Morning fly-by for me. I've had my hands super full between work and trying to anticipate and then proactively deal with stuff for my dad, so kinda exhausted.
I have a story to share though:
I actually set foot in a liquor store yesterday. It's ok - it wasn't for al and I wasn't even tempted. We needed a bag of ice and that's the closest easiest place to get one on a Sunday around here. Anyway, I was standing in line and happened to glance at the counter as the person in front of me was paying for his items. He had a small bottle of some clear hard liquor (probably a pint / 500ml ish) and some other item I didn't really identify. But my immediate thought when I saw his small bottle was, "Why bother buying such a small bottle? That would never have been enough for me in my drinking days."
That's all the reinforcement I needed to conclude I still have a problem, I just don't act on it.
Happy Mondays to you all
