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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    G - great to see you and congrats on challenging yourself to run a marathon! Although there is absolutely a large physical element, it is a significant mental challenge for sure. Something tells me you'll do great with this process - you seem to have great self-discipline and commitment when you set your sights on a goal.

    Lav - glad your chickens rounded up G-man. Now try Pav, or Nar, or LC! Or heck - *any* of our missing nesters. Sure would love to see any/all of them!

    Ava - hope you're doing ok. We're all thinking about you and sending support and hugs.

    Tomorrow I have the whole day off!!! Woohoo for me!

    Happy Mondays everyone. Hope your weeks start off easy.


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Evening nesters

      A quick check in, my bedtime and been a big weekend.

      Had to say goodbye to Gucci on Saturday, very sad but i know I did the right thing for her. Bindi (her mum) is missing her, so lots of cuddles. Hopefully she will be back home soon and be able to sit with my Madison and Rupert. getting quite a collection!.

      Carl has started his walks, a bit of a pain taking him for 5 minute walks 3-4 times a day, hope the neighbours are used to me in my slippers, no bra and looking like a wreck. He is still limping but hopefully this will strengthen his muscles.

      We have a new person started at work to finally take some work off me, did a couple of hours showing her things today and she seems really nice which is good.

      Mum coming down this Thursday for a few days, apparently its my birthday, of which i want to ignore but i am grateful to still be here which makes up for what number it is. We are all going out for lunch on the weekend for yum cha which will be nice.

      Trying to organise my ex hubs and my friend to visit for their 60th birthdays. we figured it would be easier if they came to us than try and organise 4 children to visit them. i am looking forward to the visit. I am a firm believer that i was married to the man for 17 years and no point in hating him, we had some good and bad times but he is the father of my children. Im just grateful i'm not married to him and she is, ha ha.

      had lots of rain here atm and getting cooler, i seem to want to go to bed at 6.30pm now its getting darker earlier. I do like winter but am sure i wont be saying that in a couple of months time.

      Wags, so glad to hear your dad is amenable to care, it makes life so much easier. i am waiting on hearing about home care for mum (no argument either, total suprise). Less stress and worry for you and he will be safe and looked after.

      G, i am tired reading your post thinking of running that far. Im with Lav, never was a runner and never will be.

      take care all and hello Kensho. xxxx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        I have been busy all day, just organizing things. Gathering a bunch o stuff to donate too. I think the weather is turning back to cool, which is fine with me.

        Wags, I do see narilly on FB from time to time, used to see Pav there but not lately. I’m sure they know we’re still here & they are free to pop in anytime. I do think about people who just drop off suddenly.
        Now I’m wondering about Battle too. I hope you had a fabulous day off

        Ava, glad to hear you’re getting some help at work, finally!
        I’m sure the dogs will go thru a period of missing Gucci. I know my dogs did when one passed on. It’s great Carl is out walking, don’t worry about your appearance, I’m sure the neighbors understand.
        That’s very gracious of you to invite your ex & his current, not sure I would have the fortitude. You are one strong lady :hug:

        Hello to all & hope to hear from some of. The missing nesters soon. Have a saf enight all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Ava - lots of extra cuddles for Bindi for sure :heartbeat: It's a heartbreaking decision but definitely one of the most compassionate things we can do as humans. Be gentle with yourself too. Glad you've got help at work now and I hope that all turns out to be fabulous.

          Lav - I should connect with you and other nesters on FB. I think Byrdie is the only nest FB friend I've got so far. I don't use it much but it'd be good to have another way to stay in touch should this site ever crash or go offline for a period of time.

          So hey - if anyone is down for being FB friends please DM me.

          Taking my dad to see the new care home tomorrow. Please cross fingers, toes, feathers - whatever you've got that will send good luck and positive vibes to me and my family. I'm mostly just going in optimistic and trusting that if it's truly a good place for my dad to be then it will work out. If for some reason it doesn't, there's probably something I'm not aware of.

          Happy Sober New Weeks everyone!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            I'll be thinking of you, Wags. I hope your dad feels comfortable at the new place and that you feel confident in the staff.

