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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good day to all.
    We are entering the 4th of July weekend so a happy 4th to all. This will be my first sober 4th for a LONG time. I might even see the fireworks this year....A real bonus!
    Molly, My personal experience is that my garden waits patiently for me even if I don't get out there all the time. It even grows so I have more to do when I do appear.
    Nora, keep hanging on.
    All, When I am feeling anxious, blue, depressed, weirded out or whatever...I try to remember what I was feeling exactly one year ago on this date. You know what??? I never can unless it was a particular holiday and I made an ass out of myself. Trying to remember brings back to mind that....this too shall pass. prancy


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Gary and you are very welcome. You've found a great place, and trying very hard is what we are all doing, it is hard at first but worth every bit of it and every day it gets a bit easier - one day at a time Gary, others will be along with links to good threads for newbies, I can't do links.
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Newbies Nest

        Prancy, you are so right, so many things lost in a haze of alcohol, it's sad. Anyway have a lovely sober 4th tomorrow.
        I think your point about the garden is if I leave it long enough it will be REALLY worth doing yeah?!!!!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Newbies Nest

          Hey mollyK-yep I'm abit baffled myself at the laize-faire attitude of the "professionals". "you have kidney disease and diabetes-we'll see you in 2 months. good luck in the meantime." that's how I feel they are viewing it right now and it's very frustrating. It's really hard to stick to a renal diet right now as it means giving up ALL my favorite foods and then some. if they are not taking it seriously, what is 2 more months of Weight Watcher eating going to hurt?? At least I'm losing weight and exercising and most importantly NOT DRINKING!!

          On and up note, pond is DONE!! I'll take pics tomorrow morning when there is some sun on it. right now it's in complete shade plus there is one of the new plants that looks pretty sad. Either it has the worst case of transplant shock I've ever seen or it bit the dust as soon as it went in. I'll see how it looks tomorrow. may have to replace it on Monday.

          Tomorrow we go out to the western part of the state for the July 4th parade that my brother and little nephew are in. They are riding in their town's fire truck and last year my little neph was soooo cute. Afterwards is a BBQ at their place. It will be a late day as the parade doesn't start until 3 and goes for a couple of hours but it's going to be a ton of fun and the food will be fabulous at the cookout. Too bad it will be exceptionally hot-hate that!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Newbies Nest


            Hello there nestlings.....Fennel, Nora C, and Papamom, I appreciate your kind words and your appreciation of the nest. Sunny, sooo good to see you again. I've missed you and hope you are well. You're a cherished little birdling here.....FYI, 'G' is fine....thank you for asking.......and thanks for educating me on Guitarista. To him, I apologize and thank him again for his note. Mollyka, thank you as well for your determination to help keep the nest flourishing.
            Bottom line my friends is this IS in fact a special place here in the nest. A lifeline to some. A meeting place for others. A safe haven for all to visit and be welcomed rather than judged. That was my intent in creating the nest.....and my pride in all of you for maintaining that positive standard. I wish you all a wonderful, safe and AF 4th.
            Pops (Renewal)


              Newbies Nest

              Hello again.....

              Welcome Gary - this is the place to be. Glad to have you here.

              I am still waiting to hear all the details about the vacations. Hippie - Did you have fun? Coco?? I know that poor Molly had my type of vacation :l

              Molly - I am going with my new anti-depressant and the hormone right now. They hit me hard today. Will hope that I adjust quickly. I have been thinking about counseling & will look into that in the future possibly. Right now, money is so tight that I'm having a hard time paying bills. My new prescriptions just cost me $185.00 and I almost didn't buy them but decided that I really needed them so went ahead and got them. I have the referral for the counseling and will save up $$ for it.

              Well - kids just came in from playing with the kids across the street. Got to get the bath ready. I will be back. I'm not done talking. ha, ha.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                I'm back for a laying down but not asleep.....
                For the great niece (10 years) & nephew (7 years) are staying with us this summer. They have been in Italy (Dad is in the Marines) and we don't know where they will be stationed next. So, we are very happy to have them here for 2 months.

                I have really been missing Fennel. She has been fighting her thyroid issue in addition to poor Bob. I hope that everything is ok.

                Papmom - I didn't realize how many medical problems you were going thru.

                Molly - I hope that you will start feeling better soon. All I can say is that I know how you feel. :l

                Hippie - How was the trip?

                Pops/Renewal - How are you doing? I think about you and hope things are going ok for you. You created such a safe haven for us. I hope you realize how much that means to us and how much we thank you. :l:h

                Mama - How are you doing on the Bac?

                Prancy - Good job. You are sound so positive. Way to go!

                Take care everyone!
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Nora. I always appreciate your encouragement.
                  Molly, yes, the point is that the garden is not going anyplace.....
                  Gary, welcome. If you were looking for the right place, you found it!
                  Happy 4th to all.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all, awake very early here in Ireland - mad windy outside and next doors Wendy house is flying around their garden making an awful racket!
                    Happy 4th July to all our American cousins! Hope you all have a super day, have fun but be watchful yeah?!
                    Papm, I can't imagine WW could do anything but good, after all 'they' bang on about obesity being the root of all evil etc.? So no booze and loosing weight? sounds good to me!
                    Nora, we can support eachother if we hang out here a bit cos sounds like we are pretty much in the same boat at the moment - sometimes it feels like my only friends are here cos it's here I'm understood! What do you mean the AD hit you hard? I'm interested cos I'm getting rotten headaches and I don't know if they are linked to the AD or not?
                    I didn't know Fennel was having health probs as well, jeez we are a shower of crocks at the moment aren't we, things will get better!
                    Hipster where are you, I'm awake so early this must be Aussie time?
                    Morning Prancy, looking forward to a good 4th?
                    Hi Gary, how are you this morning?
                    Hi again Pops/Renewal, indeed this place is the lifeline and we will survive!!! Thanks to you again!

