Greetings Nesters,
Finally have good news - the new heater arrives tomorrow, yay! Now that we’ve been thru the coldest weather in 33 years around here the new heater arrives, LOL/ Grateful for it anyway

G, another South American trip on your radar, cool! I’m sure you will find something fun & interesting to do there while playing some gigs

Wags, we have a strong group of women here (and G of course) & we know when it’s time to treat ourselves well. Families tend to sit back & kinda wait for things to get done. I’m known for opening my mouth & handing out assignments these days so I don’t have to doit all myself haha!! Keep that in mind before the holidays roll around again next year

Kensho, sorry your plans got messed up, annoying for sure. Hopefully you can make arrangements elsewhere before the winter is over.
I’d rather go to the dentist than tour another brewery or winery - been there & done that!
Belle, are you OK today?
Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!