stuff.

                      For now, though, I'm going out into the sunshine...

                      love to everyone,
                      take it easy in the festive leadup,
                      AF free since April 29, 2013


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava - so sorry to hear you're sick with covid. Rest up and get well, with no worries about having the house in order.

                        Kensho - what a fantastic 5-year acknowledgment from your daughter!

                        Lav - hope you get some help with the heat soon. Good thing for your wood stove and firewood!

                        Steady - glad to hear you got such a positive reset from your trip, but sorry that Mr Unsteady isn't in the same boat with you. That can be hard but you cannot let it pull you down. Going into the sunshine seems like a fantastic plan!

                        Hellos and waves to everyone!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Sunday evening Nesters,

                          Still dealing with a broken heater but things could be worse. We got the name of a new guy to call tomorrow, maybe he can help us out
                          Delivered my last embroidery order now my focus is getting Christmas stuff done here. Multi-tasking isn’t as easy as it used to be haha.

                          Steady, staying positive was key for me in meeting my AF goals. Life will never be perfect & as long as we accept that we can find positive ways to deal. I know it’s hard but we have full faith in you, hang onto your plan & keep moving forward :hug:

                          Wags, the real cold weather will be here for Christmas so I’m hoping we get things fixed soon. I have no plans for a winter camping experience Lol

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Sunday-into-Monday everyone. Here we go with one of the last few weeks of 2022.

                            Lav - we have super cold temps headed out way too. I think by Thursday our high temp is supposed to be 26 degrees F (-3 or -4 C). For this part of the country this is incredibly COLD. Maybe some snow too. I sure hope you get your heat fixed before things get colder in your area.

                            Hellos and waves everyone. Hope the week starts off on a positive note for every nester near and far.


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Welcome, [MENTION=24764]DragonbytheSea[/MENTION]!

                              It’s going super cold here for the Christmas weekend. Maybe not Canada cold, but in the negatives Fahrenheit. Bummer for traveling.

                              That’s how Covid got me too, Ava: by being at my daughter’s house when she came down with Covid. Otherwise I think I could have dodged it. I didn’t have the headaches with Covid, but my son-in-law had the bad headaches as his main Covid symptom. At least you get more time off of work. And the PA gets to see what you go through!

                              Happy birthday, Lav! I hope you get your furnace fixed today!

                              Hi to G, Wags, Kensho, NS, Steadfast et al…
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Greetings Nesters,

                                Well, we did get the new heater repair guys here today & they said it’s OK for us to restart the heater every 6 hours after a 2 hour cool off period. We need the whole thing replaced & that won’t happen until sometime next week, ugh. It is what it is I guess. The unit is only a few years old, apparently no well made. We’ll live

                                Wags, I’ve seen the forecast for the weekend, oh boy. They’re talking about the coldest Christas in years, geez. Stay warm where you are!

                                Slo, thanks for the birthday wishes. It always seems to get lost in the holiday rush
                                Be extra careful with your traveling. We are heading out to visit graves tomorrow, we’re still the only ones who do that.

                                Ava, hope you’re feeling better today.

                                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

