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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Wow Girls - that's some reading you gave me since last night!! Great to see it in the Nest. Right, first off, Sunni, you could be right about the water - I drink a lot of tea but I know that's not good, gonna get a lemony water now as soon as I've sent this so with you on that Nora. Like Hipster have NO IDEA what chuckecheese is so fill us in!
    Paps, crikey I thought kids were trouble - that sounds even worse!! Hope they are all ok today? let us know - they sound like my 16 yr old - he hoovers the cupboards and fridge of food, back when I was drinking I used to think I had 'mislaid' food nah, he'd just eaten it!!

    Hipster, I have a relatively similar story with my hubs, don't think he drinks an awful lot but I hate the whole 'drinking conversations' etc. I fully agree with what Sunni says, I didn't put a tooth in it - I just told him I was going to bed to watch tele or read real early cos I found it difficult being around him too much when he was drinking. We don't go to pubs much anymore - just out for meals. It depends how much he wants you sober. My hubs considers me being sober the highest priority in the house (not in a patronizing way but he says it makes him and the family REALLY happy) so if I told him to go drink in the garden in the rain he probably would.
    If you are an alkie like me, this is ALL IMPORTANT. Yes I agree a bit of tact is necessary, but like Sunni says, instead of criticizing his habits just explain that you HAVE to change yours, and if he wants your company more, he will have to moderate his drinking a bit. It's a tricky one alright, and yes of course he's a good man as is my hub, but this being sober is a different world sometimes isn't it.
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Newbies Nest

      Hippy Chick;921109 wrote: Nora/Fennel - can you explain for us non-USA types what the hell Chuck E Cheese is? Sounds dreadful whatever it is.....

      Have a good night/day.

      Here you go, Hippy...
      Chuck E. Cheese's - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Distressingly, these restaurants attract not only children, but gun-toting folks. Gang members have kids too, I guess. Just plug "Chuck E. Cheese shootings" into a search engine and prepare to be shocked, lol!


        Newbies Nest

        Coco! Heeyyyy Cocoooooooooooo!!!


          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters. Thanks for finding that link for Chuck E Cheese Fennel. :H
          In simple terms, it's a pizza restaurant with arcade toys for kids and it is extremely LOUD there. Then after you have been there forever and a day (ok it was only 2 hours but it seemed longer). You have to turn in all the tickets the kids have earned from their games and redeem them for prizes. So, last night we spent 30 minutes while they each spent their 300 tickets. Ok, now try to picture this......they are spending these 300 tickets so carefully on these items that are the absolute cheapest toys you can imagine. But, it took us about 30 minutes and the worker had the patience of a saint. :H And, we got to have this fun evening for the bargain price of $80.00. So, needless to say, it was a treat for the kids last night.

          Ok - got to run! Molly DRINK WATER.

          You've heard of where's Waldo? Where's Coco???

          And by the way Hippie - we don't think bad about your hubby. This is the place to come to talk & let it out. So, don't worry about that. We understand.

          Ok - really got to go.....................

          Hey Fennel - are you packed yet?????

          Ok - really going now.......
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Newbies Nest

            Nora, I'm a last minute packer, unfortunately. :H

            I'm looking forward to hiking, biking, canoeing and fishing for the next week...oh, and looking for petoskey stones in my spare time!


              Newbies Nest

              I'm a last minute packer too!!! Sounds like a wonderful vacation!!! Have a blast. Send pics from your phone while you are gone.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Petowhat stones, Fennel???
                More translations needed.. although I DID know what Chuckeeshoot was :H

                Real quick here today... work work and more work, haven't even fed the big critters yet, business meeting in less than 2 hours.. oh, and it just occurred to me (what with the talk about packing) that we're going on holidays next Thursday! :H Right and overnight company from down south on the weekend.

                Damn, that means getting enough hay to get the monsters through 2 weeks, making feed lists and such, doing MOUNTAINS of laundry, figuring out what the hell I'm gonna take, going through current projects and making sure everything is cool, etc, etc, etc....

                No wonder I haven't gone away in 6 years! :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest


                  Fennel, Hippy, Mollyka, Mama, Nora, Sunni and everyone else - First let me just say this: aaaargh! I was well on my way to a fairly substantial post when I hit 'SOMETHING' - I think it was the Windows key - and got chucked off the internet entirely. It happened something like this:

                  Having been pretty much absent from the website for the past weeks I thought I'd just shut my door for a few moments, have my lunch in peace and log on. (I've been so busy at work, supervising a number of summer students - kind of like herding cats, feeding a nestful of baby birds and being pecked to death by chickens all at the same time.)

