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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Lav - sure hope you're safe and sound! A tornado just destroyed the apt of the daughter of one of my facebook friends. She literally saved her own life by hiding in an interior closet. Her apt building looked like a bomb had hit, and her car was totaled too. The danger is real, so you just stay in that basement until the all clear signal.

    NS - I'm relieved every time I pop downstairs and see my dad napping. I agree that's when he's safest and most comfortable, and I definitely worry the least. The hardest part for me right now is that one minute he seems "ok" and sometimes just a few minutes later he's not. It's hard to know how best to proceed or to make a plan. I'm hoping that will become clearer after a few more days or weeks of healing/recovery. I really wish my brother wasn't useless because it would help a lot to be able to talk things through with him AND get some concrete help. I'm not generally an angry person but I'm pretty pissed off at him right now. Old me definitely would have drank AT him. But as you said, that would not have been a way to be the adult in the room and it would for sure make things much harder.

    Ava - glad your furkids are all doing so well. Carl will be much better off after he fully heals, so good on you for saying no to zoomies just yet. Don't let the disarray in your house discourage you - one step or chunk at a time and you'll get it all done.

    Hellos and waves everyone. Hope you're all having safe and sober weekends.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Sounds like you missed the tornado, Lav, but sadly Delaware did not. There was one slightly north of us but I don't think it was especially bad. However, other midwest states did not fare so well and the challenging news is that this Tuesday has the same rather dire forecast. I'm glad to have a basement but our dog won't go down the stairs and she would be hard for me to carry. I probably can do it if I have to.

      I'm sorry you don't have more support, Wags. Despite that, it sounds like you are handling the situation really well. :hug:

      Good to see you, Ava. Your multi-cooker appliance sounds interesting. I've been culling my kitchen of single-use items. I've also been culling knick-knacks, fancy dishes and serving pieces, linens, etc. My husband is concerned that perhaps people are next...


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        A couple of hours spent in the basement is a small price to pay for the feeling of safety. No tornado here but it did hit in Delaware, a neighboring state just to the south. I see there was plenty of wind damage in Maryland too also a close neighbors. We were lucky & I’m grateful. Nice & sunny today of course

        Wags, thinking of you & I totally understand being pissed at your brother. Mine was useless too & he lived much closer than the other two brothers. It’s hard to make plans considering your Dad’s mental status. Is there any chance that he had a small stroke when he was hospitalized? Maybe you can bring that subject up with his medical provider. Sometimes just the infections themselves cause the confusion but usually clears when the infection does. I hope you can find some help with your questions. Take care :hug:

        Ava, glad to hear all your furkids are doing well, that’s a relief. I have my house in a big mess right now too packing up the entire kitchen for the cabinet painters coming on the 5th. Throwing away a good bit too, haha!

        NS, nice to hear your husband is paying attention LOL
        I picked up a bunch of dog & cat treats before going to the basement so they all just followed me haha!

        All good here so I’ll wish everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Lav - glad you're safe.

          NS - here's hoping that this week's weather passes more gently across those states.

          Sigh, my dad's back in the hospital. I can't go into the whole story (nor do you want to hear it) but around 5:30am this morning it became clear that either the UTI has come raging back or some other mental instability has been triggered. I spent 11 hours in the ER with him until they could finally get a bed and admit him. I'm so sad watching how he's struggling. It's breaking my heart. There's nothing like seeing your own parent cry and become rather helpless. The biggest thing is it has become clear that he cannot safely live with us anymore and I will have to scramble to get help finding a good place. It sucks. I would love to drink and escape all of this, and I absolutely CANNOT and WILL NOT.

          Take care everyone


            Re: Newbies Nest

            I'm so sorry, Wags. What you are dealing with is really tough in so many ways. I hope you get help identifying the best place for him to be. The state of elder care in our country is abysmal, putting the burden on the family like it does. We will be thinking of you. xx


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Good evening Nesters,

              Calm & sunny day here today after the wild weekend weather. Grateful for that.

              Wags, I’m sorry to hear about your Dad. It’s so hard watching them deteriorate like that. The hospital social worker is instrumental in finding placement for people, you should hear from them soon. If not be sure to reach out to them. You can also go online to search nursing homes in your area. Thinking of you & take care of yourself :hug:

              NS, this is a hard time of life when we see our parents going downhill. All four of our parents are gone now, we somehow got through it all.

              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters

                Beautiful sunny day here.

                Lav, so glad you got through the wild tornado weather unscathed. I hope you have lots of sunshine now!

                Wags, good to hear your strong resolve in this sad & trying time, that you "can't and won't" drink. Amen to that! It broke my heart seeing my Dad get so confused and bereft. On one of our slow walks around the nursing-home one day he turned to me and said, "I keep seeing things that need fixing but I can't find my tools!" He always was a "Mr Fixit", and losing that part of himself was tough. I hope, Wags, that you are able to sort out some good care for your Dad, I wish you the best :hug:

                Ava, I love hearing about your dogs' antics. The way you describe it makes me see it as a cartoon in my mind, hilarious! I hope your Mum's doing better now. If you haven't already, it's good to get an 'aged care assessment' done as early as possible. That way there's hopefully less wait for services, including home care.

                Hi Kensho. Yup, I sometimes have the thought that "this would have been a drinking night". So glad I am now dealing with life's ups and downs in a sober and measured way. Much less complicated, and frees me up to enjoy all the good time.

                N.S, so you're culling stuff too. I like the psychologoical boost I get from "decluttering", it helps me think clearer (!) and feel more in control. It's good to read about crafters. I've just enrolled in knitting classes for winter. Time I might've spent at the pub or boozing at home I'll be in a knitting circle. That makes me laugh.

