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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wishing I could be past all this...

    I am so worried that my doctor won't have an answer for me.
    I have to make an appoiuntment on Monday but I just think that if I slowly taper off the # of Beers I have and change the time I start...
    I can defer some withdrawl symptoms.
    Does this make sense.
    I am not sure that these meds are perscribed here but I must have some treatment options through my doctor.
    I just dread this.
    But I resent the bottles lying around...
    That is not what I want to be remembered for.
    My Art yes
    My children God loves 'em yes...
    But my drinking problem...
    *(I just hope I am not "Too Late")


      Newbies Nest

      admom7, I don't believe anything is ever too late.
      Today could be the first day of a whole new way of life. Don't give up hope. I am sure your doctor will have something that can help you if you truly want help. Good luck and keep trying.


        Newbies Nest

        Admom. The only time it is too late is when the beast wins and put you in the ground. If that doctor doesnt have an answer for you, find another until you find one who will support your decision to get sober. I know you are scared, but it can be done. We are here to help you, so you are not on your own.
        Pap - love the new car. I am glad you said the cup holders were for water bottles and not wine bottles as my husband and I always used to laugh about if a car has a roadie holder (what we call them) then it must be real flash! Heated seats and mirrors? That will be nice next winter..... you will want to go for a drive just to heat your bum!

        Horrible stormy ole day here - recorded a movie last night so gonna grab a coffee and watch it cause it feels like one of them days....

        Take care and see you later.

        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          pap...i am so sorry that i did not acknowledge your excellent news about NO KIDNEY DISEASE...
          i was reading back and saw that......thanks heavens!!!!
          l know how worried you were.....and so were all of us!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            I had a small victory

            Saturday night I usually get wasted...
            But last night I only got 3 beer and stopped at that point
            Even though there was my husband's Scotch, some Marsala and some liqueres in the house.
            My plan is to wean myself...
            Later start time and no more than 3 beer
            (rather than 6 or 8 Plus other stuff)
            It isn't going to work to go Cold Turkey...
            Then Monday down to later start and 2 beer
            and so on...
            But I have my husband and family on my side and I know I can do this...
            I just need to keep track and buy some of the recommended supps and start to eat better.
            I am going to use the drink tracker...
            It will keep me honest.
            Have a great day
            (I am sure glad I found you guys):thanks:


              Newbies Nest

    ! Sorry.


                Newbies Nest

                what do you mean classic???? are u ok???
                good job admom!!!!!!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters -

                  Classic - hang in there. Please don't say failed. You slipped - now get up and let's start again. We CAN do this. That's what the Nest is for. :l

                  Admom - good job. Keep it going.

                  Pam - LOVE YOUR CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations.

                  Sorry folks but I've got to run right now. We are taking Molly (not Mollyka :H) for a walk around the block. We think we found where one of our kittens that we gave away lives. We're glad she has a good home.

                  Have a wonderful day everyone.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Please know that I came here I took hope from the fact people felt safe enough to admit to a slip.
                    That there is always hope.
                    I think it means you are already on your way back
                    Because you admitted it.

                    Take care
                    Be kind to yourself


                      Newbies Nest

                      thanks Mama!! I may have been premature announcing it but deep down I never thought it was right and that I wasn't just in classic denial. I sincerely hope I get the phone call tomorrow that says either "the doc says he doesn't need to see you" or "the doc will see you because your MD asked for the referral but he can't see you until October (which means whatever my numbers represent it's not dire). So thanks everyone for the good wishes and the worrying. It helped!!

                      AdMom-you gotta do whatever works for you. If tapering is the ticket then go for it. Just make sure you're not fooling yourself. I tried tapering many many times over the past 3 decades and I always ended up worse than when I started. But I truly do hope it works for you and I will support you. I still think you should see your doc and be 100% honest. HC had the best words on that subject. Please listen to her.

