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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    What??? It's Lav's BIRTHDAY!!!

    Happy Birthday Lav! Hope you had a wonderful day, even if not the warmest outside (or inside for you right now!).

    Slo - great to see you. Safe travels!

    It's getting colder here so I'm splitting extra firewood to make sure we've got plenty for the few days of ice & snow. Not too busy with work this week so getting a bit of a break.

    Hope everyone is doing well!


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings Nesters,

      Sunny here today but cold of course. Went to visit the relatives today & lay wreaths at their headstones. It’s something I’ve always done, would feel awful if I missed a big holiday. Parents & grandparents are the reasons we’re all here so the least we can do is make a short visit. My son & his family came & brought dinner over tonight, they couldn’t make it last night. A nice BD gift & visit

      Wags, yep another trip around the sun for me, haha! I have already outlived my mom & her mom so I think I’m doing OK
      We’re supposed to get a lot of rain Thursday & Friday then the temps take a plunge on the weekend. Hoping we don’t turn into a skating rink, ugh. Stay warm & safe!

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Lav - stay warm! We're getting the same freeze just a couple of days before you. Brrrrr!!!!!

        Things are clicking right along in Wagland. I'm trying to do one more "clean-out/purge" before the end of the year, and I passed a few things on to new homes via my Buy Nothing group. Slowly but surely, but it's movement in the right direction.

        Good days and nights to everyone!


          Re: Newbies Nest

          morning nesters

          Happy birthday (belated Lav), i hope you had a lovely day. I find birthdays are another day to be grateful to be above ground lol. Hope the furnace was fixed for you and you are toasty warm now.

          Steady, i hope Mr Unsteady realises that life is so much better steady but as we know we cant change them but we can make sure we are happy.

          Feeling a lot better now but get so tired, i just potter around the house and nap. today is a big day, i have to take carl to the vets and Gucci so a busy day. D2 is coming over to babysit Bindi as she gets stressed being by herself. Its pouring down rain which i didnt expect and have lots of clothes on the line. oh well, a 2nd rinse is always good i say.

          Kensho, what a lovely gift from your daughter. Funny what they pick up.

          Wags, i always find it hard to get my head around that it is so cold over your way when its summer here. We havent had extreme heat which is good, the days have just been lovely. Hope your pup and dad are doing well.

          Slo, safe travels for you, i have the fam coming here so no travelling for me. My son and mum should be here xmas eve for a couple of days, i hope they understand i need to nap a lot atm. Headaches are easing but i have sinus's which i have not had for over 30 years.

          Time for another cuppa, take care xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy ?? Birthday, Lav, and Happy 5th Re-Birthday, Kensho!

            This darn storm sure is messing things up. We were planning to travel (just a couple hours) on Friday but now will have to wait until at least Sat a.m. I hope that works out because if not, we won't be able to visit my dad, sister, and nephews because we need to be home on xmas afternoon. Oh, well, weather is definitely one of those things not to stress over given that we have absolutely NO control of it.

            Tomorrow is my last day of work. I doubt I will have much to do so I'm pretty much done now. Since I work remotely, there isn't a final trip into the office. Just shutting off my work computer will be my exit, I guess. I'm not really sad - it just feels weird after 32 years.

            I'm not sure what specific activities 2023 will bring, Lav. Fortunately I have a lot of interests and will figure it out.

            I hope you are feeling better, Ava, and recover quickly and completely. One of my nephews seems to have the covid fall-out of now getting constant infections of all sorts. It is a health roller coaster and is very discouraging for him. It isn't that weird for viruses to trash our immune systems but it is weird for it to be happening to so many people at the same time. I guess that should be expected when it is a novel virus.

            Safe travels to any nesters who have to venture out! xx


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hola nester's near and not so far,

              I'm late to the party as can be the case....the Lav birthday party! Happy birthday Lav! With you around, Christmas will no doubt be a good one for your family.

              Ava, glad you're feeling better. After some international travel, close quarters with enthusiastic kissing latino's, gigs and crowded venues here, I'm lucky to not have succumbed to the plague as yet. Good luck at the vets. Hope your pup's will be ok.

              Yo NS. Hope your nephew's health improves real soon.

              Big waves to evabody! Surf's up diggity's.
              Last edited by Guitarista; December 21, 2022, 06:36 PM.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Greetings Nesters,

                Not thrilled that we will be getting 2-3” of rain tomorrow into Friday then the temp plunges so everything will ice up, ugh. I ‘ll be sticking close to home even though it may be somewhat chilly in here, LOl
                When we finally do get the new heater installed life will be easy again

                Wags, it’s so great to clean out the. Unused stuff. We donate to Purple Heart & have for many decades. Enjoy the feeling of ‘lightness’ after all the stuff goes
                Not looking forward to this crazy weather. Our daughter & her family have about a 40 mile drive to get here Saturday for our Christmas eve gathering. I’ll cancel if the roads are in bad shape.

                Ava, I think it’s going to take a while to fully recover so don’t push yourself, please. The older we get the harder these viruses are on us. Take good care :hug:

                NS, you should make yourself a nice dessert tomorrow & treat yourself! A slice of cake or whatever & a nice cup of tea sounds perfect
                I have never felt bored after retiring from nursing after 30 years, ran my home based embroidery business then retired that after 15 years. Look for something useful to do but something that’s also fun & enjoyable. You will come up with something I’m sure & There’s no rush!!

                Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  We are ordering dinner from a local restaurant I really like tonight, Lav. No cooking on my last day. And I will be having a sweet treat - the grandsons and I made Rolo cookies which are composed of a small pretzel with a dark chocolate, salted caramel Rolo on top which you cook for 4' at 325 degrees F and then press a pecan half into, spreading the melted candy. Definitely worth not living up to my 'name'!!


