Good evening Nesters,
We had another fair weather day, nice

We made yet another trip to our favorite Amish greenhouse to buy more perennials. At this age I just want to look outside & see color without having to buy & dig in more annuals each year, #lazy haha!
Wags, I always felt bad for the elders who seemed to be terrorized by their thoughts, paranoid in some cases. It just doesn’t have to be that way anymore, meds can help.
Caring for family members is terribly draining. I’ve been there for all of our elders, now they’re all gone. Expecting help from siblings often goes no where. When I asked the one brother who lived closest to us & my parents for help he said he couldn’t because he had to work, DUH, I was working full time too & had my parents living with us. It took years for me to reckon that, haha!! He refuses to talk to me anyone after announcing I was a ____ bitch. OK, then. You have done a great job so far & I hope your Dad recognizes that :hug:
Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!