                      Classic-there is no failing. There are relapses but hopefully you will have learned something from it and will get up and try again. If you really really want to be AF, you will find a way to do it. If you keep relapsing, you have to try to figure out why you don't want to be AF. If I really want to lose 40 lbs I will find a way to do it. The fact that I haven't yet speaks volumes and I have to try to find out why I don't want to lose the weight. There are answers there for us-we just have to be willing to see them.

                      NoraC and HC-thank you!! I love it too!! I went to Wallyworld on a quest for butterfly seat covers and to check out the new super Wallyworld at the edge of town and although I didn't see the covers I wanted, I did buy a few things that I use everyday. With all the crates and supplies in the car there was still more than enough room for my 2 bags and there is a bag hook on either side of the cargo area!! I :h this car!! I have no idea how I'm going to pay my dad every month but somehow I have to figure it out. No more fast food for sure, more cooking and no more shopping sprees will be a start!! Definitely will need to find another PT job. Oiy!!

                      Hot hot hot here!! Did manage to take LM (loud mouth dog) for a walk on the rail trail this morning before it got to the max temp. I'm trying to work on training him not to be so hyper and loud when meeting up with another dog (s) on these walks. It's sooooo embarrassing!! We had a good start today but at some point he got to be such a whirling dervish he got halfway out of his harness and I didn't realize it until we got home!! That dog will be the death of me yet!! I was soaked when we finally made it back to the car. In for the day, have had a nice somewhat healthy lunch and will dig into dishes and laundry in a bit.

                      Have a great day everyone!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        you sound great Pap....I am happy for you
                        gonna watch the World Cup final match in honor of all my new friends here at MWO...
                        Go Netherlands!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          3 months

                          Hi Everyone,
                          Just had to fly up to the nest and tell you all I got to 3 months AF today.
                          I treated myself to a wonderful facial and thouroughly enjoyed it.
                          My friends tell me "well done" when I tell them how I'm going. I used to feel embarrassed about being so weak that Al had such a hold on me that I had to avoid it altogether. Not any more. I tell people the truth now- I can't stop if I start until everything is empty or I am out cold. I no longer feel I have to make up exuses like "Doctor's orders. I'm on medication" etc etc. for why I'm not drinking.
                          Anyway, thanks for all your help and for the warmth and comfort here in the nest.
                          AF since 12 April 2010


                            Newbies Nest

                            Tant, just posted on ODAT but just wanted to say well done again, 3 months is serious time, and even if temptation comes along, it's too much time to loose!
                            Like you, I would have been mortified if people knew how much I drank (actually prob would be still mortified, even my hubs doesn't know JUST HOW MUCH I drank!!!) but now I am so proud of the sober person I have become, and this time round my head is in the right place as well as the body. Good on you!!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              And we are proud of you too Molly.

                              Great news Tant. Three months is fantastic. So glad you came back to tell us.

                              Sorry bout the results Mama..... I wanted Spain to win!

                              Well done Admom. All these little victories add up.... keep going.

                              Aclassicgirl - just keep coming back here. Try and distract your self when you get a craving. Even if you put it off for half an hour, then try another half hour and so on. If you just do it for a small amount of time, it doesnt seem too overwhelming.
                              Do you have an L-glutamine or kudzu? I found these very good when I first started to quiet any cravings, especially the L-glut. If you break a capsule under your tongue it seems to work faster. L-glut is available from health food shops or in supermarkets in the body building section. Give it a try, it does work. And if you do slip, dont beat yourself up. You have done enough of that over your drinking career I'm sure.

                              Feeling a bit brighter today. Had our usual Monday night dinner with mum and dad and instead of sitting watching my husband and dad get pissed like usual, mum and I watched a show I had recorded. So it was a nice change to watch African wildlife rather than two grown men make animals of themselves....

                              Bye for now.
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                two men drinking could be considered African wildlife!!!!
                                Glad you survived Hipster....
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

