Battle - I can relate to so many parts of your story, including the car accident, brain injury, pain killers, and succeeding academically in spite of drinking. I understand what you're describing, and I'm here to say even with all of that it's totally possible to do this! As Lav suggested, find effective alternatives to turn to when those feelings you'd rather avoid pop up. Of course eventually you'll want to learn skills for being in those feelings and working through them, but as an initial strategy healthy distractions can be very effective. It sounds like you're coming to terms with what challenges you, and that's a huge step.
Mulburry - oh yes, I had very similar reactions to even a slight decrease in drinking. It was so scary - it's actually what scared me sober. How are you doing now?
Lav - we must be just ahead of you on the weather, as we're near the end of several days & nights way below freezing, but I think this weekend might be in the 50s F here too.
Hellos to TJAF, Ava, NS, and everyone else in the nest. Happy Fridays!!!