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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    I’m just back from a walk & I’m still 15 minutes short of the 1 hr walking/day prescribed by teh cardiologist, oh well. Some days my feet just say no

    Wags, a simple Utrasound of the carotids will determine if blood flow is adequate or not. I’ve had mine checked once because of my family history. One of my brothers just had his 2nd surgery to open his left carotid, it keeps blocking. I’m glad your dad is safe & sound now & it will be even better when he’s closer to you. I hope you enjoy the birthday celebrations with your wife. Life has to go on as usual :hug:

    Mulburry, sounds like you & Wags have very similar situations going on. It’s kind of good to know that you’re not the only going through parental life changes right now. We somehow got thru all this with our 4 parents, it wasn’t much fun. Hang in there!

    NS, good to hear your project is completed, must be a relief
    I’m expecting the painters back Thursday with the cabinet doors, then I’ll be happy too with a nice fresh kitchen!

    Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Uh oh, looks like I need to send the search dogs out for missing Nesters

      I hope everyone is OK & enjoying AF life & having zero regrets.
      Wishing a safe night the nest for all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Originally posted by wagmor View Post
        Thanks Lav and Mulburry. It sounds like my situation is unfortunately a very common one for "kids" like us to go through with a parent. I never thought about the possibility of arterial blockage contributing to or causing this. My dad has had minor memory issues for the past year or so but it seems that things really became noticeable and problematic in the past 3-4 months. And then the past 3 weeks have been shocking to witness.:
        That's unfortunate. My dad started to go downhill a lot faster after a heart attack and quadruple bipass surgery a few years ago. Probably some similarities there, as his heart can't pump blood as efficiently anymore which can affect the brain as well.

        y dad is in a place temporarily but I'll definitely need to move him at least once -- it's just way too far away for me to visit consistently and still manage the rest of my life and responsibilities. I'm hoping it won't be too disruptive for him but I HAVE to also make it work for me. Ideally we'll make the move later this month, and then he can stay put for the duration.
        If you're dad's memory is as bad as I seem to infer from your posts, it might not take him too long to adjust (hopefully).


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Mulberry - I think you're right, my dad won't remember a ton so hopefully a move won't be too hard. I asked him if he'd like to be someplace closer and he said he thought that was a good idea. I spoke with the nurse who runs a home that's about 10 mins from our house today and I think it's an excellent option. I've got at least one more place to check out and then I'm going to go talk with my dad again Friday. I'm glad to hear your dad eventually settled in to his home.

          NS - your new paint colors sound fun and refreshing! I hope you enjoy your new/old space. My wife and I both really lucked out and had very light cases of covid. We each only had mild symptoms for about 2 days and we've both had 2 negative tests since then. I feel incredibly lucky to be honest. Fortunately, my dad hasn't been too bad either, although he has a persistent cough he can't seem to shake. I hope by the time I see him Friday he'll be feeling and sounding better.

          Lav - definitely living AF with zero regrets. I can't believe I forgot to post last night! Hope all is well with you.

          Techie - thanks for the good thoughts friend, I really appreciate it!

          Hellos and waves to all. Hope nesters around the world are having good weeks.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            So glad that things seem to be moving in a good direction, Wags, and that none of you became extremely ill. I hope you feel really good about at least one of the two care options for your dad. You are lucky you even have options!! In our area, care facilities often are either awful or don't have openings.

            I think you should send out the search dogs, Lav! I miss the missing nesters!! Good to see you, Mulberry!!

            We are having a weird summer-like week and I am LOVING IT! I am trying to use my e-bike as transportation more and better weather really helps with that. Yesterday I went straight south into a fierce wind and was so happy to have the power assist. I'm not sure I even could have ridden in that direction with a standard bike.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Happy to see a few Nesters this evening

              We actually hit 87 degrees this afternoon, how crazy is that for mid-April? Next week it will cool off once again.
              The painter was back this morning & hung the cabinet doors in my kitchen, they look great! He asked us to wait until Saturday or Sunday to put the pull knobs back on so the paint has a chance to harden off.

              Wags, glad your Covid experience wasn’t too bad. No one needs that stuff, ugh.
              Sounds like your Dad is safe & comfy & willing to allow you to make decisions for his care. That can often be a big hurdle. I’ll give you a little hint - you can look up annual Medicare inspection reports to get a real good idea of how the nursing home operates. If they had an deficiencies they have a year to correct them (sometimes less) or risk losing their license to operate & get Medicare reimbursements. Doesn’t hurt to check them out. You’re doing great so far!!

