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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Evening all,

    Apologies AWOL a while, a lot of health stuff happening, job stuff happening, having a rough time not really feeling like talking but letting you know I'm alive and ok just be in and out a bit more rather than here as consistently.

    SH free - 25/11/2022
    AF - 15/02/2023


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Battle - glad to see you checking in, but sorry to hear about the health and job stuff. I hope things smooth out for you soon!

      Lav - we're having crazy weather swings here right now. It was sunny and warm this morning, but about an hour ago it was snowing and hailing. Totally wacky!

      NS and Nelso - good to see you both.

      Hope the upcoming weekend treats everyone well!


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Hola evabody,

        Good to see you Nelz. How are things?

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
          Hola evabody,

          Good to see you Nelz. How are things?
          Right back at ya! Living the dream lol
          Lets get this thing moving again


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Saturday greetings Nesters,

            We’re stuck in a rainy & chilly weather pattern again. Tomorrow may be better, hope so.

            Battle, we missed you for a few days. I hope everything is OK & things settle down for you soon. Take care.

            Wags, glad I’m not the only one dealing with this goofy weather. It’s ruining my Spring daydream, haha!
            Hope your weekend is at least relaxing!

            Hi G

            Nelz, you are officially back in the nest. I hope you let us lend a hand if/when it’s needed.

            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Newbies Nest

              MOrning Nesters

              Welcome back Nelz, i remember you from years ago, so glad you logged back in. Accountability is a great tool.

              NS, i am an over thinker x 100. Luckily i am on good ad's and have a good psychologist but anything can set the overthinking off. I do enjoy the mind peace which i have more of now i am not drinking.

              Wags, there is always something with work that needs to be done. I have now achieved not working on the weekend. i keep telling myself i should be then i tell myself no, it can wait until Monday. Mind you the dogs keep me pretty busy.

              Mum came down and i took her shopping as she wanted to get out (she doesnt have a car atm to i thought it would be nice). I paid for my stuff and went out and there was mum leaning against the bonnet of my car, thought that this wasnt good, i did. sure enough she passed out and luckily there were some lovely people to help me with her while i called an ambulance. Ended up sitting with her in ED for about 5-6 hours and they decided they would keep her in as they wanted to try and find out what bought this on. She was actually quite good about staying in so that was a relief. About to get ready and go in to sit with her. I think the universe wants to see how i deal with stress atm, bless it.

              Enjoying the autumn weather at the moment, Carl goes back to vets on Tuesday for a checkup and then a few more weeks before we can get out on 15 minute walks.

              Steady, i had a chuckle about yoga, i have zero coordination so i totally admire you.

              another cuppa then ready to start the day, take care xx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Ava. Next time i meet with you and Steady, i might then suggest a spot of yoga in a park before we go to lunch......

                It's great to see you around Nelz.

                Big waves to evabody. Surf's up!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by wagmor View Post
                  Lav - we're having crazy weather swings here right now. It was sunny and warm this morning, but about an hour ago it was snowing and hailing. Totally wacky!
                  Very similar here today too, was rainy in the morning, then the sun came out around noon so i went for a walk... ten minutes later got caught in a torrential downpour. But I could see a patch of blue sky in the other direction, so I did an about turn, and I ended up spending the better part of two hours zig zagging and walking in circles following the blue sky around (it actually sort of worked, got a pinch of sun, and mostly avoided more showers). I guess the moral of the story is, you can't change the weather but you can change your location!
                  Last edited by Mulburry; March 25, 2023, 09:35 PM.


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Originally posted by Mulburry View Post
                    I guess the moral of the story is, you can't change the weather but you can change your location!
                    This is great advice and a nice metaphor for life Mulburry!

                    Ava - I'm sorry to hear about the emergency with your mom. That's great that people were willing to help. I hope the Drs are able to figure out what was going on and that it's easily resolvable.

                    Lav, G & Nelso - great to see you

                    Things are good here. Had a last minute schedule change which gives me the whole day off tomorrow. Woohoo!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Originally posted by Lavande View Post
                      Saturday greetings Nesters,

                      We’re stuck in a rainy & chilly weather pattern again. Tomorrow may be better, hope so.