                    Good morning to everyone else to come, will drop in later
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Newbies Nest

                      MollyK-WW is great but to get the most food out of your points means food with a good amount of fiber which = lots of phosphorus which I've learned is really really bad for people with kidney disease. the CKD diet actually advocates refined flour and sugar foods!! Can you believe that??? Now that's what I call a recipe for disaster for someone who also supposedly has diabetes type 2. that is the biggest catch 22 I've ever seen!!
                      NoraC-all these health problems just came up 1 month ago at my physical. Up until then even with the heavy drinking I was healthy as a horse except for an extra 40lbs, hypertension and gastric reflux. Geesh, I stop drinking and BOOM!! My body goes to hell in a handbasket!!

                      gotta get moving if I'm going to do everything I want to do before leaving for the parade at 12noon. Have a great day fellow nestlings!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening All.
                        Happy 4th of July to all my friends from the USA. Must be abit like our Australia day on Jan 26th. Hope you enjoy it but I echo Molly, do it safely.

                        Talking of Molly... Hi Moll. I'm still here. Have had visitors since we got back and as they have gone today, spent the day cleaning, washing, cooking, ironing (while watching Brothers and Sisters - love it!).... all those boring things that I really didnt want to do on a Sunday. Anyway.... Glad to hear you had a "eureka" moment.. it needed to come out. Whether you liked it or not, better out than in (so says my teenager.... gross!). Maybe a week crying too could be the start of your healing. We have all had years of covering things up with AL, it's going to take a while to get it all out and to get over it. Learning how to live without the numbing effect of AL is hard and takes effort. It's like learning how to walk again. But the good thing is - we can do it. (I need to start listening to myself!!).

                        PapM3 - you missed out the most important answer to your beastly question "who would know, you live by your self...." YOU WOULD KNOW and believe me, you are the most important person. One thing I know for sure is that you cant lie to yourself. You are sounding a bit more upbeat today which I am glad to hear. You are heading down the right path, dont get overloaded with information about your diet though. And dont you think it is spooky that fate stepped in and sent your non-al friend around just when you were thinking about a drink!? mmmm the universe works in mysterious ways....

                        Prancy - you are sounding good. Keep it up.

                        Gary - hi. Hope you are doing OK. Stick around - we all have similar stories.

                        Pops - The nest has been all those things to me.... a safe haven, a meeting place, a huge lifeline and best of all a place of no judgement.... I give myself enough of a hard time, it's nice to come here and not get it from others! I will do my part in keeping it that way too. x

                        Nora - hi there. My trip was good. A big learning journey for my sobriety. One I am glad I took as I learnt so much from it. Confirmed my desire to stay AF (also confirmed my need for anti-depressants too!). I managed to do quite abit of fun things with the kids which was good. Conquered alot of fears too by showing my daughter how brave I actually am to go on all those scary rides. We stood on a cliff one day watching the migrating humpback whales swim north, which was magical and breathtaking. I love traveling to new places in my own country. Australia is so diverse, so different from one state to the next and so big! Hope you are doing OK.

                        Anyway friends, time for bed.

                        Take care and stay strong.

                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning all and Happy 4th of July to those of us in this area of the world.

                          Molly - the AD made me feel sort of light headed. Hard to explain but I didn't feel right. I am sure it will pass in a couple of days. I was on another one for years and just changed to this one. I forgot that I had side effects on the med that I was taking before because I had been on it for so long. But, I did and the side effects did pass. But, if your head ache keeps hanging on, I would call your doctor. I'm going to keep taking this for another week and see how I do.

                          Hippy - I'm glad that you had a good trip. Sounds wonderful.

                          Papmom - Wow! I didn't realize all this came up during your physical. My goodness. :l

                          Prancy - what are your plans today?

                          Well - I was hoping that Dos Gatos would be here but guess Fennel is taking the day off. So, I'm off to get my own Diet Coke. Anybody need anything?:H
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Papm, I have a SIL who could, even at my worst, drink me under the table and smokes 40 -50 a day and eats nothing but rubbish and she is as healthy as a trout - my hubs reckons she is literally pickled!!
                            Yes Nora I'll keep an eye on the headaches (tricky that hehe!) but funnily enough today is the first day I haven't got one so maybe it is just initial side effects - hope so.
                            Hippy, I sound such an anti-social cow but I hate having house guests!! All that scrubbing and cleaning and being polite!
                            Have just had as Lemony Snickett would say a 'series of unfortunate events'. First of all was doing my ironing and when finished couldn't get the plug out of the socket so had to ring my son who had to get all sorts of stuff to lever it out - had apparently melted into the socket. So when he was going out to the garage to get the equipment there are 2 rooftiles on the ground due to mad wind last night, while he's up doing temporary repairs my boiler in the garage spontaneously sort of went on fire - I kid you not!! All is half sorted now, at least its safe but jeez I'd be half way thro a bottle of vodka back in the day if all that happened!!!! Hubs at work all day so poor divil is coming in to news of all the disasters tonight! Anyway enough of me moaning. Hi to everyone and will check in again
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning all...
                              mama slept late...tummy better but feel so TIRED....I hope it's not the bac.....
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Mama!!!1
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