              Mulburry, I hope you are well.

              NS, if not the dogs I can always send out a few of my crazier chickens to round up the missing Nesters, LOL
              I think we shouldn’t get too used to this odd warm spell. Glad you’re having bike time fun.

              Hello to al & wishing everyone a safe night in teh nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hi all, quick post for me tonight. I had a super full day of teaching so that I can take tomorrow afternoon to go visit my dad. I'm pretty wiped out and plan to head to bed pretty soon.

                Hope everyone is doing well!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Evening nesters

                  Here and accountable. Been a busy week, not sure doing what but busy. Days blend into each other some weeks.

                  Wags, i hope you get your dad moved closer to you, that would save a lot of stress on you.

                  NS your biking sounds fun, i still have a bike i bought when covid hit and still not used it. its on my "to do" list. i have a lot of things on that list.

                  Are those cupboards painted now Lav?

                  Am taking Gucci to the vets tomorrow to say goodbye, it is time, she looks at me as if to tell me it is time. I keep hoping she will start eating again and not be in pain but i know thats just hope. I do know she has had the best 7 months of her life with me so i am happy that i could give her that. Carl is still favouring his leg but i posted on a luxating patella site on fb and they advised lots of 5 minute walks to build up his muscles so that will be started tomorrow. i may even throw Bindi in the pram and take her for a stroll.

                  We have had some lovely weather the past couple of day, got lots of washing done.

                  my acupuncture is going well, i am hopeful that i can be pain free. The lady was telling me i have a hot stomach and water that i drink is not being retained which is drying me out so i am going to get some herbal medicine next week when i go back. i do have stomach issues on occasion so fingers crossed she can fix that also. Better than taking a pill from a doctor.

                  Nothing else to report, all is well otherwise. take care xx
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nest. Cozy rainy day here after 70's and 80's. Working from home and enjoying the quiet.

                    Ava, I'm really sorry to hear that you have to say goodbye to Gucci. What a lucky pup that you opened your home and heart to her for the last months of her life. Such wonderful creatures, dogs are. I admire your generosity and strength. :heartbeat:

                    Wags, it's great to hear that you feel good about some of the homes for your dad. You seem to be working through the situation, difficult as it may be. I'm impressed with the grace you are showing. He's lucky to have you. Yippie for the minor covid cases...

                    Hi NS!

                    LAV, walking is one of my favorite things to do, except that I don't feel I have the time! Some days I put on a pod-cast and just go and go longer than I should. Do you listen to music or anything? It causes me to lose track of time...

                    Well, after a ton of work, I have successfully upgraded my business to an S-Corp and completed taxes. I ran my first payroll yesterday - even though I'm the only employee. My CPA has been inundated with tax stuff and fairly unavailable, so I've been stuck trying to figure out how to do all of this on my own for the past few weeks. Unemployment insurance, workman's comp, FMLA - overriding the system with my CPA's numbers - all kinds of tax mumbo jumbo... and it's done. I told my husband last night that next to getting sober, it's been one of the hardest things I've tackled. I would have never been able to do something like this when drinking. On top of that, I've had big deadlines on three different projects. It's been a bit bonkers, but I'm getting sleep and exercising and NOT DRINKING. I feel proud of keeping my head

                    We tour a nearby college campus for my son tomorrow, after I sleep in. And continuing to plan for our Italy trip, which happens at the end of May. Things are good, though a bit exhausting and overwhelming.

                    Wishing everyone stopping in and reading the best. I really can't believe how much better life is without alcohol. It's worth it!!
                    Last edited by KENSHO; April 14, 2023, 03:12 PM.

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Greetings Nesters,

                      I had a busy day too, one thing after the other but it’s all good
                      Rain coming tomorrow so I will situate myself in my workshop & get tins of things done there. Not doing any craft fairs this year until the end of September.

                      Wags, glad to hear you are hanging in with so much going on. Stay well :hug:

                      Ava, sorry to hear about Gucci. When the time is right they surely let you know. You’ve done a great job with all your dogs.
                      Yes, the kitchen is finished & tomorrow we can put all the knobs back on, the paint has hardened enough I think. I’m glad the job is done & especially glad we hired the right guy to get it done

                      Kensho, Congrats on elevating your business venture. That’s definitely not something done easily, you should be very proud.
                      Walking is kind of hard around here, country roads, no sidewalks & too many speedy trucks & bad drivers. I don’t listen to anything while walking because I want to be alert & able to jump out of the way of a speeding vehicle, Lol. Sometimes I take my dog but she’s not much help haha. College campus tours were fun with the kids, enjoy! A trip to Italy sounds very nice. My daughter & her crew just did 10 days in London & northern France, they had a ball.