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Greetings Nesters,

                    Between crappy weather & sick extended family members my Christmas eve plan is coming apart. It’s all fine, it is what it is I guess.
                    I feel bad, my son-in-law’s dad has been hospitalized for nearly 2 weeks & seems to be getting worse by the day. So my daughter feels they need to stay home & closer to the hospital which is understandable. That way they won’t have to drive out here on possible icy roads. Hopefully son & his family will still get here as they’re only about 7 miles from here.

                    NS, I’m glad you treated yourself to a nice meal & a special treat too .
                    When I make sweet stuff I try to send it home with the kids so I’m not tempted to finish off the leftovers, haha. Congrats on your retirement!

                    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest! We’re still relying on the wood stove for some heat, it’s not too bad
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by KENSHO View Post

                      Found yourself a seƱorita yet? Happy holidays my friend.
                      Happy holiday's friend Kensho. I am a-courtin' a lovely chica, so we'll see where it goes. Hope you're gittin some time off.

                      Hi Lav. Hope you're SIL's dad gets better.

                      Hola evabody. Surf's up.

                      Take care of you, and keep warm my friends in the northern hemisphere.
                      Last edited by Guitarista; December 22, 2022, 09:05 PM.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava - Hope you're feeling better! We could use a bit of your summer weather here right now for sure! It is unusally bitter cold in my part of the world right now - we almost never get such frigid cold temps.

                        G - you must have a great immune system after all your travel (and chicas!) to have stayed healthy.

                        NS - happy last day of work! I can see how that would be a strange feeling after 32 years. I'm not quite sure how I'll handle it myself, although it's hard to imagine retiring anytime soon. I hope you're able to make your holiday travel to see family safely.

                        Lav - I hope the roads are clear and safe enough for your family to visit as well. Seems like much of the northern hemisphere is going through a freeze right now, especially here in North America. I personally cannot wait until this current storm passes.

                        Happy Fridays everyone. And for those who celebrate Christmas I hope you have wonderful holiday weekends!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Greetings from the frozen tundra! -11F here, but feels like -35 if you factor in the wind chill.

                          I’m doing Christmas my way this year, and keeping it simpler. No more stressing over Christmas for me!

                          G, are you courting an Australian chica, or a South American one? Inquiring minds want to know!

                          Kensho, I love it that your daughter recognized your 5 years AF. Even at her young age, she realized what an achievement that is.

                          Congratulations on your retirement, NS. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of things to do. It will still be an adjustment though, for sure.

                          I need to start purging like you’re doing, Wags.

                          Let’s keep our quits foremost and protected as we head into Christmas weekend. Here we go!
                          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Morning nesters

                            Sounds very refreshing where you all live atm, i did see on the news the bad storms over there. Stay safe everyone.

                            Its xmas eve here and i went out early to get some bread rolls, it was actually quiet out but i was there at 7am to get what i needed. the positive of being a morning person. Mind you i am ready for a nap again. Mum and my son will be on their way here shortly, then there will be 5 dogs in the house. Not sure if these grandchildren are easier to look after than human ones!

                            Lav, I hope your SIL's dad recovers. Stay warm.

                            NS, happy retirement, i am very envious.

                            Wags, when the family go home in a few days the garage is my mission, god i have been saying that for a year now. Atm, everything i dont want in the house has been tossed in there till xmas is over. I will have about 12 here tomorrow which is enough but everyone brings something so its a pretty easy day. Mum has done the ham and made a pavlova. she is just so good for her age, i have a laptop for her so she can play her games and not be bored! She has her non alcoholic wine so she tells me. Its amazing to see what a nice person she is without alcohol and a pleasure to spend time with.

                            My sons best friend is out of jail after another drug relapse and he is now 70+ days sober and will be here xmas day. His siblings are yet to forgive him for the pain he has caused his mum which is fair enough so he will be here also xmas. Hopefully next year he gets to spend it with his family.

                            Slo, that is so cold, i would not be leaving the house! I like your idea of no stressing. I just cruise through xmas now, i shop through the year and the bigger things for the kids, i start buying in september. For me, its just getting the house clean so it can be trashed on xmas day, go figure!

                            G and Steady, happy xmas eve and i hope you both have a lovely peaceful day tomorrow.

                            take care everyone xxx
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Good frosty evening Nesters,

                              An arctic blast of cold air has descended on us, OMG!!! The air temp is currently 10 degrees, heading down to 6. The wind chills are way below zero. We haven’t had such a cold December day since 1989 they’re telling us. I was a lot younger then haha! Waiting for an update on my son-in-law’s dad but my daughter says they haven’t been able to get a nurse on the phone today, sad.

                              Wags, I think we’re both experiencing super cold temps. We’re still relying on the wood stove for warmth but the new heating company has confirmed they will install a new unit next week.
                              Everything is currently frozen here but the roads were surprisingly clear today after all of yesterday’s rain. Keep yourselves warm & safe.

                              Slo, you really win for the coldest area, geez. Stay put where you’re safe & comfy. Simple sounds perfect to me

                              Ava, I hope your plans go well for Christmas. Nice that your Mom is behaving, haha. your son’s friend is a lucky guy. That he has you to look out for him :hug:
                              We threw some extra straw into the chicken house today so the girls can snuggle down & try to stay warm. I hope they’re OK. Merry Christmas to you!

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Wishing everyone safe and warm (but not HOT for G, Ava and Steady) weekends (and holidays, if you celebrate) with family and friends. May we all be surrounded with people who love and support us 100%!