                Hi to everyone else, stay well,
                Steady x
                AF free since April 29, 2013


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  I think we are ready for the kitchen cabinet painters who arrive early tomorrow morning. I am amazed at just how much stuff I had packed into this kitchen over the last 20 years. I’ve discarded quite a bit & have given some things away to young neighbors. When the job is done I won’t have so much stuff to put back in the cabinets. Glad to be doing this with a clear head, for sure

                  Steady, enjoy the knitting class. My Mom & Grandmom both tried to teach me to knit but I got interested in sewing instead. My daughter taught herself with YouTube videos haha. These hobbies do keep us out of trouble!

                  Wags, thinking of you & your Dad :hug:

                  Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Steady, you would not believe how many ex-addicts knit. For awhile I was a little concerned that it was a "tell" :haha:! Maybe it is good to have busy hands that are not reaching for a drink?? I find it very meditative and relaxing so maybe that is it -- a way to become calm and out of my head. Anyway, have fun!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Have I mentioned that the hospital sent my dad home with COVID? He tested negative when first admitted, but developed a cough a day after first coming home, and there's nowhere else he's had contact with ANYONE. Now we're all sick and I still have to somehow manage getting him out of the hospital and into at least a temporary place without totally breaking his confused heart. This is a nightmare that would drive many people to drink. NOT ME!

                      I'm so grateful for the nest as a place to turn for support. I'm sorry this is all you're hearing about from me right now.


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        Wags, I’m so sorry to hear your news, how sad. We know you’re not going to drink although I bet many would in the same situation. Has the hospital social worker helped with placement? That’s their job & should be stepping up. I hope you all feel better quickly & can do what needs to be done. Take care :hug:

                        NS, my house is a ball of confusion right now. I have a painter in the kitchen working on painting the cabinets. I have the contents of the kitchen packed into many boxes that are spread all over the house. I can’t cook any thing until probably the weekend, can’t even get water out of the sink, it’s all covered in plastic haha. I went to my embroidery machines & just got busy distracting myself

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Evening nesters

                          Wags, i am sorry to hear about your dad being unwell and now Covid just to add icing to the cake. Please take care of yourself and you can waffle on, it helps keep us sane for sure.

                          NS and Steady, i am trying to knit a throw atm for my new sofa bed armchair and i have now undone it 3 times, i will get there. it is killing my arm to knit but i am not giving up. My aunty Elsie taught me to knit and crotchet many moons ago. I enjoy knitting more but may give crotchet a go in time. My mum is a sewer and made all of my clothes as a kid (how embarrassing i thought).

                          Lav, nothing better than a good cull, i gave my sofa bed to the next door neighbours, it was too big, they were so happy. I hope they finish with the painting soon.

                          I went and had acupunture today on my arm with pulse therapy, it feels a bit better than what it has been so i am going to be positive and keep going. She took pictures of my tongue and said i was healthy but had gut issues. so glad she didnt look at my tongue when i drank, it was coated with god knows what, which probably meant my whole body was not healthy.

                          Had to go to the vets today to pick up some antibiotics for Gucci and dropped off some easter eggs to thank them for their love and care. its been two weeks since i have been to a vets with any of the dogs, a bloody miracle.

                          enjoying some rain tonight, we have not had good rain in months so its nice to listen to. I did get all of my washing dry so that is a bonus.

                          take care and thinking of you Wags. xx
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Oh, Wags, that is AWFUL. Why healthcare facilities stopped taking covid precautions is beyond me. So many people are getting it in hospitals!! I hope you all have mild cases and recover quickly and completely. Does your wife have it, too? This would be absolutely unmanageable if you still were drinking. Thank goodness you are free of that beast.

                            Ava, my tongue used to be purple b/c of all the red wine and coffee. I used to try to scrub it b/f dental visits (even with SOAP!!) but nothing would take it off. Sometimes I deliberately look at my nice pink tongue now.

                            I learned crochet last fall because I saw some cool baskets I wanted to make. I've made several of those but knitting remains my favorite. Good luck with your knitted throw.

                            I've paid my accupuncturest a lot of $$ over the last several months b/c insurance doesn't cover it but it has been worth it to FINALLY have a fully functional, minimally painful knee. Hope your arm continues to improve. What is pulse Tx? I've just had needles.

                            Kitchen re-dos are the hardest, Lav! Such an interruption to normal life. Our master bath is out of commission at the moment as they work in there but thankfully there is another full bath to use.

                            Wags, please keep posting when you can. We really care about you and how you and your family are doing. xx


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hey Nesters,

                              The kitchen paint job is coming along nicely. They will be back sometime next week with the cabinet doors & drawer fronts. Then I have to reload everything, not in a hurry haha!
                              We may be getting a big storm like we had last weekend, hope not.

                              Ava, those dogs keep yo on your toes, that’s for sure. I’m sure they appreciate all the attention too. Enjoy your rain, I can probably send more if you want Lol

                              NS, glad the acupuncture is helping. I don’t know why our insurance companies haven’t caught on yet, ridiculous.
                              Good luck with your bathroom redo, it’s always something, right?

                              Wags, thinking of you :hug:

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Wags, it really is hard to watch a parent struggle. I lost my mother a year ago. She was 95 and was in relatively good health up until about 8 months before she passed. She had a fall and bumped her head. All seemed ok except for a little bruising but cognitively she spiraled down hill. It was incredibly hard to watch someone who was so strong just fall apart. I feel for you and your family. As hard as it is its important to hold your pops hand, now more than ever.
                                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                                William Butler Yeats

