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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    We’’re getting a chilly rain, just as promised. I don’t have to go anywhere tonight so sitting home sounds ideal

    Wags & NS, at what point do you think we need to send out the search dogs for the missing Nesters? Years ago I used to threaten to send out a nasty chicken or two to search for people, Lol
    I’m going to go with the ‘no news is good news’ theory for now.

    Battle, I’m sorry you can’t work when taking your pain med. Could you possibly get a smaller dose so yuo can stay alert but get some pain relief? Have you called your prescriber? I hope you can work something out & good job on remaining AF.

    Well hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      NS - I'm in the same place with my quit I think. It's highly unlikely I would drink without it being a conscious choice to do so, and I'm pretty adamant about not doing that. Glad you are too!

      Lav - hopefully you're right about no news is good news. I sure do miss people, but am very glad we've got a small core checking in pretty consistently.

      Battle - I'm so sorry to hear that your meds are making it difficult to work. Pain management is part art, part science, and what works for one person definitely isn't guaranteed to work for another. I'm sure it's been difficult but kudos to you on staying AF

      I made it through my grueling week! I've got two classes to teach tomorrow and then Sunday totally off. Hopefully we'll get a break in the rain and we can do something fun.

      Happy weekends everyone!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        evening nesters

        Been so busy with fur babies that life just rushes along and throw in work and 24 hours a day isnt enough.

        all good here, Carl had his second leg operated on yesterday and he is home now. wont eat so he cant have his pain meds, silly boy. he does have a fentanyl patch on so think he is doing ok though. I forgot how sad he would be but am sure he will be back to his happy self soon.

        My daughter has moved back in with Bob, going well thus far and i need the money after spending nearly 7 grand on Carl. Hopefully will get to go on a holiday later this year.

        Went to see a diabetes specialist for my foster girl and it was really interesting, she gets desexed this Wednesday and hopefully this will help. i do now have her on an insulin pen once a day so i am not on such a rigid routine with her.

        I am having a week off work so that is good, not much of a break but at least i am not working also.

        Going for coffee with my friend tomorrow, she has chronic kidney disease and has just found out she has thryoid cancer and is 44. just cant seem to get my head around that one.

        Congrats Battle on 21 days that is great work. Keep it up.

        Glad everyone is going well, getting cooler here now and days are shorter so winter is coming, looking forward to it actually.

        take care xx
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Good Saturday evening all,

          Cloudy & cooler here but not bad. The rest of the country is getting snow & I don’t need that.

          Wags, you’ve certainly had a busy week. Sure hope you get a dry day Sunday to get out for some fresh air & exercise.
          I’m thinking about the missing Nesters & keeping my fingers crossed they are all OK

          Ava, wow you have been busy too! I hope carl heals quickly & gets back to being his sweet self real soon.
          Nice that yo got the insulin pen for the other & don’t have to go through the hassle of drawing up each dose from a big vial. I hope she does well with her surgery too. Having your daughter back will change things a bit but you’ll have company & maybe an extra hand to help out. Sorry to hear about your friend, geez that’s a lot to take on. I know yuo’ll be a good supportive friend.

          Hello to all (wherever yo are) & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Evening all, or morning really, a quick check in because I let it get waaaay too late whilst working and I need my bed haha. I'll catch up more tomorrow, if I don't get distracted again - I'm on the part of my project where I'm researching OCD as its one of the topics I'm covering and as a person with OCD it is fascinating.

            SH free - 25/11/2022
            AF - 15/02/2023


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Ava - you've definitely had a lot going on with your fur kids recently. Glad Carl is home after second leg operation and I hope he's feeling better very soon. Hope you're able to enjoy your week off.

              Lav - no snow please! Hope you have a good Sunday.

              Battle - your research sounds super interesting. Are you finding that you see yourself in the material you're reading, or not so much? Either way, having some personal insight into things seems like it would indeed be fascinating.

              Ok kids - I made it through all of my long days and tomorrow is my day to play. Well mostly. I have to help my dad with a few things but I have classes to teach or homework to send or anything and that makes me very happy. I really love my work but it's also very mentally tiring so days off help me stay in balance.

              Happy Sundays to you all!


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Having a quiet Sunday & that’s OK with me
                Rain starting soon so I need to go get the chickens closed up for the night.

                Battle, I hope your research provides you with some good insight. Take care!

                Wags, I sure hope your Sunday was good for you. One day to rest/play doesn’t seem like enough to me.

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Lav - glad you enjoyed your quiet rainy Sunday. I agree about one day to rest/play not being enough. I just keep reminding myself that I'm working hard now so I can have a lighter schedule June-Aug when the weather is best. Might even be able to extend that to a May start and/or Sept end if I keep up the pace I've been at so far this year.

                  Today was a good day, even though an hour shorter due to daylight saving time starting. I wonder if we will ever get off the teeter-totter of switching back and forth. Does the rest of the world even use daylight saving time anymore? I know it probably depends on the country (and even here some states don't do it).

                  Hope everyone had good weekends and that this coming week starts off well for all.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Evening all,

                    Still using daylight savings in the uk, our hellish clock change is coming up at the end of the month (last sunday of march) and I am dreading it, I'm already not a morning person.