            You gave Gucchi her best days, Ava. She was fortunate to have you.

            You know how to set goals, Mr G! Enjoy the training and don't get hurt!!

            Lav, the weather is on a rollercoaster! Yesterday was winter, today is spring, and summer comes back tomorrow. Then more chilly weather this weekend!!

            Tomorrow I'm going to environmental lobby day in our state capital. Getting involved in climate action is one of the things I've decided to do with my new free time so I joined Third Act. I've never lobbied before so it will be interesting to see what is involved.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Greetings Nesters,

              Sunny & coolish today, nice
              Had an eye doc appt today & apparently my new glasses will be much stronger than the current pair. No wonder I haven?t been able to see much lately haha!!

              Wags, keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you. Generally speaking if the place looks & SMELLS clean & the residents look happy then the home is likely OK. Don?t be afraid to ask about their latest Medicare inspection to see where they may have been deficient & see if those deficiencies were corrected. Can you tell i?ve had some long term care experience? Lol Good luck!! I?d be happy to see you on Facebook

              NS, weather whiplash for sure. Tonight is heading down into the 30?s then jumping back up into the 80?s Thursday & Friday.

              Hello to the rest of the nest & wishing everyone a safe night!

              Last edited by Lavande; April 18, 2023, 05:26 PM.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Newbies Nest

                NS - thank you for your work to help promote action on climate change. Not enough people care about this, and it's sad it has been politicized (like everything else it seems) to keep the people divided and to influence elections. I'll be curious to hear how the lobbying went!

                Lav - Glad you're getting a more current pair of glasses and I'm sure the world will look much clearer now. On my end, today's care home visit went very well. My dad liked the place and he would like to "try it out for a few days" -- that means we're gonna do it! I just have to get ahold of his PCP and get her to complete a form of some sort, which hopefully won't take more than a couple of days. With any luck, we'll be able to move him this coming Fri or weekend. My wife and I have gotten nothing but positive vibes and impressions of the home, the caregivers/nurses who run it, and the other residents. Only one minor violation on file and that was from way back in 2018 and promptly corrected. No issues in any of the inspections since then, so pretty goo record. There are only going to be 3 residents total so lots of personalized/individualized attention. And just a quick 10-min drive from our house, compared to the hour it took me to get home in rainy traffic from his current home today. I really appreciate your input.

                HOW do people drink and manage their lives at all??? I'm so overwhelmed with the amount of "adulting" I'm required to do on a daily basis right now I don't know how on earth I'd ever do even half of it if I were still drinking.

                I'm so grateful I don't drink. And I'm so grateful my quit is strong. Thanks to all of you for being part of that journey for me and for sharing your journeys here as well. We're all in this together!


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  We’re enjoying a few days of very pleasant weather before storms arrive Saturday night. April showers bring May flowers

                  Wags, glad to hear your report & if your Dad is willing to go for a ‘few days’ then you’re all set!!
                  I didn’t know you were looking into such a small place, that’s awesome. I’m used to dealing with 60 beds/wing, usually 3 wings or so in those places so there’s lots of opportunity for screw ups. Sounds like you found the ideal spot.
                  Having a clear head & heart while going thru this phase is such a blessing. You know you are paying attention & won’t miss any red flags while searching for placement for your Dad. We need to thank ourselves for quitting & doing the best we can do for ourselves & others :hug:

                  I hope everyone is doing OK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Lav - yes, we can definitely be better versions of ourselves for those we love since we stopped drinking. And better selves for US too! Sounds like a win-win We have the opposite weather of you right now: storms before a nicer weekend. Enjoy your good days and hopefully your storms will be mild.

                    Happy over-the-hump to everyone. Hope all is well in your corners of this world.


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      So glad to hear your news, Wags! That sounds like a fantastic situation for your dad and therefore for you!