                      Battle, we missed you for a few days. I hope everything is OK & things settle down for you soon. Take care.

                      Wags, glad I’m not the only one dealing with this goofy weather. It’s ruining my Spring daydream, haha!
                      Hope your weekend is at least relaxing!

                      Hi G

                      Nelz, you are officially back in the nest. I hope you let us lend a hand if/when it’s needed.

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!


                      I shall help in anyway I can
                      Lets get this thing moving again


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Finally had a nice sunny day. Played around outside as much as possible because the rain returns tomorrow haha!!

                        Ava, sorry to hear about your Mom. I guess she was lucky to be with you when it happened & not home alone. Sure hope she feels better quickly.
                        I’m sur eCarl will be thrilled to resume his walks with you. I think you are handling the stress just fine :hug:

                        Hello to g, Mulburry, Wags & Nelz. Good to see everyone checking in today.
                        Hello to the rest of the gang & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,

                          NS, "One of the gifts of this experience has been being forced to identify other ways of thinking and being in the world. I'm much more content with the person I am now and am grateful for having been pushed in this direction. I just wish it had not been such a painful process!!"

                          Yes, this, exactly! "Other ways of thinking and being in the world" - I continue to marvel at the process. It's not easy, but I'm so thankful to be living this way.

                          Lav, I hope you get the settled, sunny weather you crave, so you can enjoy the garden and your Spring daydream :happy2:

                          Mulberry, yes, I'm sure that a lot of alcohol and other substance abuse is tied to anxiety and worrying. Being able to "switch the brain off" is vital. Sometimes I want to lift my head off my shoulders and throw it as far away as possible! This was far worse when I was drinking, though.

                          Hi Nelso. I don't think I remember you, but that's nothing personal, as I was quite fuzzy in the early days of recovery. Welcome back.

                          Hi Battle, it's good you checked in.

                          Wags, thanks for your further tech tips. I do tick the 'remember me' button, but clear my cookies so obsessively that that might stop it working. As an aside, I read an article about the "metaverse" in our future yesterday, that made a Luddite like me shake in my boots. If it all gets too much I'll just go off grid & send you messages via pigeon or something.
                          Hope you got your tax paperwork sorted, good to get that sort of stuff out of the way.

                          Ava, that would be scary with your Mum. Sorry to hear it, and I hope she's recovering well now. It's good to know that you've stopped working on the weekend, keep that up!! :happy2:

                          G, great idea. Perhaps Ava can bring Carl & the canine crew, and we can all do our downward dogs before lunch, lol. Happy to see Ava and you when you're both free, no pressure, as you're both busier than me.

                          Take care everyone, onwards,
                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            We had a nice sunny first half of the day then the rain & clouds moved in just as promised. The grass is so wet, my shoes are soaked just going back & forth to the chicken house. Not to mention all the muddy chicken feet, haha!!

                            Steady, I almost had a spring day today Lol
                            Like you, I am much more content since taking back control of my life. It’s not perfect but I’m not allowing anything or anyone to ruin my peace

                            Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hi all,

                              Sorry to miss a few days of posting. We had to take my dad to the ER yesterday morning and he was later admitted to the hospital. It's been a rough couple of days. Hopefully he'll be coming home tomorrow, but that will bring a new set of worries. Fortunately, we've made some good connections with Drs and other healthcare providers that I hope will help us connect with in-home health aides or maybe even a better housing option where he can receive assistance from pros.

                              Please send good vibes and wish me luck as I navigate these next days and weeks. So glad I'm not even tempted to drink!

                              I'll read back tomorrow and catch up with all of you.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                I'm sorry to hear about your dad, Wags. It can be such a rollercoaster. One thing we learned is that a person can be eligible for hospice much sooner than you might expect. The services and support they offer are amazing. My mom's situation was so much improved after hospice was involved and it made my dad's situation as her full-time carer exponentially better. Anyway, I hope he is dismissed today and that you can develop a good support network.

                                Not much to report here. Just living the dream :haha:. Well, maybe not but without the addiction burden, it all is fine. xx