                      Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Ava - so sorry to hear about Gucci. They do really tell us when it's time though, don't they? You gave little Gooch some love-filled time and I'm sure she has appreciated all of your care. Hugs to you both as you take this difficult next step.

                        Lav - sounds kinda stressful to walk in your area!

                        Kensho - I'm so impressed with your work to change your biz to an S-Corp!!! I haven't done that but I know enough about the process to understand how involved it is and how much you had to figure out and then DO. I hope it pays off for you big-time! What's your general Italy itinerary? So exciting. I'll relive our bike across Italy trip through your stories and posts.

                        Well, I visited my Dad today and described the care home that's close to our house, and he's very interested. He was more alert and oriented today, although still very tired (probably covid fatigue at least partly). So my main task tomorrow is to call the nurse who runs the home and schedule a visit early next week. Other than that, NO WORK tomorrow at all. I've actually got about 48 hours off from teaching and I am really excited about that.

                        Hope all nesters have fantastic weekends!


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          We had a good thunderstorm this afternoon so it?s cooling off, thank goodness. I wasn?t ready for that July/August heat, geez.

                          Wags, right after we moved here 20 yrs ago I heard about a young mother pushing a baby stroller nearby & they got hit by a speeding pickup truck. So I have been just a little apprehensive walking these roads. I make sure to wear a bright colored shirt or jacket so I?m at least visible.
                          That?s great that your Dad is receptive to checking out the new place. That?s half the battle, honestly! Enjoy your time off, relax if possible

                          Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all.

                          Last edited by Lavande; April 15, 2023, 05:19 PM.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Quiet nest so far this weekend. Good to see you Lav! I'm exceptionally grateful that my dad is being so accepting of his need for help (and so accepting of the actual *help* too!). I'm in a support group for people who are "Parenting Aging Parents" and some of the folks in our group are dealing with FAR more difficult situations. Your bright shirt/jacket sounds like a great idea for your walks, but I'm sure staying alert helps you stay safe too.

                            Had a really nice day off here. Farmers market, splitting a bunch of wood for our fireplace, a couple of hours wandering with my wife through an interesting neighborhood in our city (lots of little shops, cafes, etc -- good people watching!), and then pizza for dinner. Tomorrow and Mon aren't totally "off" days for me but only one class on each day so very light workload. Time to take a deep breath or two

                            Hope your weekends are all going well. Take care fellow nesters and see you soon!


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hola nester's,

                              There was some scratching on my front door about 5 a.m. this morning. It was becoming more urgent and frantic. I opened the door to be greeted by a sloppy kiss from a big labrador and a group of unruly chickens. I got the message.....better post here pronto!

                              Wag's, great you've been having a little downtime, and hope all goes well with your dad.

                              Ava, sorry to hear about Gucci. it's devastating when we say goodbye to a pet. Take care of yourself. Regards to Bob and the gang.

                              Friend Kensho, wowza! Congratulations on sorting out all of that admin/business stuff. What a legend. Italy sounds ace.

                              All's well here. Busy fella in a good way. Lav, i'm with you in spirit on your 1 hour walks. I've registered for the Melbourne marathon on October 15. 42.2 kilometres = 26 miles. Call me crazy. It's a big scary goal, and that's why i like it. More a mental exercise. What will i be made of when i 'hit the wall'? haha. But i haven't totally lost it. I have a tried and true book called 'The non runners marathon trainer'. I've got 6 months to condition my muscular/skeletal system. Week 2 training began today. It feels really cool. Need a rocket up my honky ass, and this fits the bill.

                              Take it easy out there. Big waves to evabody.

                              Surf's up!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Sunday evening hello to all Nesters

                                Took most of the day for the fog to burn off outside but it’s been nice ever since.
                                My ‘feet’ have been on vacation for a few days & they feel better. Guess I’ll give the walking a try again, see what happens. This getting old business is for the birds haha!

                                Wags, your weekend sounds pretty nice, I’m happy for you. Here’s hoping your Dad’s transfer to a new place goes smoothly & fairly quickly.

                                G, so they finally made it to your front door, huh? LOL Those goofy chickens of mine get the job done every time!
                                I wish you good luck on your training, wow! I couldn’t even run as a kid so there’s no chance of me considering a marathon in this lifetime. Go for it young man, we will be with you in spirit

                                Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