                      Lobbying was interesting. As I observed the chaos of the capital, I became amazed that they EVER get anything done! We did have the chance to talk with our state senator and although my rep wasn't available, the one from the neighboring district was and several of the people I was with were his constituents. I'm not sure how much difference we actually made but I think it is good for all of the legislators to see the mass of bodies there in support of climate action. For those of you who are 60 or more, this is an interesting organization that was initiated to help those of us in the third act of our lives contribute to helping solve the environmental problems we face:

                      Happy Birthday, [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION]!!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Greetings Nesters,

                        We had a real nice day today, grateful

                        Wags, I hauled myself outside to pull some weeds, getting ready for some new mulch. Now my allergies are choking me half to death, haha! I still like being outdoors anyway!
                        I was thinking today the only thing worse than a drunken young person is a drunken old person & I certainly don?t want to be that. We have done ourselves the biggets favor by kicking AL to the curb. We rock

                        NS, that looks like a great group. I?ll see if there?s any activity in my area, that would be cool. Glad you found a worthy outlet where you can get involved.

                        Ava, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!
                        Wishing you the very best always:balloons:

                        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Ava - what, it's your birthday???

                          Happy Freakin' Birthday!!!

                          I hope you have (or had) a wonderful day.

                          NS - thanks for the description of your climate change lobbying day and for the link to Third Act. I'll have to check it out. If they're really about the "people over 60" part I'm not quite there but my wife is and she's a huge climate activist so she'll probably jump right in.

                          Lav - I'm with you about being outside. Glad you got to work in your garden a bit. And yes - we DO rock!

                          Hellos and waves everyone. Happy Fridays to all!


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Just us again Wags!!
                            Nice day here again so I did my best to get outside & do a few things may as well head back out again while it’s still light.

                            I hope everyone is OK & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Hey Lav - yep, here we are again Glad you had another nice day. Ours was ok, but really nice weather heading our way tomorrow. Bike riding here we come!!!

                              I'm a little sad and frustrated/disappointed right now. After a great visit to the adult care home this past Tue, the nurse who runs it gave me her email address. The arrangement was that I would email her so she'd have *my* address, and then she would send me some forms I needed to fill out or have my dad's Dr fill out. I emailed her within a few hours. No reply. I emailed again yesterday. No reply. My wife called and left a voicemail message today, just asking where we are in the process and to please call or email me back. No reply.


                              I'm actually kinda worried something happened to her but I'm also worried she changed her mind for some unknown reason and the opportunity won't unfold after all. I really hope everything is ok but I'm also trying not to get my hopes up just to have them dashed further. If I don't hear something by Sunday, I'll have to start looking elsewhere.

                              The silver lining is that my dad is doing better at his current place and the people working there are starting to warm up to all of us, so even if he needs to stay there another month it'll mostly just be a hassle for me having to drive so far to see him. And he'll probably be disappointed on some levels. Why is this all so effing hard though??? I could really use a break. So glad, yet again, that I don't drink. I sure would have reached for al to "comfort" me in the past.

                              Hope you all had better Fridays, and that your weekends turn out to be fantastic (or at least pleasant). Take care everyone!


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Evening nesters

                                thank you for the lovely birthday messages. i did have a lovely day, my mum embroidered a Winnie the Pooh bedspread and it is just beautiful, she is so talented sewing. Mum and i were going to go out for dinner but there ended up being 13 of us, my kids and ring in kids so it was really nice. Tomorrow (Sunday) we are going to yum cha (just the fam).

                                I had acupuncture again on Friday and Helen my acupuncturist made me some special herbs, OMG they are foul, not sure what they are supposed to do but i am taking them twice a day religiously. At least i am getting relief for a few days and she seems to be using me more as a pin cushion now.

                                Wags, that is bizarre that you are not getting a call back, maybe you should pop around to see what is going on. I was checking mums voice messages tonight and there was a message from the Aged Care people. Now when you fill in an application and say MOTHER IS DEAF, why oh why would you call them. Will follow that up through the week.

                                Went shopping today and she had another "turn", seems her blood pressure drops and she needs to sit down, had all the heart tests that came back negative so short trips from now on. will keep an eye on her tomorrow but she should be ok as sitting down.

                                Carl is more active now and not limping which is so good, Bindi seems to not miss Gucci at all though she wants more pats and would sit on the lounge for hours now getting pats, still has her appetite lol.

                                Having some beautiful weather at the moment, just enjoying spring.

                                take care xx
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