                  While trying to gobble up my yucky store-bought-chef-salad-in-plastic-box and composing my post, I somehow managed to get shredded cheddar wedged between some of my favorite letters on the keyboard. After having managed to dig most of it out with a straightened paperclip, I examined the keyboard further and determined that its contents could feed a family of four for at least a month. Disgusted - I began poking my paperclip ever deeper and ... well, you know the rest.

                  And now - it's back to work I go without having said nearly anything I wanted to say - except hello everyone and I hope to be back with you again soon!

                  The baby birds are calling... (OMG they are so YOUNG and sweet(-looking).


                    Newbies Nest

                    COCO - glad to hear from time finish your post before using the paper clip. :H:H
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Newbies Nest

                      Sunni - have a fantastic vacation. Sounds like you are going to need it by next Thursday.

                      Papmom - I hope the your Doggie is ok. I keep checking in to see if you have posted. I hope that he is back to his regular self today.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hidehi campers!! Just home from work - mad place!! Back to my own job tomorrow Yay!!
                        Hope all are in good form, hubs is having a bit of a whinge about his job so just leaving this short so I can do the wifey thing and nod and listen, so will check in again later!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest


                          Sunny - by the sounds of your life you describe daily, I think you need a vacation! You are always so busy. I dont know how you managed to find the time to drink..... Enjoy your break.
                          You too Fennel.
                          You talk about being last minute packers, my mum packs as soon as she books the tickets which is usually about 12 months before they go! I think it is excitement because the few weeks they are away is the only time her and my dad actually behave nicely to each other out of the whole year. (sad marriage that one, only been together 50 years and they HATE each other).

                          Molly - you are lucky your husband supports your sobriety. My husband thinks its the wrong thing. He liked me better when I was a drunk. He didnt believe I had a problem. Hiding bottles and replacing what I have drunk so no one knows, taking shots while fillling up our glasses, blacking out so I dont know what I have said/done, drinking my glass while he is out of the room then refilling it before he got back, having the first thought in the morning being what time I can open the bottle, feeling ashamed and embarrassed every morning, feeling hungover every morning....... nah I dont have a problem with AL. This is just normal behaviour.................................NOT.
                          So as you can see, I dont have much support for my staying sober.

                          Gotta get off to work.

                          I finally got it!
                          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                            Newbies Nest

                            Has anyone heard from Papmom today???? I'm really getting worried!!!!!
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hippy - I'm really sorry that your husband is not supportive of you in this alcohol free life. I can't even imagine how hard that would be. You are very strong & brave to do this. More power to you!!! You've got support here. :l
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Nora-I'm here! LM seems to be doing fine. He had me up all night with his requests to go potty and potty he did!! Pure almond poop!! If I could figure out a way to make money off of that..... :H
                                I went into work late and meant to come home early but stopped at Wally World on the way and next thing I know its 5:30!! I did buy what I went in for, namely child/dog proofing tools for the cabinet and fridge but hmmm, why did I come home with 3 bags???

                                No mystery tacos today. Kitty had been forgiven.

                                Sunni-you exhausted me just reading about all you have to do to get ready for vacation!! I don't know how you're going to get it all done but I know you will!! There won't be time for AL that's for sure!!

                                Coco-glad to see you again! I can't tell me how many times I've lost posts and how many times I've tried to clean the keys with unplugging the keyboard!!

                                Fennel-yes, pics from your phone please!! And what are those stones you'll be looking for?

                                HC-I'm so sorry your hubby isn't at all supportive of your wish to be sober. You do have our support tho so please make sure you use us before you reach for the bottle! You are doing so well and part of that I think is that you're putting yourself first these days. :goodjob:

                                Had kind of an epiphany today. I've been walking around in a blue funk for about a week and obsessing about the fact that I "can't" drink anymore and how unfair it is. Well, despite the lack of sleep for the upteenth nite in a row, the funk went away and I suddenly realized:

                                1. It is MY choice not to drink. No one is putting a gun to my head. I am a grown up and If I want to drink, I can. I choose not to.
                                2. The more I think about AL, the more I'm going to feel like a victim so stop obsessing already and just don't think about it!!
                                3. For the most part whatever happens in my life is under my control and what isn't needs to be accepted and dealt with in a mature, sober way.

                                OK, lesson over. Time to feed the furkids and get a good hour of reading in.

                                Nite nite Nestlings!!
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

