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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    K9Lover;894950 wrote: Hi Fennel!
    Did you find any good books at the library??? I'm an avid reader and love hearing what others are reading! Call me a nerd, but the library is one of my favorite places to be
    Great job on finding something to do...that's the key!
    Have a great weekend...
    Just a small, unsolicited observation: All libraries in Florida smell terrible (perhaps with the exception of libraries in new public schools). The damp-musty odor is overpowering.
    I made a comment the other day to my 14-year old daughter - who devours about 4 books per day (addictions are big in our family) that something smelled terrible, just like the library. She immediately replied, "Oh, I LOVE that smell!"


      Newbies Nest

      Coco-Nut;898055 wrote: Just a small, unsolicited observation: All libraries in Florida smell terrible (perhaps with the exception of libraries in new public schools). The damp-musty odor is overpowering.
      I made a comment the other day to my 14-year old daughter - who devours about 4 books per day (addictions are big in our family) that something smelled terrible, just like the library. She immediately replied, "Oh, I LOVE that smell!"
      That's so sweet...reminds me of myself as a youngster!


        Newbies Nest

        My ultrasound showed a fluid-filled cyst, about 2 cm.s. These types of growths are never cancerous, at least that's what I'm picking up from the inter-webz and the ultrasound tech. There are a few poor shreds of thyroid tissue still wrapped about this thingy...I'm thinking that further lab work will show that my tsh levels are down. I am hoping to get that half of it removed, but we'll see what my doctor suggests. I feel much more at ease, anyway. Thanks for your concern, fellow nestlings. :thanks:


          Newbies Nest

          that's wonderful to hear fennel. i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...john
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Newbies Nest

            Oh, and Mrs. Fennel was with me. I tried to lighten the mood by saying things like "Can you see the heart-beat, honey?" LOL! The tech was a good sport.


              Newbies Nest

              techie;898450 wrote: that's wonderful to hear fennel. i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...john
              Thanks, John...I'm thinking this is just a little bump in the road. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. :h


                Newbies Nest

                Morning nesters. Back from my holidays. Not without a bump or two though.... quite literally.

                Black and blue from all the rides we did at the theme parks. And I also fell off the wagon however as I said in my post in the general section, I am pleased I did as I dispelled alot of huge myths I had built up over the last six months of not drinking.

                I now know for sure that AL is not welcome in my life. I had felt very unsettled since January, not knowing if I had made the right decision to stop drinking as my life hadnt got miraculously better as I thought it would. I had built up this false image in my head that AL actually made me feel better and be able to do things I felt I couldnt do sober. I know that I can chose to drink, but I chose not to drink.

                It is almost like I had to do it, just to satisfy my curiousity and confirm my decision to eliminate it from my life. Although I didnt get plastered like I thought I might, I still had a massive hangover the next day which was such a good reminder of how I felt on a daily basis for years. And I dont want to feel like that again!.

                So back to real life and feeling so much more at peace, something I havent felt for a long time.

                This site and all you people are part of the reason I could come to this point in my life. Thank you all and PLEASE dont give up if you are struggling. You may have to find out the hard way, but this way IS
                the way out.

                Bye for now.

                Hippy Chick
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome back, Hippy Chick!

                  It's all a learning process. As unpleasant as it may have been, you know now where you stand with don't want/need it in your life. I'm glad you're feeling peace...:l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nestlings!!!!

                    Nope, I have not fallen off the face of the earth... just been busy with the grand peanut, horses and a teensy weensy bit of work for good measure! My baby girl doesn't really like anyone but me to baby sit her pride and joy, and so I'm happily turning into "Granny on wheels" :H

                    And the new fencing (electric - none of that busting out anymore) is finally done, so the horses have moved to their 'summer residence' now.. always something.

                    Welcome to all the newbies... and you old ducklings - I miss you! I just need more hours in the day! LOL Fennel, luv... good luck with exploring the cyst - thinking of you. Hippie girl :l I was in exactly the same boat a while back - know just how you felt. So glad you can make peace with your decision now.

                    K.. it's almost 1am - I NEED to get to bed - 9:30am meeting *uggh

                    Take care gurlz 'n boyz and be good to yourselves!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Help. I can stop drinking for months at a time but then start again and put the hangover off till the next day. Binges can last a week or so but have got much better recentley due to this site. Do other people do this so they can 'function' ? I dont drink mega ammounts just enough to get me through. Sounds awful.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Spinning I hear you - I have not gone AF for months but over the past 4 months on here I can manage 8 days tops (which is huge compared to the past 15 years of nightly bottles of wine!!) I then would think ok I can have a bottle because it does not make me black out or stupid drunk and I can always start again the next day and at least it will get me through the stress of life!! (stupid I know!!) However last week I was back to every night and boy oh boy did I feel it this Monday - the hangover caught up with me! Think we just got to keep going and trust the penny will drop sooner or later :l
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Panno The penny dropped for me a while ago but I keep slipping. I get bored after 4 weeks sober?? So happy sober aswell no major problems . I dont think alcoholism is genetic but my two uncles were alcoholic. Sorry for moaning


                            Newbies Nest

                            fennel;898451 wrote: Oh, and Mrs. Fennel was with me. I tried to lighten the mood by saying things like "Can you see the heart-beat, honey?" LOL! The tech was a good sport.
                            Ha! One does have to maintain a sense of humor. Hope all is well - you and Bob haven't had a good month. Good thoughts your way. :h


                              Newbies Nest

                              sunshine_gg;898562 wrote: Hello Nestlings!!!!

                              Nope, I have not fallen off the face of the earth... just been busy with the grand peanut,
                              Aw - there IS a baby, finally! Congratulations!!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Everyone......
                                Mama checking work....bleh!!!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