                    Wags - the main thing I'm finding interesting on a personal, non-project level, is the connections between OCD and other conditions - its apparently very common in autism (which I have) is often comorbid with eating disorders (me again) and both OCD and autism may be more common in children of people with biploar and schizophrenia (which I also am). It's also helping me evaluate other behaviours and memories and realise things which were early signs that I hadn't realised. Both great for the project and very therapeutic.

                    SH free - 25/11/2022
                    AF - 15/02/2023


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by wagmor View Post
                      Today was a good day, even though an hour shorter due to daylight saving time starting. I wonder if we will ever get off the teeter-totter of switching back and forth. Does the rest of the world even use daylight saving time anymore? I know it probably depends on the country (and even here some states don't do it).
                      People tend to rail against DST, but IMO it's the time change that's the problem not DST; it's very nice to have an extra hour of daylight I find, and would be nice in the winter too when the sun goes down at 4pm. BC was actually all ready to switch to DST year-round but they wanted to stay in sync with the western US states, and the stupid US has stalled on their plans to do the same for years now.

                      Wags - the main thing I'm finding interesting on a personal, non-project level, is the connections between OCD and other conditions - its apparently very common in autism (which I have) is often comorbid with eating disorders (me again) and both OCD and autism may be more common in children of people with biploar and schizophrenia (which I also am). It's also helping me evaluate other behaviours and memories and realise things which were early signs that I hadn't realised. Both great for the project and very therapeutic.
                      Ya that would be an interesting topic. I have some OCD and I also believe I'm somewhere on the mild end of the bi-polar spectrum (never diagnosed), and I can definitely see some connection there especially as relates to anxiety and mood swings. I'm more on the obsessive, than compulsive end of OCD and I can see how obsessive thought patterns especially can exacerbate these other issues.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        I'm a fan of DST and would like to stay here all year! Despite liking the change, I was a total slug all day yesterday until I finally dragged my sorry self to bed at 9pm. It didn't help that our weather is chilly and gray and I had no desire to get out. Spent the afternoon binging Call of Duty. I always feel weird when I watch TV in the daytime - it kind of makes me feel like I'm sick because normally that is the only time I would do it. Glad I have some commitments today to get me out and about!!

                        I bet you will thank yourself for the free time you'll have this summer, Wags. It is nice to have a career over which you have some control.

                        Good to see you, Ava! Those pups are so lucky to have you.

                        Interesting research, Mulberry. I've got a touch of OCD which my family teases me about but I think it is good to need to dee-double-check some things! Leaving the house for a prolonged absence is the main trigger for the behavior but needing to verify that the garage door is down after I've driven about a block is a common one. I realize all of that is very trivial in terms of the condition but it gives me a glimpse into the thinking of people who truly struggle with it. I hope what you are learning for your research is helpful to you.

                        Let's have a good week, Nesters!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good Monday evening Nesters,

                          More rain in the forecast so i’m starting to think about some actual spring cleaning Lol. Not much else to do anyway.

                          Wags, after all these winter storms I’m sure you’re thinking about spring & nicer weather too. Hang in there, spring is right around the corner

                          Battle, we live in a farming community & most of the farmers are Amish. They don’t believe in daylight savings time so they don’t change their clocks. They take lanterns out in their fields to get an early start every day, so strange. Hope you’re comfortable so you can focus on your work.

                          Hi Mulburry!

                          NS, a little OCD isn’t a bad thing. Better than having to worry if you left the stove on or something, right?

                          Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest


                            Another day of good research, still in pain, taking pills as little as i can manage but today I maxed out what I can have, seems nothing works for it, resting, exercising, everything in between. Nothing to be done.

                            Re; OCD - they say its a spectrum. I've journeyed back and forth on it - at my worst 9 months indoors, couldn't leave the house, cleaning everything, hours and hours a day. Now it's mostly checking things, doors, lights, I have counting routines to make sure it's done - good day you'd hardly notice, bad day? I show up late because I can't stop checking my door, checking everything's switched off, checking I packed everything.
                            Last edited by Battle_for_the_sun; March 13, 2023, 07:10 PM.

                            SH free - 25/11/2022
                            AF - 15/02/2023


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              I always feel weird when I watch TV in the daytime - it kind of makes me feel like I'm sick because normally that is the only time I would do it.
                              I don't watch TV in the daytime too much but when I do, I watch something educational (nature, documentary etc.), makes it feel like I'm not wasting the day, haha.

                              Re; OCD - they say its a spectrum. I've journeyed back and forth on it - at my worst 9 months indoors, couldn't leave the house, cleaning everything, hours and hours a day. Now it's mostly checking things, doors, lights, I have counting routines to make sure it's done - good day you'd hardly notice, bad day? I show up late because I can't stop checking my door, checking everything's switched off, checking I packed everything.
                              I'm not bad with double checking (maybe a tiny bit), or cleaning (if anything the opposite, haha), the compulsive things for me a really minor, like things being in a certain place (sometimes symetrical), keeping volume numbers even... nothing that really has much negative impact on my life, luckily (but I do recognize the elements). Obsessive thoughts can be an issue sometimes though, when things go around and round in your head and it's hard to shut them down.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Mulburry - I totally agree, I love having it light later and it would be especially beneficial during winter. I'm in one of those western US states so I know what you mean about the stalling on the plans to switch to permanent DST. Sigh...

                                Battle - thanks for sharing all of that. It all sounds fascinating even as a person who does not identify with most of those. Glad you're finding it to be therapeutic.

                                Hellos and waves to everyone. Hope your weeks are all off to great starts!

